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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Apr 1873, p. 2

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Firsr ones, and the laborious sons of -industey hose own ehildren aro being intellectu-- ti CHI. little wi re, for supplying AS Asner "ECCLESIASTICAL TYRANNY, According to a writér in the Montreal Mofitreal 1s putting the screws most Arrrvars 8 ee and plate for the -- of the of Beastarnol ifully to the good folks of the town THR CANADA FARMER. The April number of this valuable agri~ ally dwarfed in our one horse Public | Gazerze My Lord Roman Catholic Bish |cuitural paper is now before us ah! is brim 5 i schools, must give all they con spare, and op of fall 'of information of much importance 10 a whereabouts of -the: Ontario and Quebec 1 k A Canadian pubic. This excellent bi-month-| Railway ; we have lad numerous enquiries ' A RAILWAY LOST. A very large degree of Ze had almost aid painful --ansie'y ie felt rezardiog the ks up is sleeves and handles ils sub- : X : 4 It oppears that the Iy tucks up J h frem week to week from our readers in oe telly Sriormp th wealthy in ths High Schools. Tt is to Be | Bighop gave chiens that all connecied etn withodt Bluves; 4 ih pi this and the neighboring counties as to public that he has Teceived 8 large a hoped, bowerer, that the country will make | iy the Roman Catholic Churgh of Beau. thorough, practical , as ull subj th presiot standin pad future MEsspests : mem of his Spring Stock -- consisting of Dress: de, Parasols, Prints, Boots and made Clotting. ' "Tue Cast AnD Reany Pay System will be strictly adhered to, and intending por- | 8 chasers may rely npoin prices down as low as it is possible 10° pot them, s0 meta-tive. An-enriy inwpection is res epeetlally imvited to the late and varied - A Cloris; ana 'Twee.ds sunsbla for Spring obits: Sits of the most fashion | hie cul aiade Up lo order at short notiow | I and ut the most reasonuble prices, A god fit guaranteed in all cases, A splendid 1or-of Spring Hats, Ties, Collars, and Stine just minted. . "A ®pléndid lot of Seed Wheat, Clover and hey Seeds, and Salt on hand and for wanted to boy, Bacon, Pork, Buttér and Fuge in uny quantity and fughest prices paid. : ADAM GORDON. Port Povey, March 12, 1878. Be, oe ee The Mntario Hb gerber. TaAMES Bann, "PRINCE ALBERT, APRIL 24, 1873. being put{ iat they may be raised to a position of efficiency and usefulness worthy ofa -uni- versally enlightened young and vigorous country with s» grand a future before: her ple ed her wenty first day, kinaly threw his a stand ere it is too late and denfand hat haroois should pay to the Cure of that the interests of our Public Schools shall a Snoes, Tweeds and Cloths, and Ready-| first be attended to, that if not 'ell; nearly church un annual amount of tax over andi be treated. 'all the grant for educational purposes hall be given to our Public Schools so f inhabi mM d above the regular tithes. ment is to consist of an assessment of oj much per dollar on the ratable property "This tax cannot be enforced by law 5 but ecclesiastics are seldom slow in discover-- ing a means of, bringing their . refractory d by a peo- 0 N_ SOUT NOMINATION DAY IN SOUTH The free and independent of South Brant had a rvusing time of it on Monday last in nominwting candidates to fill the office of MP. P. left vacant by the resignation of Mr. ESB. Wood. The meeling was held ut the drill shed Burford. The elect= ors and very'many non-electora turned out in strength and party feelings were at the, boilir g point and might possibly have buret but for the kind consideration of old Boreas, who, notwithstanding that April nad reach- snowy mantle, a. couple of inches thick over the 1 crowd which tended to evol Ee . MORE BALLOTING. We learn from newspapers from the eily of Gla:gnw (Scotland) that the ballot bas been lately employed in that city in electing the School Board under the new School regime. +The Ballot appears to have answered the purprse admirably, and everythin? went off like a charm. This is so far so good and it would ba a matter for much gratiude if the %lecticns were the only dificul y 5 but we much fear that narrow souled tizli-jackered bigotry amongst the members of the Board may prove a for midable obstacle 10 its successful, harmoe © jous working ; and the unfortunate public school will suffer in proportion to the nar- row mindedness of a majority of the board, should they feel so inclined. The fifteen members who compose the Board for the city consist of 1welve Pro: testants and three Roman Catholics. O! the Protestants th re are five Free Church ~ "uech of Scotland, one a ay Church--what ever hod 3 Soe Pure - means. The ballo's were 20 framed hos 1... miourities might secure a share of the re- resentation at the board, There being tse TEQUTET TON TE DOE eaeh'elector bad fifteen votes and they might cast atl their vofes for one, two or wha ever number of candidates they pleas ed np to fifteen. Suppcse for instunce that thie Unitarian body should find that by uniting their voles upon one candidate they could elect him: the consequence woud be that each elector belonging to that body would cast all his fifteen votes for one wud ihe sume candidate, and the number must be small indeed if they would not elect their man. So with any other dencmination. 'The tree Church migh say we cen. elect five men by giving three votes to each of five candidates, and others would select the number they expected to carry. We regard this as a wise provision in thie law us it a¢'s jus'ly towards minorities who never wou'd have a single represen-a- tive ou the School Board if such a pro- vision Ui not exist, 3. e. if each elector were only einpowered to give one vole to e ch candidae the strong bodies would sqeore all the members. There was cna [feature in the voting papers as returned: which was far from being creditable to 1hat enterprising city. "Phere were no fewer than 5,639 votes cast which would disgrace any city in the fiiter bali of tlie 19:h century. Over six ten tundred votes had 10 be rejected in eonsequence of the infernal stupidity 'of Whe, electors who did not know enough te make a cross. Orer four thousand of the electars were so blamed ignorant. that thiey: did not know how to write or read ahd couldinot make their papers without eel ashamed of our mative city but fault, lies in the ubominable School cem which has crept into that land ; the educstion of the poorer classes being emirely nelected, all the care and the bulk of the school money being given do thie Hist Selidols for the education of: the + Brit tition caa injare those whase sols are above suspicion. ~~ Aud having 8 parliamentary fiéld day ovin W newspaper -anicle 1s cer tunly giving the a Committee a ky 'was | power 10 take evidence under, oat tikemerits which will be found in this issue ales Ti ving of attention. : Ivey are thor: | oughly "equips pplied by the priest will make the most determined wince. Parties wlio refuse the tax are to be denied the sacraments, anid this is no idle threat ; the conflict bas already d with a g! ' and the iniquities of the fathers are being visited ugon the children. In the first place Easter Communion has been denied 10 all who refuse to pay the rack-taz -- A little fellow, infant son of Mr. Robill- ard, M. P. for Beaubarno's, not knowing what awaited bim, thought proper to visit ihe world for the first time in he, midst of ths tax strife. Mr. Robillard, though standing high in the church, resists the 1ax but especially the tyr nuical mode of en- forcing compliance. Not expecting that their ardor and bring them down to their work There were twenty-two nominations, in all Mr. A. S. Hardy being the real nominee on the Grit ticket, and Mr. J.J. Hawkius on ihe conservative. Hardy is a lawyer and Hawkins a merchant. Hawkins has decidedly the best claim to \he constituency from whatever point his claims may be viewed, and it is mors than probable that the electors will take a simi {ar view of the matter and place Hawkine at the head of the poll. It cannot be that the people of South Brant or any other Brant can*have any sympatly with the present Government +f Ontario, their acts cannot tail in condemning them before an er- lightened public. It is needless here to enter intoan analy- sis of their agts, in fact it woo'd be a libel ot: the good judgment of the South Branters 10 suppose that they were ignorant of the many misintes commiited by that govern. ment, or could not appreciate the danger lo the country fom the course they are pur- suing. } The twesly-lw» candidates with their movers and jeconders presented a formid- able array of speaking talent, sixiy-six long winded gentlemen anxious to be let loose upon a cjowd. atandne += vhe wnkies in snow, might well be regarded with seme degree of apprehension. DRE 3 Bi adie deni TRL each pair, inover and seconder, should have 10 minutes between them, and each candi date should have 20 minutes. Tiere were then22 x 10 plas 22 x 20=660 minutes, or 11 hours talking threatened to be inflicted on an innocent, unoffending crowd who had committed no other crime than hat of seek- mg a representalive--if snch be a crime. The chiel speskers on the occasion ap- pear to have been Major Taylor, Mr. Har- dy' mover ; Mr. Haidy ; Mr. Hawkins, Perley, Harley, Dr. McCall, Ryker, Currie, Lander, Clatk and Boultbee. The contest is between Hawkins and Hardy. The polling takes places or Monday, 28th inst. Hardy's claims 10 the position are nowhere as compared with' those of his opponent, and it would be pyr a left-handed com - pliment to the julgment of the South Brauters were we 10 suppose for a moment that they were uhaware of this fact or slow t+ ue on the lesson which it imparts. AA re DOMINION PARLIAMENT, The business of tha Dominion is being onrefully attended to by the presen' Guvern- ment, leaving no room for complaint, even frm their most invetarate opponents. : On"ihe 17th Mr. Cameron, member for Cardwell, brought in the first report of the Commitiee appointed 10 investigate the eY rues preferred against the Government by Mi. Huntington (Gloncuster) regarding the Pacific Rulw.y Choster. The report recommended the passage of a bill 10 em- power ihe Commitee 10 take evidence un- der cath. A large portion-- nearly the entire day~ wes taken up in discassing the metita, or rather tho demerits of un article which hed appeared in the Freeman of St. John, N B of which Mr. Anglin, Member for Glouces- ter, ix mhitor-i: -chref and proprigior. iolbat ginly Ca @ in languag outraggously unjust, and 1t had not & shred of truth 16 cover ite deformiy 3 but we think no of vig or p icle a great desl moe ce thal it merites wll Jt A n by the member for Picton for to deal with this mu was of 26, dnd on the 2m ul giving the Somme he! Soman Bron." New Adver- dahil thin every, 's. by | immense siocks of choice goo I+, lr driving a'vigorous Spring Trades (Don't ail 10 , 'Adverfisement. Lov The! hon. members made a Jittle too mich of wf ihe | nt of his resist would be visited on his offspring, Mr. Robillard took his infunt child to the church, to have him registered ond baptized ; but it was n>» go, wotner church refused both ualess the father would com2 down: with the amount of his rack tax. The disap- pointed father must either take home hic nameless child or hazard the life of the dear listle one by taking bim six miles d with this imp AT= fitable &=., &e., is ol impoitance, "The several departments are under the control of parties who possess a thoroughly practical knowledge of tbe subjeots. on which they write. The semi- monthly visita of the Canada Farmer ave more than in'eresting, they are a pecessity in every weil regulat- el larm honse in the land. There is not a number of it bat contains more value in the information it contains than the year's sub- actiption amounts 10. By sending a dollar and a half to the office of the Canada Farmer, Toronto, you will receive a enpy on the 15ih and 30th of each moth lor twelve months, (ree of post- age. No butter investment could be made. ee ---- i --eeeem WHITBY PUTTING ON STEAM. On a flying visit to our handsome county town the other day, we were much pleased to notice several nnmistakable signs of put- ting on av increased head of steam. The Whitby Agricultural Works occupying the foremost" tank amongst the Agricultural Implement manufactories of the Dominion, give signt of still further incensed activity, and largey extended facilities are being provided, with a view lo meeting more promptly the greatly increasing demands further to a neighboring church in the very severity ot a Lower Canadian win- ter. The father chooses ihe latter snd acsordingly sets off with the infant to the neighboring pariich. Judge of his dston-- ishment however when presenting his child for baptism and registration the priest po- litely informed Lim that he would vot do it so long as he coctinued to resist the the payment of the rack-tax. So the the war goes on with the greatest spirit, the people resisting and the church refus ing her ordinances, Baptism, Communion and Burial to the whole tribe of demur- rers, -------------- een COURTS OF REVISION. Mgnicipal Councils throughout the length Such courts are highly necessary ns well for the as the J. Supp for instance that a party thought Himse!s unfairly assessed and suppose there wepe an court to which he might appeal, the party supposing himself unfairly rated wight weli consiler that the sssessor had cone him a wrong. Under the circum. st uces, ho wever, no such feeling need exist as the Ceurt of Revision is open for all who con=ider themselves over rated or their neighbors under-rated. Ilere the matter is taken entirely out of the bands of the assessor and placed in the bands of the Court so that they decide the matter If they confirm the rate 8 placed by tbe Assessor it shows that the Assessor was correct and the assessed mistaken, and il thie court sustain the appeal it shows that ei her the assessor was or the Court is ; wrongs but no assessor would willingly do au injustice to any one, it can be no benefit or inerest to him and even were he so in- clined he could not do it because he is sworn (or at least declares) to do justice io the best of his knowledge." The posi tion of Assessor is one of considerable diffi*utty and no small responsibly, and to seek to please every cne in assessing would be about as likely of success as the old imbecile had in carrying bis ass over | he water. Before the assessor enters upon his duties be tikes the following declaration : # J ---- ---- %olemuly declare that 1 ¢ tlie office of assessor." After the Assessor has completed the roll he attaclies the following certificate : «1 0' cettify that | kave set down in| the above" Assessment roll all the résl and personal preperty, &e., and the truc' ond actual value thereof {0 (he best of my information." re 'Phat assessors may make mistakes in asseseing is admired by all; but in the face of such declarations it is cruel, and anfair to impeach them with partiality in| fair 'The law say That real ond per '| sonal property shall he assessed at their lus, as they would be a raised "in. payment.of@ just debt from a solyent debtor. Se apo oRaRLGY wim. That handetmie. Carriage Stallion Charley | Kimble will travel doting 11.e coming sea. son by Raglan; Ashbom, Unea, Uxbridge, Greenbauk; Seinfeld; Nonquon, Port Perry East Settl Reach, Wathameburg, Eo- niskiliem, 'ant Hampton. (See Posters.) Thivnoprrior horse (has proved highly successful and isa general' favorite: wher- ever he has travelled. i The time is fast approaching when our their annual sittings as Courts of ta | then slepped in follow for their Reapers, Mowers, &ec., &ec., the superionty of which is now universally ad- mitted. Hitherto these machines could not be supplitd in anything like sufficient numbers tt meet the demanl. The large: ly increassl! facilitien being provided will vastly tho. manufacture and promptly enpply the rapidly increasing de- mand for heir Mowers, Reapers, &c. The nev Royal Uotel--decidefiy one ol ihe finest btels in the Dominion is jost opened fo) guests. This wil! lurnish a very large addition to the exeellent hotel accom. modatinn furnished by that town. Mr. Nilson, from Napanee, is ne- sotiating with Mr. Dawes for the purchase of the Ortatio Hotel. Mr. Duwes makes an excelent host und is a uriversakfavorite with ths public; his guests are all hie friends end the manoer in which" he con= ducts hit business while securing the com- tort and approbation of his guests is tighly inerense Mr. Masai continues to conduct the Al bion in the nost creditable manner. One but rarely fads a hotel whose table, bar and stable 'are so well auended to, and where guesk can feel themselves so much at home, anl this latter is above ail things most desired by the traveling public. Mine ho-t of the Avion thoroaghly understands hie busines Bnd gives it that attention nee- wesary (0 sechre the gomfuit of his guests and mike his hotel a credit to the town. Not a fest of the business places are changing cepppanisj rOIRE of the older merchants hnving secured a competency, or it may be a fortane, are giving way and allowing ths young men lo step in. Two young mel 'wre pening out in the premises tately vacqted by Y. Gibson, E=q., while Mr. J. H. Addison 1s opening out a fine wock in the store late] occupied by Laing & Stewart. H : , There does rot Appear fo be much pros- peot af extensive uilding during the pre- sent Apring} tut |f the distant mmbhing menos. suything, if the eflorta being pu! forth to secure an increase mn the number of manu ndterien «hha to wn=--und we do not know why they ghouldn't--there way be considerable building done cre the season passes. |. : [EEE Ae ANOR HER GUN ACCIDENT. A correspondent sends us the particu- lars of a serious gun shot accident snd a narrow escape (ram death of a young man uamed Prosper Jaynes. i It appesrs he and two others, G. Greenwell and Tv Lamb, on Friday fast, went 10 Lake Siugog ona shooting excursion. Juynes was the first to enter the boat, took his n the stern, rest-- [ing his gun en the bollom of the boat with the 'muzzle towards imsell. Greenwell d-by LimY, 'whose' trigger of Jaydes' g rubbing against the cibs of the boat cne of the barrels went off, the charge entering Jaynes" right hand shattering to pieces twp of ihe fingers. snd tearing the wiist in a fearful manner. The recoil of the d trigger of the other b boat and the second ph charge paviog jot Jayne little J) ee ogit {ge 'The wounded man ie seat on which it been only a : killed him op pp rari | at once convey- Brathwaite, Port ded 10 the sufferer ; ced of. bone from the presses a hope removed several pie shattered fingers, and that the band ean be s| . SPRL Remember the Townsh which' will bé held on Grounds, on Tuesday xt, 29th ivstant:-- ou. ht | of this truly important undertaking. It is Reliable information and {not at all to be wondered at that all par- This supple- | valuable counsel are given on every sub- ties in this section of country should feel ect likely 10 ba of intrest and advantage (an interest in the prosperity of this great; /l10 that great , ¢otronce ca edhe vga 10 Tih and the | and all must consider that a work of this est determinations from time to time all the information] much Jess, it is true, than'we could desire but all we have,"and we believe all that is. Our latest information ow this bead will be foun in the following telegram : NewecastLe, April 19 To day Mr. Fowler met a large number of the leading men of the townsuip of Clarke and town of Newcastle, to discuss the question of granting a bonus to the Ontario and Que~ bee Railway, and it @as agreed hat by laws should be submitted to the amount of $80,0000 to be voted on by the ratepay=~ ers. ag Smee A SERIES OF HIGHLY PLEASING AND INTERESTING ENTERTAIN- MENTS, * Capt. Thomas, the lamoue fllusionict, Ventrilequiat and Elocnotionist has favored (his section of country with a series of his Grand Adiaenive Emenainmens," at the Town Hall, Manchester, during the luves part of last week, and et De- wart's Hall, Port Perry, on the evenings of Monday and Tuesday of the pressnl week 'The Captain's entettaimments ase all of u superior and highly inweresting nature, and have been gieatly appreciated by the large and intelligent audiences who flocked to hie perlonnunces night after might. As an lllasionist the Capt. is a peifect success ind peslonms his feals with ou peast- ness and dextenty never before witnessed n this section of coumry while the ol je- jieated ounds of applavss from crowced ronses night atter might gave evidence of the entire success of the performances, Asa ventnloguist the Capt. is no less successful, and his wonderful display of ventiitogual powers form a highly pleasing part of the ewenainments and draw from' tia audience equally flattering demonstra: tons ol universal approbation. We are prasad to announce that the Capt. will give one of his very best enter- twnments in the Public Hall, Prince Al. vert, on Tuesduy evening the 29in inst. ('he evening of the Agricnltaral Society's Show. We expect to see a packed house. (See Posters und Bills ) err THE WORK OF AN INCENDIARY. We regret exceedingly to learn that =. a fan Ft ~ Resa the property of Mr. Beardon, in the Zul. con. of Brock, were totally consumed by fire on Tuesday, 151h inst. Not alone the byi'diags but all their contents wer destroyed ; wheat, cats and hay, 2 cows. 8 hogs, fanning mill, s'raw cutters and lots of farming utensils. We lave not learned the amount' of the damage. The buildings belong-d to Mr, Willcox and were not insured. The fire 100k place during the tenant' absence from home and iv said to have been the work of an incendiary. RE I. DHA LOOK OUT FOR 1HE CARS, It ought to be the fixed and pnverying de- termination of all ut. valling by railway cars never to attempt to land Trom or ger upon the cars while in motion ; the neglec of this important condition has been the cause of the sacrifice of many valuable lives and hag thrown a number of enipples and parties varionsly maimed upon the country. The following is aft addition to the list of maimed : A yoong man named Miles Daly, fram Williamsburg, Ont., was going towards Mentrenlion Sutonlay Afternoon on the cars when, wislnng 10 alight al a way atution, hé leaped trom the train while 1m motion. shipped, and one leg being thrown beneath the Wheels, was dieadluily ciushied, neces- iluting ampuiations $20) A ---- eee -------- THE 1LL-FATED ATLANTIC, The 560 victims of the itl fated Atlan tie have all passed away, those whom tie sea hos cast up have been buried wil more or less 'ceremony in proportion to the means of relatives, or buried hy the wholesale where no friends cme forward ; and those not casi up will_be held ill tha: worning when the trump shell demand the sea 10 give up her dead The following telegram raveals the rest: : . __. Hauwrax, April 18. The Collector of Castoms "give de- cision 10-day 'in the'case 'of 'the Atlantic. It is very leng/hy and exhaustive. 'The; gist is thar thie certificate of Captain Wil tiams is ruspended for two years: 'and that {of the fourth officer, Biown, for thiee elute be months, . rel to strike the | * went off, the! ~ THE TORCH OF THE 1INCEN. CU DIARY, Wispsar, Apnl 18.= Mail advices (rom Thunder Buy sate thatthe new Post offier, warehouse, and store of D2 M. N nck wood were totally destroyed by fire of 2a. m.. on the 261h of March, The place was fobbed and then set fire to. © 0 0 ABOTHER MAN DROWNED, The Vietorin Warder regrets to state that i is almost a cefwinly thar Mr. Win. Davidson of the Alma Mille, Mariposa, lost 'hie life by drowning on "Wednesiny night lest. Ii appears that 'about. midnight he left his house with a lantern lo examine he mill dam, as the fload was very high, 'nd "hug not since been 'ewen, althongh- uns' 'wearied flocs huge been made to tind the roiy. "his ey ad he: accidentally fell intothe waler, and was carried onder' the (See Posters.) i ies With the current, gt & order 10 chingga was given, and sprang forward amid ihe knew it, and in a few minnles were masiers of the siteation and oor brave boys were be- hind the rocks resting at their leasure.-- Gen. Gitem had vent an order to Colonel : Mason to stir the Indians and important class of the | work ; in fact its importance to the whole and he fired into them with a vengeance, community to whom a knowledga of thebes! | oi; vince as a gracd additional avenue of pl &f racting their altertion and materially as- nodes of farming, rearing and taking €are | 4 b on isting ouy 1100ps. uf slock, managing the diary, keeping rade, must be self-evident to every one, | laut one. , i pouhry, and the culivation : of : children 10 time, and the high pressure, rearing and making orchards" pro |"ofure ought to be pushed with the great=| o, aniiy, acd wo did all engaged. Capiuin We have furnished | Ezan was wonnded in the arm, but would . { Battery M. 4th Artillery, was thot in the which we could gather on the subject] CY a flesh woond. pp SEAT Cane, Sobran Tune Lake, Appl 19. On the arrival at the Indians' Camp. ih r the mel most deafening cells from the Madoes. Such was ihe apudity of the onsldnght, ard so nnexpeeted hal the troops were on them belore they up on his side, The charge was a_gal- Meanwhile we extricated our wounded, four in number. None were kil- Jed. Capwin Egan and his men fought not leave the field ; E. O'Connor, private Private J. Danly, of Battery K. 41h Artillery, was shot inthe {o.e m3 Corpl. E. Ketlish, Battery K.4'h Auil.ety, recived a scalp wound 3 Private McManus, Company E, 17th In faniry, of the" firm of McConwell & Mec- Manns, meighants at Yreka, ventared be- tween the advance line held by Captain Millerls men, whoearried the blufl mn such gailant style, aad the ressrve line, and war hot fiom the high bluff and left on the gtound. et -- A MELANCHOLY OCCURRENCE. BowsasviLie, Apnl 21.-- Solomon Abe- naham, aged 22, con of Henry Abeunham,a well-to-do farmer near Hampton, in Da lington, hanged himselt yesterday alter- noon... He had been in bad health for some ume and subject 10 severa fire of melan- choly. An inquest was held by Coronor Christie, of Bowmanville, and a verdict re- turned 1a accordance with the facts. ee I -- ee. A TERRIBLE DISASTER. Lonpox, April 18.--A few minutes before nine o'clock this morning the boiler 1 E W. Hyman's tannery situated at the corner of King and To'bot sirects, exploded with tmmific force. Daniel Sullivan and Phillip Rynn were standing near the boiler when iexploded. The lormer mast have been wetantly killed. When found, 'his head and Inve were shockingly dirfigured, one arm torn off and one leg missing. Ryan was alive when discovered amid the roma. One arm had been blown completely off. close to the shoulder, and he was otlierwise desperately injured wo that nt was impossi- ble for him to survive. He died m4, p. m Jeremiah McCarthy, another of the work- men, was found badly biuised about the head, body, and lace, and was almost nn- recognizable, so covered was he with soot and eindera, One tingh was almost brok- en, and his injuries appeared #0 terionx that at first 1t was thought he 100 must die, bat under medical treatment he improved somewhat, and bis lile is not at presem despaired of. The launeiy is a complete wreck. "Portions of the boiler were thiown w great distance, and several narrow es- cupes fram death was reported. Tue ex- plosion was heard ail over the city, and in «a short time thousauds of people thronged 10 the scene of the nceident. Sullivan wa- acting tomporanly aspngineer. the regula engineer being disabled. The lees on bling, machinery, and stock is probably $10,000. WORK TWO WAYS, The Free Press says :--A member of Parliament is thinking of introducing » sew ** ballot bil" in the House. lle says that if the principle of the bullot is a true one, and if conshtuents are to be preserved from being corrupted by its means, 1he same rule will npuly to mem- bérs of the House, who are open to equal remptati- n, and who can get much greater inducements. [le therefore proposes to suggest that votes tuken by the [louse <hall be conducted on this principle -- What will hon. gentlemen say to (bis pro. position ? TOU MUCH WATER BY HALF. BopcaycEnn, Apiil 18.--The water is still visng fast. [tis now within a few inches of the height of the flood of 1870 which was the highest in 13 years, Buk' planing and shirgle ml and Nye's cohi- net shop were in'danger of being earried awey. A small storehouse of Piatr's went down the fiver this forenoon. Thy wills are all stopped. Be ea i REFUSING TO LEAVE, Tavistock. Apil 18.--A serious <hoo'ing afliny aceurred about three miles fiom here this morning. It appears that one Andrew Rentzeer rented a farm in South East lloje from a man named Joseph Keiner, vut his time haviog expired, K- in, er sought to turn bim out and sent a youny wan ned Joseph Gatz to pliw a portion of the farm. Remz er becoming incen-ed at this, came out with n shot gun and shot Ga'z in thie side, inflicting a wound which the medical men are of opimon will prove mortal. Rentzeer has been rested. t Later = Tavistock. April 21.--Gatz, who was shot by Remzeer, in Sonth Eas Tlops 18st Frduy, died at 10 ololock hin morning. : .. BORN / On Sunday, 20th inst., in'the 10th concession Reach, the wife of Mr. John Lamb, of a son. : hind ! ¥ i HE Subscriber b handa 1 f T TE Suteniber ag on : n ia urge quantity Te | ho dh di bs oT TE Hy Of évery description. He spe ever 3 Don ion to hs : y uy Horan We give below the latest report to hand Ee from the M.doe expedition. ee 0 HEADQUARTERS OF THE MADAG EXPEDITION, | ET TT To Tara -- aT ASW FUON NEU TORT Yew | popular' Milfiner. 1 Our {and satiatuetorily if op en » SI Every Department Thoroughly' Equipped,by Kinmense Arrivals ! OPsir » NEW 60005 The Largest and most Fashion able Stock in Town, at Jones [Jros, The Freshest Styles ! The Lowest Prices { All Hail all bail I to our friends and our patrons, We weleome again your presence and smiles ; We've ranged through the East, we've sought from the nations, To furnish new Goods and secure 'the last Styles : And thanks to the power tho directed so wisely, We've purchased a Stock that will please precisely For what you should give--so who'll come and buy ? . a At the close of the most successful season we have ever enjoyed, we would.be remiss in our duty, did we fail 10- extend hearty thunks te our customers for the liberal patronsge which has flowed in upon us. While, thankfully ~ scknowledging pas: favors, we are de. termined, 8s another season opens up be- fore us, that no effort shall be spared lo render our [louse even more worthy of your generous appreciation. and confidence. We have now much pleasure in adrising you that OUR SPRING STOCK Is fully complete in all departments ; and in view of our rapid'y extending busi. ness. it his ben rendered more than nsually comprehensive and attractive. Whilst vain Loastings, a8 to its' mag. . nitu'e and r vaiiely, are unneces. sary from the fact that our spaciéus and well ll Stores speak for themselves. We woud remark, with. regard. 10 the value of our voods, that we are only too anxious thaf | prices and quality should be carefully compared with any other House. Our Millinery ! This 'season, sBpasses in exient, variety and grichoess, any thing we liave ever velore ud the pleasure of offering, ~~ We are now prepared to show the most sorgrous and varied assortment of Hats, Bonuets, Fiowers, Rilbons, Plumes ahd Crimmings. which are greatly admired by all wlo have sen them. All are cordi-, ly invited to visit our. Show Room and ce the new styles. Even if you' do nbt find it convenient to become a purchaser,' we shall esteem it a favor feeling confident 'hatone Millinery bus only 10; be coms 7 Jared to viiblish the superior taste of out' \ : Dress Maker, Whose elegant fits are atiracting large' circle of puirons, bas received the latest: tesigns for Spring and Sumner, .and hav- ng a competent" stuff of assistants, 1s: prepared to execute all: orders promp:ly Sr EEMEY, To you ot rk lot hs; "Coating, and - Raney Vesiings offsrs superior aitractions, whife ovr assoftment of Hats. Caps, Shirts, ** Collars, Ti es, Gloves and Pog con! tui vis new and foshionable," ONLY, > [1 Np. THAT THE LOWEST. \ ONE QUALITY ONLY, NLL zat TE BESTS © JONES BROTHERY. '0. Pont Panny, April 23, 1873, every eye; : We've purchased them cheap, and will sell theo - PRG TRADE

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