itil, 4 A re A rr------ YOLXVY NO. 8.4 PRINCE ALBERT, ONT., THURSDAY, FEB. 6, 1873. ok x i a A ran {WHOLE NO. 785 Bj dubia : flhnior, =il Baa A WEERLY : Bournida.. AGRICULTURAL © of haolocoAd ' Family Newspaper ; $ TS POSLISHED AT ha Vibipiin \0CK, PRINCE ALBERT 0OUNTY oF ONTARIO, 5 Fvergy prwray, Morning 50 peta pum, it aid vithinais not paid pars that i 00. whan token for less than ie, Rone dacentinued uniil allarredrs are puid., EP Lett outainingmoney, whenaddressed to nlpodicen Yip id \udcegiblered will beat ourrisk M 'RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insection... . Subsequent insertions, per line +#erds, under § Uuesyperannum...... 5 00 v Advertisements measured in Nonparéil andeharge aceordingtothe space they occupy. 4 Advertisements received (or publication, without ific_ instructions, will beinserted until forbid,an rg Seductindingl v4 Noadveriisement willbetaken i until paid for, ! Aliberd 1 dissouniallowed to terchants and others iwhoadvertiseliy the year orhalf-yc . x Ease ering willin aa: be strict.ya l= fered: . r ay mw Than & Lome ti --2 os $200 | Sow mean TENT. Lath nm] and ee Posters, Programmes, Bill Pan ord, + Bobks, Checks, Hooks, lars, Business pa Bl Cards, fe. of every Te and ¢ color, ,sisculed a at lower rates 8y0) LR . Establishment in this County? Parties fran ditance 'geting handbills, &e. , printed 1 con have them done to take home with them, $ EL BAD. | ©. PARSONS. « ~ Protessional €a v 8, Dr. Brathwaite; PORT PEfR DR. WARE, ORONER for the putty of Ontario, {Pcie Surgeon and Accoucheur, Drs. Martin & DeGrassi, + suri guts LANDS AW en a JONES & MALLORY, Pprvsicrass, Surgeons; and Accoucheurs, PORT PERRY. Office--over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st, A. songs, x,., coroner. A. E. MALLORY, yy bo. On ro. | \ M.D. C.M Drs, MeGILL & RAE, HYSIOIANS, yJurgeons, &c., &e. Office and Residences; King street; Oshawa. 'M, M'GILL, M.D. FRANGIS RAR, M, B. wu. F. MoBRIEN, M.D, M.R.C.S., GUY's HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. THE EYE R.O.H L., Oshawa. J B. FAREWELL, LLB, _ bouTny CROWN ATTORNEY FOR Bm Attonoy Solicitor, and No- On isa ly ons ied 2 S. H. Cochrane, 'FIOR ie Faith, h rs LH L. LB, SE in Shancery, Aviarnéy, Conveyance, &c., Oshawa, Office--Simcoe opposite the post office. - @. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, ARRIITER, Attorneysat-Law, Solieitds in hea bs. and Insolvency) 'Notary Pub Lo Ws SSicattian's Block, Brock Street, Whit- Je MACDONELL, Ron and Atlorngys at Law, Cousty Counéll On rio. Off or ©. CAMERON. i HE ge. ix : 1 Pen Bi : In Goan, {PORT Arral ~| the Onseryzr Office Prince Albert; sud at "the --- Constantly on hand. wel " Tarude n, TY" Surgiéal and Mechanical Dentist, . of Tele Years Experience, Fee over Mr. Gordon's Store; (QUEEN, STREET, | PERRY. Slee ALBERT. January 8; 1873. Ww. M. : WILLCOX, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, AND Tohgfiirs OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGKT, 'Beas oor thank 'lismany friends and: the publie: generally for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him i , the past four years, Having now given npihe business of Bailiff, [ intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the busincks of Anctioneet, Coflecting; &c, Tt will he'ny endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction' 'to all who may favor me with their Scles ¢r7Col- ecting. Bills draughted and Blank Notes furnished free, {£ charge. . Alse Bill Stamps always on hand. ts ean _be made for §alod. &o., pnt Standard Office, Port Yoo COX, Prince Albert, Spt. Ph 18 bs ' CROTHERS &, WSO motels Royal Oanadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. ' , The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted up in a style in keeping with the ve Inetaasing bush uginess and prosperty of the and with. diregt re- ference to ood i of the public. Strict Attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. , HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER B. PLANK,.......PROPRIETOR. HAWS Purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention Da to guests, -- Stages to and from Whitby call daily. ~ Careful ostlersalways in attendance. Mackie's Hotel, (LATE BRODIE'S,) | a wat. MACKIE, Proprietor. Tewettls Hotel RENT: STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed Attached, and an attentive . ostler always in attendance, Fiee Omnibus 'to and fron oe Ou and Boats. J Li DAFOE. HOUS 1 G9 his, ohn A attention to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar sabi with tlie best wines, liquars and cigars Good stabli ing. DAFOE, Proprietor. A. MASON, is Sunderland P.0., Brock. Atte ntion-! The undersigned would ey attention of those wishing tl Auctioneer, that he is prepared to attend sales on the shortest notice anywhere in the"County of Ontario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept ctfully call tho 0 services of an He is sole Agent for the best and cheapest family Sewing Machine in the Dominion--pat- ented June, 1871. The Patent Letter A Family Sewing Machine is acknowledged by Tailors, Milliners, and all who know the properties of Sewing Machines who have had the pleasure of Sienining it_to be the best and cheapest in the dotion, Ladies ate sure work, and he Patent Jey and ou' will machine for So All Machines 4 "bres sitenided to on the shortest notice, J. C. PILKEY, Sous Aasyr, p Epsom; Sept: 7 1871, , THOS. CH WALSHE. 4 ICENSED Auctioneer {or the Town- BILLINGS, pe CT WARD: OWNSHIP CLERK for Resch, Cons : Com i rons Srl aended Manchester. oF Joie at Law, Solicitor | ancer, er - fand Jewelry always t on, d 'ad sald hen. ry always kept on han i |: Allin's Bogk Store, ---- % 4 ge Her: ot . i - ' H [) rp 3 3 eT, i oni 3 ME He Gol 4 Me alist for gi ox ex WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE. ANNUAL, HugTING, The Board of Directors of the N. 0. E D. 7 |' Agricultural Society metal Foy's Hotel, Pert Perry, on Wedaesday Tf. ai Tw. Present -- Presiddnt, ist Wick and Tress, and Messis. Bateman, *Sbarrard, hye: MeKay wnd Gould, «N= The minutes of the provious Nour moots ing having been read and confirmed ; the Treasurer read his annual statement which was on motion, adopted. the Auditors wers submitted to the Board ; after which the Board adjruraed. "GENERAL MEETING. : . The Andual General Meeting Was now organized by the Presidont taking the chair, The President expressed 'his regret at the 8{ nnavoidable absence of the 'worthy Secre- tary whoiwas prevente:! frony beitg present in consequence of a ba! sprain of ond of his ankjes: . The : President reminded the meeting | that the Act required that all intending to take phit in the election of Officers or rectors must first pay their membership 1 Yodan ihe Traasurer would pow receive the toed. * # Thirty-six aobsciinnidud having been paid i} im, Jhe business of the meeting proceeded. o.minutes of las}, Anpual meeling wera, Ry approved. - . The . Secretary's Hepart Wad read and adore. The report sidwe'tlint $7562 were awarded in premiums at the; past show J [hg Treasurer road fiip:anboal statement whigh was pdopted. Toor R of the Audilor's was then read of whieh the following is a summary. I from last Audit... ... $251 40 7 merhbers. 217.00 _ Legislative; Grant. ...' 698.25 200.00 +. 504.05 Z. BURNHAM, Junge. Whitby, Jan. 1s, 1873. THE ONTARIO FARMERS Mutual Insurance Company rps Company 15 Towh now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farnr Buildings and Lg contents, gountry School Houses and Churches, Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so cither by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any. Jespontiblediua! Insurance Company in 30 Canada 1 Rs m i fice--The 0 istry Office Build- ings Breck Street, Whit hy L. FAIRBANKS, IRs Secretary WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y ORONTO. CO. tly Gi GODDEN.. a A lately 'empl Oi iy business in Mr, Alling Ontario Bank, has now commen Book Store, opposite ack, and guarantees Blocknand gun will be done in a geod mani nner and at very moderate L © A large stock of rior Watches, zz Gloks ae] all work warnantél, and charges DOE, hi f Brock, Thoral ara; & Rama in| ' & NomthOntaio s Maripon, oo: Mu the Za, of INCORPORATED .......n 1851. Ht ar 'Brock. in y al | m-- ders lef of or ai 8 regi en wil Il HE Debts ts oollec! in Cun Capit eed $400,000 n, OF Of e, an remittan ade, membe: ber-- VALS 5, he Nortli On- President 3: y. JO Re Secretary HD ALD New Watch arf, Jewellery Establish- i ment, all work' committed | . { orkmanlike ik November 11th; 1860. i JAMES PRINGLE, sib 1s GENERAL Ant, Marriage. Tiicenses os YI BY AD FHORITY.) TRE Port' Perry!" Ofte, the Séugog § HENRY CHARLES ort Perry, Feb. 28,1873. ~ | factory manner "I' keeps his accounts. . iDesent-y T kh Sharad Poy ny. m | amangat'the Directors = Camed. . : . EW tt 4 50 Licensed Auctioneers !| mus otis wa? - a tion and been fitted up with a to oo Si 3 50.40 For THE aon oer ng ublie~1 re vee Rien Bo on $06; 64.41 a mn t 0 U N T Y 0 TF ON T ARI 0, bar, while Sblicing dtd, hy "hi Te re ai 4, ©, Reach agdScugog on aio! = x AE prépared to éonduct Sales saywhere in thy 30th. HS eg." oy a Brock on $118. BL the County. * ad y J $187,001 Parties placing Ton Sates ns oh hands may | T-- "« ensa8'diring-fhe. Year a8 Bl Mg attention being given to 1.= OF OF THE DI DIVISION COU Sourrs " Ca in "hands of Treasurer... 4018 G. Crothers is iso agent for all kinds of Ag- YOR THE " ll i a $1,873.70 ricutural Implements. yl i ' AL TU A 0.0, G. inion Epsom Coun t y of Ontari 0, mouat of Premios glipaid --. $80 2 October 31 1873. fram FOR THE/YEAR 1873, f oe dese | oe $559.39 Wm. Gordon, = HH 4 2 i: 2 |o | Mt oeffords your Auditors much pleasure to Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, |= fe |S] |& [mark the highly prosperdus condition of the &o., &o., Nod 122 3 YH2 They re arhake of prem if bi No. 3 3 2| 3 2 3] g 2 ermiums i FO te Somrnebivant Bock Uni sot, No.3] (13t | 2lioj2eiasl [18] | afi iol cotieowd WINMEERIND ims, ne » do 3 Parties entrusting their Sales to me my No. 4 18 3/20 29 16 5116 Fide had phi 2 SH mathe of relyupon the utmost: attention being given to| No. 5 19 4/21] [30] . 17] 6{17 | unlimited timo. Lg 2 their interests, No. 6| 20 22 18 18| Your Auditors lave h pleasure in WM. GORDON, No. 7| |2I | 19 19 | referring to the accurate agd highly satis- which; your Treasurer JAMES BAIRD, J. W. C. BROWN, Port Perry, Jan. 15, 1873. ELECTION. OF OFTICERS. On motion the President vacated the chair, and J. W. Gs iowa was called to preside. Wm. Scat. seconded by Wm. Bateman moved that Chas. Marsh be President of this Society for the present year-- Carried. Mr. Brown vacated the chair and Mr. Marsh resumed it, | And rising thanked the members for this further token of their con- fidence, asenring them that he was not 'in- senmble of the honor of tha position, and _ it would be his aim and desire 10 the best of his ability to forward the interests of the rociety. . . Ho considered that the eaciely had done exceedingly well during the past year and was now. in a prosperoms condition. He referred to the.matter of {he show giownds. in Uxbridge and statedithat ha. was shuch | pleased to find the Uxbridge friends mani- test a yw illipness to go info this matter with a spirit of liberality and fairness. } .i. The following officers. and Direotors were now elected. [1st Vice- Prosident, Tv Ss Gould; 2nd Vice, Wm. Bateman; Treasurer, "Wm. Seow'; 3 Secretary, John Christie. 'Mdssrs. Sharrard, Harman, Chapman, Perry, Orme- rod, Brabszon, Campbell, MgLean ang McKay Directors. J. W.'C."Brown and J. Bain, Woditom. On motion of Mz. Noty the: President, Ist Vice, and Treasnrer were, pointed A gom-| 'mittea to, arrange if possible, cer un» settled claima held by the Joely. The Annual Medfing for The question a tg" the luce for holding the next antigal meting taken up end | of the four places Dambd, Urbrid, 2 Son- | detland} 'Matches th *Poinos / Albert,' Uxbridge' was psi a siugintan a On motion a mestug Moov: The new: ik rine 2 i h & d i d ie Tr. 'when' htpory Weativg iis it gp umed {ill | the fast Saturday a to 'meet al Plank's -Hotel, - Manchester, at 10 a. m. Auditors . | =Carried. "1 Mr Gonld seconded by! Mr. Sharrard) pb? 'moves that the frvyid and members? | tickets printed' and dist The Secretary's Report and the, Repert of | th jut County Council. Tn our last we carmed the Co. Coun cil to the lose of the first: day except the names of ithe standing committees, viz : : Finance 'and Assessment--Mesrs. White, Gould," Donovan, Graham, and Bickel. Education--Messra. Gilespie, Weir, Robinson, Brown, and Campbell (W.T.) Roads and Bridges -- -- Messrs. Holman Sexton, Rowland, Brethour, McRae, Millar, and Smih, (E.W.) § County Property --Messts, Bi elow, Shier, Cowan McDermott, atid With, (Seott.) Printing -- Messrs. B. F. Camphill, Foley, Glen, Parker, and Feasby. And Mr. Donoyanis move to.introduce a by-law to appoint an' Auditor and con- firm the appointment by the Warden, Aud Mr. Shiet's notice of motion to i SECOND DAY. The WARDEN took the chair, and the minutes being: read the following communications were submitted, Of Mr, McBrien, Inspector of 'Publie Schools, or Thos. Moody, Thspector of weights avd measures. Of Wm. Bolton, Narrows' Bridge. Peiition of Robert Spears, and 44 oth- ers praying for alteration in [the bounda- ries of thigh School district, "Usbridgeo-- Mr. Feasby. Mr, DONOVAN introduced and car. ried through a by-law appoint'ng Messrs. Thos: Lawler and J. W. C. Brown Co. Auditors for the present year at a salary of $40 each. Mr. WHITE gave notice of a by-law to confirm by law 350, 351, and 352 of the township of i 25p Dav, Aryiogy. took the. . chair at 2 Commissioner of WARDEN o'clock. The County Treasurer's Report was then submitted setting forth that be had obtained bank accommodation to the ex- tent of 819,000 since June session, and that $16,000 Las been paid, and that no diflicalty is anticipated in financing for the liabilities of the corporation till the June session. A communication, was received from Mr. T. Lawler resigning the office of Auditor. The resignation was accepted and a uy law passed appointing Mr." R. J, Yarnold as Auditor to fill the place of Mr, Lawler. On motion of Mr. GILLESPIE a special committee consisting of Messrs. Bickell, Donovan, McRae, Rowland and the mover was appointed to examine into and report on the books and 'documents in the hands of the Co, Treasurer. Mr. COWAN in amendment moved that the com fittee be instructed to ex- amine the Treasurer's books further back than the present year. Amendment after a keen discussion wag withdrawn and the motion carried. THIRD DAY. " Tuursps¥. MoRNING. Not much done. © Mr. FOWLER ad dressed the Cauricil urging the propriety of giving a grant of mouey aud the influ- ence. of the cougty on behalf of a road through the coboty. 1. AFTERNOON' SESstON. | Mr, GLEN mova that this Council through! "the Wardén' memoralize the Oaltafio Liegislatars, asking aid to the ex- tent of $3,000 per wile for the PW. & wire PR. and '$4,000° pér' mife 'of an tension of sald road 10 thie ya, of th | Georgian 'Bays v bey Mr. GOULD said that be bid no' ob- iiss fo ths iH part of the 'motion and] the mover would strike out 'that part hie $4,000 for the extension, be woulg | support the: resplotione He: considers that the P. W. & P. P. road should ;bave gont snd' be! believed: that it shoti]d bave but a foi thie 'ext€nsion he dil mot bilieye {tbat it can be pt Rv tothing is ag dove on | onse not 8 oni io Rt sage 'within thei scope. the do awyy witli the dog 'tax in the County. | thie HhddsioF parties who have already mig- | dik! waking ther Government. to. pot, 'more n'legal Mgnt 10 a grant of $2,000 a mile, , nly i it basi when i it comes | would have bad it had it 'not - been for ordef| Me. BRETHOUR can't agree with the gentleman who bad Just taken Lis seat he considers that the people of this connty has at least as good a claim upon: the gov. eroment for part of this railway fund as those of any other municipality and as this county so far has got pothisg he: did not believe that the government would refuse $4,000 a mile to the extension. The T. & N. R. bas been assisted to a large ex- tent and why should not this? He is rather surprised at the remarks which bave fallen from the Reeve of Uxbridge Village, that gentleman is deeply interest~ ed in the Nipissing but that ought to. be 00 reason why he should oppose this pro. posed extonsion which 1s so much wanted by a large majority of this county. Were this road extended it would prove of vast importance to the pecple of this county. He 13 'opposed to giviog anything to to the P. W. & P. P. R. but would like to see the extension get all it possibly can. Mr. GLEN says he listened with much astonishment to the remarks which fel) from the Reeve of the Village of Usx- bridge in opposing that part of the resolu- tion asking aid for (he extension, that gentleman must know that this, road is destined to bo a trunk road for tho busi ness of a very large part of this province it would be well entitled to $4,000 a mile and he believes jt will get it. A parrow guage can never be anything but a local road and these have got grants, then why should this be refused ? Mr. GOULD is surprised to hear par- ties talk of asking a grant for an exten- sion which has no existence,the gentlemen ought to know that the Government can not grant a sou till the road has advanced at a cerifaio pitch in its construction. Mr, GLEN seid that Mr. Gould cer- tainly did not understand the subject ; it is well known that the Government aid has varied from $2,000 to $4,000 per i uot got it all they were determine to get what they guuld. aud rourad di din link. CAR keg Mn. COWAN would ior take the os tion as it is'than risk its defeat. | Mn. GILLESPIE said he was excesd- through the County "ahd "would to do what he could to secure sue ov as the Government is willing to give So considers $4,000 per mile as the. least it should get, but he would not be willing to grant a cent to the P. W. & P. P. R. Gly, both the publio voice and the publio, prints live 480 10 show how the Co'y have blundered hand mismanaged the funds placed in 'their hands by the municipalities. Le this road be continued through the County and we would find that the entire trade of the County would pass along this line in pre ference to the Nipissing or any other route, but he would not 'consent lo put even this money under tha control of gentlemen who 60 miserably failed in managing the 'affairs of the present road. He was amused to hear the Reeve of the Village of Uxbridge going in so strongly for a grant tothe P. W. &P. P. R, apparently anxious that they should get ps much as possible, but the moment a road likely to be a 'competing line with the Nipissing is named that gen= tleraan is on his feet to opposo it;. such legislation was a little too narrow to be ac- ceptable.. He would therefore move in amendment that the resolution be so amended as to leave out that portion re- ferring to the $2,000 per mile to the P. W. & P. P. R. and thatthe sum of $4,000 per mile for the extension be struck out and $5,000 inserted in place thereof. The yeas were Gillespie, Brethour, Shier and Bickell j the naye all the 1eet, 0 ko amendment was declared lost. | 'The original motion was then put and carried. The Reeve of Brock handed in a tele- gram {rom the County of Victoria regard- ing a proposal by that County to expend money oh the County line between Victoria and Ontario. Mr. SHIER moved and carried to its mile and thst" Mr, Blake's explanation made it obvious that this proposed exton- tion was within the scope of the proposed for the life of him see what chim the P. WV. and P, I'. R. Co'y had to Govern- ment aid ; be would advise this Council to pause ere they lent themselves parties to the abuses which have characterized the proceedings of this company ever since its inception ; a glance at the pub- lic prints from time to time ought to con- -| vince anyone of the abominable misman- agement which bas been the rule amongst this company from the very first. The Co'y have had enough assistance from the municipalities to complete the road had tke thing been honestly managed, ond to give these men an additional grant--they would only put it into their own pockets =~would be a great wrong on the country He would be glad to see the road extend. ed and very willing to see all the aid given to the extention whieh could possibly be secured but be could pot vote for giving any further aid to the P. W, and P. P. R while in the hands of the present com- pany. Maz. WHITE vogared this- request for additional did to the P. W. & P. P. R. Coy as an al f cheap generosity i in giving away the funds ol the country ; butil be onder- stand the matter aright this. grant of $2,000 per milp, i forithe P. W. & P. P. Re Coy wouldwonly be. 'placing additional funds in erably'mismanaged the funds which "have bden- placed tinder their control' 'By all ho mi aid i¥ 10'be granted let uf 'info other hands, let it be placed anger be copyp) of men. in whom the country, bave #qme confidence, If sueh were done bp would support the. motion.= But for a memeriak to issue from. this Coun-| 'money into the' hinds of a / Campany w] lia¥d alibady eo fearfully mismanaged finds placed under their" oare;: would tainly be'an ast of whiclf the Courigil' might well feel ashamed. The feaddts ofthe pubs' lig press aro not in the dark as to the' miser- able mismanagement of Company y Si Mr, 8 W (oll did. not at- asin ip the road (a something we: belieya Io ten ally indefensible, but went on fo, shaw. that he Co'y was entitled io the grant and said thi technical 'objection in the: wordidg of the | second reading' a' by-law to repeal (he dog tax, but on its second reading jit was floored there being only Gillespie, Breth-- aid. our, Shier, McDermott, McRae, Foley, Mr. BICKELL said that he could not | and Robinson in favor of it, Mr. GOULD introduced the case of a party in Uxbridge who bad had his pro- party sold for arrears of taxes while the taxes were not in arrears and asking the council to make good the loss sustained by the party. ' Mere the Reeve gf Pickering called the attention of the Council to a direlica-- tion in duty as the Council bad failed for tbe past year or two to comply with the statute requiring the Council to suaually appoint two Auditors to examine into the accounts for the administration of Justice. Ile leaves this as a notice of motion. Oa motion the Council &djruracd (ill 10 a. m. on Friday. ~ When the Council adjourned a number of the members and a couple of the repre- sentatives of the press accompanied the committee of Jail management in their round of inspection.: The party were met at the gate by the obliging Jailor who passed on throwing open the pondrous doors in order to insure a careful inspec- tion. * The Jail and all its surrovndings-- barriog an old board fence which appears to have taken the pet and lain down--is in the most creditable con- dition clean and tidy as con he, dls cold white stone walls, and black, iron gates ¥ | look prison every inch of them, aye and feel prison too, are scrupulously clear and not unnecessarily severe looking. The number of jamates of our county boarding house while mare than we would: like 10 see, is beautifully small ; three men: gllences. Fry oy We felt as il we would. liked . to have ad with us a number of those so. called o | against anyone who dares to insinuate that 'children ought to be kept at' 'school till they acquire proper habits and a certain amount of education and that even parents should not be allowed to' deprive 'them of this, but that they. ought to be compelled to attend school till thay came to' be ten: or eleven years at .. Let those' who say that children ought to be allowed to go to school or run the streets, at. the will of their pareits, take a walk: to our Co.' Jail, and ask those two boys: confined r he Otder in Conricil ; bak: the -Co'y have. ily nation on Horse Pract TF i i iti Cotineil aia that to'ask a |" Essay on Shoeing. * i Gr i Jay ta, 1870 : in pip Se printing far | grant, for ex Sason in the present sa Jeu ro. ey rn ay . nnn tho ha taken |. + 7 or | - alis the Bt on dition & igh J-opardide't whole 0 auils greats Her shid it hd Hin ny ' 3 i re otlon 0 dommittie bi et bean stafed that the' 'people of 'Tort Perry. Tina Panon). ui appointed to arrange Bye a the unger- | tcheme. Eh graf for both; be: ware averse to the road going'. fariber bot | A HE FE. penser, All or or- | To loan an good Farms, at: AAR TAT tied Va yooubnisy ia appaion to meet ihe. a the ot auph was not the fact, | eo tn attention, + : "LYMAN 'ENGLISH, | of Uxbridg 0.08 tbe matter. of show {ge indre"tbika the: goverament allowed. tofthat road carried through and y f \ Tho Vey Juric pure fouad am) rr ams gro and 0 epost ts, he, nex( witeiog |, 340 mi inthe most (hey | woot of fund which hd pravenie ho con | ; fs pen, Jy 2, 21, 1871, ; 30 | Novembse 31, 1866 Gems T TL The Boord then sdjoutced. Bs Hh "give oft tinaation o the oad, and as a. xSamptey, Watden takes the >be wa yi : ¢ w Wray ing anxious to have thia road oa id : and' tw) boys, and all for the most trivial of friends of parental authority who bawl so ROAR ois PRT ae a a i Rix, Borat ER Rl ri g