but wlan ad at wns AA SLR LL Too many poets mistake aspire: tion for inspiration. 8 . 'young man? A paying one. Halifax papers advertise * "Pick-me- ® Bitters" The sf down' are mosf fn use. y was Job so thorough] boil ed? Becausehis wife kept him in hot water. Why is a: coquetf woman { Because bosoms, Why ig a mad bull an animal of a convivial disposition ? Because he offers a horn to every one he mects, Panch wants to know what color is blind man's buff. Tavisible yellow perhaps. Marriage must be favorable to Jongevity ; an old maid never lives to be more than thiy. ) Genius and talent are a splendid fortune that is often gambled away pretty much like meaner fortunes. © His Pell-grimage is over,' as the druggists widow said when. she or dered an epitaph for his tombstone. A Russian miser is noticed as hav. ing learned to bark, in order to save the expense of keeping a watch-dog. Why is a conseience baker like a ship without ballast? Because being short of weight he gives a voll over It is not work that kills men, it is worry. It is not the revolution that destroys niachinery, but the friction. What proof is there that Robinson: Cruso found his island inhabited 7-- He saw a great swell pitching inte a little cove. like a washér- she wrings men's Y's Ws love Vie aig fa} Boat TT it is an internal transport. Dr. theb desoript bby Hx sa weigh gen-| AON Gl & better. than a promising 3 How to Buy Meat. gives. the following * good and bad pate, with Toh 'his. duties as sanitary officer in the city of London have feyeited Hints. be very familiar: : either. of a pale pink-| purple tint, It has a ance, from a ramificag veins of intereellular fat; "and the fat Jol the internal 'or- gons especially is firm, hard and suebty, 'and .is. pever wet, whereas that of diseased meat is soft and watery. The feel of healthy meat is somewhat elastie, anl hardly moist. cos the, finger. Diseased meat is soft and wet. Good 'meat has but little odor, and this is not disagreea: ble; Wwhereas diseased meat smells faint and cadaverous: Good meat bears cooking without much shrink- ing orlosing much of its weight; but bad meat shrivels up and Yoils to pieces; this is due to the larger pro- portion of watery and gelantinous material, and the absence of fat and true muscular substance in the meat. Under the microscope the fibre should he clear and well defined, and free from infusorial "animalculw; while that-of diseased meat sodden and tumid, as if it had been soaked young ladies attention, to visit any one--you must only muke a call. Of course you would not think of going to Bed--you would retire to 'rest. Nor wonld you build At a baby convention i Massachn- s:tts fifteen mothers were, present, "und 'on a vote fer the prettiest, each baby got one vote. A gentleman in one of the interior towns is so. much opposed to capital punishment' that lic refuses to hang his gate. Two lovers. like the two halves "of a divided bank note, however widely separated, always correspond with cachother, Tyrocrartca.--How does a mother obtain a first impression of her baby ?-By setting it up in 'small caps. Apyice to BLookuEaps.--Stupid | people may eat, but they should not talk. Their mouths may be well enough as banks of deposit, but not of issue, ' . An insurance agent, urging a citi- zen to get his life insured, said : ¢ Get your-lite: insured for tem thowsand, and then, if you die next week, the widow's heart will sing for joy ¢ Have you any limbhorn bonnets? inquired a very modest Miss of a shop keeper: © Any what? ¢Any limb- horn bonnets? ¢ Any -- you don't mean leghorn © The young lady was brought to by the proper restoratives. Washing. . he evening previous to washing, all the clothes should be gathered up and assorted ; woollens, . colored | clothes, unbleached dottons, and linens and fine clothes, into their sep- arate buudles. Except woollens and colored clothes, all other kinds should ba put fc soak over night, the very dirty parts having soap rubbed on them, Ifyou use a washing fluid, it is usmnally mixed in the soak water ; if you usc no wash mixture the next' morning wring out the clothes, and 'proceed to wash them carefully through two warm lathers ; then boil them in clean lather briskly but 'not longer than a half hour, Wash them out of boil, rinse:through two waters. The last rinsing-water . should have a delicate tinge of blue, likewise a small quantity of starch for all cottons or linens ; reserve those you wish stiffer for the last, and mix more starch in the water. Shirt bosoms and collars, skir's, in short aoytling you wish very stiff should be-dipped in starch while dry. Swiss and other thin muslins ahd laces are dipped in Starch: while dry, and then clapped with the hands in the -right condition to iron. Calicoes, beilliants, and lawns of white grounds, are washed like any otlier white material, omitting boil- ing, under tho yellow tinze they ac- quire makes it absolulely necessary. Unbleached cottons and linens follow the white clethes, through the same waters, bot must in no case be boiled or washed with them, as they coatin- ually discharge a postion of their color, and so discolor the white clothes. In directing the preparations for washing fluids, ave give the process employed with them, but colored clothes, in our experience, can be washed in none of them, without in- jury to the color. Calicoes, colored lawns 23d colored cottons, and linens gonetuly; are w h s, and. two used a 3 dc used in the last, as all clothes look betder: and bp een longer, A a little Sillen 3 & 8 licons will pot il soap is A : rab ou them; they should be wis a lather simply. i ow ful lon of w Sdn hie teacup of lye in a bucket" of water "will mpeg vie calor of 'black re ates obuounon bay pis EES bot! 2) Daniel Smith's saw-mill, a house--you would erect it, lof: | BI tion, a'company,' and slioes at a' mart.' and meat from a 'purveyor. ' shop? had not "only become con- not to belong to the Engligh lan- * warchouses' or "baz: wars,' er. "Workpeople' are 'tea meetings' are ' singers' are ' ariistes.' Mirrors 1¥ 11g ITouse.--How many | 'employecs, ' goirees,' lass for his own vices! Happy, in reflection before it is too late for bot! himself and child! who was extremely addicted to pro- fane swearing was one day at work "with a yoke of oxen near his house. The oxen nal working to suit him, he '{:began to whip them severély, at the sgme time uttering volleys of blas- phemons oaths. The oxen breaking loose 'from their harness ran away, while the man, in a passion pursued them, "and coming up with them at the house, began to whip them again and to swear as horribly as before. His little, boy who was at that t'me . {just old enough to begin to talk, be- gan to prattle his profune oaths over after him. ~ No soouer did the fathe: hear this, than his feelings were pow- erfally 'wréught upon. Te paused for 'a moment, dropped his whip, and sat down and wapt bitterly, A flood of keen reflections at once rushed upon his eonscience, which produced such an cffect that he found no rest to his mind until he founl peace, where forgiveness can only be had-- at the footstocl of Mercy. Waar Corstitoags A. GENTLEMAN,-- The late' Judge Talfourd, in a case tried at the Bristol assizes, shortly be- fore hig death, thus defined the charac- fer of a "gentleman ; The evidence proved that the defendant, while in the' theatre, had there said to the plaintiff, 'do pot speak to me; I am a gentleman and you are a trades-- man.' ¢ Gentleman,'said the learned judge, "is a term that does not apply to any Station. The man of rank who deports himself with dignity and can- dour, and the tradesman who dis-- charges his dutiés of life. with honor and integrity are alike entitled to it ; nay, -the humblest artizan, who fulfil the obligations cast npon him, wit virtue and henour, is more entitled to the name of a gentleman than the and ribald remarks, however high his station.' Fire at Porr Dover.--A telegram from Port Dover, says that on Satur- day afternoon the: house belonging to Mr. Frederick Skey, was burned. The walls 'were left standing. Owing to the gallant exertions of the officers and men belonging to H. M, S. Britomart the brick buildings were saved and the most valuable part of the furniture, The townsmen were most active also in their exertions. Mr. 8key was ineured in the british American Insurance Company for $3,600--81,600 on the house, and 81, 000 on the faruiture. An Tog Chay, --Pick out the pret- tiest girl you can sce, stir gently into the order, and ask her: ito give you a kiss ; yon will. {soon have a nice screain. 'Your Sindvitbog is very lad indeed,' said a gentleman to a young college friend who was more addict ed to boating and cricketing than bard study ; 'you really ought to write better.' 'Ay, a I' returned the young mau, 'it is al very well for you to tell me that ; but if I were to write better, pesple would be find- ing out how TI spell'. - | + Benjamin Labain, a youn lad about 19 years of age, employed in Mr, 9th Con. of 'Whitby, on Tuesday last was sent below by Mr. Smith to rectify some slight derangement of the machinery ; i while doing 80, his * foot' slipped him, a - it was icy, sud a a 0 crush it is vulgar One buys drugs ut a ' medical ball,' winos acking i is dispensed at ah ¢ fnstita-| | United Provinces One. would imagine that the word |to the Federal and Local Legislatures. temptible, 'but had been discovered | De guage. Now-a-days, all the shops are | and one will hardly find a person having the hardihood to call himself a shopkeep- | a purent bas found in his child the | 'eed, if any be so wise as to see the A laboring man man who could indulge in offensive A document is Leing extensively signed by members of both Houses of the British Parliament to obtain, if possible, the creation of the Red River Settlement into a crow n;colo- ny ; with a Governor and Council. Ik has a population of 12,000 persons, 'who are 'now dependent upon the tender mercies of fo, Ludspn 'Bay Company, : ; R eemington & Sons. MANUFACTURERS oF RP VOLVERS 'RIFLES. Mucskets and Carbines, the United States Service. Also Belt Revolvers, Repeating Bifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels, and Gun rials, sold by Gun Dealers and the Trade generally. In these days of Houscbreaking.and Rab- bery, every House, Store, Bank, and Office should have onc of Reemington's Revolvers, Parties desirous to avail themselves of the late impro ents in Pistols, and su- perior workmanship And form, will find all col mbined i in the new Reemihgton Revolver. Jirenlars containing cuts and deserip- tion of our arms will be furnished upon application, E. REMINGTON, & SONS, Ilhon, N.Y. $ Moore & Nicuous, Agents, For Pocket and in water, the transverse streaks are| No. 40 Courtland St. N.Y. indistinct and wide apart, and ani- Eo . malculee abound in it. - 1861. PROSPECTUS 18671. = it MoperNy ReriNemexts.--People do oR not' laugh now-a-days--they indulge! * THE GLOBER?* in merriment. They never cat any CPAWSPADPR | food--they masticate it. Nobody | Ty Nw A kB, : { has a tooth pulled ont--it is extPact- nx year 1867 will probably be : 3 v 2 he most eventful year in the history ed. No one Las his feelings hurt-- North 'American Provi they are lacerated. Young men do on to believe il -- not go courting girls--théy pay ter 'the assembling of the 1m- .ondon, on or about next, an Act will be ct to the petitions of the swick and Newfoundland, and uniting sll. the British North American provinces under rone Government and Legislature. On the passage of that Act, a Governoy-General or. Vi | pointed by the Queen to yi ( ; and writs will at once ed for the election of Representatives In | April next, it is therefore probable that the ple of Upper Canada will be called upon 1 ty-two representatives to the atures of Upper Canada. It by | Legi that. these elections may cxercise on the future well-being of the Province. . The Local Government and Legislature of Up- |i Canada, to be established in' Toronto, will have the control of all Crown Lands, |. and | Timber and Minerals within the Province-- of all local Puhlic Works--of Education-- | of the promotion of Agtienlture--and over all personal rights and rights of property. The eighty-two men first elected, will be tion the machinery necessary for the ad- ministration of these and mauy other impor- tant public int terests; and in their hands may rest the decision whether, the future | government of our Province shall be a3 it has been for years past, or ghall be organ- as to secure e ffici iency and economy zhout the public service, and the pro- motion of the industrial inlercsts of the country: The Federal Government and Legislature | TH also be largely affected bythe charae- | | by Upper Canada to the Federal House of Commons. Whether the long-reign of lay- ish expenditure and ill considered legisla- tion is to be continued, or a better state , of things to be inaugurated, wi'l much depend on the choice of Representatives made by the electors of Upper Canada at the coming election. : Fully alive to the importance of arousing the public mind to an earnest and candid consideration of the numerous important questions shortly ¢oming up' for decision, and obtaining from the Tegislatures about to be elected a judicious settlement of them, the publisher of Tug Grore is now perfecting arrangements which will secure increased efficiency in every department of the paper. The Editorial staff is being swengthenced, and a large corps of short-hand reporters is now being formed for reporting daily, ina style surpassing that heretofore attained, the proceedings of the Federal and Local Legislatures. Arrangements have been made for securing every night the European news and prices current of the same day by the Aflantic Cable, and a special commis- sioner for The GLOBE willattend the coming session of «the Imperial Parhament, and watch the debates on the Confederation Bill Tn the general conduet of the paper fresh ciforts will be made in the coming year to seeure that prominence among the journals of the Peovinee which Tae Grone has here- tofore maintained. The telegraph wires will be still morg largely availed of than in the past; and noexpense will be spared in the employ ment of able correspondents at important points, mud in despatching Re- porters to distant places wenever their ser- vices may be required. - A special commis- gioner for, Tag Grose will attend the Paris from next spring. Arrangements are being madedor reporting more systematical- ly than heretofore the proceedings of the Law and Chancery Courts and trials at Nisi Prius throughout the Province. On thie 7th of December, the republication was commenced of Miss Braddon's Admira- ble New Tale 'BIRDS OF PREY," and will be continued from week to week as it appears in England. Other interesting | Tales will also be published during the year: In the mechanical exeeution of the jour- nal very great improvements are. shortly contemplated. From the commencement of- the year, the paper used on the Daily, as well ns (he Weekly edition, will be of very superior quality to that heretofore used-- and in the course of the coming Spring the paper will be printed from a new and bean- tiful fount of type, from the celebrated foundry of Miller & Richards, Edinburg. For some moutlis past, the largely increased circulation of Tue Grose has more than equalled the capacity of the presses, and rendered it difficult to publish the news coming in by telegraph and otherwise up to a lute hour after, midnight, and work off the necessary nun.ber of copies in time for the morning mails. To meet this difficulty, and enable all the reader§ of 'the paper to be supplied at an early Lour of the morning, mew Lightuing Presses, capabie of working off ten thousand impressions per hour, are about to be added to the establishment, and will place ic office in a position of efficiency unsurpassed by any printing office * on this continent, THE TERMS of subscription will remain as heretofore : SIX DOLLARS, per annum for the Daily edition, and TWO DOLLARS per annum for the Week! y edition, both payable strictly in advance. No paper-sent out of the office until the money is paid. ¥ Clubs for the Weekly Globe. The Club rates for! the coming year will be as follows ! gi Ba one. year: TWENTY : # &. Ld SLs an Fx - py-of The org tr Fuonis! who gets up. the Club 'of fear. for... ..§65 00 ally Gl ioe 0 ge HE Bin dia of Fifty, one Jour for, .§100-00 So ote ke 'pérson Ea se atel, wid to any Post. 0, 3 sips Zz GEORGE BROWN, Pifblisher and Proprietor, would be difficult to over-rate the influence |* | eharged with the duty of placing in opera- | ter of the eighty-two Representatives sent | T lie subscriber would say to his custom- ers, and the public generally, that he | Is still "prepared to do all kinds of Black- mith ork on the shortest notice. Horse Shoeing specially atfended to. ¥F= Axes, and Edge Tools, jumped and tempered. Mill-Picks sharpened, &e. All work warranted. HENRY JOHNSTON. Port Perry,8th Aug. 1866. ly Gain MAW & SON, ad 1-tf. HARRISON MAW & SON. Contractors «& Builders, dings of all kinds, whether Wood, or Stone, and to finish them off in the latest styles, with \ PORT PERRY, ed fo contract for and put up Bui Parties requiring First Class work done, will do well to give them a call, Plans a E prepar Brick, : All the Most Kodern improvements. specifications made to order. Port Perry August 7th, 1866. TR! A JOHN N NOTT, CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER, &C. 7 BORELIA, C. W. Port Perry, Sept. os, § 4, GOOD NEWS ! Ry Nhe RIT gg a Applied to the "COTY Gums, Producing Local Anwsthesia, For Extracting. Teeth Without Pain, as Invented by Dr. Richardson ol London, England, AT C.D. WAID'S DENTAL ROOMS, BROCK STREET, UXBRIDGE! All Operations, Warranted to give "Satisfac- tion' or no Charge, and at Prices which Defy. Competition. REFERENCES: :--Rev. Dr. Shortt and H. P, Griggs, M.D.; Port Hope; Rev. J, T. Byrne and Dr. Sargon Whitby ; Jos. Gould, sa and J, Bolste nN \Tebridge: Usbridge, ov. 28,1 © if Toit | List 'of Letters R ilg in 'the Port Ir; Post-Offi Aid 19, ; LE verdad PORT PERRY MILLS, THOMAS PAXTON & Co, | MBER MERC HANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, Pickets, etc., ete. : ALSQO-« SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE , With Improvements, in thejfollowing Townships, viz. WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, of Wild Land in Mara and Rama ; also a number of Village Lots in the Village .of Port Perry, WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, All of which will be sold on réasonable terms. T, PAXTON, & Co. PORT DERRY. August, 1866. 1-tf NEW ARRANGEMENTS | NO COMPETITION! Defying all Opposition! Hee again renewell my contracts with the Toronto Nurseries, I am prepared to supply my patrons with the best article of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS, VINES, AND PLANTS! Ever offered for sale in this Provinee. NO EUMBTITIG! The Toronto Nurseries have taken the diplomas for display of Fruit Trees since the establishment of Provincial Exhibitions in this Province. This is the fourth year I have represented the Toronto Nurseries in this and adjoining Counties, and I am confident that when the selection is left to me the trees will give entire, satisfaction, REFERENCES. Mr. T. Mulcahy, 400 apple trees, 14th 'Concession Brock; Mr. Wm. McGregor 9th Concession Reach ; Mr. Henry Bickle, Brooklin; Clinton Cook, Reach ; Mr Taylor Orillia ; Mr. Trull & Mr. Warden, Darlington, and Mr. Jas Ferguson, Cartwright. I will replace all trees that do not grow if planted according to my directicrs anc properly eared for. J. H. E. HOGG Wholesale and Retail Agent, Box 75, Port Perry. Port Perry, Aug; 10, 1865, 1-tf ARMONIUMS. 3 Ti R.S. WILLIAMS, MAUFACTURER | Nos. 1, 135 & 141, YONGE Sr, TORONTO, {oc Mdornd Instruments of All Kinds, Can be had, by applying at this Office, the same in Price a at the Manufactory. Orders Tespeetfully solicited. Port Perry, lov. 9, 1866. Tit 158m JOSEPH BIGELOW, MANUFAC. TURER AND DEALER Heading and Flour Barrel Staves. A LARGE STOCK ON HANDS AT Al Times: Bash and Door. ; Face planing, Matching s Soroll Sawing, 1 Gning; og Vaid, i on' the shox! test not « Port Perry gust, 10th, 1866: 'not previons L Cooley o | onnran Dan'l Eines Luther Elliotts A AONTL Rose Dall Toronfo; 186%. Hogg J H Boyder 8 Hill Hen "Sharp Peter Hirtson PH x Zvickey, John Kreider John: +g wiekey Mrs: Mar gt Ki lomon, Persone calling for the abote will please letters. i Hu: GORDON, ' Postmaster: Gerson: of the Provincial Parliament a Charten to gonstruct a Railway from Wb Af IMPLOTED LAND jothe Eid linia of tho Tommi 0. W... Wit poy be tovige | 1 if ki i ary 3 easy. Apply atébe ®ort Rey] | | October, 17, 1866. | #417 1. DAVID GIBSON. | Oshawa Vindicator, oud Whithy Chronicle Port Petey, sacek 3 383, 1807, 31) popy til! forbid, rr 72 \ : ~: MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS | ic In Sawed Lumber, Sawed Shingles, Fiour Barrel 1 INVA 00K £1 we - J ME LY I K 1 | di Hi A SVT) IS ha nl NE 1) ' -- d syuea (og We 0 A do Cason i A ot Leh] as ted men | vont baett 30 So squg J ~~ ~~ 9 Keg : nok pd I « I » OY} 03 WO " _-{ Fancy articles. 1 price. i» Newly: Discovered Principles in Purgatives. + over disease than a ur '9ABS PUB '90UBApE J9 monn Tan They thoroug] * | Pills of Alocs, or Croton or Harlem oi or Elatorium ; "'l or other un urgative plaint for sev na d all sorts of pills-- 5 'would'give me te: rary comfort, but was com- . [oaks the all tho timo; 1 have used one box of Dr. | Pilla 3 Tam cured. I Lave not takeu . SE oe - Sanative Hall, STREET, : 1:7, UXBRIDGE. TL. MARC AGH, Chemist-and Drilpgist, FER Dealer in fir: s English DRUGS and CHEMIOALS, P. MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, 018, PI XY, VARNISHES, TUBE-PAINTS RAINY BRUSHES, etc. etc. BOOKS & STATIONERY, States, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Per- famery, Combs, Hair Brushes Toilet and , Mapcacn's Pie Mapcacw's Coven Oisraenr. and Pi1redixturs has never Piuisare warrantsd to failed to cure coughs cure' the' most obsti-land colds. It eases nate cases, of this dis-|Asthma and prevents tressing ma la d y.-- consumption. Price Ointment, b60cts. per|25¢. per Bottle. pot ; pills 25¢. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES! constantly. on hand. Family Receipts and | Physicidn's prescriptions carefully prepared on the shortest notice, MABGACHS ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS Are constantly increasing in public favor, Essences of a superior quality sold wholesale or retail. Every article sold warranted to be of the best quality'and at the lowest remunerative There have been added from time to time such articles as are generally required in the. trade, and the Stock will be fo varied as the demand, a Terms invariably Cash; Uxbridge, Aug. 22, 13066. fous DR "RADWAY'S PILLS, ARE THE DEST PURGATIVE PILLS, ARE THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS. THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS, NO STRAINING. « >>} .. 'NO GRIPING. 2 v \ NO TENESMUS. 3 ed NO PILES. NO FALSE CALLS TO THE WATER CLOSET. BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH EVACUATION FROM THE BOVRES I8 ALWAYS SECURED. Dr. Radway's Pills aro the best Purgative Pills in tho 'world, dnd the'only Vegetable Substituto for Calomel or Mercury ever discovered. They are composed of VEGETABLE EXTRACTS FROM ROOTS, HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWERS, BARKS, FRUITS AND WEEDS, PRE- PARED IN VACUO. grain of tho extras of tho medicinal proper- Al 's Pills, possess a greator curative power tilousand of the crude and inert materials that enter into all other pills in use, These Pills are compounded of the active medicinal proper- Yee bE ihe Roots, Heme; Plants, Flowers, Guns, &c. of hich they posed. Ono dose will prove their ooo fg ar oe pills. They PURGE, CLEANSE, PURIFY, HEAL, SOOTHE, CALM, STRENGTHEN, INVIGORATE, And REGULATE THE SYSTEM. ~ Their Great Combinations. 'They are Aperient, Tonic, Laxative, Alwrative Stim- lant, Counter Trritadt, Sudorit. > AS EVACUANTS, are more certain and h than the Drastio 3 and more soothing and healing than barb, or Tamarinds, or Castor 01 IN SUDDEN ATTACKS or Inflammation of the Bowels or Stomach, Liver, Set | Banereas or Bdrers, Bilious Cholic or Bilious {* Erysipeins or Congestive Fever, Small Pox, Measles, r Scarlet Fever, BIX TO EIGHT OF DR. RADWAY'S HrGU- LATING PILLS WILL PURGE THE PRIMA- RY CAUSE OF THESE FRON JHE SYSTEM IN SIX HOURS. One dose of Dr. Radway's Pills will cleanse tho intes- tinal canal, and purgé from the 'bowels all offending and retained humors, as thoroughly as lobelia or 'the | best approved emetic will cleanse the stomach, with- out producing aramallon, irritation, weaknoss, nl TH NING, Ltd Thore aro no other Sa tho" ond that will seouro this desi- Henna , or Rhous P oo BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL. a TaN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL.) CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL ir eErativae! They exercise a more powerful influence over the liver and its secretions than calomel, mercury, blue pill, hence their importance In cases of Liver Complaints and Spleen Difficulties, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bilious at- tacks, Headache, &e. In the treatment of Fevors, either Bilious, Yellow, Typhoid, and other reducing Fevers, they are superior to quinine. - Their influence extends pres the entire system, controlling, strengthening, and rating up the relaxed and wasting cvergics, and regu- Totog Arsh Te secretions bo he natural perforin co of their duties, cleansing and" purifying tho blood, and Purging from from the system all discased deposits aud im- pure DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL.CURE Costiveness, |Jaundice, Rush of Blaod Constipation, |Congst've Fe tothe Head, Congestion, ver, Obstructions, Heart Disease, (Sleepiness, [Dropsy, Disease of Kid-|Gen'l Debility,[Acute Erys ney & Bladder, Dimness of 8't las, of Li-|Fits, Headache," » ver, © Lown's of Spir-Bad Breath, its, |Enflamation of a8 Fever, Snes io Tnsesting , Dyspepsia, "|Apoplexy, Malignant Fe-| Measles, Enlargement ver, Melancholy, | of the Spleen, Loss of Appe-|Hysterics, Scuryy, = - Todigistion, [Fantiogs "| Cough ting, ugh, Inflammation, | Dizziness, 'Worms, Palpitations, |Retention of |Bad Dréams, Scarlet Fever, | Urine, Pleurisy. Bilious Fever, I AM CURED. #1 havo taken six doses of Radway's Pills, of threo Is each, in six days ; they cured mo of Constipation, and Dyspepsia. I have taken Beth's, pil for years, and could only Spliin temporary» rolief. If I stopped the usc of Bi do day : Joy ot Somplatat would appear. doses of Radway's Pills cur ori HEN. BENNETT, -U, 8. G 8." "1 havo suffered with Dyspepsia and Liver Cim- a i ix mont particle of of Hdlene nse om EES nesters. es. RE A ) TENESM Pils, TRA . Aro tho resula'of Iniamistion or irritation = the me 'cous membrano of jy duced by i of being "the chile, are carried to the lower in fue a ement or evaciation 4 thelr he remot ed cat go who take these "* 1 avoid edd so anny, 'whenever a A , ako a Se of 2 ays SCAN THEY 1 WILL PURGE monOuGHLY AND Forsns alloted with PILES, 1 may oy on a Positive bi . COATED 'wit i me ni Th iis Cam 8 are oated with ¢am are pid or sméll, can oe takon at all (ines and on all occasions. No danger will rosait from enlds. iI exposed to wet or damp weather after faking nese Jo oF Ra EATS FILLS . gation, in severe cases aw ol a C.y flor owe ays FTI Wil on remove ply Roop! PASSA. rections for inside ate "pites or ho, £5 cents. Soll Lg J Mediciuo Dealers, and Fiare-keepers, Fiagmm Las Lor Td A with fresi wy new nad As each Dox 15 encloied yw ( 1 | Shlainned Label, ik RA others, + & a ~