BE a . ¢ « Epp - "/'" 'Parmers will finda splendid 16¢ of reliable freshly tol Turnip, Seed. of the most ap- proved kinds. "Highest price === A POLITICAL DUKL, «TV N. Gibbs, Esq. M. P. for South Outario, having had an important prefix (Hon ) attached to his nama in eonse-- guence of his being &ppointed Secretary oT State for the provinces, was sent back 10 his constituents to see if they ap- proved of the. decoration and if they oonsidered thé mppointment comme 17 faut. Or, in other words, the Govern. went says in effect to the electors of South Ontario do you desire to see the county but especially' your riding honor- éd by your representative hating a seat in the cabinet, One would suppose that every elector in the riding Would regard the preferment of theft répresentative as 8 personal favot and be only to glad to eéndotse the action of the Government, © "Beéing they have returned Mr. Gibbs once and again when only a simple member one might reasonably expect his unopposed return when a methber of Government, This appears, however, not to be the case for one Mr. Holden, OR. Assignee for South Ontatio has challenged the sitting member to a po- litical duel.' Of ¢ourse if no one were to interfere fie contest would be a short one, Mr. Gibbs would wipe out his antagénist in the shortest possible notice, 4s it is he will'soon despatéh him 5 but the crowd interfering will protract the struggle and 'create an unnecessary rumpus without achieving anything fur- ther. Surely no one will imagine for a moment that Mr. Holden has a ghost of a chance as against Mr, Gibbs ; and to bring on an election contest under the circums:ances is' rather expensive re- venge and would exhibit the most un. accountable inconsistency, first in eleot-- inga man by large majorities when ont of office and seeking to un- seat him because he accepts office.-- We can scarcely believe however that Mr Holden or any other man will. be found willing to place himself in a position so patpably ridiculous for no other than the doubttul gratification of a little brief ngtor- iety. Very likely, however, the farce won't be carried any further than the nomisa tion; it will then have secured its object as far as notoriety is concerned and this is the most which can be looked for under the circumstances. any furtber would doubiléss sécare a fot oriety more to be avoided than courted, create a world of annoyance aiid unneces- sarily set the community in each other's cas, wit » . 7G ROLLING: *" Under soy circuwstances the business "of "Jog rolling" cannot be conducted: " witlizuny degteo of safety, in the darki-- "Oi dourse every species of log rolling" "belongs to that particular class of "deéds" spoken of in the big book for all kinds of Farm Pro- ++ dues. Also Oash for all kinds of Grain: 1a ADAM GORDON. .1 Burt Perry, June 8, 1873. Induvin Bhserher. i sot nda PRINCE ALBERT, JUNE 19,1873. EDITOR, To carry 'the joke on! worthy M., C. C.: any. of the mistakes which we have referred to above ; but bis plaiat over the holy side walks leading to the is always bard) is rich -ia its way and brings 10 our recollection a 'side. walk police: which appeared the other week io an Omaha journal. The editor warns bis fair readers that the side-walks in Omaba abound in holes the size of a lady's foot, and that only the other day he them. PATHMASTERS. Under the present municipal reigme the industrious sons of all our rural sec. tions are busily engaged in the laudable attempts to mend their ways in ' the per- formance of their statute labor. The system is perhaps not the best which might be adopted but it would be difficult, taking everything ibto considera. tion, to suggest a plan which would be more satisfactory to the community ia the meantinte ; bat.we believe that the time is not fir distant when a change will be made in this matter. {a divisions where all ate aBreeable and all seek to perform faith- fully, in the interest of the public; the amount of work for which (ley are rated the present systesi works siigothly and leaves fiule room for change ; but * where discord and contention prevail the present system cannot'be wrought with any degree of comfort or profit. We have now be- fore us an fnstance of this jarring in one of our road divisiéns which culminated on Saturday evening last by parties being brought before T'. C, Fornian, Esq., for refusing to perform their statute labor.-- The matter is scarcely worlh ofice and we would siot have referred to it here bot for the wisapprehensivn which has gone abroad concerning it. On the 15th of May our township council appointed the pathmasters for the current year and the name of Andrew Graham was inserted for division No. 13. When the appointment for that beat came Up a petition was presented asking that one J. Gilroy should be appointed, but owiog to an informality in the petition, oras some asser!, a misunderstanding, the pelition was laid-on the table and Mr. Grabsm was appointed, the by-law passing through its three readings and beiog sign- ed and sealed, At noon some menibers of Council et Mr. Gilroy and. in corversation cil) bad been mistaken as to. the party petitioned for to supplant Mc.. Graham as pathmaster of division 18. So sthe Council when they resumed after dinner by tacit agreement obliterated the name of Mr. G } and inserted that of Mr, Gilroy. * Bul this action' dalla ot effect the'by-law. S¥,. of conrse, still rem| master, Of iy the Couricil IhECHéR in notified Mr. Gilroy thathe fad téceived the. appointment of. pathmaster. Mr, Graham, however, Jearning that he 'was the'legally appointed. pathmaster went to the:clerk and by the aithority - of: the tke Dominion, and we say well done, go The charge to which we refer was from the pen of one of our late M. C. C's. It appeared in the last week's issue of that Of course we don't attribute to our late our worthy M. P. P' house (the way of saw a boy 6 years old fall through one of learned that they (the members of coun- |: no less acceptable on that sccount, | is a grand sight to wiles (le ott fo dé Botor to and epcotirage ope o wort et the Port Perry Standard ihe land, and to show fo fo the officers and is to't ¥ following effect : -- and teachers that their highly important "1 hed 16 visi¢ our worthy member, iS t, win th Sogncet Tn: discerning public. We bave no sympathy Situ ofthe Brat. Jey are full of holes | with those weeping ones who would fain heaven. Let the children have light ! being present. x Don't forget the grand time promised 'Tuesday the 220d and 24th inst: Services will be held on Sabbath at 10 a.m. and at 2 p. m. On Tuesday there will be a grand time tions, Dialogues, lots of fine music and a capital tea in the afternoon, and a fine Concert in the Brick Church in the even ing under the direction of Prof. Wyait. The Maple Grove Union Sunday School held in School Section 'No. 3 Scugog, are preparing &n ineresting en- tertaiament for all who attend their An niversacy which is to be Leld on Sabbath and Monday June 220d and 23¢d. : Services on Sabbath will be held, at 2 pm; Rev. Mr. Ferghson will preach. 'The exercises will commence on Mon. day at 1 p. m. and will consist of a num--- ber of suitable addresses by. rev. gentle. men and others. Recitations, Dialogues, &e., by the children. A generous supply of choice music under the direction of Mrs E. M. Pringle, winding up with a pleasant social tea. We hope and expect to see 0 large turnout. " Parties may rely on a fine time. (See Posters.) » The Utica W. M. Sunday School will bold their - Anniversary on Sabbath aad Monday June' 220d and 23rd. Appro- priate sermons will be preached on Sab- bath at 2:30 and 6:30 p. m. The exercises on Monday will be pleasantly diversified--appropriate ad- dresses by rev. gentlemen and others.-- Recitations, Dialogues, &o., by the child- ren and a.liberal supply of choice. music. Dinner at I and Tea at 6 p m. There will also 'be a concert in the evening, Professor Wyatt superintending the music ; there will also be speaking in the evening. re "A plossant and profitable time' may be looked for. (See Posters:)' Tite Manchester Union Sttidag Sendo! will celebrate ibeir Anniversary for 1873] (at the P. M. Church on Thursday, 26th June. They promise oné of the very best 4 ' plovide such. The exercises will' coli- mente at'2 pi m. 'abd will consis € of uit. sble "addresses by 'rev.' gentlemen gad others ; recitations, 'dialogues, &.," by (lie children, and' choice music. wo "Feil on' the tables from 4 (iNY' 'pf. * "Professor 'Wyatt' sind 'his' excellent 'ehioir 'will give & Concert in' 'the '¢vening. There will' be 'some 'speaking "in the evediiig by the school childred and other (Sed bt pris Sok Lg tl ER LR A " fi eal a an entiré locality, yoidg sind pr " thrust, children foto the Linaer . prison #nd put their feet fust into the stocks" asd keep them there from year to year Without permitiing one gleam of joy to Bead upon their counteasnée of a fugitive laugh to escape their lips; parties who would ¢ram with vinegar and gall to the com- plete: exclusion of the balmy dews of The Epsom W. M. Sunday School held their Anniversary services yesterday, but circumstances over which_we had no control. deprived us of the pleasure of at Gfeenbank P.M. Sunday School As- niversary to be held on Sabbath and in Mr. Bear's bush. Addresses, Recita-- ![ hour the fire 'completely destroyed Craw- 'entertaitments and {hey know well 'howto |. | &re most c nveniently situated. . (|, Aoother Fory excellent offer was made f distance fr pany was a generous coe, amalgeiation. Od motion the meeting adjourned fo meet at Milligan's Hotel, Uxbridge, on Tuesday, 30th ipst. Lots or Fiast Crass Harness -- Our readers will find Mr: Rolpl's new advertisement in our advertising columns of this issue. whole business in his new aod commodi- ous premises at Port Perry, [See his ad- vertisement, GET READY YOUR PLOWS, BOYS The Council of the Provincial Agricaltar- al Aseociation have determined on having four Provincial Plowing Matches during the present vear. "The matches to be held a lour canvenians localities ihraughout' the province. Ode of them ought to be held in the County of Ontario. ANOTHER DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. The village of Uxbridge has during it somewhat brief existence as a separate in- corporation has been most unfortunate in the matter of fires. Uxbridge, Jone 16.-- Au 6. p.m. thia evening a fire broke ont in an vnocenpied stablejon Brook street in rear of the Dotin- ion Bank. A strong wind was blowing from the north-west, and in less than one ford'a livery sta iy bles and dnving sheds, L¥icDougal's Jewelery store, the Anglo- Amerieati hotel, and several dwelling houses and ott houses, fiunlly reaching the finest dwelling honse inthe village the pra- petty of Mr Plank, leave nothing but the bate Walls standing. . Before 'the fire was subdued, » »quare of i AD futon » pro- ny. was destroyed, including a lurge Dock of Taraty and cordwaod. The for by the fire: ave: Mr. Plank.' whowe house was valued at $10,000, and Mesars. Bolster Burton¢ Bell, and ove or {wo otbers, whose hames 'we coalil not ascertain. The village haa no engine. the ratepayers have peti- tioned for one some time ago. : \ The 'amounts covered 1b insurance are but trifling when compared to Toss! Mr Planks elegant roperty had : onl, urance of giao0. Mir. Bells Tose will rook Hi bes on, r. Crawford loses all bis wintef ten, sleighs, cutters, robes, and his livery nay well supp od with these the loss must be eavy. He saved all his horses and summer rigs. = ---- DELEGATES. The Delegates from Canada to the Grand Conference of the loyal 0 ange Association of the British Empire, to be held at Glas- cow, Scotland, ou Tuesday, 15h July, ate Col. Mackenzie Bowell, [18 P. Most" Wor- ehiptul Grand: Master of the. G. O. L. of Canada ; D'Arcy. Boulion, Esq., Q C. Dep- uty Grand Master, and Provincial Graud Masteriof Outario Wast ; Herbert' S. Mage: donald, M. A., M.P.P,, Pigvinejal Grand Mueler 'of Ontario Eust; Rev.' Wm. M. Pauyson; Deputy Grand Chaplain, Co-Del- igate (rom the Most. Worshipful. G. L,; Oronbivaicks, M.D, Go Degrie from the G. 0.L. of Ontario East. : LIVELY TIMES IN SOUTH ONTARIO. u A Warrey, Jane 16 ~The writ for a new election for South Ontario, was received here on Saturday, by the returning officer, Mr. J. Hem Perey; wh mmediately igsded his v v " 3 1" ere od for Monday, the Z5id instant, and the polfing for the B0rhy, © <1 7 evening, Mr. Was. upanim u Parligm, oy di well to accept of it, The grounds' fys Joint "stock company ; the ' grounds offered by them confain 13 acres and the best, if rot the very best institution in would make choice show grounds but the m the village render them inconvenient for agriculiural. show pure labors of love are not overlooked by afR%s: Bat the offer made by the com. The Boardangd the representatives of the township society came 'to terms of He has concentrated his |. o ed; no. insutance. a ' 0 d cand, din Jo sons iN, Gee form RE (10 $2,000 -- No insurance. allow him to insure. Hes a Menoniat. g ~ #45, etl A -- ti. STOPPED TOO $00N, --- rk # Brown, dealer in all sort gentlemen's wearing apparel." ---------- ARISTOCRACY OF LAW, leering of some of the British laws is given by an English 'sgricoltoral paper which gives an account of a trial in Devonshire of the accused said that within the last fort oight the rabbits had eaten and destroyed 2,000 of his cabbage pla a field and seeing a rabbit eating his cab- bages, with the other defendant, chased jt animal out of the hole when the prosecutor came up The Magistrates said that the defendant's i was perfectly juetifi able under the circumstances, but they were bound to go by the Act of Parliament, aud inflicted a fine of 10s. and costs. " -----d 0 ANOTHER LIGHY TRANSFERRED. MonTrEAL, June 17,-- The funeral of Sir George E. Cartier to-day was very largely attended, and the obsequies were very im- posing and impressive. Delegates alterd- ed fiom all parts of the Dominion. Re- Quiescatrin pace. WELCOME STRANGER. Owen Sounn, June 13.-- At 15 minutes past eight this evening the first train from oronto, ou the Tyrone, Grey and Bruce railway, arrived, baving on Board the Pres. ident, Chief Engineer, and Directors of the road, and'a few members of the Ontario Government. The patty was met amidst great rejoicing by the Mager and the cor- poratiun, the band of the 31st Battalion and a very; large nomber of our citizens, A supper was given by the corporation 10°the party at the Queer.'s hotel. -- Ex. ------- A GREEN EYED MONSTER. Nzw York, June 13.-- In Zdekin County North Carolina, on Saturday, John Hal- combe, a. young farmer, deliberately shot dead his wife, on hor arserting her inten- tion to leave home and visit Salisbury, and then puta bullet throngh his own heart, He was wealthy, and very jealous of his wife. --_-- ep ---- THE SCHOOLMASTER AMONG BARNUM'S SHOWMEN. News was sent to Mr, Bainum, written on the back" of a card, by the elephant trainer, and read 'as follows :--1¢ Mr, Bar num one of the elophants is ded, He died of information." el A --e ee. MonTpELiER, Vi., June 16.-- Yester~ day, inthe 10wn of Calins, a party of about, 20 persons were out upon a emall pond for 8] pleasure, ride, using two boats, which were bridged together. One immediately hagan (0 fill with water, and evon capeized. Five 'vere drowned, viz = Lalayette Sechout, wife anddavgniei, Ms. MeKnizah and Lydia, ® daughter of W. E. T¢ bey. -- in an unconscious state but were restored. Brapromrb, June 16.~ During the stormy 'on' Saturday lust, a new frame barn belong- ing to Mr. Rober: Wood, West Gwillimbury was struck by lightning and totally destroy+ Deigo Uidion of he 17h of Aphit fine flock, of, atti he wool shorn a of feeling ad a. ay hopes were entertained by Mr #0 Somitinsas eirs struck' a ono of the moat epirit- ireamiete mails net ih mont ep nd WHAT THEY ARE DOING IY er > il tik In 1 This én obit oS {1A WA, June 16. N idl Ere : - 3 itl bd given, cverone hiurdied fo "an e. + ke of four: ra bio i having been shorn I xcéllentiqualify --8 in million men, TALL 1 re aber ihe Shetern aeotion of the county of Waterloo a farmer named Snider, near Berlin, had his barn struck by light- ning and burned. Fortunately the barn was emply or nearly go; but a fine bull tied behind was destroyed. The loss amounts Mr, Snider's religious principles will not # A sign paiater recently decorated the side of 8 pew house in an English tow:, with these words in staring capitals: Mrs « of ladies." The town was in a tamult of wonder as to what might be the nature of such a business, the paintgry recovering front u week's illuess, finished Kis work by adding "and | A glaring instance of the aristocratical Iwo respectable farmers on a charge of trespassing on a neighboring estate. Oue of :0 a hole in the hedge. of a neighboring] farm, and were endeavoring to get the As many more were taken from the waten| ul Boo'wi L lin says Shelby vi demning her, and oui Ado tial meet rone and means to nts, and going into i lerpentin drachm'; with the Past with off and a process a be two or afraid of | Eo 34 voles. years, sai years you B22 fw] Tesponded &pirits of 1 pint each oF eratiom, is e'tone ns itie eye, a je the Emperor. ; Loxpon, June 14.-- A despatch from Ber- very weak, and requires absolute quiet in order 1p effect a esppation. health, = . New, York, Jun don'cotrespon confifues seriovely ill. present his condition to be alarmi pARmMEgS TTING WRATHY. InpraNarorts, of farmers and laboring men was held st dresres were made, and resolutions PREPARING FOR THE STRUGGLE. Hanmrron, June 14. Large and influen- of granting a bonus of $50,000 10 the Ontario aod Quebec Railway, and resolations were unanimously passed to use all 'legitimate ed upon on Tuesday last in the township of Darlington. The by-law was. , H.B.K., of séflerson Co., Pa., gives in the Rural New Yorke for June, the follow. ing remedy for epavin.--Tuke pulverized cantharides, 1 0z.; mercorial ointment, 2 0z8. ; tincture of iodine, 1} oz. ; spitits of when you want lo apply, tri 'wash well, and then anooini. tried iand it never tdiled 10 afify a cure, Itigalso good for curbs, aplin 880. 1. . vi Dean says :-- Put a 1oe-0 the side of the. font whire thie-strai L have stopped a number ia this way. * Bcwmanvise, June 17.--The Town=) ship of Darlington went against the by-- law, granting $30,000 to the Ontario and Quebec Railway, A Piofeseor, in explaining to the class of youhg ladies the theory aceording to which the budy is entirely renewed every seven ee et -- REMEDIES FOR SCRATCHES, i A J. B. Lon éayss--Wash the pars efloct- ed with sup suds, wi white lead," On ordiuary case. same as used in ordinary painting, just as | iteomes f 3 M. ti. Fy anys: ~ Wash and Castile soap'; before using it. 1 insure this to cure. aller a few applications. Sleep obiained two hours befora mid night; when the negative forces are in op- the rystem, giving bri and a glow to the heat, in the andearance of person who habit- etires al 10 o'clock, and that of one its up tif) 12 is 4 Teaies, is\in Foren of health, C 1 taking it rest two b ibs a Sask a Sn ling. the. , "by 1" Theres vemembbetor ne a neva 2 i ' expros readily diati late hours,~ 1a age slam and e-- be mentioned. : S501 4A / « Modumeé said & veiy pull traveler | RE I eaguiat m it 5 wf it hovw what here 5 amy 'ney i he mk Hi | A h of the Empetor William continues nef. F illiam rivate adgices re- i ent Ths Hera time, \ June 14-- A large meeting' marker Ile, Indiana, to-day. Several @d- the salary grab, railroad monopo- monied aristocrats. were unanim- pred. ; | There * | of eat ings were held yesterday, at' Ty- Enniskillen to disepés the subject P carry the by-law, which was voi- Rev. Mr «by a majority of WonrTh KNOWING, Youngest of Scar ©, 2 028. ; COrUSEIVA & iblimate, 1} lard, 1 poucd. Mix well, aod m the hair, Rab it in band. Two days after greass the larfl, and in two days mote, wash pply the ointmen." Repeat the \ There fade dping ous At Lindsay, oni Monddy,' 16th inst.' ps Mr Paterson, Mt, Gorge Powel Wis Albert, to Miss Emily youngest daught, Peter Fleury, of Fleasant Point, Mariposa. At the residence of the bride's father, on the | hie Rev! Josep Hie, Mr. oe ohnsoa, of Greenbank, to Miss the, t daughter of James Tanson, Fsq, boro. vs : : At Prince residence of McCaw---Mr. ears. | d and Frange~thedagter having export- ed in 1872 u ual a hi ; -- Tub il of ih hand ad Bot sre short, aad the prospect for a good market ere BALL eb ig pire 7H £2 ox 28 Banus f18Gvory Dotibtless all our markets Lave touched ¥ bottom fai the pedsent isehin, prives Win most likely point upwards at least for a [of spin t is being done is a little more firm, Fall, Wheat takes from $x15 10 $1.30, Sprig from: 81 17 Wool hov:rs around 34 den to 8148. is not. yet much 'chai ge le" but that must' go" t f-" Ta ge quantities of wool and other farm pro lucts are being brought into 'our markets. and the very. highest pricey are always paid for gli gooJ produce. . " mARRIED. aterson, er of Me. 12th inst., by t KE. Tobomn DIED, Albert, on the 19th inst; at the his _ father-in-law, Mr. H., H. J. 8. McCorquodale, aged 26 Deputy gm rea I Toykf SEE 2g yan IG Having appointed 'T', C. Forman, Esq. to act for, me Ehisasrer ofthe Reach, ® long as necessary, which will Scugog and Port Perry Agriculiural three weeks. You need uot be i ios! 'ha i i ita injuring your: horse 1 have | S°Ciely. patties! having! business to Society alk on co lL The VOTED DOWN, > LISELI by a majority. of -- .. NOT. muca. = 2 d:--4 Thus, Ais B., in sevan will in reality bo no_longer Miss really hope I shan," demurgly thé girl, casting down her eyes. pe dry, sed paintwith ie applisition will core un 5 {The lead fo be weed is ine L 10m the keg. } with warm, water then take equal parts of erpentine and siveet vil--eny one 3 putin a bottle and shake well His IMPORTANCE 70 ALL. the rest which must recuperate« tness to he eye 'The difference Anite remarkable. -- of the syétem, so evident in the 0 .cli and sparkle of the lines of the 'kept at th nd the softness of Thank accorded p) Se hia Lan absence of that renders it .(resh in nd in appear key nn ngtishes the person who kepps N skin, ., inden te, | --------i pon his forehes sont by mail 0a place | i] June 18, IN PORT PRRR Now presents to the Public, the largest.and stock of - Port Perry, June 18, 1873. tranact with me as' Treasurer of said will plebde tefer the matter to { x td Of i Mr. Forman, Directors will have the goodness to make their returns of Members 10 Mes Forced fw ithout: delay ba wines @Wime for making said few days as the his retus by the close of) The: present month or forfeit the Guvernment returns expires in a Treasurer must-make grant. WM. 8COTT, i "Tread R38. & pp. A 5. 1873. ol il SL LM Sl ERR eather! "pus Subseriber having remota the whole yr Ins business to slid' £ 'New Premises! - Buil ¥ Harness, Saddles, WHIPS, "TRUNKS, VALISES, Pe a No hog of Sis) 89 x fy SATISFA SURTHons 1h Fah Cheer CTION- ~ GUARANTEES | ira Sustodiers for the liberat support uring the © he will do his utmost ty Berlih nen vente same, ; TER Var 0" sO nob / ' ; BUSDAY SOROOL ANNIVERSARIES.| Directors' Metin. --The adjourn-- The Sus Bebool Anniverdary may | #0 Meeting of the Board of Directors; of | ; oustable for that; Minute iain all o [6 N.OUE. D. Agi ultral Society | al E : ny Sg ares ou ttm a vows sod ata etn in ras held uF Blade' Hotel; Us Bridge, on int, the reorient; from iho Diy rial - be. ra O olig and ng nc 1 | pean aicpoion by though of aut 50 61 in. be Sin on arte pone ote ta hn Er. ut ms cuit SO4 VI Ore IR Wer 815 | bet chive for considerable prid br 0 YHA IE tors aT DASE op of lo hema, Tho Car: save ve mufy bravidostars* itl. -- Gir; ol 3 by afore the time.arrives and reflected oy with FePE®Ments for show gronpds and desid | PISS) testimonidl conststa ul a bantre) lise sre éibigglipg hard for the See ev at Via wionly with Hui We ate led info these feinarke by a little less pleasure for long Liwie after | i"8'ON terms of amalgamation on" Whicki plese, wean abr; two fruit Baskotoy Touel | | varying sucosss. Senor Costelar pra- ing Woter ox Milks Fach pack id deiase)- _[sotheWhat edtravagant charge of neglect ishe season bas passed... To fact the Avni |ilie Uxbridge township society may be |i ruil stands and two sugar basins, In | poses to divide the couniry. ito 13 fedeisl| Chemists, London," "fof dity preferred against the. corporation | yures wiioet Ve Wageblied ae oo rived Re in the benefit all tweuit-one Disoms. 3 ge centre states and of bourse establish ¢ (ederal re- | / We will of Port Perry, a charge which to 'us ap- | edsential part of our a Schoo 0 | of the Society's ow of 873. Tp es I ; te ! Jhesription ihe | Publis, = - WEL unt : oi pears most unloaded 5 for that corpota- -- oa heroin The Board accepted {hie offer of J. Bank of Dontres], by de rs ol 3 Frapes attére mn Franses are ina un: | by xh ik 4 Co, ma ifscuor. Soman doing Malt an Litor; ud in th | where many thousand of our best and | P: PI0ok, Enq. Mr. Plaok_ agroes |e soness mesma sene fh riotous Thu sucionigars, have +8 9 Flore yriier a heid works iv she i fs J a Ebest » 6 Soi \ the nihel ion of the Bank ather slim chaficg to relain the reins. of hold Guide. NDID STOCK gigan'ic effoits whioh it is patting forth i0 { most promi iy "together to ny oy a twenty Jos lease of Building in aphou eh pies bouts] Corer one. I ae way of fftérdial improvement, it is- set 1k fi -| he use (oF the purposes of their annual | the monogram « E. H, K.," a _is_orga-| i ARR Sabpitan swan «. Which intending purchasers will mow find ri hi den all oti umn lets me. show) of 8} acres of land 'well fenced meuisd by mie Baits fii liver a in ne = hr? RRC) 1 uneplonsar Goods, very low. Sn ths | Corporations. Why 1 it is raising: (hat | sabrifice) for thio misty Dldssings, rebetvad| *0d With dultable buildings, peits, 85 | Garrwind, Londony Erliste and 1s valoed re porta of ef Prenidons Toiare and} Ea Fit dl de X gn ich custo will Ip oaduped village, which but yesterday, as it were, during the ast yesr, expecially a (he | the Society to pay $50 for each yéar in [at $10,000. ' : ia eaid to ave--tod- i as botng firm-ni-higher-ratesr--Pirarwemher A etoimtes itr. rely On opiiaing § fol benefit was only an insignificant hamfet; 16 the [blessed institution of the Sinday. School. | Whish the show is Field on the rounds. ; AN EXPENSIVE OREED, with M. Gam, i ginog bi Era bes been bert | Be the' cxiabiive'SUOck of Dress Gods Frnt | 514108 of on of the 'most active enter-. OF course they do'not square {hemselbés Suiivetiods einuiten sto ol if HOH ina vod vielen ghuoter] Tp vt oll 'Ta 5! aie,ont| MOE oe, Ut Ri tiers (| Tho lt uingry,. Boole. and Shoes, &c. | prising, thorough-going business towns in 0p and groan over it, but, their 'offeriog a burik cer fhe cater ao aa of aod Lit fi lan Q n 4 i 2 8 ¥ : od