{WHOLE NO. 798, 4 a : TERE -- ES X Be : ; VOL XVI, NO. 19. : PRINCE ALBERT, ONT, THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1873. Ha m-- --r---- " -- * - kai uu i r | ! Quite a Mistake. Se his pean; a ao lite fou thie ?? Vii |e Hard ware | Siam Free ar © SLIT oAL" Agntour RAL & GR Lo. 3 2 ! there were (as is common in such places) a [thought it wae dam, so we concluded to +. + TS PUBLISHED AT THE { COUNTY OF ONTARIO, » BAIRD & PARSONS, : wy : 3 5 : TERMS :--$1.50 perannum, if paid withinsix smonths;iCnot paid within thatjime, 2.00. osube ception taken Cor less than six nopaper Family Newspaper ; VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT Fyery Thursday Morning Surgical-and Mechanical Dentist; * Of Twelve Years Experience, (recs over Mr. Gordon's Store; QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. January 8, 1873, discontinued until allarrearsare paid. Lett )ihi ingmoney, when dio pre-p id undregi dwillbeatourrisk RATES OF ADVERTISING. teach line, first insection............ . $0 08 bsequent insertions, per line 0 02 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum...... 5 00 Advertisements measured in Nolipureil andeharge « aceordingtothe space they occupy. J Advertisements réceived far publication, without specific instructions, will beinserted until forbid.an charged weenrdingly. Noudvertisement willbetaken until paid for, eountallowedto Merchants and others ertisebythe year orhalf-year. 5 IF= lheseterms will.inallcases, be strict.yal. heredteo, thi 'JOB DEPARTMENT. Phamphlets. Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bill Honda Forme Wecoim Booke, Creeks. Bone i re, Business Cards. Bull Cards, &ec., of style ahd color, 'executed prompily and at lower rates tun any other every W. M. WILLCOX, R= ~ LICENSED ri AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, B public generally for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him during the past four years. Having now given up the business of Bailiff, STOVES, TINWARE, &C. J, 600,000 Minors on a Strike in Wales! efforts to induce them to return to work proved futile. Orr rrr Al have up to the presen But notwithstanding the great rise in théprice of Pig Iron, in the mother country, the Subscriber is determined to HAR vores, Trane, i, At or near former prices from the present Up to the 1st of April At which time my Spring Goods will arrive. These goods) were EGS to thank his many friends and the | PUrchased in December last when Hardware was at least 25 per cent lower than it is now. advance. sell DW ARE, There is & prospect of a still {tatther Parties doubting my extremely low prices are inyited intend, in futiire, 0 devote mv whole Sime tol to come and obtain a list of t Yr hcls fin hem. church, a post office, a couple of stores and a district school, the said school being taught by a young lady who had a widowed mother and brothers and sisters to assist in supporting. For the sake of economy, Miss Eva Stan- ho) give him a douse in the snow, for getting nto the best bed and trying to enchre us. Quick, I believe she has fainfed.* ¢ Just like you," sc'oded Hom she deposited Eva once more npon t rom: whiol sie had been so ious! em ble, he ascerained {hat another started two, hour later, and so ha degided 10 take it. Ho figured to limeell, ae he impatiently crowded into an empty seat and wag: being wheeled along at a rapid rate, how snugly his brothers had ensconsed themsaides: ins the best room, which by right belonged to him, he being the eldest, and consumated' a plan to get even with them. pan ley * boarded around' among the t teachers. Her father had been a respect. able mechanio, but died after about two hin family. Eva had, however, (she being |" belore the great calamity came upon them, work of assisting in the support. The Inst week previous to the holiday York. young teacher a description of them.-- |# and was considered a paragon among the |Obher before you are fairly into the house. years illness, which bitterly impoverishad | her discom(orted brothers had betaken the oldest,) received a good plain education | Went into hysterics over the joke. and noble-hearted and unselfish, began her | rolling over the floor and letting oft peal after peal of laughter. vacation she had been boarding with a Mts. | holding his side. «Oh, my. But what the Carpenter who was making gigantic pre- dickens is to be done about it, and who do parations for guusts she expected from Now | you suppose she is, George 7' ¢ You never met my brothers, Eva,' she | young and prety too, at that, | don't know 5 said, and then began to give the pretty [how it 1s with you, but I feel paniculurly J tuken ; ¢b i our tricks upon each ' LL - Clear out now." Long before she was done with her tirade hemselves down stairs, where they almost "A pretty kettle of fish," said George, "1 should think it wan," replied: John ¢ Some guest of Hannah's, of course, and mall and extremely cheap--would sell after midnight he was depos- ited at Holigthorn ; and reaching the eis- ter's house, he scouted atound until he found a way of entiance into ihe kitchen; where he deposited his luggage and re moved his boots. Then he quietly stole up staire and opened the door of ihe best 100th, Sure enough, thought he, % my fine chaps you are in clover I'* for there were not to te mistaken signe of the room's having been occupied. Garments were upon chai, and the bed was pressod by slumbering forme. : To think of copeing with their united strength by dragging them forth was uot' practicable ; but there stood the pitcher of water, and he knew that a guod doucing with the icy fluid would bring them out. younger; and euch times as they have n There's Sam, George, and Johnny the myself at a very low price.' ¢ Cheap !" roared John, 'cheap ? 1 would when they get out here to rest acd rusticate actually give myself away this minute, and s they cali it! But, dear me, [ don"t get throw something in to boot. What are we much rest or peace, for they are like a lot [to do, can't say ; but I shall dig outof this BROCK, ry Port Perry, July 27, 1871. 30 November 31, 1866 "44 Whitby April 10, 187%. or quick enough. 'It I can't have my old quarters,' be chuckled, ¢ you shan, that. I'm determine ed on. So here goes.' He lifted the pitcher, epprosched the bed, raided it high, and éuddenly dashed: a ¢ f boy t of school. Such trick i | place and get back to the cny bifors morn- | its entire contents upon the sleeper. N It ills ny Tadeavor LY hrgmpt and éarefsl I amnow selling the balance of my large stock of Stovest least tr a mig hin 1% 1 hon got the courage lo face the Such a torrent of screams as he had neve, - Establishment in this County! 8ffention gins wi Seles sion, 01 15 per cent under manufacturers prices. i} they Visited me all together, and John and | music, so il get up and got.s er heard before rang through the house, Parties from a distance geting handbills, &e. , printed lectin . et. « . { g y 85 5 eon have them done 10 jake home with them, 4 Parties wishing Good Bargains will please call) at my | Sam actually cut n pane of glass from the| He began hastily putting on his boots, | and before Sam could collect his scatiered Bills draughted and Blank Notes furnished free > i A "PARSONS, 3 sy window and pelted Georse ont of bast | and would have put his thrsat into execu- senses, door alter dcor was opened, and 11; BAIRD, } i * [of charge. New Show Rooms between Mr. Currie's Store and the Sore of BALD unis my A ; . Also Bill Stamps always on hand. room with snow! You ee they don't ge [ticn, but tor the appearance of Hinnah, who | Hannaly, George and John rushed in, cloth~ Arrangements can be made for sales &ec., at Messrs. Jones Bros. in there this time, that's certain, for I intend | at orice asserted her authority, : ed in scanty espparel--Hannah with s Professional Carus. SS DasiiTi Qies Prints Albert, and at the WwW T P to keep you in that oom, and so end the| *You are not going a eingle step,' said frightened look in her face and a lamp in ~ ? W 'M. WILLCOX, PORT PERRY, M 6, 1873 . . ARRI : . enntioversy, lam 0 alraid that they will the, "but I dou' wonder you feel azhaied her trembling hand, that revealed the ers Dr. Brathwaite, Prince Albert, Sept. 18th 1872. ) , Marcu 6, 3 break of ruin something, that I am very Seseuives What " dan possessed you Berm ] A adi . a 2 glad you are here. It may keep them in |i more than 1 can tell. ere, silting up in » With her hair © PORT PERRY. CROTHERS & WILSON Hotels check a little ? ¢ Thut's right Han, pitch in, scold away, dripping like a mermaid, hes, indy dyes DR. WARE, rani RE £8 SL ¢ I had just as soon occupy any othe: | I'll take any amount just now, for [ am as | delugeuy. .. i FO -- young school-mie= g ORONER for the County of Ontario, Licensed Auctioneers ! Royal Canadian EL tel, room, Mra. Carpenter, and Jo not wish 1o| Meek as a lamb. But who is it we have | looking gh was Sam, with the empty i Phiysiane Surgeon and Accoucheur, ¥ . PORT PERRY. incommode your brothers--1 have no right | played such a shabby trick upon ?* replied | tress, and : a band, and the picture of im= uce Alber : FOR THE ] "3; - --_-- George. . | pitcher mh Lo . iss i x 4 0 U N T Y 0 T 0 N T ARI 0 = re + The Subscriber having leased the Shole Hotel | © do so. 3 . J « Trick, I should think it wae. Why itis phoyur » staring about like an idiot at Miss Drs. Martin & DeGrassi, ! : Ir OF THE DIVISION COURTS bay ued be FR 2 Xeeping Ge | iy lunolt, Tews, [onmpnly o Eva Stanley, just ae nice a young thing as | E¥d and the navoc he had made. : es LINDSAY. JA Fouad to sinduct, S3les rywiiens iu iliac oo doe tains aA PECSEOELY OF the | alajmatgronsh onan s baum es in the sas \hin is hor week 10 bai T8Efreuahus and |. Hannah. Gyoree and. John jutantly com : snl aid TORE §. 3. AL. arn : io, [0 fom pai ty Cs Ttbioandl the Bar, | 770 #187 here yusi nw seul as wich, sind do vp] iHia.is 1% B you boys, would be equabbling | ihe command of his sister, dragg : Lu v 0 Stri A + : , 3 , DRS. JONES & MALLORY, ly on the utmos attention being given Count y of Ontar 0, ut aftontion paid vi the Tube re. your sewing on my machine. Your mother aver tim Taos us usual, so § pit har in 1hero away while whe sssiereit the rode} Aud UYSICIANS, Surgeons and Accoucheurs, |G, Crothers is also agent for all kinds of Ag- FOR THE YEAR 1873. Neither Intor nor Sxpense will 1 spared in ihn moutlin.enough to. fed, I guces, ahd |® le thinking you would come home in this | terrified girl to dry ler clothing, and th P ? ricuitural Implements " - mee Ymaking the Royal Canadian Hotd worthy of |, ees yours.? - oo i 2 took her to her own room and bed, pias PERRY. h 1 = Zla|z } ic patronage. i Rian : stea i 1 4 sl 's Drug Store, Queen-st por Ore ata 0 0 Dutis, Peon i 432 2 Lid HENRY "FOY. The subject was dropped, and the entire ¢« Eva Stanley | Whew ! A preity school jing for the second time the the mishaps o a a 2 a Be MALLORY, October 31 1872. - =] 2 | Port Perry, June 16, 1869. | household retired early, for on the morrow teacher,' and. repenting his sister's wards{ ihe night. Wr JoNed, ig M.D. CM No.1|2 2 2 Te "REVERE HOUSE » MANCHESTER the brothers, young, ardent and fell of lle be en » lugubrious grosn.- «I'll keep you with me now, my Jo Drs. McGILL & RAE 'Wm. Gordon, No. 2 3 be 2 2 5 15 5 PLANE eT Lv were to be there. But wn ny An « [las she recovered 2 questioned Johy, | child,' ste said, Yugh Sri gloat Jil HYSICIANS Surgoons, &e., kc. Officeand | Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, Ne 4 "laa 116). | 5/16 AVING purchased the above hofel, and has | VO"! uf their intention, they. hal on. 1 vainly endeavoring to restwin his laughi- | cy keeping back her A a diag P Residences, King street, Oshawa. Ne 30 [17 617 furnished the Bar witls the choikest liquors | to take the evening train, which would land \he wry faces his brother was muk- | boys are nicely come up with, a ¥ FRANCIS BAK. HN, B, &c., &o., No. ; 18 16 and cigars. Every attention paid th guests.-- them at Hollythorn about bed time. George | '° atthe: wry dif it wasn't for your baving been so le? da OR the Townships of Brock, Usbridge, Scott, | No. 6 Stages to and from Whitby call daily, Careful i en an h APE A WM. F. McBRIEN, M.D, M.R.C.S,, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. No. 7 19 19 ostlersalways in attendance. 8 | and John did eo, and when salely seated in Yes, I tonn' brought her tno, but don't | terribly frightened, and the 3 y i ors : BLAND aon the utmost aiteation. being Given. to Z BURNHAM © Mackie's Hof = hy Sate DY We.apeTIaTe atut. the ob. i ho oor girl will ever get aver her | bed has been used, I wouldu't care. ey GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. relyupon the utmost attention being given to 4 s eg Mackie's Hotel, bonne ul Shon. believe the p "8 first thing she | do nothing when they come bome- but THE EYE R,O.H L, their interests, 3 ' Hat? (LATE BRODIE'S,) t re hooid fright. She said that the first 8! y ick 10 play upon each other WM. GORDON, Whitby, Jan. 1st, 1873. : , ¢ No reason upon earth why he should ing lifted up and carried | giudy up some trick to play up i d Oshawa, Sunderland P.O, Brock. | WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE | i be along,' enid George. £809 phy Sak Nig . vs ihat she | and,' continued she, by way of apology, i THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Ww. MACKIE, Pioprietor. "No, for he told me this morning he | Out at uy was 40 IA al rg ny eat in he office wind Lin B. . 5 EE a Ga a [EDI tf i i ter a sound, MAT in) ATTORNEY FOR Attention! Mutual Insurance Company DAFOE HOTUSIL | ~ould certainly be on hand, replied John. npn her ehe realized that she | stores during most 3 he Joa #4 id ) Atel - : ; ey ¢ . ONTARIO, The undersigned would pire the THs i an ; nor organised andls TIC £0 can't make it out, unless he has taken | *°#8 Being widveted op symuiing a i eit hes he > 501 po : shi i ared to accept risks on Farm 0! B 4 ' : i iter a Ect ut yo . ARN AH ab Auctionor, tht pR £5 en aie ie heir copents Ca ii oun sana] atisniion the five o'clock train in mistake.' Hut, 3 hg Ie Ba 1 declare, ji kissed her charge, and went > : 3 ht 1 3 hurches. hose wishin, rh i 4 + ; .| when she fan + 2 Be Si Coven Ee El A So arly support a Home Insurance Company bare now Sail best wines, liquors and { Not a bit of it,' laughed John, who fan a [ ehouldn't woader if she had taken | jou 10 see about the boys, who, ss svont -- . ol stantly on hand. an opportunity of doing so either by applying J. DAFOE, Proprietor. | eied he understood the entire programme. ; aoed out of a warm \ ate stat up in the regions below, Cot for the best and cheapest | to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents : her death, being dragge: as they w 7 y 2 LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, He is sole Agent for fe ke Domini t- | of the Company. Our rates will be found as - It is mote likely he took that train on pur- his time of night and dropped i610 a | pugan to thoroughly appreciate the joke ; DLL FOR bi mers hie June, 1911. The Patent Letter A Family oy ethos: Sf any ssponsiniaiininal Tnguignts Centr e Hot el ' pose to get into, Haunah's spare bed-room, Sag that Rico No wonder she | 41d now that Sam was ae dzep in the mud 0] iy awa. e : Ld |} vledg "ailors, | Company in Canada. A : v licks | snow diil . ; scot, oposite th post office: Milne, aa al wh know tho properties of A Head Offce--The 41d Registry Office Bulld- SAINTFIELD, foe fis bs 3 Ee Up WIG Siew ike iy poor thing." as they in the mire, gave Lo quarter. ia' ing Machi who have had the pleasure of | ings cl y ye. ; and feathers, Wy 4 . with a s k what it a « G.. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, : ii Sgn he best and cheapest in is L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., J. JENNINGS, Proprietor. «1 didn't think of that, but T reckon yon| ¢ Ctied, did she,' said George, 3 "1 Il be blamed ey Bib intend hanesrs, and Tassivency, Nowry Pub. A ER of ght : : iy Albion Hotel, Beorfight Vo uiet coouive to got im asl thirk she did. Inst took her its he ois rolling and kicking Li) y i achines wa « 1 should thin il. ors, tig, kc. &o go [oe leat wachine for $00, 4 ) ' WHITBY out somehow." her cry ont, |. jons of laughter. Offic lan' Brock Street; Whit- ted. . i ms and let her have her cry *| in convulsions of laug : oreo inw's Blog, ti re attended to on the shortest notice. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP Y A. MASON, PROPRIETOR. ¢ Bet your life on that.? fh iy ran 70 Tie low oho Happens Yai? veil Gerrans antl Han come: '& MACDONELL, J. C, PILKEY, or . --_-- The brothers put their heads together and istaken for Sam, and so became the and see if you don't find out." Aud gave CAMERON & y SoLE AGENT. This Hotel has undergone a thorough renova- | 10 hed merrily over some scheme lor out- | 10 bs mis : ! ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, TO ONTO, C. W. tion and been fitted np with & view to the com- | '® she y victim of your mail pranks. vent lo another peal. : Solicitors County CouncilOntario. Offices: | Epsom, Sept. 7, 187). Sr-- fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- | wilting Sam, and accordingly, when ihe ' tof you, Han. I'm awfull gam pad net smiled, and sat looking the 'Court House. 3 INCORPORATED ............1851, Every attention will be paid to~the table and rain reached Holythorn about eleven ¢ That was neal yon, Ra : { discomfest and perplexity, § 0. CAMERON. | H. J. MACDONELL. THOS, H. WALSHE. bar, while obliging and atiestive hostlers will |!" k, they approached the house bi their | glod yoo bugged the poor little thing.-- | yore picture ol ED Auctioneer for the Town- i « - 400,000 | have charge of the stables. o'olock, y app : (| just given her a brotherly po" anewered : . A. HURD, [ ACENSED Re Capita | 5 Whitby, 20th June, 1870. 25 | ister in a very stealthy manner. #Vish you had j ' 8 A hig WTAE atLa , and Solicitor fo Chan- | A.4 ships of Brock, .., in the Corihty-of i Nd imbi h in the rear, they soll | »queeze for mu,-- pon my hot * %: for ienyen ot TIORNEY Jaw, A Office in the Royal Victoria Reaidenot-- Cannington, Brock. Orc Frain! es ON, J Len RR RRR he Ciming ha danke 0 es i dl ne t [am in sack-cloth and ashes Jom willing 10 admit that | = Sky Lind x i r § ence w BERNARD NALDAN, Esq. oper : re~ i t bide ci Be i hha Can. | Somstasy. AMES" PRINGLE, oe AX L 0 I N vel oe By where they demolished a mince | this time, heooslieupid. wa ig Sper ina ligheh bi what it meaus. : JAMES LAMON, nington, or otherwise, and_prompt remittance GENERAL AGENT. T R y ia and a quantity of dongh-nuts. Then | plied George, with another 8 long enong I willy'. continued | TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, | mato. abot WALSHE, the North On- : pia and a q d their | + Aud how on eafih do you expect us 10| Auana? Of course | w ] A Ov and Mow ghia | trio Austioncer. IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, AT With apperity appeased, hey jemeved their -!, he consequences asked | Geqrgu, ill holding bis sides. ¢ht me: 08. Tras; Blut diusiongs oid tale i U ? foil avd Wapais io' InVELISNIR Tip bust] wiopiand uke} ig k serious, 1 am for | pay you have siolen like a thief into Miss, mh NB Yew Warsi sai Jowell Boon SQ JIRE S sun =sinle sling 158 Nil. Wie Wak liga Liv, tiie pl I had rath-| gyy Francrased chamber-- who is a young. 7 N y il i ui H . 9 Fe ; 'JOHN BILLINGS, Solicitof men. : BLIS ENT l ed by the moon, sscended the stairs and [1aking myse ked battery than this preuty | judy teacher aud is # boarding aiound ARRISTER, Auoiney at Law, Solicitor G. GODDEN TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT 1)" Ye doer. Tha faint rays of sou av iucow marked botiny. bus Su Diy) ti macht aud Jo + Somrting Samal 5} &: Ot over in ie oe Sct, Fort Fry, ' VAT OHM AKE R SYER. ROSY STORE: |... moon disclosed a chair piled wilh cluhing, Hosen, wifey ing 1t was your humble servant and Johnny" : URNHAM ' P Ra O r a 4 cCaw PORT PERRY, and they could distintly trace the outlines ot lish "care if you kad,' answered his snug in bed you atiempted fo drown us out, le : B re o. a Office Bis Olin buginess in Mr. Allin's THOATEY JAMES SQUIRE. |a form beneath the bed clothes, and had ol sib nantly. ¢ Tho only woy 10 0 and made a grand mistake. How. ao you: LERK of the Third Lilly "Ofioe hours k Store, oBbosiis 8 Ontario 2 Rt FSSUED a Ho ome the Scugog| ort Perry, Oct. 30, 1872. 4 | not the remotest iden but Sam was enjoying | ester, in 8! 1, both of you; and apolo- | jive ji Sam 7° ! ! ; : ia Bigelows 3p.m ck, and guaran il ¢ ke I UED at Po $i lit f ose upon Hannah's best b 1s 10 brave it out, bo ] ' the point, but can't the, rom tenn. m. to 3 p. m. to his care will be done in a House, sweet rep! po! . tr rudeness. She is not a bit| 4 confess 1 gee the point, i z | manor and at very moderaté charges, | HENRY CHARLES 4 i J A few whispered words were exchanged, | gize for you! i | "nal y C. D. WALID: A largé stock of superior Watches, Clocks | November 11th, 1869. i \ Ny ; : ror hip Bear. |etnpid, but pleasant and merry, and 00 ioke, IV's w shame. ; x Fi 2 Cor Main 8t.,Uxbridge [and Jewelry always kept on hand and sold aT - . 3 {and they iw pear, Jdnuot you will have afolly laugh over the At this juooipre Hannah came n end, Susgiaaluntisn) C2 PRE I TY : a 4 JOHN McDONALD, : 'AL 1 ¢ Altteddly 7! whispered George. ; vy 0 began rating tem soundly, 1hereby letting AVE Dental spon; : Re t all work | dnd ¢harges MARBLE DEALER, ae mle} Quick as thought oy eigenen Se [ i 2 Sant Haw 1h6.J6pt0, 88. W0 to Segon. whi il Sei a i rar i \ : ¢ h T i ; ! End care ranted | Allins Book Store poe ms Bank NEWCASTLE ONY 4 hd Indersiged had uy smouct of Ske fon 3 tho Sjeapus the stairs, out into the | get along with him ! you i i It was Sam's turn. fies iL iy of no i n's Store, op) xi . a e------- ; 5 to lend npon Furm'and Town Property, at| bore i OF iti bh, Han, we shall never hear 881 | etraggled mantully to retain he : Thich" defy eo Port Perry, Feb. 16, 1812. > ML ere abort $8 '§ .§ Bo, Ee Hl a Lot don Hey that. will be: brought 'wp Sosaled manly EL ev supe fudin} 3 iO 9 : Ca i am. brol . BH i 5 ) ih | tion. ld Wha of Tout a Marble Lo Fld Sl Ae | 3 iis Loic Ri {es hyge inf, Theos ry EE harrbb-_il. was {at ail vimes und iri all pens. ©. Pil fing | €Fo00s (hat ne wis compelled lorjut : Also dealer in all kinds of Jewelry, Fa ; y 4 nusually ow a ness ol g and on} ol «It you two can keep the secrel ind | ihers. : sits , : {roonds, = Grapite. : i ; Y hat of a woman! And in their consterna- ¥ 0 can iy 4 it is asnbioot isible at the breal ¢ ds, &c, | 3 Parties will find it to their advan- : : that of a : h way to eilencd Bridger, and it is a subject | vii py, was not vi ! Ee Vals at LE § ute fold hers Sis WL See of Interest: yo] 00 they Jpn ivy Bape Pau Jove Eva No not care to have Sinionddy and table next morning, and Hapnahan | 3 and" FT. h i . ) if gare : ji Se L . £0 Lips le of the drift. z , : d is away Tfom sick wilh 8 severe: x dge. . on by 3 : the middle of | be nately my husban : (bat she was sick with a sew J Utbridge; Dee. 17, 1868. §. Soly OHAS. THORN, V8 J. 0 WHLHASON. b 4 b bh 2 bh] i b ¢ Good heaven I" axclaimed eorge, =u ig So g0 to bed and test content-| go oe groaned out and called for * bundtaly ie . hg. i ow 'to suit]: it's a woman as I am s . 3 at in Sam's eh while {| C. N.VARS * EMBER of the Veterina Jostiouess Chics tisfaction guaranteed, and all work war- ng Yoraid i a i Api Sam, Ie . Run, John, and call fed.' yr th ol to pit in San tas po es ist. Oshawa. Gnt.~ 80, 111. - Gold Medalist for the best exa ky gua i , | the borrowe i 'od Farts; and {Wild | and she has fainted ' She showed them the room ehe intended gentleman looked iy Poor Sm dime on ito" dhe post | ons re a ein "January 10, 1872. ir oR SEH i hh Hannah.' 2 hi i otenpy, and soon the house was Aeetuters thas anted, b X Deatal F Ly Prize on 1 hy . s . EER ; Al) - { mind he lift- | them 10 y ut Hannah had the oi ] entrance Simeon street, third door north F ait I made in ) D _ With admirable presence of min of ih siinber. anna 4 : ; or the 0 thio Bank. » " ne a Thorn begs to announce that he has taken |. MON EY Bank and other marketdb c od the plump form of Eva Staley an. ar once ole uh Sanihad voach- er he W Eg i : OD wan al Sass hirusied 0 bis Care In (BMIVATE FUND) | "7" JAMES HOLDEN, |vied hes ni the hoise. Bot the cry. bad Mownw ! jost a fow minutes 100 late. | poareiiing of dignity. R. Bl cH A RDSO N, pared 10 Lal and scientific manner. All or- | To10a1 off good Farms, at 8 per cent interest Enid ini xo) réady been heard, and' the inmates came ed the Sopat po in he was to have taken qo forget thal here was mis iim bas ? a sos 1] 4 Pole wil ecelve prompt ailtoton. © | A a | OFF(CE~ Goer the Dominion, Bask, Mei fuching into the hall jist as he apparel: Bie ng but upon consulting the time te=| Concluded on : E pn . 1 : ty W k An pia if >! : Ahn} hat! het gone, aor we Fo Marriage = Eicenses bad Stables may be found om |. a 2 Dehawa lan's Block, Brock st. Whitby, "George, John, for goodness sake w! ; LOT 19, IN THE FIRST CON. OF yey Gena Factors.