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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Feb 1873, p. 1

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~ my ¥ Po 7 SCULUN eS a 3 & {&& ' BRN" I TN pe @nkaria Toseroer, Tui A WEERLY POLTHOAL, AGRICULTURAL we rab v AND ! Family Newspaper ; © 78 PUBLISHED AT THE ¥IoToRIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT ' COUNTY OF.ONTARIO, Every Thursday. Morning BAIRD & PARSONS, TERMS :--$1.50 perannum, if paid withinsix INLET witliin thattime, $2.00. Nosub- iption Laken fpr lesst months; and ub piper econtinued dntil allarrearsate paid. pn meal bs iddrested 0 +, RATES OF ADVERTISING. «+ Poveach lie, firft inseztion...... $0 08 Subsequent insertions, per lin 002 Cards, undét ¢ lines, per dtinu 00 Advertisements measured in Nonpareil andcharge Reeerding tothe space they occupy, Advertisements received for publication. without fre instructions, will beinserted until forbid.an r gedaccordingly. Noadvertisement willbetaken ut until paid for. Alibers|discountallowed to Merchants and others Whoa dvertitic by this veut othalC-year. Thedel ors will inallcases, be strict.ya le Reiedts, JOB DEPARTMENT: Braniphitts, Hand Bills, Posters, Progrmmnis, Bill leads, Blank Fornls, Ruceint Books, Checks, Books, ircalers, Bisinets Cards. Ball Cards, &e., of ever * Miyle and color, exeouted prowpily und at. ower rates than ody other Establishment in this County } Patties from a distance gorting Haiivills, Ec. , printed devo have thew dod 16 tke home with them, J. BAND. id 11, PARSONS, < Protessionsl Cavvs, Wn Dr. Brathwaite, PORT PERRY. DR. WARE, ORONER for the County of Ontario, [Pica Surgeon 'and Acconcheur, tince Albert he _ Drs. Martin & DeGrassi, LL LINDSAY. DRS, JONES & MALLORY, PHYSICIANS, Surgeons and Accoucheurs, PORT PERRY. . Office--over- Allion's Drug Store, Queen-st, &. soxus, %,9., coronn. A. E.MaLvory, Cd. Ontario, AMD, CM, Drs. McQILL & RAE, Prsierays Surgeons, &c., &e. Office and Residenves; King street, Oshawa. Wk. M'GILL, M.D. FRANCIS RAR, M, B, Et i dems SEA RCIE RAR, N, §, WM. F, McBRIEN, M.D, M.R.C, 8. auvy's HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. THE BYE R,O. H. Ly ! Oshawa, Bena 308. ee eee iD 3. E. FAREWELL, LLB, COUTNY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR OSTARIO, BAmmsten, Attorney, Solicitor, tnd ¥o- tary Public Orriox lately occupied by S. H, Cothrane, Brock sirect, Wilby." To LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L, RB, OLICITOR in Chancery, Altgritey, Convegancer, dé, Oshawa, 0 ecSithcoe Street, opposite the post offive, . YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, ARRISTER, Attorvey-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Pub Oltes McMillan's Blook, Brock St t White ice~«Mc)Millan's Block, Brock Stree Ay Ontario. ! Cameron & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, i Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: ourt House. H. J. MACDONELL. EON | Hoan VOL XVI, NO. 10.} - GEN IST, 5, "Bn Burgi¢al and Mechanical Dentist, Of Peli Years Experience, ()rrice over Av. Gordon's Store, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. "RESIDENCE-- PRINCE ALBERT. January 8, 1873, W. M. ¥ LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, EGS to thank his many friends and tho public. generally for the liberal Patronage bestowed upon him during the past four years, Having now given up the business of Bailiff, [ intend, in future, to devote my whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Col! ecting, &c, 1t till be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may fiivor me with their Scles or Col- lecting. Bills draughted and Blank Notes furnished free £ chitrge. Alse Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &e., at the Opserver Office Prince Albert, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. y W. M. WILLCOX, Princo Albert, Sept. 18th 1872. CROTHERS & WILSON Licensed Auctioneers ! for ThE COUNTY OF ONTARID, A RE prepared to conduct Sules anywhere in the County. g arties placing their Sales in our hands may fely on the utmost attention being given to their interests, 3 G. Crothers is also agent for all kinds of Ag- ricmtural Impleitients. All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom P. 0., will receive proinpt attention, October 31 1872. Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &e., &eo., OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thora, Mara, Rama, Maziposa and Eldon, I5= Parties entrusting their Sales to me may relyupon the utinost attention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, Sunderland P. 0., Brock. Attention! The Undersignod would respectfully call the attention of those ng the services of an Auctioneer, that he is prepared to attend sales on the shortest not nywhere in the County of Ontario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept -- 4 constantly, on hand. He'is sole Agent for the host and cheapest family Sewing Machine in the Bomirion--pat- ented June, 1871. The Patent Letter A Family Sewing Machtoe is acknowledged by Tajlors, Milliners, and all who know the properties of Sewing Machines who have hid the pleasure of egamihing it to be the best and cheapest in the Dominion. . T.adies make sure work, and pur chase the Patent Letter A, and you' will av the best machine for $80." All Machines wa Orders attended to on the shortest hotice, J. C. PILKEY, ey Bose Acest. Epsom, Sept. 7, 1871. EN THOS, H: WALSHE, ae ie or * Barnden, LO" ia WILLCOX, [s PRIN hotels 0 Royal Oanadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. Subsériber having leased the above Hotel le in keeping with the a dly een I ness and Prost ; 3 tie and neighborhood, and w! ct re- vee to he comfort and euinte of the ul git v Strict Attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. Neither labor nor expense will be spared in ng the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of ro, Desi patratigk HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. 'REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER B. PLANK,............. PROPRIETOR. AviNG purchased the above hotel, and has ished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention paid to guests. -- es to and from Whitby ca 1 daily. Careful ostlersalways in attendance, Mackie's Hotel, 1 (LATE BRODIE'S,) WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE. Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. God Stable and ghed attached, ahd af ktiehtive ostler always in attendance, Free Omnibus to and froiti the Oars and Hots, DAFOE HOUSE UTICA 00D decortitmodations. Ctireful attention to the requirements of travelers and guests, The barsupplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling. oy J. DAFOBE, Proprietor. Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, JAS. CAMERON, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, . . WHITBY. A. MASON, . ProrrikTon. This Hotel lias undergotis a thorotigh renova- tion and been fitted up with a view to the coms fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will bo paid to the table and bar, while oblizing and attentive hostiers will have charge of the stables, Whitby, 20th June, 18Y0, 28 CE ALBER Hite BEIT M. 1 ----e A BY-LAW to aid and desist The On. tarioand Quebec Railway Company by giving by way of Bonus to tho said Ihe Ontario and Quebec Rail- five Thousand Dollars, and to issue Debentures therefor, and to author- ize the levying of a special rate for the payment of the said RePéntures and Interest thereon, Vy iknuas the Municipal Council of the Township of Cartwright have resolved to ail and assist in the construction of The Ontario any Quebec Railway by giving, by way ot Banus, to the said The Ontario snd Quebec Railway Company the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars pay- able as hereinafter mentioped, and sutject to thie conditions heremalter mentioned. AND WuEREAS 10 carry into effect the said recited object it will be necessary for the said municipality to cause to ba issiied Debentures to the amount of twenty-five thousand Dollars of the said municipality and to dispose thereof in ihe manner hereinafter mentioned. : AND WHEREAS it will require the sum of two thousand even hundrel and fifiy dollars to bd raised annually by special rate for the paymont of the said Debentures and interest as also hereinafier meutioned. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole ratable property of the said municipainy, irreapectivo of any future increase of the same, and also irrespaciive of any income 10 be derived from the tefiporary 1 vest- ment of the sinking fund heteinalter men- tionod dr any part thereof, according to the last tevised Awsedsinent Rolls of the sid munivigality being for the year ene thou- sand bight hundred and seventy -iwo, was the stim of threw hundied and fog: thousand 81x hamired doliars. Lor OF THE DIVISION COURTS For Tih Cotinty of Ontario, ~ FOR THE YEAR 1873, IEEE ERIE R53 Lisle z|2 3 1a Sli EE ERE ER No.1) 2 T1111] 112 9 111112 No.2{ 38 |38 {of 3 [a b's No. 31 117) | 21926108 [15] | 4|15 No.4 18 | 3j20l [201 116] | 5l16 No.5! 119] | 4la1| (30 |i 617 No.6 120 4 18) | 118 No.7| [21 2) 19 19 Z BURNHAM, Jubae, Whitby, Jan. 1a, 1873. THE ONTARIO FARMERS? Mutual Insurance Company pus Company is not fully arganited and fa prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School TTouses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support . Home iisiine Company have no an opportunity of doing so either by appl in; to ho Head Office, or to any of the Toe i of the Ouapany, Our rates will be founll as low as those of any responsibleMutunl Insutance ok fhe Haat Heetey Offs Beil ice--The' of egistty Offive Bufld- ings Broek Street, Whitby, y . L. FAIRBANKS, f1., en tie iio Betieting WESTERN ASSURANCE ; = TCENSED Austioneer for the Towne ; : Hott fi W, TURD. oi in Chan- | Bs of Br ock, Thorah, Mara & Tan in TORONTO, GC. Ww : L cery, Port erry. Office in the Royal Yeon pio ariposs, eth in Shs Connty of INCORPORATED . ......... 1851, Arcade, Port Perry. : . : dorsiufi qt 4575 Vike or {his reionce will be Capital T-- 4 iia JAMES LAMON, nington, or alhurw ise, and promt scniuess| COPIAL = $400,000 "ATTORNEY at Liaw, Solicitgr tn Chancery, | made. Remember-- WALSHE. the Hos On- HON. JOHN MeMURR veyancer, &g.-~lian nt, &¢., | tario Auctioneer. Jon ACH ya en t { co s¥ei Aristvon's otel, Main : NAED HALDAN® Bet: Sthect, dge. New Watch and Jewellery Establish. JAMES PRINGLE," en i i JLonN BL.LINGE, Soh ment, GeNERAL: AarNT, , Attorney at Law, Solicitor a --------aa, Bu hier oi ter Satvpsenen| ~Gh. GODDEN, : &¢, Office overin the ; Port Perry. RAQTLOAL WATO HM AKER ... J W.BURNHANM, P 'Commenced: bushass Ue. AIC, HEE ip CT t0 his 'care will be don a hdr like anner at very moderate es. £ { Towdry, Fancy idge, Dec. 1, 1868, Bo-ly : € N.VARS 3 RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, Dot Bone ® Dost Con- urt o nde Suites oly Lope tor | of the Veterinary Tnstitite, White LE ie pen ue on Shoéing. t. 18, A stock of superiot Wate! Ci and Tose always ee ag ocky 1 all ; alSmember all work warranted, and charges ~~ Allin's Sook Store, opi OOREN LL Port Perry, Feb. 28, 1872, 10. ORN lL : oS; Bly chi. "Graded ope eS 0s he has taken el t skillful and sete at wil Saceine roma thee: ld of Ar ES on street, op Port Perry, July 2%; 1871; ; 20 Sha he bag taken iG nl UTHORITY.) + Office, the Scugog .. . HENRY CHARLE: November itl, 1869, 5 Fie Fe' Marriage Licenses ! Issued by Authority, Jan'y 1st, 1870 £ Maton . MONEY (PRIVATE FUNbDs,) : Toloah 6h good Farms, at 8 per centinterest LYMAN ENGLISH, 5 Barrister, &e., awa <A rd ' Novembsral, 186s : " Ap WirkREAS the amount of the egisting debt of the said municipality is, for principal, the sum of sik thodsand Joilars, and for in- terest the sum of four hundred and twenty dollars, and there is no pact of such interest in arrear, Arp WHereAs for paging the int and creating an equal yearly Sinking for paying the said "sum of Lwent y-five thousand dollars and interest as hereinbe- fore mentioned; iv will Tetjuite an equal annual special rate of nine mills and i ola mill in tho dollar in adtition to all other rates to be levied in each year. Bi 11 TuERErore Exactep by the the Municipal Council ot the Townehip of Cartwright : L, That it shall be lawful for the Reeve of the Township of Cartwright, for the litte being, to tzuse any number of De bentures to be made for such suns of money un my be required, not less thafi one hundred dollars each, and abt eceed ing nthe apgtegats the eum of twenty-five thousand detlarh, and that the eaid Deben- tures shill be scaled With ihe seal of the said Municipal Connell of tha i, of Cartwright, and be signed by he Reove and Treasurer of the sand Mugicipality. S. That the euid Detentures shall be ade payable in twenty years from the day hereinafter msutioned for 1his By-Law 10 take effect, at the office of 1he Treasurer of the interest therewi. 3, That the said Debentutcs shall bear Interest at and alter the rate of sik per 'eentum per annum [roqn the day horein- COMP'Y 2 after appointed for this By-Law to take effect, which interest ahali be payable on the first day of Jannury in each and every year, at th office of the Treastter aforo- said, 4. That for the purpose of fotthing a Sinking Fundifor the'payment of the said De- bentures and the interest at the rate afore- ead to become due thereon, an equal special rate of nine mills and 2. of a mill inthe dollar shall in addition to all other rates, be raised, levied and collected, in each year, upon all the ratable propeity in the said Munitipality during the coptinu- ance of the sai betitires, 5. That this said By-law shall take effect and cuthe into operation upon the first day of December, one thotisand eight hundred and seventy-three. 6. That the Debentures so 16 bo fssued as aforesaid to the amotint bf the daid sum of tanty fea thousand dollars, shall be delivered by the Reeve of the said Town- ship of Cartwright to the said The Ontario and Quebec Railway Compan, upon and subject to the terms and conditions follow- ing, that is to say : (1.) That tho proposed Railway of the said Company shall traverse the said Town- ship of Cartwright from the eastern fimit thereof 'at the boundary line between the Townsliips of Manvers and ht and pass through the said Townehip of Cant- wright fo the western or southern limit 1 2.) That the said cproposed toad shall, -- the roa of hat jolt thereof within the Township of Caf wright, be actually and bona fide commenced on or before the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred an Javenysth od shai] wi et ; ©i of Ottawa, and vg ol or before the first day of ber, one thotisand eight hun- dred and seventy-seven, 1 3 | (3:) That a permanent freight and : pas- senger station wilh sidings sufficient f iy hg the ecu, shal be ld and maintained on the | be of the said pro- J pr ---- way Company the sum of Twenty- of the said Muuierpality, aud shall have ai- | tashed thoreto Coupons for thy paymente | : aon] i paper, the tute of which first publication T, ONT, THURSDAY, i a mile east or west and not mote than seven-eighths of a mile north er south from the Cartwright Post Office ss now: estab- lished on lot No. 11, in the 8th concession of the said Township of that the said line ot Railtvay shall be so constructed aa to admit of this clause being carried inte effect. ¥ (4.) That Debehtpres 18 thi afifblint. of twelve thousand five hundred dollars shall Be delivered over to \the said Com- pany Whenever the said prdposed Railway shall bave buen completely graded and bridged through the said Township of Cartwright in the direction herejnbefore indicated and subject to the cdnditions herein contained, abd that Debentures to the remaining sum of twelve thousanil five bundred dollars' be delivered to the said Company when their said proposed: tween the cities of Outatva and Toronto aforesaid :--Provided that the said Mini cipality may, in its discretion, instead of [delivering the said Debentures as afcre- said, as to the whole or any part of the said sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, any part thereof, and pay over to the said Company in cash the'sum or twenty-five thousand dollars or any part thereof. (3.) That (kb' ¥aid Company shall not be entitled to and shall not receive inter- est wpon the said Debentures or amy of them except only from the time at which they shall be delivered to the said Company pursuant to the provisions of this By-law. (6) That this By-law shall bo inopera- tive aud of no effeat and no, part of the said Debentures shall be handed over to the said The Ontario and Quebec Rail= way Company unless the Municipalities of the Township of Cavan and the Townskip of Manvers respectively, shall before the day hereinbefore appoioted fot the coming into force of this By.law have passed By- laws of such Mupicipalities respectively, giving aid by way of Boous tn the said Company for the construction of stich pto- posed Railway to the amount of fifty thou sand dollars each. 7. Lhat unless the said The Ontario ped Railway in the said "Thwnehip of)' artwright 'at ® point not more than half} artwright, and, Railway shall have been cottipleted be- | sell and Uispose of "the said Debentures or { 2°°Use fo of such parismony. fl A a 1 WHOLE XO. 787 Dh CRRA Sp A REMARXAUGLE BOY. about the sharpness of his boy Tom. remarkable boy you ever set like his old dad } you ban ho Yeni bim than you cam i esloep. You recollebt that | trea by the hedge, h foo apple punish him for it. yer fall, 5 " You see thy poor libs wottld'nt pet- mit rte shinnin' after the Boy. " «0h, no, you won't, dad,? says Tom, ¢ Only think how ydu would mourn if you couldn't geil tho apples.' : ¢ That was 0 much to have my own boy So what does I do but get the axe, and cut away at the bottom of the tree. : « ¢ Tom--Thonas I' 1 cried, as the tree was half cut off, ¢ will you come down now, ond save yourself ©? : , " ¢ Never thind, dad,' says ke ¢ I'm an right? "It was nbnse! I couldnt bring bim down that way. Sol chopped away at the tree till it began to sway and fell lo the ground." Fr " What !eand crushed your own boy 1% ejaculated the horrified listener. : * Not by a long chalk," said old Boggles winking knowingly. « Yon couldn' get over Tom iit any such way. What had he done bit crawled ont on a limb } and while I was choppin' 0" the tree he had been cut. ting off the limb with his jack-knife, and when the tree fell he was still up there on the limb I? A hegro withess on a horse trial in a and Quebec Railway as to that part therec! within the Township of Qartwsight} bo commenced, as hereinbefere mentioned, on or before the first day of Ottober, one thousnutl eight Lundred and seventy three, this By-law shall be of no force or effect. 8. That (he votes of the clectors of the said Municipality shall be taken on this proposed By.law, on Friday, the Seventh day of March, one thousand eight hubdred and seventy~three, at the following places, and before the following Returning Officers, viz: --in Polling Sub- division No. 1, at the Town Hall in the sid Township, William Lucas, Returning | Officer. In Polling Sub-disision No. 2. at the Orange Lodge oct on lot No. 11, in the 4'h coprussion of the said Township, Willian MeLiughlio, Return ing Officer, | 9. That the election shall commence at the hour of aie o'clock ih ths farenoon | and e'ose at five o'clock in the afterncon of the same day, OY MNMoOoOTICH, cop of a proposed By-Taw of the Muni- cipaiity of te Township of Cartwright 1 | which will be taken into consideration by the Counetl of the Township of Carttvrighit after one month from the first publication, thereal in 'Liz ONTARIO OBSERYRR pews was and is Thursday, the Thirteenth day | of February, A, D. 1873, and that the! votes of the Llectors of the Municipahty of the Township of Cartwright, will be token on the suid proposed By=law on the Seventh day of March A:D.1873 At the several places hereinafter men- tioned, and before the several Returning Officers hervinafter named, that is to say : In Polling Sub Division No. 1, at the Town Hall in (Le said Township, William Lucas, Returning Officef. In Polling Sub-Division No. 2, at the Orange Lodge Room, on lot No, 11, in the 4th concession of said Township, William McLaughlin, Returing Officer, And that such Polling places shall re~ main open; on the said day, from the hour of nive o'clock in the morning until five o'clock in the afternoon. Dated this tenth day of February, A.D. 1873, - Wi. Lucas, Lon Townsure Crirk. ee A Wisconsin paper atlvertises for sale a cow that gives milk Gve years old A le A Danbury sport wears a ten tent silver piece on his shirt bosom, a calls it a dime-and pin, which it cert ly is. Thete fa a man who keeps a lst of all the banks in" the Country, eo as to be able to say that he kee, a_bank account. A Boffalo paper announces that by the recent burning of an . ice-house there; 20,000 tons of ice were * reduced to ashe en"? : SR pel : Filteen lies to the square inch represent the editorial power of Kansas City news. Netv Jersey Cotrrt, was asked to explain the difierente between a box stall and a comtnon stall. Straightening bimself up he pointed to the square enclosure,in which the judge was seated and said : ¢ Dat ar' what I call a box stall--dar whar dat ole hoss am sittin?" Tt took a good many raps of the judge's gavel to restore order. ------------------ A few days since a seedy person ap- plied to a wealthy citizen for help and received the small sum of five cents. -- 'Ihe giver remarked as he banded him the pittance, * 3 you are welcome; our ears are always open tothe distressed" ¥ Tiat may be" replied the recipient " but never in my life have I seen fo small on opening fir sucht large ears" wre SA nmr Miottessta pypers give many tetrible n- i cidetits conhected With the late storms'| A One patty edgaged in clearing the railroad track eight miles below St. Veter, disor. Take notice that the above is a true tred nearly buried in the snow, 8 double | cooks team of horses and a sleigh in which wors seated {wo mei wrapped in robes and enclosed in bitTalo ebats, and frozen stills Thee men sat perfectly upright, and were within two hundred yards of the station building. The shot with which Laura Fair killed white the hair of a daugliter of the deceas- od it is satd. The young lady who is but twenty years old, is described as beautiful and intelligent, but overcast with a cloud of melancholy that will embitter all her future life. Being asked recently by an intrepid interviewer, how came her bair so white and her so young, she snswered ' sorrow," in a voite trembling with emo- tion and immediately left the room. --_-- Eeyprian Maxmns.--Do not put on airs. Do not maltreat an inferior ; re= spect the aged. Do not gave thy life at the expense of another's. Do not per vert the heart of thy comrade if it is pure. Do net make sport of those who are de- pendent upon thee. Do not maltreat a woman whose strength is less than thine from an humble position thou hast become powerful, and the first in the eity for opus lence, let not riches make thee proud, for agebus, active and idoreases thy propesty, give him the better recompense; but if the son thou hast begotten is a fool, do not turn away thy beart from him for he is thy son, 2 Smith and Jones were at the menagerie, and the conversation) turned on Darwin's theory. 'Look at that monkey, said Smith, ¢think of an undeveloped ¢ Hue paper, if ita rival is to be believed: more buman than I am. Loan If there was snything Father- Boggles really delighted in, it was 10 spin a yarn * Ah P said Boggles dne day, as he had fairly fied his auditor, ¢ Tom jg the most Well, I forbid Tom |, Youchin® those apples ; but he would get 'em in spite of me. Ons day 1 caught tho Young acapegrace tp in the tree stufiin' his Pockets with thé fedit, ad I determitted to ¢ "Thomas, my edn,' sas 1, 'Gomé doin' this minit or I'll but down the tree dnd let Crit'etiden, almost ae suddénly turned | own ; let ber find in thee a protector. If the first author of these good things is God. If thou att intelligent bring up thy son in the love of God. - If be is vour= Why was Goliah surprised when David struck him in the forehead with a stone 1 Because such 4 thing had never entered his head before. gr a pean - A clergyman, at Council Blulls charges by weight for marrying couples, the rate being. four cents a pound for the groom tod two for the bride. TH generation 'has grown so lazy that it is proposed fo have elevators in the chirches to take people up into the gal - Teries, A lady, speaking of the gatheriog of lawyers to dedicate a new court. house, said she supposed that they bad gone "to view the ground where they must shortly lie" ea. A citizen of Gosport, the other night, mistook his wife's yeast botle for his favorite | " litle brown Jug," and took a 'long pull and a strong pull" there-- from. He is now regarded as a rising man. An Illinois man lately started a steam chicken manufactory with several thou- sand eggs. The forcing process was carriedon so vigorously that only four were hatched, the others being roasted. Y Cast iron sinks," is the legend on the sign of a Hartford plumber. + Well, who (bic) said it didn't?" was the jo quiry of an inebriated man of sin, who read it over three or four times and chuckled when he thought he saw the point. Nursine TrousLEs.-- Some people are careful of their troubles as mothers are of their babes ; they cuddle them; and rock them, and hug them, and cry over them, and fly into a passion with you if you try to take them | away from them ; they want you to fret with them, and to help them believe that they have been worse treated than anybody else. If they could they would have a picture of their grief in ® gold frame hung over the mantle-shelf for everybody to look at. And their ariel mikes them really selfish; they think more of their dear little grils in the basket and in the cradle than they do of all the world besides ; and they say you are hatd-hearted if jon say «don't fret? «Ah! you don't understand me-- you dont know me -- you can't enter into my trials The foregoing is a mirror in which certain pereons may seo themselves reflected. As though others had not trials! They lack hope, They give way to foolish fear; are cowardly, without faith &nd lortitude, They are poor things § will not amount to much. Stilly=it Is cite duty to help tham out of the rut, and | encourage them to throw off cares. Moverf Kitcren Mato. -- Not long since a excellent Kentucky house-wife { bad occasion to send to Louisville for a The latter in a few days put in an appearance, arrayed apparently In a large Quanlity of cast-off masquerade fin= ery of the Queen of Sheba, dilapidated pantiers, flounces, Loops, and with a stun-- ving bead-diess that would have befitted the Queett of Hayti--jute curls, frizzles, chigrons, and rats in alarming profusion. | The former lcoked at the latter in astod- ishment, and when sufficiently recovered; sbe informed her that she did not think us her appearance indicated it would re- quire three fourths of the day to get up ber elaborate head toilet alone. Why; la, ma'am," answered Dinab, "I never combs my bead." Tae ast words uttered by great men are often singularly characteristic. Their tone of solemn prophecy does not fail to produce on us the mest profound impres- sions. © The vanguard of the army," murmured the great Napoleon, when his mighty soul®took its departure from its tenement of clay. '* More light," sighed Geethe. " Crown me with flowers," said Mirabeau. " Give a chair to M. Dayrol- les," said Lord Chesterfield,in his supreme agony, * Charge, Chester, charge ; on, Stanley, on!" were (he last words of Marmion. * Bury me," said Jack Bow~ yers, " in a suit made by Messrs So.and- 50 5 the cut and excellence of the ma= terials ore warranted; and I wish (to be buried as I bave lived, dressed like a gens tleman. : she Would suit as midtress for the kitched, ' his teacher to write & subject of water, and the following is the d 1: Water is good to drink, te and to skate on when frozen, -- When I was a little baby the ; bathe me evary od human, been told thie Injuus don't . tan 1 said Jones, sotwapizeal, i 0 but onee in ten years. I wish" 1 'was an Perhaps not. 4Injun ARE P swim in, a at ao A little six-year old boy wan abked by composition on the momiog in 'water. I tiave

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