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Port Perry Standard, 14 Mar 1867, p. 3

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in Me ~ii7 od of 0] ol = : { ; i oAbey will hardly make a serious nt-- © ds that the Queens troops can be quickly concentrated at any point] reudily granted, with the suggestion in *corps: will probal Lessons ror the Fex correspondent of t what thas: occurred in impress 'the ninds of the with eertain, facts nally asdf there h "Th bh that they the rising of the lave: made the : the disloyalty or the cowardice of a single constable, though he may be- Jong to the race aud creed as "thie Feniang though his duty to his Queen must be performed at" the Amine sk of his life. The third fact of which they must be convinced "iu overwhelming numbers : and the Jast is that in any case they are cer tain to be betrayed by some of | their own party, Indeed, all these results frien likely to occur that one is flmos persuaded to believe that the Tove Chester and in Kerry t of a system adopted annoying re and keeping s in the United tof that system on to the authori- each 'the point ry thatsomething ald ne and some real danger ted, the tactics being that then osu gents" should vanish, "A Snare Tricki--A clever "bond' trick was played on the Grand Trunk in coming cast, belwedn Guclph d Rockwood stations, aboat I, a. Jn. on Saturday. A cute looking Yankee addressing a fellow passen- ger from the State of Michigan ask- ed him for the lvan of the sum © $100, offering in scenrity a $1,0 bond, alleging as a reason that he - was out of change, and had a ticket ouly for Rockwood, while fic was on io his: way to Toronto. 'The request seamed: a readouible ono and was oP that the first stranger should give a receipt, Just then the: station was approached and No, 2 invited to ac. ..- company his friend to the station to obtain the security, when: the train going west was dfscovered to be moving, and the monicd man at once stepped on board, leaving the bonded gentleman in contemplation of the possibility as to whether or not his recently acquired scrip was worth all it represented. He was quick in ascertaining it was not and immediately'gdve information to ihe Grand Trunk authorities, who at once despatched telegrams in quest roof the swindler, "Wé'liave not heard the result, -- Globe, . Moot --Tlie Madoc excitement increases as the. spring approaches, although, of course, but few new mines "are reported. Several from Oshawa lave, visited (he regions it 4 idle than big stories "speculators, Some have concluded to rempin, and if possible, make theiv | pile; 'Dut' with the charadteristic' caution 'of the town have resolved not to trust to the fickle fortune of digging, but to go into the hotel, boarding-house, and provision. store business, All the Crown Lands lying north of "Madoc, Marmora and Elzevic have been with- drawn: from sale. If the Govern. ment intend to deglave this a gold "mining: distriot, fis is 'well and 'ought to haye beet done in the town: vhips where gold has been found "long ago, but itis feared that it is + for the benefit of the Tuimber monopo lists. a A-Fextan Invasion, ---La Minerce Bays the Government has réccived intelligence ofa new Fenian'invasion "and are prepaiing to meet it. Pri- vate letters from: all: parts of the States say the Fenians" are 'nnusn- ly brisk and biisy. Ifithey intend to, comewat all; which ds: doubtful, 3 ' tewpt until spring has' well: opened. "T'heve are rumors that some uf the ,¥olanteer battalions will ba' called "into active service. The Montreal «Gazette says that the: Monteeal forces "mood not ba surprised if the jgervices "Uof.two of their battalions re shortly required. If any go out. the city be called first, os ERTIES ibn Sears pon, ht . BY . § fal : Nii ibbs, i Ira B. Carpenter, John Christie George Liddle 3 I g! Sr . 110s James Howorson, Adam Gordon, Hoan 400d a4 John alter, | . Gibson, " 56c a | Goc | D-'Addison, coy iain Brown, b 25c a 26 |R. 5 ay, omas Courtice, ».. (0.15 a 15c| Geo. Mitchell, - Jliston Starr, | 125 @ 1 50 [Robert Bowles, homas Graham, = AI FE Free SK ITBY, MARKETS, s Samu€lPhoms," +Wm{ Porteous, am 5 me Whitby Mar 13, 1867. John Dhpmpschy w Queiotayee McAvoy i 1 Fall. bi sis 3 une % 9 J. }. Montgomeny, Noble St oahqndon, ~ ij Saeing Wheat gp TIE 1 se Jon Bane James YeTamuer, fatley bush. 0 (@; 0 507 nes] : y Hang Hopkins, h ease 0 in 0 5 AK. Farewell, wfsbyShannon, B03 oly, James Qui, B 00 Romer Aer, CBSE, 3. 0 18 Goon W Jones Gen Brabuson, 45 ge Jones, Brabazon, 8 William Laing,' [eCraight, scoomn? T Smog woomo SES3RBSES =o w --~S% 3 1aNs.-- The a soirp BIRTH. wife of C. B, | he Canadian Post, of a son. a dsughter. 5 In Port Perry, on Friday, 8th inst, the wife of ton, of a daughter. MARRIED. oh T i In Uxbridge Village, on 3day, 28th ult., by ¢ MrePomeroy, at the resi- denco of * the bride's father, Mr. John Spieran, Ey oo Miss Margaret Ann, eldest f Mr. Wm. Jobbitt; of Uxbridge. = SA adctisintial. At Vroomanton, on Monday, 4th inst., 'by the Rev. M. O'Reilly, Mr James McHugh, of Ops, 3 minutes ; best 2 in 3, mile heats, in har- ness. : Silver Cup --Opea. to -all horses com- monly used as hacks and- owned in Reach add-Scugogy : Scrub Race,--Open to all horses. that never won money in any of the above races. f " RULES"AND REGULATIONS. The above Races will be open to all horses owned in the Counties of Ontario, Vietoria and Durham, and must be the pro- perty of the person.entering them. Three horses to make a field, wo to start, except the Shake Purse and Serub Race. Ten per cent@ntrance; a membership fee of #2, to-all who are-not®ubscribers to the prize list, No horse having won a race will be entiiled to enter for another. All Entries must be made with Mr{ J SHAW, at the ' House of All Nations," Por: Perry, on or before 11 o'clock; amy; on each day of the Races. Moen + kb | OHARLES McKENZIE, JOHN PHILLIPPO; Secretary, 'reasurer.' Port Perry, 13th March, 1867. LI, persons are hereby cautioned against _parchasing 3 THREE NOTES OF HAND, made by Crariry Asy Carp, in favor of Tuoxas Epwarns, Cannington ; first note, dated in August, 1866 --3 200 due in March, 1868,--~5§400 due in March, 1869 --§400 due in Mareh 1879; amounting in all to $1j000, as 'haye not received:value for the same. * Dated at Canniagton, ) © Mareh, 11th 1867. § . 31-3in., CHARITY ANN CARD. Public Notice. rublie Notice. PUsuartis {fio dotrespecting Mutial dngurance 'Companies. (22 Victoria, Cap,58,) a meeting of the freeholders of thé-Corporation of the County of Ontario will be held atthe IN THE + TOWN. OR WAITBY, On 'Saturday; 28rd March, next, at the hour of #WO O'CLOCK, P. M, for the purpose of considering whether if be expedient to establish inthe said County, a oi WRT 9 Fire Insurance Co'y, on the principle of Mutual Insurance. J. H Perry, ™ a Edward Walker, W. Thofupson, . James J, Davidson, J. B, Biekell, ". ..\ William Herron, Jr., Joseph Bryant, Jacks.n Holliday, James Young, . illiam Smyth, James Rowe, cuss Haight, Jesse Wells, "John Willis, Mark Currie, 3 John Watson, "John. Rolph, Geo. Higginbotfd] ARS Sibu, And two hun & Whitky, ene deo 2% _-- BROCK "HOUSE! HE Subscriber, in returning to the busi- ness formerly carried on by him, solicits call from his TEs on and the pub- ic generally. Liguors,---Conie's Try Them. 20 Ss Esq + proprietor % 'In Uxbridge Village, on Wednesday, 6th inst, the wife of the Rev. J. T. Dowling of At Greeaw Sunday, 10th inst, | he wil Mee Wen Pengelly, of & son. A Se ---------------------- to<Jane. Aun. fourth duughter of Mr. Bryan Masti of Brock, MECHANIC'S HALL; "| "NOW OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC THE FOLOWING a a = a é SN MARGACHS ITCH OURE-- 50 CENTS. i J. BE. Gould, 8. William Jeffey, Ui s C. Forman; | Fo Daniel Ianson, TW Rear an BSSE ANTED a_ youn, haying an insj or La er COCHRANE & COCHRANE, dra - Barrisiers, &c , 2 S01 Port Perry. Wo 8 4 3 . by ot) Feb 27, 1867. (eS s List of Letters Remaining fi "the Port Perry Post-Office March 6th, 1867, not previously advertised. Ledingham, Daniel Mark, Philfp~ Mark, Mrs A A McFarlane, Miss J Madden. Miss Bmily Amsbury, Wm jasay, Wa Brown, Miss Isabel Bush, Miss ST Buntin, Miss A © 29-3in w apd First-Class Foundry is now Open foy the Manufacture of 4 or Steam y MACH] ¥, TOOLS FOR WORKING OF WOOD AND IRON, Such 'as , Door, Blind and Chair, Stave ! % Machinery, of the Latest Improvements ; i . Woollen Mill Machinery, The Double Turbine Water-Whee aa {AGRICULTURAL of Every Description ~. NADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED, 'The fact of Opening a Found CHARGES REASONABLE. Ambroty pes, from 25 to 40c each. Fer rotypes, 25¢ each. H, McKENZIE. ? Artist, Port Perry, Ji 2418 PORT PERRY BAKERY. ue Sabgriber wishes to inform the public that he bas now located in Port Perry, and that he has on hand in addition to his usual stock, of CONFECTIONARIES, . A large assortment of TO YS, Christmas Presents ! 0D Ro) Go: } the public generally for past favors; and, by farnishing a good article at + reasonable price, hopes, to morit a cont' .uance of the GEORGE HENLEY. 'ort Perry, Dec 18, 1866, 19 3m 19tf iTS, STMAS and © * GROCERIES, e Disposed of at Reasonable Prices. 3 WINES & SPIR RLES is now receiving additions to his stock of the Festival season of CHRI . Fresh Arrivals of "Seasonable™ Goods 5 4 - { uw 5 A - QQ = & 2 Bg i i 5, 6 £5 JE gx 8 ba 3 os BF g 228 mn oa Bi = ok mu § J. L. Margach TION ®OWDERS, SAND CATTLE. OINTMENT AND Is, 75¢, THE CELEBRATED 2 i PRIFFIELD, Reolpe, by: L. MARaior. arr oy OF A SURERION, QUALITY BURLE 4 NEAT 8 A Liberal Discount' "10 thi IN, P16 A BLT yd Other accomodations equal, with good Stabling 4nd an attentive Ostler, _ ! JAMES THOMPSON. Brock, Feb, 5, 1867. aN 20-1y . 1 Bebi\20, 18a nv WE 1 1 ¥ TR Rene a , UXBRIDGE, io gdh Lo Erm di LLLA "The Subscriber aléo Wishes thus to thank MARGACKS , ANTIBILIOUS PILLS, sui ; [S8saton of Sougog, | / com of HE 411 the above am first class firms, well y {moroved. and gan clienp, upon easy |. Substantially and Tustefully 2 Pagument.,; fond BW On the shortest possible notice and in the Algo 8 large nunc of Vill Hoss : the villige re np rTy. es 3 latest aber of Jowa Lots ' (or firther pirtloulat avy piepaid) to : "#5. DIED. taioe lark, he x one Rue saving time and transportation, is a saving of itself which Wedn 3] Lie ; ¢Kinley, Robt. at AE Hb 4 William eae ert Log Collins, Henry ~ . Pillippo, Mrs Mary the. subscriber hopes will, in the en d, be mutual. Crandell, aged 5 months, Currie, BF Flutes, Samuel! Immediate Orders Respectfully Solicited, -- , geer, Wm owers, es ; mm - SE | Duata, Chg Plum, Harvey EES A. M. GIBSON. Heo Adbetisements, Frans, Clas Seatsr: meine Port Perry, Dee. 19th, 1866, ; a 19 ee SE === | Elliot, Alvia sy Tolon, 8 , " FE ¥ - Forneri, Rev. R J--2 Tolman, Nelson 2 Trotting Races. i" They, Te 3 1% » orn 4 i tip Sele Hodgson, Wm Thompson, Aaron i Sig fre" Port Perky Trorrine Races Hurd, Wm Thompson, Joseph ok * WILL COME OFF"OVER THE ICE ON 1relang, Tian yincent. Frederick al , : ) enedy, Wm oung, Mr ; LA KE SC uU Goa, Persons calling for the above will please : ¥ r x AT 5 ask for advertised letters. 3 t 2 3 H, GORDON, : : PORT: PERRY ! et Just What is Wanted ! « ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, . AND MUST BE HAD! ER HAW & GORDON il ivi The 22nd and 23rd Inst.,|SHADOWS FOR THE ' MILLION !! S Goods for the re aesiving + FIRST, DAY. 4 AT Cots to keep their stock complete. Persons ¢ 3 is ¢ visiting Port Perry will find it as good pl chanteEurse $8 ~-Opew to Outarlo MEKENZIES marker to sel in, and Show Gordon' as 1 part . 5 ood to buy n, a3 any other place in the Ladies' Purse $25--Open to Reach; Best T GRA H RO Psp of Ontario. Call and b . 2 in 3, mile heats in harness. : PHO 0 P Ol Wy Sony of ad etl "Shake 'Purse,~-Opeh to all horses tht © ome mmmsy, | 30% "Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1808, "194 never won money. ? ' + SECOND DAY. OPPOSITE KIRSTEN'S HOTEL. A Sportsman's Purse, $50--Open to the| SIGN---RED FLAG. Pictures of all - Plovjuce. Best 3 in 5, mile hedts, in har- | kinds, aud all sizes, taken in all kinds of ab iy ness. > weather. fo he _ Inn-Keepers'" Purse,$25---Open to all [eo ree. to ey horses in Ontario that never Yoord mile Best Photographs, {wo dollars per dozen, i Y WINTER BOOTS & SHOES T HE Subscriber wishes to intimate to the public that in addition to his usual stock he has now on hand an excellent Assortment of Montreal Over-Shoes, Skating-Boots, And Moccasins! Of all Sizes and Descriptions, which be is prepared to Dispose of: AT AS REASONABLE RATES AS THE MARKET WILL AFFORD. the Finest Kid to coarsest Stoga, Ji ~ Port Perry, Dee. 12, 1866. "NOTICE. LL ma HE Sulsichiber fers for sale the follow-| . ing valuable Lands : " PERRY FOUNDRY. {=** Engines, Boilers, Grist & Saw Mill and Shingle I, of all sizes; Besides, IMPLEMENTS, STOVES, &0. ry in this neighborhood, thereby Order-Work Executed with Neatness and Despatch, from STOCK OF DRY GOG GROCERIE HARDWARE, CROOK oe &c., &c., a prices which DEFY 1 } i } COMPETITION | The highest price in cash paid - for any quantity of Fall and Spring Wheat Delivered at the Union Mills, TORT PERRY, ; MARSH & TRO Port Perry, March 6th, 1866. Who has Just Received a Large Assortment of Staple & Pancy Dry-Goods! AND WILL SELL - AT CREATLY REDUCED PRIGES, His Assortieat of BOOTS and SEHOHS,! - ; GROCERIES AND ig ; READY MADFE CLO THING !! 5 VERY COMPLETE! COAL OIL, 874c. GOOD TEA, 50c, 18 & 14 lbs. SUGAR for $1. Heavy Cotton for 15c., and everything in proportion. Examine and he convinced, Port Perry, Dee. 12th, 1856. JOSEPH BIGELOW H* ON HAND Tw ~ 18-tf a very large Stock of Goods of almost an endless variety, and of superior quality, and very cheap, consisting of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Ready Made Clothing, Ladies', Dress Goods, Ladies' Trimmings, Ribbons, and Parasols, etc. Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, and Mantles, etc. Grey CottonsShirtin, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, : Crock Brown Earthenware, €'o., Dye-stufls, Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle ) 2S, At very low prices; a fair article of Ton at 43 cents per pound, 11 pounds for one Do'lar, aud ot good bright Sugar her things in proportion, A LARGE STOCK Op FLAT, SQUARE, & ROUND IRON ! yz [ " "2 APPLICATION will be made at the next] 8 Za u eZ b= session of the Provincial Parliament! 3 ro 38 DH En et for a Charter to coastruct a Railway from| oi e 4 £0 2 Ea some point ou Lake Outarlo, begween hel 5 ~ o3 GN 35 & (Western limits of the Townships of West! & 8 3 d 3 Whithy, and the Eastern limit of the Town-| 3. a, £3 gz © 'awn shin of East Whitby to Pert Perry, on Luke] a $ { 4 2p 22 = Scugog. 5 55 Wu 5 o - October; 17,1866. 1am BE) ll Oshawa Vindicator, and Whitby Chronicle] 2 & d "BY 2 25 ex copy till forbid. g 2 ty 2G edi 2. 4r BE Fioit BE T % a Icy B= P Rol t orn, Xz mY ry Sg 3 § IR Bh ik '8% & FOR SALE : sh Il} 523 m2 i E& Fie og " In Port Perry. iHZgrpgiz : Teeny ° 3 Skim I Village Lot 1,--Corner, Water, and Queen = > 2 fof 5 £ 3 wt wg, Set, : EA: 51 538 & Wa : Bia Be I Sa a 4 Jt North Queen Street. A 8' Q =z 2 bu 16 J | --- § J al] g ay ~ " 223 | ' Ia Q oye gs 1 =; gag BS Moll gq $outh North Street. Se EZ 2nd 2a i a 30 + - ~ a 3 ! £2 a " 41 {orth North Street. oO i 2 fsa g = " 70 orth' Mary Stréet. > S oT x a " 83 < & g § ~ { " 85 } Youth Mary Street. 3 oe 2 § fu g = : 8 i " Sy Te OF QR SO 44 90. - ! = -L '8 em "WW gat North Casimir Street. £T0R j oy | ay any §-outt ouinicsieet, {MIONEY FOUND. x x 1 5 wi wile : ry HE SEBSCRIBER found an amount of | § For apply pre-paid to T mone¥¥in Bills, which the owner cang| i : ~J HAM PERRY, " have by proving property and paying for 4 > Whithy. [this advertisment. BOT 3 x $ : . 8. HOUCK. ~"Whithy, Aogns{31,18066. x lin, | po Perry, Feb. 18,1807. | 8.tf. Farms For Sale yr TAILOR SHAD 1! NEW TAILOR SHep!! trouble. To suit gencral blacksmith work, is on the way feom Mont the 15¢h instant, which WILL: BE SOLD CHEAD! teal; and will be in stock by Blacksmiths purchasing $5) worth, or upwards, at. one time, charged Freight and a small Commission on Montreal wholessl My Stock is alwavs he the Stock complete in All the Latest Styles of Goods, <And at prices that defy Competition, Bargains at the for Cash, will ouly be e prices. pt well assorted as goods are arriving almost daily to keep Do not come to Tewn withont calling for good CENTRAL HOUSE. Port Perry, August 10, 1866. 1-¢ NOTICE County of Ontario, 8 hereby given, To: Wis: i § that the Court of Assize. Nisi Prius, Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, will be holden in and far the County of Ontario, in the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on Monday, March 18th, 1867, At the hour of 12 o'clock noon, of which nll Coroners, Justices of the Peitoe, and all others concerned will take notice and gyr vern themselves according ly. * NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, Co. 0, Per R. TI, Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office, Whitby, | Febraary 12, 1861, 20 Wonderful! Wonderful ! WONDERIUL:: I3 is what I avish every one to know; Don't Buy! Don't Buy! ILLINOIS, MICHIGAN, 10a. ANBIARA, RENTUCRY, ENA "OW Don't Buy What ? pu oie BUY that little nonsensical $15' T that all persons afflicted with deenyed "Machine. Yuu will always be in Teoth, or stumps of Teeth, which eauker Bat the best way is, when you the month, disease the body and produce om IN PORT PERRY. CU ee (fin Tae PERKINS wonid inform the inhab- o itants of Port Perry and surrounding Country that be bas opened a how' Tailoring. Establishment nthe above-named town, where he is pre. pared to Spe 1st. --Pagti of Lif No 21, 23, and 23, in the 8th Congas of Whitby, containing| 283 acres. VBP LINo. 2%, in the 9th Con- ntaining 85 acres. .--Part of i¢ No. 11,in the 12ih Concession of Reaclf containing 148 acres, * 4th.--Sbuth bal' of Lot No. 4, in the 0 of : containing 100. a as of | \ ining 85; ngres. No. 10,.in the 13th containing 50 acres, MANUFACTURE GARMENTS in the town| yp pyr YORK AND LONDON FASHIONS, at Pol ita: ¥ Vp, ¥ 1 M50 'any dtidust] of icky to 1 at) ] Thasonable Fates. «f interes: on farm Secd- ty: © § Hig prices are" very reasonable, and to those who favor him with their work ever: satisfaction is guarantecd, i . i PAXTOU & Co. Cos ft Te aI GONE es, | #SHOP--over Shaw and Gordon's stote, Solicitor, Birt Perry. {Queen Street. Penad 3 3-1y. have Fifteen Dollars to invest in am, to put a little more: with it and get one; and 4 «Are for gale at S, P. GREEN'S, 1f they are bought at 8. P. GREEN'S, achine,! offensive. breath, can now have them a good j EXTRACTED FREE FROM PAIN !! OR ANY OTITER IXOOXVEXIENCE WHATEVI 1] | By a new and well tried prooess the apple cation of Spray npon the Gums Do ng doubt this!" It bas hee used by eminent | Dontlsts in Enrope for some titne, and ig. The place to get the best Machines, Is on Brook Street, at8. P, GREEN'S. Highest Prize Canadian Machines, Are for sale at 8, P. GREEN'S, New Improved Belleville Machines, Are for sale at S. P. GREEN'S. Grover & Baker's best Machines, Are for sale nt 8. P. GREEN'S, Genuite Singer's big Mavhines, Teeth extracting. | 3.D. 0. 1s prepared to Extract Teeth Hy this new and wowlerful process whiel '| noting short ¢fa blessing to humanit 2 All Dental operations performed tifieally, with skill that only a lung prac can ensure, 4 | The Instrument which [ bare, is a improved ane fram the arlginal applion =~ + oy Teeth Lilled, Sonled, and Regnlp XI Charges moderate, and. satisfptle guaranteed, Fh Orsios Hovns from 8, 5 J.D. COTTINGHAM, Bo Wanzer's No. 2 Machines," Are for sale at 8. I, GREEN'S, Finally, all good Machines, Can be had at 8. P, GREEN'S, Time given for payment on Machines, Written warrants with all Machines, That are bought at 8. P. GREEN'S, Remember place of 'such renown, "Tis on Brock Street, in Wilthy Town, ze} i i i "Port Perry, hog. 20, 1608. | "'sixt. | Port Perry, Aug, 26, 1866, ih r x \ + b ; 16 eg AR : To Whitby, Tan. 15, 1847, 23 4m! BBrolla, Jan, 8, 1867, °° x A Single Call is enaugh to Convince the Most Tneredulous | UNCE. BOY YOUR GOODS FROM J. W. ALLISON !! . Shelf and Heavy Hardware, now extensively jracticed in America fup ¢ i

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