Pere E---------- . PRINCE ALBERT, ONT. THURSPAY, MAY 8, 1878, Eh fntarie Bhaevher, A WEEKLY os "U4 "POUITIORY, AGRICULTURAL ; rE Nig Family Newspaper ;| \ YS PUNLISHED AT THE » JK, PRINCE ALBERT 5 a or "id eit n Ti Morning i ¢ k aff = hy PARSONS. TERS :--$1.50 perannum, ifpnid withhisix months;iCnotpaid within thattime, $2.00. Nosub- enpti nd no paper . Haruden, D2 Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, a Of Twelve Years Experience, Q5icE over Mr. Gordon's Store, QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. January 8, 1873. ed until gllarrenrsare paid. ---- WIE dares sed to hieailice pre-paid andregistered,wilibeatourisk RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insection............ $0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line. 0 02 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum...... 5 00 4 inN 1 andel © | y pre 1a al sydsharg % i » itl BSA EC RS A J dingly. N i ut until paid for. vad twilibetaken Alibersldiscountallowed td Merchauts and others wheadvertisehy the year orhalf-year, 7 % AF® Phesetorms willinallcuses be strict ya. heredte. ning. 5 joa OR RERARTAEST. bi: P h Bills, 'Poste crammes, Bil wf Bl so Riga th PLA vg Wo " Beaty, jess Cards. Ball ards, tess oft every er rales <d Ale "jj sofor, exechied Qrouly au al lower ri oletistl sstablishment in this County ! 7 APaitibs Poin' A disthlive geting handhills, &e. | printed {1190 Rave, them doge to (ake: home with them, #95008 BAIRD. | 11. PARSONS, 'Professional Cars. i, Pr. Brathwaite, {1 PORT PERRY. 15 Livi ¢ DR. WARE, ' ff JORONER for the Couiy Ontario, ng l al an , wi te Albert J Drs Martin & DeGrassi, SF 4] 1] ' od o LINDSAY, DRS. JONES & MALLORY, 14 JPAYSICIANS, Surgeons and 'Accoucheurs, PORT PERRY. Office--over Allison's Diug Store, Queen-st, R. JUNES, M,D., CORONER. A. E. MALLORY, Co. Ontario, M.D, C.M pl Drs. McGILL & RAE, ~PaISicias Surgeons, &c., &c. Office and rar, ucgsons, Oshawa. i va. WalLL, M.D. FRANCIS RAE, M, B. WM. F.McBRIEN, M.D, M.R.C.S., GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. THE EYE R.O.H L, ¥. Li is Oshawa, " Lye FAREWELL, LLB, COUTNY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR] ONTARIO, ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, and No-, tury Public: Orrick lately Steupisd by S. H. Cochrane, jt B.. Brock street, Whitby. ¥7" LYMAN ENGLISH, LL. B,, PEAOLILITOR in ' Chancery, Attorney, #3 'Conveyancer, &e., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe i ateebt] apposite the post office. « biG YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, W. M. WILLCOX, xin AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TOWNSHIPS OF MARIPOSA & CARTWRIGHT, % Bask to thank his many friends and the public generally for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him during the past four years, Having now given up the business of Bailiff, [ intend, in future, to devote my whole time to he busi of Alicd , Collecting, &e, It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who may favor me with their Scles or Col- lecting. Bills draughted and Blank Notes furnished free of charge. Alse Bill Stamps always on hand. Arrangements can be made for sales &ec., at the Onserver Office Prince Albert, and at the Standard Office, Port Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Sept. 18th 1872. Pig Iron, in'the mother country, Jhoy, Stoves, At which time my Spring Goods cent lower than it is now. 15 per cent under manufacturers Messrs. Jones Bros. PORT PERRY, Marc 6, 1873. sell HARDWARE; ware! STOVES, TINWARE, &C. 3 eres 084 0 Pn Pore : : . 600,000 Miners on a Strike in Wales ! = All efforts to induce them to return to work have up to the present proved futile. But notwithstanding the great rise in the price of the Subscriber is determined to Tee, At or near former prices from the present Up to the 1st of April, will arrive. These, goods were purchased in December last'when Hardware was at least 25 per There is'a prospect of a still further advance. Parties doubting my extremely low prices are invited to come and obtain a list of them. Iamnow selling the balance of my large stock of Stoves at least prices. Parties wishing Good Bargains will please call at my New Show Rooms between Mr. Currie's Store and the Store of W. T. PARRISH. CROTHERS & WILSON Licensed Auctioneers! FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, ARR prepared to-conduct Sales anywhere in the County. Parties placing their Sales in our hands may rely on the utmosi attention being given to their interests. G. Crothers is also agent for all kinds of Ag- ricwmtural Implements. . All orders addressed to G. Crothers, Epsom P. O,, will receive prompt attention. Octdber 31 1872. ¢ 'Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c., &e., ) Das the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, * Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. IF Parties entrpsting their Sales to me may relyupon the utnfosy attention being given to their interests, WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.O., Brock. Attention! The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of those wishing the services of" an Auctioneer, that he is prepared to attend sales on the shortest notice anywhere in the County of Ontario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept constantly on hand. He is sol Agent for the best and cheapest family Sewing Machine in the Domini t i= OF THE DIVISION COURTS FOR THE FOR THE YEAR 1878. EEREEE i = z % g 2 2 No. 1 112] 2 111 2 No. 2 ol 1a [2 |3 No. 3 19:26128| [15] | 4115 No. 4 =) 29) [16] | 516 No. 5 al [30] [17] | 617 No. 6 2 18 18 No. 7 23 19 19 Z BURNHAM, Jubak. Whitby, Jan. 1s, 1873. THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company Tas Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents I ented June, 1871. The Patent Letter A Family Sewing Machive is acknowledged by Tailors, Milliners, and all who know the properties of Sewing Machines who bave had the pleasure of Sqaminjng it to be the best and cheapest in the 1A TER, Attor: t-Law, Solicitor in BEE Insolvency, Notary Pub ~ligy &o.; &c -McMillaa's Block, Brock Street, Whit- "by Ouart 1 B CAMERON & MACDONELL, \RRISTERS an ; Atjorneys at Law, S isitors County ouncil Ontario. Offices: ourt House. 3 o MGC AURRON. | Xda P. A HURD. «ATTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan- Ale Port Porn Oc in the Royal ey e, Bort Perry. ' H, J. MACDONELL. Ladies make sure work, and put chase the Patent Letter A, and you will hav the best machine for $30. All Machi; wa of the Comp. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- ings Breck Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr, 27-1y Secretary ranted. Orders attended to on the shortest notice. J. C. PILKEY, SoLE AGENT. Epsom, Sept. 7, 1871. + THOS. H. WALSHE, ICENSED. Auctioneer for the Buwn- 4 ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in « Untasio Husiposs, she, in the County of % Residence. anni m, Brock. Or- dersleft at this office, or at his residence will be | punctually attended to, Debts collected in Can- yin tami Yo JAMES, LAMON, ha: . At Y at Law, Solicitor in O oxbridge.' t, UU. acer, Heland AB t iv - Atree 501g ' c8 over Armstro ain joie is 1 COON Thal 1 LINGS, - IS toed, Setter 1) iki oan dry, té, Conveyancer, ois. Dffice over in the Ross Store, Port Perry. o7EEoY Y.! Fi) RNHAM, * e Thi fon Court, Of QE he hid Bison, Coit, Otter "vont ter Rim 10d pe J Jar or and pt remittances made. Remember-- WALSHE, the North On- tario Auctioneer. New Watch 'and Jewellery Establish- : ment, : G..GODDEN. Bh Sa GATE 3 now, in Mr. Allin's Book Stofs, opposite Bank, Roses a ntges A m fo bie oars wil be done in a ark ommiiied manger and at very moderate charges. Dental operas ons performed : § alfkinkls ancy --H. P. Griggs, Port Hope; Rev, § gag, Whitby; Jos, Gould, Esq., Ux- Ul , Dec. 17, 1868: © "Bo-ly ~ C., N,VARS / 'Dentist; Ostinwa; Onti=-- ada Tat o » bugs sc 4 i TRIEIOEARD Lio, JSSUEROF Marriage Licenses! LOT 19, IN THE FIRST CON. OF BROCE, SON, ie) pred A tock of ur Watches, Clocks ad Jewelry sways Kept on. pao 50d. sold pe ho Reglember! all work watranted, and charges aloderate. No? ? A G. GODDEN, Air's Book Store, opposite Ontario Bank. Port Perry, Feb. 28, 1872. 10. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C. 'W. INCORPORATED ... Capital - - $400,000 President... ON McMURRICH Vice-Presi C. MAGRATH, Esq. RD HALDAN, JAMES PRINGLE, bi GENERAL AGENT. - Marriage I.icenses . (BY AUTHORITY.) Ire at Port Perry. Office, the Scugog House, 2 HENRY CHARLES November 11th, 1869. ae . JOHN. McDONALD, 3 8 { ARBLE DEALER, NEWCASTLE, ONT. MOTNENTS, Tomb-Tables, Head: Stones NE 1 OHAS. THORN, V.S., NEEEER of tie HL. Gold nation. on Horse Prac Author Prize Essay on Shoeing. - Graduated Dr, Thorn begs to announce that he has tak up his residence at Tort iad and is Dow 'pre= estos shuITeL AAT Sheil tact Hh or 5, in 5 dors Jef at the Medical Hall of Messrs. Allies & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. The Veterinary. Stal 1 La oy oPpostis Costs Pay iS found un - Factory. Port Perry, July 27, 1871 30 Veter, Institn 2 Nedalln tor the at ance | tice, ' ofa Sept. 18, q in | 4 Parties, will find it fo their advan: ie to withhold t eir orders until called J. ©. WILLIAMSON, ns] Agent; Satisfaction guaranteed, and all work. war; January 10,1872; Jug eal aiiuine MONRBY. (BRIVATE FUNDA)" good Farms, at 8 per' cent interest LYMAN ENGLISH. t variety; with every description of "| Marble Work, suitabis for od Bde Vl fr Cott ol To loan on Buia, + 400 s Novembsr21, 1866 its County of Ontario,|' Hotels Royal Canadian fotel, PORT PERRY. The Subscriber having leased the above Hotel has fitted up in astyle in keeping with the Sadly increasing business and prosperty ot the Village and neighborhood, and with direct re- ce to comfort and convenience of the Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. Neither labor nor expense whl be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. a HENRY FOX. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER B. PLANK,........... PROPRIETOR. HAM purchased the ahove hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention paid to guests. -- Stages to and from Whitby call daily. ~ Careful ostlers always in attendance. 8 Mackie's Hotel, (LATE BRODIE'S,) WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE. Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA G 00D dations. Careful at J to the requirements of travelers and guests. The barsupplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling. J. DAFOE, Proprietor. Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, J. JENNINGS, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY. A. MASON, ProrrieToR. , This Hotel has undergone a thorough renova- tioh and been fitted np with a view to the com- fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while ebliging an ive hoatlers wil have charge of the stables. Whitby, 20th June, 1870. 25 TAILORING IN ALL ITS" DEPARTMENTS, AT SQUIRE'S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT ! PORT PERRY. JAMES SQUIRE. ort Perry, Oct, 30, 1872. © © 4 HONEY 10 LEND! Has HE niidersignéd has to lend upon Farm § 53.8% 7 Unusually Low Rates ~~ ofuInterest. EE Bes 0 EF) ERE Loans oan bs repaid in any manner to suit and (Wild Dass fog de a ade fn Municip ply to wr # "JAMES HOLDEN, "Official "Assignee, Broker, &e. | OFF10E--Over the Dominion Bank, MoMil- an's Black, Brook st., Whitby. i Whitby April 10, 1872. 16 TT p------ HARLEY'S OBANCES! A STORY OF THE WEST. BY CAPE CHARLES HOWARD, 's Prior to the great financial 'orisis' of 1837, Joshua Martin was deemed the most prosperous merchant inthe then fron- tier city of 8ts Joseph; 'Wisconsin. He was noted for his sterling integrity and stainless character ; and, il he reveled in wealth, be did not" parade it before the eyes of the people. ' He came to St, Soseph in 1831, and at once began. 10 'amass a fortune. Those who preteniled to know, said thatthe mer- chant: operated ir enstern stocks, and that the bulk of his weulth"was staked among the bull and bears of New York. The memorable crash of that decade which embraces the dates above written, ruined Joshua® Martin. He had staked everything in eastern securities, and he suddenly found himeelf a comparative beg- gar. Poorblinded man! He could save noting from the wreck, and be sat among the ruins of his fortunes, like Marius among those of Carthage. Forced to relinquish the imposing residence which, in his eagerness to delve deeper into stocks, he had mortgaged awny, he was obliged to remove his family, consisting of a wife and one daughter, to an humble dwelling ; and from the date of that removal, the Martia® were no more din the fashi society of "St. Jo." The troubles of the bankrupts family did not end here, The blow killed the merchan'. Though a streng man, he could not bear wp under his loss. If a few thousands bad been taken from him at in- tervals, he might bave recovered, and re- gained his lost position ; bat the destruc-- tion of tens of (housands at one sweep of the waves, overwhelmed him. He sank rapidly; snd died, leaviog bis family to buffet the. waves of the world, and to do the best they could among those who once knelt at their feet ; but who now did not dvign to recognize them on the streets, Mother and daughter took quite readily to their new life, They sold much of the gorgeous furniture which had ornamented their lata home ; bub kept the piano, and a few other things which Maumee loved. , Maumee Martin bad grown to bewitch- ing womanhood during ber life in St. Joseph, and ber accomplishments rivalled ber beauty. After the death of her father ~--after her transformation into the child of a despised bankrupt-- she did not shrink from the duties that fell to her lot. bl She must live ; she must earn her daily bread ; aud 0 week after the change of life, we find Maumee Martin plying the seamstress' needle, or giving lessons in music to a few clildren whose parents sent them to her because she taught cheap- er than regular music preceptors. By and by the house which they occu- pied was sold over their heads; but the new owner--a grea!, middle-aged, but somewhat handsome man -- assured them that they should not be turned out. The new owner was a stranger in St. Joseph; but i lately aftar p g the property above mentioned he opened a commission store, and at ouce drew a thriving patronage about him. Andreas Harley, for such was Lis name, came often to the home of the Martins. and reports went abroad to the effect that ¢ My chances are decidedly good," said the merchont one #vening, as be ben{ over tle counting room desk. 'The girl ap~ pears coy, but she will come about in time: People think that I am after the widow ; but [.ngver entertaioed a thought in that direction. The beauty of the daughter would' draw: the. widow's most devoted adinirer to her side. 'That girl's a beau'y. She must become Mrs. Harley ; she shall! Yes," after a long pause, and as he slowly toroed from the desk, ¢ Harley, your h are good--de y good. You own their home, and in the depth of win- CEPT] at| ter you can turn-them out, if Maumee be-. domes stubbord, and says * No »7 [le was the sole occupant of the count~ ing room ; but as he crossed the 'threshold footstep and a voice down the 'dak aisle. ' "Hold a moment, Mr. Harley, Re open the please. I wish a few words with you.trl: UB NL hoki The, mérchant recognized the. voice of | one of bis clerks. As niin | He did not reply, but stepped into the cosy counting~room; closely Followed by Philip Lee, bike Lani L upon the '| quickly, L | funds of the house hava he intended to wed' the bankrupl's widow, | and turned, to lock the door, he heard a | T most © © ANT desire to say appeared. Pt What? cried that again, boy.' young man added-- =. «4 One aft eas, I placed nine lars in the safe, and the following morning forty five were missing," "You hive committed an error in counting, possibly.' : 'If fam count money corgectly when it'is before my eyes, | deserve fo be thrown' out of employment,' said the youth with an insulted sire! Several times dur- ing your absence, have] noticed the pecus. lations of some unknown person.' * Who had access to the safe 2 "I beld the keys, sir, answered Philip quickly. 'I have not missed them a single moment. But the safe bas been 'opened by keys.' Andreas Harley dropped bis head in deep thought, while the clerk stepped to his desk, and summed up various columns of figures on the back of an envelope which he drew from an inner pocket. ¢ Tbree buadred dollars have béén pur~ loined within four weeks,' said Lee, turn-- ing from the desk. 'It staggers me,' returned Harley -- * But we will waich the thief, and if we catch him, he shall have his- reward ' The merchant bega®: buttoning his great coal, and the clerk walked from the room. Andreas Llarley heard him close and lock the outside door of the store, and then stepped toward the desk, bis dark eyes fixed upon an object which lay on it. It was the envelope upon which Philip Lee had been figuring. ¢ I'll look at Ins figures,' he murmured ; but the moment he turned the envelope and stared at the superscription. It was merely * Philipglee ;' but ihe chirography startled the merchant. Those delicately formed letters he bad encountered before, And after closing the counting room door, he half fearfully drew the leiter from its biding place. For a moment his eyes remained fixed upon the brief communication, when be started from his desk while something like an cath fell frcm bis lips. * So, Miss Muumee Martin," be cried burling the letter to ibe floor, and gazing angrily at it, * you possess a lover beside Andreas Harley. Girl--woman--[ will not submit to this. If you prefer the em. ployee to the employer, you must hunt another home. But, by heavens, you shall not wed him, as he stands before the world now. He has held the keys to the safe. [le has robbed it! 'I'he crime shall be fastened upon bim. Harley's chances do not look so bright now ; but | fancy that a littlé sternness will bring the girl to terms, She's a beggar now, al- most. Does she want to marry anoth- er? Then he picked the letter up, read it again, and placed it on the desk where the youth had left it. The contents of the massive did not the Juerhiont 2 while reabivent |, bundred and fifty dol- 2 y------ Flistied with triumph, An {on the morning following Phil "ip Liee's test, bustened 10 the home of vi'e Martins. He often made such calls on bis Wey to the store, snd this: mornivg ke: {ound the: backiupt's family plessed 10 ee liar ""Madmee was in the parlor: preparing y ve ever in her plain dress and unnetted bair. - He did not doff his overcoat; he said be bad not long to stay ; he had siepped in to impart a piece of ivformation which might interest the tenants of his house, RPROL. The . merchant's daughter wondered what the news might: be, as Addreas Harley drew a moraing..jouseal-from his pocket. . - «1am sorry I have occasioned this paragraph,' be said, touching the top of a column of city news; but 1 could not belp it," Maumee took the paper, and, in 8 mo- ment, mastered the account of Philip's arrest. ¢ Mr. Harley, cannot yon be mistaken?' she asked, when she looked from the paper with palid face. ¢ No, Maumee ; the proofs are con- vincing sgeinst him,' he answered, and then, while tke fair girls head lay on her bosom, and her eyes, swimming with tears fell on the floor, Le left his chair and , came to her side. ¢ Girl," be said, ¢ is Philip Loe anything 10 you ?' Maumee quickly drew her hand [rom bis grasp, and started to her feet. ; ¢ [le is something 10 m=,' she cried, facing the merchant, through whose scheming she seemed 10 bave seen instant ly. *He is much 10 me--and more, Au dreas Harley, lie never robbed your safe!' The merchant, for some moments, did not know what to say, but at last he found his tongue. ¢ Girl, be is guilty, I greatly regret to say ; but you can save him.' ¢ low, Mr. Harley ?' ¢ By becoming. my wife! I can liber ate him, and on such conditions the doors of the jail shall be open to him.' Fire flashed in Maumee Martin's dark eyes. ¢ Andreas Harley,' she cried, ¢yonder is the door the door that leads icto the street," aud with quivering finger she pointed to the portal. ¢ "This house is mine !" he said. ¢ I care not.' ¢ I can tura you out into the snow.' There is the door ! 1 wish to live un- der such bounty as yours nog longer.' ¢ I will not go until you oN aes 10 be. come ny wile," said the merchant sternly, At that moment the widow entered the room, and Maumee sprang into the cham- ber which her mother bad just vacated. An instant later she appeared, benring a musket of quant and clumsy work. manship, "Go, Andreas [Tarley,' she cried, in a determined tone. ¢ Mo her please open the door for the plotter,' amount to much. It was merely a reply to one Which, during business hours, Philip Lre had sent her ; but the appli- cition of ** Dear Philip" bad opened a mine of information to Andreas Harley. He bad never encountered his clerk at the home of the Martins. They bad spoken of him but once or twice, and then casually ; and he' had suspected nothing util the letter was thrown in his way. Several days of quiet preceded ibe bursting of the storm. Clerk and employer encountered each other often, but no unusual words passec between them. It was evident that Andreas Harley was displeased at some thing, but he tyok care 10 conceal his displeasure as much as possible, x 'I'he night following the one that wit- pessed the sceoe in the counting-room Je- scribed above, witnessed the robbery of the safe. This time thirty dollars were abstracted apd Andreas [larley called one of bis clerks, Theodore his desk and acquiinted him with tbe facts. Mason, upon being asked if be suspect 'ed anybody, said : Lee." « . The merchant started at the announce- went, but, a fash of triumph stole to 'his temples. * | saw Lee standing by tha store, last night at eleven, while § was going home from ihe club,' continued Mason, evincing an eagerness to unburden himself of some- thing that preyed upon his mind. ¢ He did not speik as I « passed bim, but perhaps he did not see me, as it was raining and be cartied his umbrella low--a Little lower than was necessary, [ fancy. ' i ¢ | am on the nght trail, said: Andreas Harley, and yes)'; feigning a sorrowful tone, * | da not want to thiuk the purloin. er is Philip Lee,' Mt ¢ Nor do I, said Mason ; ¢ but circum~ stances cepdemn him. I could, tell you 'more, Mr. Harley, but I do mot like to speak against Philip.' Andreas Mason to unbiurden his mind further con-- concerning Phillip Lee, and that night the accused clerk found himself in 'the clut-| ches of the law. wan} hai «The arrest 'was so quietly Conducted that the public were unaware of the tram- ¢ Well ?' be inquired, turnivg suddenly flarley pursuaded Theodore |; Wondering what lal transpired io mar the friendship existing between Maumee and the merchant, Mrs, Martin opeged the parlor door, and Andress Harley with clenched hoods and vengelul spirit strode from the room. No sooner had be departed than Mau- mee dropped the gun, and threw herself into her mother's urms. "Oh, mrother ! mother P she cried, vow swiftly one misf riune follows another, -- Bui,' and she lilted ker head, * Philip shall not be coudemned! (le shall not fall the victim of a conspiracy--never I" Yet that day the Martins wer: driven from beneath the roof which had sheltered them since their first great misfortune, and they found a t mporary abode with Pliflip Lee's widowed mother. Maumee soon learned the particulars of her lover's arrest and preliminary examin-- ation, and the following diy she purchased a pistol with a portion of her musical earn. ings. : When night came she made her way to Theodore Masou's chamber, and startled the clerk by ber abrupt appearance. The young man's face assumed a death Due and Maumee's ental ejaculation was . "I've found 'he right man." She: knew knew much of 'Theodore Mason's habits, and she julged bw lo be the robber of the merchants safe. ft fi st he denied the charge, but when he saw the pistol clutched by the giil's"air bands, he changed Ins tune. ; -, He wrote bis confession on paper; and Maumee called a young lawyer into the room to witness the signature. hat cop fession implicated pl, Me tHarley. The clerk had been detected in- bis crimes by the merchant, who bad promised te pardon him it he would aid im Lo conyie! who, in time wedded Mav ' Young Mason was permi ted and when Harley heard of ihe y | be. hastily disposed of his s'ore and'{ollon= ¢ (Xho gulty clerk left bebind the e. ys with which d in fr § fe, nad they stil bang ous Hote of "Dilip. Eo Chicago's merchant princes: A True Bal D acticn till the mornin, rs placed before their eyes. g Bs pl