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Port Perry Standard, 28 Feb 1867, p. 2

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\.. such eljects, which must resnlt [CHEAP R\ILWAYS, - iter of very considerable inter. he country has been undér nt Toronto, being that of struction oft cheap rai for the performan Two meetings tbe lust one' resu could be eR Id case this R00 per ile, it the legisla- th which the Jupimtdek Lil (ls npon which 1 TMISt necass ger agdrinore im' a con rappliance: fifteen mi he maximum ilways as with is 'that kills. onal specd at- of mn teri [10 a wo. | ot 'only iad ptry, from Toundon ple; through which d prove a blessing to €, but fret cost being heavy is willing' to faunch apon the crprise. But if it eodld be seen that local road could be construct: ed cheaply, the trains ran'at'a'mod- rate speed; § and wear and 'tear iced to alyery 1ow point, shich a QreMmight present itself fuvoura- he people. "A competent en~ sloronto 'hae furnished the g£ As dita' of approximate a railway of miles on the ft. Bin. guage: -- 11, 401bs per yard at ..$2,488 550 LI earthwork, at 1 1,700 $a ds ballast, ut 20c.. "2469 roy fencing, at 60¢,... 00,000 +4 4,05110,000 15,000 6 passenger cars at $1,00 3 baggage cars & 8700. Hand and seg! 4 terminal station.houges, . -¢ engiue houses and mach! '| chasing uniform for the: new volun "| cheers for President Roberts ard English gpldiers and to mect English rifles, we will go there with the olive branch in one hand and the sword in the other, and how well we can use the latter they. already know. The people of Canad the army of th prisoners, and said that a mizister of God was made to do menial work, and for every indignity offered, he would he revenged 4 Ahonbaned times. He referred to the battle of [Ridreway, whore 400 liad whipped 1;600 British soldiers, and said Toronto is England on asmall sca e. Ere many mouths voll aver our heads there will be somebody besides udge Wilson to administer justice t 1d or 'where it Wadd' be inaugurated. the speaker "argued in favor of at- tacking Canada, | urged varions reasons whighy ob recite, in v-he could diy Safoul hours; but this mast not be allowed, he guid, Cunadw is 'the Koy to Irish liberty nnd we wiht 'to rasp it in our hands and open the lock, | Cana- da, is tho, country made 'by. nature and ordained by God; through which Trish liberty must be attained. The speaker here'pat it to vote" whether ireland was not 'ever' at' war with England, and thé unanimous re- sponse was in the affirmative.' He said, for my pat, knowing how near we are to the final leap which shull curry us before them, I know | we shall have the sympathy of the Irish people, all over the world. Mr. Morison' requested those who were ready to eruss over the border with the army of the Irish Republic to come upon the stage. and ina few minutes fifty young men came for- ward and were promptly enrolled, A subscription was then started, and $200 was paid in towards puar- teers. In this, Justice Murray led the way with a sabsaription of $100, at the same time pledging $1,000 casli when thie first move should 'be made. The meeting adjourned with Senator Morrison ,--Spedaior. Che Put Perry Standard ¥ lonydelMany who are fom: usploged hei thors who Wire carrying on bau have to regk o tnd comfortable! of our' 18ading', *+:Canal, " -- HOUSES | HOUS:S 1 We must again press upon the attention of the inhabitants of Por Perry the, i n with their familics in the neighboring ages ar8 gompetled to bogrd at | the Hotels, very much to their incon: venience. Twenty houses at least should be built ato, anda' aril greater nuniber would find occapanta within a vey, fo an; completion. } owners of village property will may; in the matter without delay. . There aro mary vacant Iota gow producing uvothing, . that; might ba, turned to profitable account, if the pre prietors would cteot upp (hem moderate sized dwellings. ' A few. men, lave recently |. our accommodations, and will doubt less do their utmost to meet the utill existing necessity, but it is scarcely fair to expect them to do everything. In this connection 'we wduld notice the erection of a neat two story frame cottage on Queen Street, by Mr. Geo Robinson, intended as a dwelling for himself and family. That section of thie village "promises to 'become a favorite location for private houses, and we should not be surprised "if, within a very short time, both sides of the gravel road, from Port Perry to Borelia, will be "thickly studded with comfortable residences. i CONSERVATIVE MEETING. K meeting of thie conservatives 'of Reach was held in the Public Hally Prince Albert, on "the evening 'of Saturday last.' "0 j Mr. Graham, the Reeve, was called || to the chair, and Mr. Yarnold a pointed Secretary. sate A communication 'wis rece from Mr. Cameron, stating Tio not be present. In it werea {to the part he had taken Fenian trials; and the Georgian Bay | « Mr. Cameron wi nominated, 'and the meeting pledged to support him. A' deputation "'was "appointed. to wait upon Mr. Currie, fur the pur- b AND NORTH ONTARIO ADVERTISER, & : sid ge cost pel Embankment 10 ft. wide Cuttings, 13 » By the mednd of ruilways so con- structed and worked, and which would bo used for local and not through business, 4 vast develope- | ment of the eountry might take place As an illustration of how cheaply they might be worked one has oul need to look at the London aud Port Stanley, which, thoaghi opened nnder isadvantages, has been run ically as'nofgonly to pay expenses, but Mas wiped off jobligations, "and been so main. to be in a' better condition when it was opencd to the ut then there is a prompt but small staff. | No nscless hangers on are allowed, and every "penny is made to bring & peuny's worth. True, the trains age at not run at ex- speed, but they are so timed as et the wi nts of our travelling and convey. the passengers, bly apd safely from month ft. In the coming.local leg- PB opportanities. will present pselves. fur securing powers to tgwet cheap railrqads, roads par ing more of the charptter; of ¥5, und worked, by light ins cugive engines, and piher rolling stock. 'The pnblie, demain; may be well applied in the furtherance of or 5 ig-ely. i the development uf the It IN, BUFFALO, g ** President" Roberts droes'to the Reniavs Bt. James" Hall ou Sun- JoiMe. 10'Day 'was 'extremities. Piva, millions. of B power to'strufi< joy 'wiltado i voring to plant | it ean completed | before Hi ¥ * dging from the activity and ex- citement now ' prevailing "in polit: ical circles one would suppose there was an immediate prospect of a gene- ral election, But a moment's thought is all that is required to con- vince any reasonable mind to the contrary. We have been of the opinion for some time, that the agita- tiou is quite premature, and that all " parties" might have saved' them- selves a vast-amonnt of anxiety, aud thie: county a good deal of wombiole-- some disturbance, had they delayed their * prepa) ations" until, the pro- gress of. events: afforded good grounds for expecting an early issue of the " writs," 'Many considerations might be urged to show the absence of any such grounds at present, -lnt the following uttérances of the Mon trenl Gazette, which may justly be regarded as semi-official, will serve tlie purpose. * Without being in. possession of any particalar information on the suliject, we cavhoe. help reiterating our belief that it (tho: gederal elec tion), eunnot tuke place before: mid- summer dt thie eérlidhe ; avd perhaps it may nut.come 80.8000 as thatieven, The present Parlisment is known" (6 be moribund, snd' it ia Adpiral tay the aspirants for, parliamentary hon: onrs showldiderk to tak§ 'tiglo'by ie 0 sneh b forelock, Butit, mast ho remember ed that Nove Seobiasmust: hold its session, now only juet.bégan; before ta arian Confeder The Quiee 38 mation will probably n thersw the dhiapl of which will 1 Lane FELL ' A gre n @® 4 2idd agob ge bowel h ry] r EE) Aocome|| ald 11for; dhevconntry: . nats ob ; So, ] ald iow. facts, beprevailod upon | ssciet © pars mors odors og to | nol £0 reat upon. ont hrs es pose of ascertaining if bié wonld con- 0, RG doling! ¢ : Sr time |} ['befove.she aonusry will be ready for | 5 2 nated for the Local, and accepted him. , Li < We understand' that Mer: H Perry's name was mentioned, a's) in connection with the .ouse of Com: mons ;° but it was deemed impro- bable that He would consent to run. The meeting then adjourned. t SKETGH'BY' LORD MACAULEY, | * If we believed in the old. pagan notion'of the transmigration of souls, wo should certainly. conclude that the departed 'spirit of the man de- scribed inthe following style, by taken possession of a' certain indi. the great modern historian bad vidual of the' genus Aomo, well known in this locality.! With tide slight alterations we have gakea the liberty of making, the sketeh of the defunct original applies" 'admirably to his living . counterpart, us rout. readers will readily perceivei-- " * He was by birfh a Scot, but Cunada had long been hig yesidence, At the\pime of the, Confederation, indeed; he made his'living in Reach. He had', bech bred Presbyterian, but the Presbyterians had cast lim out,'and he had' becom: an Every thingarian, . He: had been ;master of a eoimon'sphpat fa Ue "Township, aud he had, made speeches on Tem. noe, dso. i * A oka hg length foi" BY which broug the clique ta and his unsu pressed their! of his person notice for is His "fall "and Yan figure, Jaws; the Tg lah if made several importarit additions to] weat arrangements' t starting; the rabe for the Ladies Purse (825) was the'bnly one that came off. There we four entries for it, viz:~Me. MaBe's horse, '"* Green Mountain Mogan," Borelia; : Scott's Mare "ipsy Queen," Prince Albert: Mr. Phiflippo's horse, "Brown E: horse of Rea, by " Freclette, for this irace b much discredit on hich 'he belonged. iracy was 'known, ting neighbors When the col The followifls is the déscri ppearance:-- ,* Iwas notRasy for hi toesgape a accent, gure, iis lantern bulders deformed by 8 gait distinguished ote Kot by. ad jade him remarkable ated." oi ticulirs: see Lord g of England, LBACES.. ine, off 'on'; Fri: if.last week: The hat could be de- e large crowds in AY. hour at which? re completed for, Owing Mr. agle" Port Phery, and Mr, Eck's n Mountain Morgan" MY heats. {Ech xD 'DAY. : or this there were Mr. Rucbottem's gin;?, Whitby; Capt. "Dutch "Farmer, oot t's mare,' Gipsy. . Henderson's horse 2 Port Hope. Won by in," three straighthests, 850.--For this Llete were lids Mr Ray's mare of vr. 'Henderson's ' * Black ratke;" and ie Bradshaw's, hocse, | Frechette," of Bowmanville, "Won three, straight Won by n lwo TA] 1st R eats, Me, Willson's mare, HiwkTMaid," of Oshawa ; i i and Mr Morta's Fariner,® of Green- ¥ Dutch Farmer." Black potted Farmer," 'and Mr Golden's * O10 Cameron," of Man chester, Won by # Spotted Farmer." -- en COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE, Pursuant, to notice, a meeting' of he 'frechoiders of the Coupty of 'Ontario was held at the 'Mechanics' Ball, on" Sattitday the 23td inst., in he Town of Whitby, to consider the expediency of establishing within the County, 3 Fire Insurance: Company ou the principle of Mutual Insurance 'The meeting wag well atténded 'by. nfluential . freeholders from different parts of 'the County--W. H. Gibbs; Esq., in the chair, .L. Fairbanks, Jr. was appoiiited Seeretory; Mr. Gibbs explained th stating that panies hdd 'been fully tested in this Province . and found, to be safe, reliable and dconomical; und in their operations retain a large amount of capital in the country; and he was satisfied that the farmers of the] County of Ontario were. perfectly able to insufe themselves; and thus | retain in their own, county a large sum of i money, which now' finds its way to othor'parts of the, Prayince. He, therefore, called on the promo- tes of "the, £ not ct of the meeting, 1 Insurarice Com- algo" edd ine a Jewett and J, 0 his sharp eyes} | the proposed company when the frees provisions of the Act of Parliament authorizing the formation of such Mutual Insurance Companies. i Moved by S4B. Fairbauks, Esq., conded b; Ji Willis,--That three" freeho i the proposed same be Mesa that J. ickell, Wb ARAN oved by S. B. Faitbanks, J seconded by James Willis, Beg -- Fhat theitiianks of this meeting be tendered to W. H. Gibbs. Esq., for the able manuer fn which he bad con- k "the business in the hair. PER ton Yopened foe those K desired to. b : + holders present sign agreeing to insure. ed their nameés, e. Lop : AnoraEr AgonenT.--We learn with | regret that an accident of a serious nature occurred at Mr. J.-B. Lozier's fdotory, 'on Thursday, the ist. inst. Mr. Joseph Marsh, one of the work- men, while in the act of reachidg under a efroular saw, for the purpbse of putting rosin on a belt, brought Lhis arm in too.close-proximity-to-the saw, which caught the sleeve of his cot, near the elbaw,and,in an instant balf severed the limb. ; It was feared, but, under the skilful treatment of Dr. Jones, it is now boped this may be avoided, although. it is doubtful whether he will recover tlie natdral| uso of the member. Suootind ~ Marcu, 'Fhe | pigeon' shooting , match at Murtp's- hotel, Greenbank. came off yesterday as ad vertised, The following gentlomen,: were the gantestants, and fired ot six birds etch. ' Messrs, Curd, Buscom and Graham of Ux- bridge ; Plank of Munchester ;. and J. Phillipo of Uxbridge: 'The: high: est score wag made by" Mr, 'Widdi- field, he killing all his birds. Megas. Plank and Graham were next upon the list: Fresh arrivals. at Bigelow's in Prints, Cottons, Fancy Dress Goods, Summer Tweeds, Groceries, Hard- ware, in the first Instalment of spring transportations arrived. Cheaper than ever, ty Br We beg to direct the 'atten tion of our lady friends to the ad- vertisement of Mrs. W. I. Moore, which 'will be found in another ACCIDENT ON HE WESTERN. The Niglit Express west ran "into No. 4 Special Freight west, one mile east of Woodstock, on the morning of the 22nd inst. : Rogers the mail agent was killad, and Farrell eondicter of the freight train has;pinice dicd of the injuries he received, The express var, baggage car and everything inside was burut. The * express 'safer 8 sapposed to have coitaited $60,000, ; . An'inquest wus held To Woodstock on Saturday and; Monday. last... Af. ten hearing the evidence the jury de- liberated and returned the following verdict ayo: 1m if be oli © That the deceased, William Ro- gers nud Jolin Parréll, came to their death by injuries" received in ao 1li- sion of this, night ma'l ruaniog. into the. blue line spegial; No: 4. one mile and: ahalb: east' of the: 'Woodstock. station; onthe Great Western Rail= way, on 'thé 'morning. of the 22nd inst, the . blue, line. spacial, No. 4. and, the: emigrant - train. which pre- ceeded it, having been' delayed 'in consequence of the henviness (of the track caused: by the snow:storni; and itis our opinién that if Princeton ligd béen'a regular telegraph statin, the blue Tire special 'and the, emigrant ra, have, been shunted mt that station to allow the night mail to pass; and thus have avoided "wid tiecide [ec mety & "Fixe wn Bomawhtu-<A out last night aboats hal clack; in 'reat" Ul oda iT fir ro. broke for the County of Ontario, under the | : Fairbanks; #8 2 g nfseconded by J. H, Perry,--That the present chairman leave the chair, |an hil lett u tant that amputation 'would be necessdry, |: "Abe 82ssivd v bidted' of Jddtl forty Widdifield, | obtaining the decoration of GREAT]! nd Bévafia-gaditliec Grand Dich: ho Bude 4 heteby Prdesth "is" 2g | y | two countries in times of war, TIER Eh A Cro AcomentaLty Ha promising little boy of six y on Wolfe Island, accidentall, self yesterday. « Hej upper part of his fal th two smal living po f Wo har dyen, his brothers, one of them onlyftlirce years of age,.the other younger, left him hanging, very hataryl saying nothing about it. Not vl Ri went up stairs to see what was keep: ing the elder boy, when he was found as already stated, Medical i ee individ 088 hut ig Job] Tafe; th apitie of the. lle pullre *1 one ob thé sad ost Ways imaginable having suddeply "passed to 'that bourne whence no traveller returns,' -- King- ton News. (1) Col I10iL EUT an, eldest son. of 4) C, 'Bachanan, ., Chief Emigration Agent, and] he 'time of his death, Accun- ant of the Bunk of Montreal, Port Hope, died suddenly, on Friday evens ing last; after a few' honts illness, Deceased ' had: beet "apparén robust health; {nd 'was propa: go'out when lie fell to the floor remained unconsciops til th of his death, 'a few hours late! \ Fast Ledstation.--The number. of bills passed at the recent session of the Illinois General; Assembly foots up'tweive hundred and sixty-threa. and working days 1 This is equal to just thiity-one bills each duy, 'or say' five every hour: Victoria Cross ror VoLunraes.--It is; said: that the Queen has announced heriintention of extending 'fo' volun- teers serving 'atider officers' of the army in this Province, the. right of the (Vic: eds of gallantry /in toria Cross" for de the figld of action, The Globe peferred. the other day to the omission of the names of the Hou: Mesure. Masdonga Fand? How- land fromthe. list: of Colonial Dele- gates presented to the, Queen. We learn, however, on good authority that both these Ministers were invi- ted in the usual way. - Mr. and Mys. Mcdougall were duly presented it Her Majesty, thong not at thesame reception uf the other delegates previously mettioned, and Mr, and Mrs. Howland were prevented 'from attending the reception by an acci. deutal ' circumstance, which' in' no wuy iniplied any want of considera tion for Mr. Howlund's position - as long afterwards one of the- parents al | appencs i he a Disp-Suppesty.--<Mr. OE. Buthap' ; hy J I} rs of | Of age, son of Me. Philip Ryan, a farmer : k, | April 9th 'I'ne MurbeR All the informa calamity that' s through a" letter f ithe, fees. companion; ofy ivi at 2 stone, and now vice- (Gudpuiteped ty the oth his 'party; wire milf awlio-returned vaenpud, as: they though: bob and (he obi evening, details and. in other. tl "accounts of the vari they all pgree that they saw the body, and that it' had" one wound, that of -an axe," on the ' back of the neck. One mai'saw the' fatal Jlow * given. 'The attitk wad sudden, and. Dr. Livingstgve liad tinie to 'over. power thost whio faced' hit, ahd was stéaggling to're-load wher cut down from behind. Dr, Kirk fears that Eh §tory ia trie, and tht le 'shall neve? know, nore of its details, ; Tae Bisaor or Kerr "oN Fu 18M. Des Moriarty, the o nan Catholic Bishop of Kerry, gives an accorate picture of Feniwnism: The Sunday'afier the attempted rising in big diicese, now Killuriey, the sew- erend divine; addrdsshg Va lif ge assemblage of his flnck spoke vefol- low: > 7 Sevan 'One word font the prime movers of wl this thiscliicf. IF we must con-- demn the fow'ish yonths who have Joined in this conspiracy, how much must we not execrate the conduct of those designing villains wha hive beell entrapping flingcent youth, and organizing this, work of crimes Thank God, they are not.our people, or, if tiey were, they: have lost the 8% ica, but, beyond them, there dre iminals of a deeper guilt, the m who, while they send their du en 4 one of Her "Majesty's Colonialyl isters. We are glad to Le make this explanation hada: A CWSpape ' the Liberal party of Uppe Ottawa Times, ; ~Tuk Pora's TrkAsuny.--By a state racut made lust week:it appears thet | the deficit in the papal treasury for the year 1866 is seven and a half million doling -, Last year, ijt was about six million, the year before about. five. Tho "deficits .of th Sarath i oe dle Rethehilds, hut the, Popes financial minister now 'expects to meet the deficiency inpast by the amos due FR rahe to raise the 'moticy proposés to séquéstrate' thie estate of (HE CHAVERT "So e phpdcy isedting TlecIFup. * Témporally and spititually afso, it seems' to" Do" up. preaching insolven gan Gommircials §peéiakadys iThe udiciary Committee. will probably veportin favor of Senator /Wilsonls resulutions to release Jif, Davis. It is nist ici jgvid Cotigress. ol {Adopt the resolutions, and Davis be released ne aap oop and ai Bin . The St. Albans Messenger ~declares that something is: brewing' in: Fenian line' there. * Several gers dre "visiting, 'and, revisiting Heayy loads cafe driven into the country by strangeresos 710 0 The foundation stono of ih hi (oR women, . 8 fox 800 chr en Tay for 800 2M Cdnbeds ik, March 25. Commons on the 8th. ht . RT ARE 5 i I od OCH | ds Crt 20 hy Jenn American who may: be found spread- i SERRA between the Kingdoms of" Prude combiand of the'sFmies oF the 'Emperor Napoleon-to form a confed- Gis the shim. hong: nk Hie) of | ERR pi Blasi) E Anger, 'are fattening. on J P and Rds oh "2 His withering, "bl blighting curse is npon thes] "2 'I preached to you last Sunday on' the ctesnity, of hell'stommentss' man reason is inclined to say, * a hard word, and who can bear it} bat" when we 100k "down into the - fathomiess depth of this "infamy of the heads of the Fenjany combo we most dcknowledgn that ete poi is mt long. enough, nor hell ennagh to.punish such' miscreants + at Bridgeport, Conn, An Irishman nanied Ste "Léger died "about & 5 v ago, lea¥ing a fortone of $100,000, which, by the terms of his will, was ta go to the priest at whose .honge ' he died; to the lawyer who: drew up the will, to the'Tawyéi's' son, &e., feaving out entirely his poor tious, who tow 'claimAlint/ be! " mitaly inflenced, © Toon ee -- 4 UNITED, STATES NEWS. - Now York, March 94 ~-Chili ad "Thie latest advices respecting the ! Argentine revolution are important. der So ; :ment, lusting two: hours, (defeated by Genorgl Pannero at Los 'Loros, with a loss of 800 killed and eration Bill passed the House of]! ti es {heaviel pees thang thew quiet) yrooutivuel orm LL BR. | New York 'ald's Panama cd Eo WARE brigiy Blo efosnuotd (de HEAL TW 5 : B83 Tie) 13a dod the 7 differ, Tish character inte cities of Amer Au inferosting will chee 18 on tridl © vy /aften w bl 0,

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