BrsaFasT. --Enps's Cocoa, -- GRATEFUL 'AND CoMFORTING.--* By a thorough know- ledge of the natural laws whioh govern the || operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine pro lt of BL uil-sslaciat cocoa, Mr. oy breakfast tables wit ade simp atti fr keh Fisker nl is & Co., Hom pt by Messrs James Epps & Co., manufactar- 'ers of dietetic asticles, at their worke in the Euston Road, London"-- Cassell's fHouse- "-hold Guide. \ n beverage which ma vg doctors' Sirk, sy y Chaps Tou oF Cocox.~¢ We 'wil] now give an account of the process adopted = R. Write Hypop Kansas, Syrop of and creating Foner Junation Cit , t Fellows" Compour hites is selling raj idly a great excitement on account of the cures | J ° it is effecting. Dyspepsia 18 A Hypra-HeapED Mon- et Arne STER, from which nearly all. «the ills of | the human flesh is heir to" originate. The Peruvian Syrup, a protected solution of the protoxide of Iron, is a long-tried and well . established remedy for this distressing complaint ; it has eured thousands when other remedies have failed. ES ---------------------------- 25 Acres: of Land! AND G00D COMMODIOUS BUILDINGS FOR SALE! The Subscriber offers for Sale 25 acres of Land, » being part of & of Lot 1 in Se 18th conces- sion adjoin illage of Saint- field, On the premises nhere i - a modious house, wood sheds, barns and stables, stone root houses, 2 good wells « wyoung orchard. For turther particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. A. BEACROFT. 4-6w and pumps, and Baintfield, Jan. 7, 1873. PROCLAMATION TO THE INHABITANTS 'Northern Reach THE PLACE TO BOY YOUN Dry Goods, Groceries, . Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware; Tinware, 'Stationery, Patent Medicines, &ec., IS AT THE Brenypang Store 0: FLINT. . @ftGenbank, July 20,187F. For Dogss.. nd Franies, GOT UP IN GOOD svi, CHEAP, CHEAP | NCHARDSON'S wr An Work Warranted to give satisfaction. A RICHARDSON. Port Parry, Oct. 30, 1872 TAILORI N G SQUIRE'S, TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT || "over ROSS' 'STORE, PORT PERRY... i he JAMES Fort Perey, Oct-30, 18784 a id for Sale. 2 GEO: BRODERICK'S, | {8 good and com-T1" Sie Oats, Hay ans Turnip: Ladies and Misses' Trim'd_Hats, . " " Mantles, « Furs, VERY CHEAP GOODS SPECIAL! We desire the attetition of the \ ! public to a # under peculiar circumstances; . Which we are selling at 25 bt por yards nitty the Sy rt inh oo "offered! Goods] {pn Pew Hie u -- od quanti f Pork, Wheat : FRR paid. Hanlin ay za tata lt by |06-GOING CHEAP 1 WHE FLANNEL = Wide width, all wool, ong Watches, Clocks, ARD Jewelry, -: A splendid assortment now "in Stock to selcit | an from. Alo oo Morris & Co's Celebrated 'Sp . constantly on hand and guaranteed to suit. All Goods Warranted. pasalet the place opposite the Globe Hotel, BROOKLIN. W. HEPINSTALL. Brooklin, Oct. 21, 1872. The Le te I' ire! 'he Late [ire!. TT undersigned i to return sincere thanks to his numerous friends and cus- tomers for the liberal support ho has received while in business in this place and would also inform them, that he has Opened a SHOP In the Store recently occupied by H.T.Flynn, Opposite his late Shop Destroyed by fire, and would solicit a cons tinuance of their patronage. I have a large quantity of BOOTS& SHOES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Please give us a call before purchasing else- Where, RICHARD WARRINER. Port Perry, Sept. 18, 1872. 40 HE ee has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at § 38% § 4 Unusually Low Rates of Interest. . hob hhh Loans tan be repaid in any manner to suit the borro T Land for sale, cheap. Investments made in Municipal Debentures Bank andother marketable Stocks. pPly to . JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &ec. OQFFIOE--Qver the Dominion Bank, MeMil- an's Block, Brock st., Whitby. $pril ¥0; 1872. " 16 YH oseruese OF CROWS LANDS. €4000UNT'S BRANCH) Titamror) 19th Dec., 1872 | « plications to So to be'made to the minissioner of Crown, Lands, i, Toron: Signed, R, SCOTT, (Sig a A. y 8:6w WITH THE Te ndenigied vn wonld Ahank: his numerous customers fr thé geterous and liberal patronage bestowed wpon him in the past ; and would beg to inform them ERRY,| . iho 2 'FRESH : | Wedding Cakes made to order.| rp | TEA MEETINGS, Se furnished on : : res Lat ntare his i a i Secilnios which he | fou B be sble more fully to meet EE 0 rapidly increasing popule= tion lion of this highly prosperous section, o CHAS. HISCOCKS, Baker & Confectioner, Biscuits, Gales, Pread, Ri 1 TE TE treiera every week. Hberal terms. CHAS. HISCOCKS nv Mortgages Wanted. | Ee Own Manufacture, -- MONEY 10 LEND!. Also ot Improved Farms, and Wild 7 yee is be is ey given, int { thew unsold Lands f of Blak District of Fiber Foy a pen To et ne one 3 ef. ; under, yp sulijec : Viriomnot The Gonirl Moniog 46 of adh es Juble asp di Das. if _[poRT" Il val. Ibert.if " SHOPS--Piince Albert and Port Pony EN Tm 1 § 1 & wld Lda will be allowed. are'also st appraies to, the Sarat Pet. wt Sei ons in hh ue ld years. .. a, "Bought 'and. Sold "Several good Farms forSale. arate lorseyers) frgtelaip Fir Insur- no Olsetiony op made and a gener agency busi ; he DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "©f * JORN"E DAVID J.°ADAMS; G Shee vi, Rio ante : "Tot = ry, Octal, 1871. phd + ; WOILLOVEd Enna ; i SAWVE BILVM S1aplamIfP PUY NIIMOOHH *QILNVEUY A| PUB poreder £Rvou SYO0[) PUN SOY) BA\ 30 SPUIN [VEL 'oq Mes[d Sur | =S9qoand 010j5q QUIWEXD PU {8D 0) [4 OP P[UOA SUI] SI] UI Sui) uv SUNS SIMIES *SPOOP) JYI0 PUB AIPMIL "SHO0[) JO £11IVA TAB VOS[Y "PUNY UO A[IueIsucd 3dey g § g g 5 5 Ww g 2 & & 8. g' EB ae & : g 8 JOHN McDONALD, MARBLE DEALER NEWCASTLE, ONT. NV] TUMNENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head-Stones f creat variety, with every description of Marble Work, suitable for Cemeteries, supplied at short notice. 4lso Peterhead and Abetdeen Granite. 05 Parties will nd il fo their advan- A to withhold their orders until called n J. ©. WILLIAMSON, Agent. Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- in . + January 10, 1872, __ 3-re "sjuew ; ES & *19pi0 01 eprw1 SUOI] [jes ol [fom op [1a SuOpIPH poo Suurabe:z sere uur usapow vot oy) [[8 Yim 's9) 418 J¥e1e[ 8Y) UI JO YSIUY puB 'auoly 1 Joug = fa £2 = = e =, '0LST. 'G1 Se | 'Aueg uog 7 dn jud "pur io0j wesjuo)y 03 patedesd | ~ A334 LYIOd {rosea » | iy NosTaeve Spur sue g LY mn ~eoyi0ad: - «pa0.d "M¥W NOSIHUVH: POO, JoieuM. 'sputy [je Jo SEuIp[Ing Decidedly, the, Best Boar, . STREAM !575 5% N. HOUCK, Near P. Prins Te WiiTey AND UXBBIDGE| rp undersigned takes oe fusin to announce that he has has operiedabragch of his Rousiness JXBRIDGE, : Whiband Use SAMUEL pre, duly 15 ae have large sums of money i upon. '|'We were awarded the First Prize and ana| in Toronto, 1870, in' competition- hii] all the ining ptt demon som EE TP gn GET oP YOUR WINTER RIG [GS 1 Je Caters 1 53 Sig hs! | £ Cures 1 37 THE PORT PERRY" le, and Price. 20H Nothing but the best material employed, : munity both as to Quality, Sty) October next, must, without fail, be paid on or before the 201h of said month. . /8: U. WHITE. © Pot Perry, Sept. 28, 1871. a gLiquor St WW. M. WILLCOX, Sign of thio Pestle and Mortar--opuosite Scott's Hotel. PRINCE ALBERT Invites the Special attention of the' fiiblic to their extensive rewly importedStock of the BEST BRANDS of PURE LIQUORS, consisting of Brandies,--Gins, Hol. land and Old Poin Wines, Port, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- John Bull Bitters : A A gs and i seleéled Btack of Fresh Groeefiea of superior quality. ur Teas, edp't, be beat ! Try them ! | We guarantee that for excellence in : Hd and moderation in price they cannot be beat in North Ontario- A choice lot of Tobaccos, Spices, Pickles; Sauces, ke PURE DRUGS, wholesale and retall. Dye Stuffs, Pauits, Oils and Varnishes. 5 Books and Stationery. Liquors for medicinal purposes carefully selected | Everything in Stock is of supérior quality and will be sold at the Towest remunera tive Prices. Remember the place opposite Seott's Hotel, Prince Albert. Thoroughly os reliable Patent Medicines. FOTN £14 Ww. M. WILLCOX. 4 Prince Albert, Dec. 30, 1869. . 36 0<7= All Notes aiid Adcounts already. due. awd that will be due by the 1st day of : 3 UNDERTAKING i Also ithe fon qualites of Chemicals, hands for jnvestm nt | {ES CARRIAGE FACTORY ru % LUN Je lo current rates of EE depend iti thei y With th Ye Subsstiher in retfiraip s to his nliméroy | possible o Bid adi . inform them apo, th p the public Rn 2 be bas ned the Wanted to Purchase unusually larg ry of i atest ha elass C Any number of Mortgages, for which the high- | 'he com'ng winter, which he id confident | ! Bet + Fair Dealing, and Attention to Business, | iE Ta seture an increased shite age, Stock is_choi d complet oP Suck Si % Sholgs and, complet Tables, nda, Pictures, framed and hin cture 'Framin, pairing done on: the best terms, or jad fen G1 mao i C up of | Hk Ve ginut, iin ifekint, £6 ee y Bu mat hy tho Sh er ory Funerals fully supped, wd a : of Sing constantly ¢ on han First Olass Hearse provided when required, J. ° Soisbie Lumber and Produce taken in +2 e Aon for Tomb Stones and. Homans, . HN, NOTT., sunil, Port Perry, Oct. 30, 1872. ~ Store to Let. 3 now Dioared {o' Let a A large and fo tore, | od 30 exi i ent cellar and of - tions, in his or Beek fk ormoge & Victoria' Buildings" On the corner of Dameron and Jaidisw Strests, 6 Village: of q ICANN IN GTON, is one of the most' favara M.. O. DONOVAN, Carriage 8% Maker ! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, ; BROCK STREET, WHITEY | GOOD assortment of Buggies A on band Foam aokrom vost material, A jals load ler with nea = ALL W ORK WARR PUMPS! PUMPS!!! You can get the Vest aod eerpest Pump in the Province At J. IRVIN'S PATENT PUEP FACTORY I ORBLIA, wif SEE THE PRICES FORCE PUMP- & complete Painp md, Fire Enginé with Hose and Cotipling complete for $25. Patent Swing Lift Pumps at 50 cts per foot. Common Log Pumps at 40 cts per foot. Common turned Suction B eo Po fo 8% lon foot, "Cratern Pam 10788: Lay other oe of Pump of : Work iis and 1diopa 6h. rPagtioulas atiention paid to repairing Havin Uren fed a call. ih orders "for any of the above, whether by mail or otherwise reply attended to: ng Jong "experience Plpmaking tal in| the largest Tabloviey i Oanddg dnd ne ites, the subscriber fecls confident that gid a him oan perf that will 'JORN Joy, Te + 43 Please Address; Borelia,| Spt. 2 Ke £ a. JOHNSTON'S bAPER ¥ eustoniers for the comin ; two, distinct Machines, which in style and. «construction, embrace. and most ussfiil: improveinents of tl "IOBNSTON'S jialin SINGLE, = LANG TP, he RY g of Reapers The dnivessal success of this Maching, bot ey [itrials and in the" hands of the farmers, warrant, us in ie 'that, as a Self- Raking Reaping Machine, it bas more good points and d less defects, and uiior Miser, Ah ine 1h ahi a Todi: 02,4870, i find eiey Weg Hie bind | Ha iF" Equally Low Rates, | success and less failure, thar ary Reaper Heretofore offered to. ev m mere! oy ze Siu village; ia he bueiness ky tre, and opposite the L ony other important Business Stabs ts now in course of erection. The building will zbe completed by the 1st of December next, Apply to the Subscriber at Cannington. . A. SINCLAIR, * " roprietor. Caiinington, Oct. 31, 1872, pra] 1 Valuable Propérty for Sal TE) proprietor offers for sale that excellent House and Lot Qis Present residence) im- Wediate] 2 Opposite | @ residence of Major, For The House is in every way comfortable and convenient as a residence, having nine reoms, wit suitable closets ; a good Stable and Cow [ads 3 aliacher, and lots of good water--hard The lot contains one quarter of an acre, with OG petior Santon sould be desleed for © 0 Tr situation cou re js fort, Health and 'Conyemen og ee or Cina! ole brs Sls 1 illo Jeres of land a Jjttle ie Kast ol e Albe known ad the Target field of Prine i Immediate possession-- Title Indizgputable. A. SINCLAIR. For further particulars apply to J. & D. J. ADAMS,, Money, Land and Insuranee:Brokers; : Port Perry: Fringe Albest, Jon. dit 187a. Te ER Iron inthe Blood * MAKES THE WEAK. aril, The Peru: : ERE n, is 80 the character of an 2 ees i di 4 p ood. It increases Wi latest] plant, h in closely tl "ai Lrrmal {Province ; and ith our i we unhesita e investigo- | | tion and com) ' omp: hs yo in are po wy chal Rr ; | 5 Sl ee oe wind} ot ne a Ni: bust 'Mower to the or aoe lesipes eaalaguen 1 etivw. ro . FOWLE Ee , Php, . No:1'Milton Plide, Boston. i. Soup BY Druccists cr¥EnafLy.