« Coroners, Justices of the "7 Kellet John Matthews Mrs M MaNsLAvGHTER.--From the Colling- 2 ise we learn that a coroner's inquest was held ia the village of Creemore, on the 2nd inst., to enquire into the cause of the death of a farmer named William Weatherup,. who was killed by a young man named William Bell, on the previous day. It appears by the evidence that the young man Bell had been raised from a child by tho decease], and a dispute having arisen on the morning of the murder between the parties, Weatherup turned Bell out of the house and struck him with a whip ; this cansed some further altercation which wound u by Bell takirg up a heavy stick and striking his foster father on the head a little above the left ear, causing his death in the course of afew hours. Bell has been com- mitted to Barrie gaol to await his trial for manslaughter. ¢ Loss or Srock.--The Fergus News Record is informed that many of the farmers of Garafraxa are suffering severe losses in steck this spring, It is said there are but fow farmers in the neigliborhood who have not lost'one or more of their' cattle or sheep. The cause is the poor uality of the straw, rendered so b on extremely heavy rains of last harvest, wkich have made it almost valueless as fodder. | Founp Desp 18 THE Woops. The Stanstead Journal says that on the 29th ult, the body of a dead man was found in the woods on the height of land between the Brampton Falls and the James' Farm, In his pock- cts were a purse containing $9.95 in silver and three coppers. DIED. In Scott, on Satneday, 18th inst., H. Sarr, aged 69 years. At Prince Albert, on Monday, 20th inst., Mr. Samuel Beason, aged 47 years, ._, At Port Pprry on Sunday, the 19th inst., Bawim, se daughter of Mr. Avoyso SuxtoN, aged¥¥ years, 11 months and 14 days. : EE -------- PORT PERRY AND MANCHESTER MARKETS. Fall Wheat.... 1.85 a 2.00 Spring Wheat 175 a 1.85 Barley..... 40c a 44 Pease.. 56c a 60c Oats. 35¢ a 50 Butter & Bb. . 0156 a 15¢ Wood & cord.. 125 @ 1 50 Pork per 100... 450 a 600 Eggs per doz....... 10 @ 10 WHITBY MARKETS. Whitby May. 22, 1867. Flour & brl...... 900 @ $1 26 Fall Wheat & bush. 200@ 215 Spring-Wheat 4 bus! 180 @ 2 00 Barley & bush. 055 @ 0 60 Pease ts 0mm 012 © Oats 040 @ 0 45 , Potatoes 26 028 @ 0 30 Beef & cwt. oo0e@ 000 Butter 4 ib. 01Tm@ 018 Porkdrewt............. 45 @ 6 25 TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, May. 232, 1867. Spring Wheat & bush.... 180 @ $1 90 Fall Wheat & bush. Flour & brl . oe MONTREAL MARKETS, Montreal, May. 22, 1867. Flour & brl .. 885m 9M 160@ 175 90 @ 095 40@ 045 560 @ 585 790 @ 8.25 19 00 §20 00 o16@ 020 020@ 025 Hay & ton.. 10 00 @ 12 00 Spy 0 | D Campbell, Refunded 10.00 uditors eport,| mwas" 0" 8 - L J lo Henderson do 10.00 ; , Insurauce Town Hall: . - 4.00 , EB ~ Balance in Treasurer' Lal GEORGE CURRIE, Esquire, Bada. Durer, rh Treasurer, in Adcount with CL -- th 3 tion of oh $16729.39 e Corporation of Reac DONALD McKAY] , for 1866. . " JOHN TAYLOR | Auditors. : RECEIPTS. : Ward No. 1. RE fm Ep TO rps + «+ John Noggridgs License 40.00 si ERR 1. J Murray do 30,00 Balance - * » 08 +» W Scott do 40.00 ya m-- «+ Wm Boulton do . 30.00 197.67 J Stusisis Sep do : Eon : -- : . 0 Tavern . do {7 30.0 By Balance from 1865 - . 3s ++ D Campbell do 30.00 "Order of Council - 20.00 «« H B Jennings do 2500 By-law 393 - J - 50.00) . Roport Nuria Jo 200 Apportionment Town Line - 40.00 .. John Henderson do. 26.00 Peor-Fond 2 ™ 53.00 ++ J Gould for Fines...... 8.00 .. James Jewett License 40.00 197.67 +. N Sinclar do 40.00 OF Coy do 28.00 Ward No. 2. 1+ J Kou 0 4... 40 00 ToWorkdone . - - . 710.00 4 J Rirston Tavern So 10s0 Indigent Fund ' - 32.00 ..HCbarleaShop do 35.00 ; Blanes a" rl hmm -+ Reuben Orandell Fines 4.35 - nr -+ W Marks Fines . ADO 122.00 ++ Proceeds of Note...... 490.88 =. | 7 : : end +. County Treasure; ig ar By By-aw3e3 0 oo 180.00 count of Volunteers.. 351.00 Apportionment 10th Con. - 20.00 WH Wunnimaker's Fine 4.00 Indigent Fund - - 52.00 . Susu Liskhonil., 10,00 i - pit. CLS «+ County Treas Balance. o { ones Fond. ... B0s.y1 : 18200 -« Joel Shaw Collector. ...5748 55 Less Returned. ... 16.55 - Ward No. 8. NS -- 37.32 | To orders for Work - - 216.30 ++ Dog Tax.....o.iuvuues 289.00 © Indigent Fund = - 26.00 Less Returned... 21.00 * Balance - '. - 11.02 268.00 ++ 8 P Barber Collector. 6750 89 Less returned....... =. 79.09 : 6671.80 +o DOETAX 0 vesienss . Less Returned....... $16729.39 . EXPENDITURES, - ' 8scHOOLS. Paid 8 Section No. 1... o : CLERGY RESERVES. _ Paid Ward No. 4.. do 1 do 5... . PRINTING, . Paid Parsons & Robinson.. 161.82 Baird & Parsons...... 14 62° R&T Gregg......... 50.00 Wehegn tn 300 Walker & Burkholder. 140.00 Stillwell & Asling .... 20.00 ° 20 00 20.00 O'Leary & Herrington. D Campbell .uvu.uauae Leask Hey Adbetisements, 1. BRIDGMAN, Physician, Surgeon, &o., PORT PERRY, CO. W. TENDERS FOR PAINTING! [5 Inees for Painting the Town Hall, Manchester, with two coats of Paint, will be reeeived by the undersigned till Saturday,the 1st day of June, next. The person receiving the Contract to furnigh all the material required, and to do the work in a proper, workman-like manger, JOHN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk. Reach, 21st May, 1867. 41-2w y -TO LET. A; Dekguity Shop, Log House, and a half-acre of Land to Let, on the corner of Lot No. 10 in the 12th Con. Mariposa, within five miles from Oakwood, six. from Woodville, six from Cannington and seven from Manilla, all of which may be rented cheap. For further particulars apply to ALEX. McKINNON, On the Premises. Port Perry, May 21, 1867. 41-3w EYED | NOTICE: County of Ontario, S hereby given, To Wit: $ I that the oc of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and County Court, in and for the County of Ontario, will be holden at the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, on - Tuesday, June 11th, 1867, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all Peace, and all thers concerned will take notice and go- vern themselves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, : : Sheriff, Co. 0. Per R. H. Tomlinson, ? Sheriff's Office, Whitby, } May 14, 1867, 4 L Remaining in the Port Perry Post-Office , May En. not previously advertised. |. Buchman Thos Morrow Rachel €ooley Abram Moore Hemon C Douglas Donald Palmer Thomas Fitchet Peter Plum John Gero Lonis Phillippo Mrs M: Hodgson Christopher pee Yes. Tare Hilligus J L - der John or Wm hi for the above will pleags letters. ! : H.GORDOY, Persons calli " a0k for advertised Leask & Major.... DOG ' FUND. . L50 . L150 li ++ 8.00 Robi . 18.50 Wright & Spring. . . 4.50 D Christie..,. 1.50 Jos Grahi «5 Wm, Hart.. . 8.25 8 Reynolds . . 8.75 A Harper. «11.25 Sutliff ... « 8.25 N Vernon... vee 9.25 D Geer.... ...55emv.. 6.75 J Housam... iia. 108 Henry Taylor. . 1.00 R Camplin...... . 10.50 Forman...,...... 1.00 128.00 SALARIES, Paid J Christie in full for '65 41.20 do do '66 231.37 J B Campbell ......... James Grabam.. Joshua Wright. . John Taylor .... James Baird .. Joshua Wright x : J B Campbell ,. Penball......... AJOr. evs ss.. George Currie. .. SCHOOL DEBENTURES. Paid Total amount........ . 1369.80 NON-RESIDENT BCHOOL TAX. * Paid 8 Sections....v....... - 12.99 ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. | Paid Notes infull....... ey 500.00 INDIGENT YUXD. Paid Order of Councillor fer Ward Noji .. 60.00 do 82.00 do 26.00 9 do 21.00 do 39.00 -- 178.00 'COUNTY PURPOSES. 3 Paid Treasurer.....!...... 4834.81 VOLUNTEER FUND. Paid Volunteers on ac. of * MISCELLANEOUS, Paid James Howden......... 2,00 James Graham, Prize... 7.00 Turner, Taxes refunded. 3.63 B Crandell Constable.. 1.50 . A Bunker Pound-keeper refunded.......o0000 4878 6.00 3.00 .00 Capt. Forman, use of Hall 30.00 Justage and Gasette... 612 ' a 6.4 v pods am 056 urrie, Postage, &c. 3. Obeyet & Co., ; J Wright, Reeve, extra services Postmaster, 253.32 By Balance from 1865 - - 86.32 By-law 393 - - 50.00 Apportionment Nonquon = 65.00 do for 7th Con, 50.00 By Indigent Fund - - 52.00 Ei oman o. » 25332 - > - 'Ward No. 4. To C. R. for Schools - -- 149 Orders for Work - = = 131.00 Poor Fund - - - 21.00, Balance - - <0 30.00 By Balance from 1865 - - 71.49 By-law No. 393 - - 50.00 Apportionment Simcoe St - 80.00 Indigent Fund - - 52,00 253.49 Ward No. 5. To paid Order 8. 8. No. 7 - 20.00 Orders for Work - - 153.0 Indigent Fund - - - 39.00 Balance - - - 161.79 373.79 By Balance from 1865 - 121.79 By-law No 393 - 50.00 100.00 do for 2nd Con. - do for Town Line - - Indigent Fund - - County = Treasurer. Non-Resident Land Fund........ 5406.36 $8008.87 LIABILITIES. Roads and Brigges. . $ 172.75 Salaries..... PN 176.65 Schools 191.66 Indigent Fund 54.00 County Treasu: 1077.58 Balance in favor of Corpora . 6336.23 $8008.87 To the Reeve and Council of the Municipal Corporation of Reach :-- We, the. undersigned, beg to state that having compared the Assessment-RolT With the Collectors' Rolls, we found them cor- rect. Also, that the foregoing Report is a correct statement of the Accounts of your Treasurer, and that they agree with the Vouchers in support thereof. That the Assests Liabilities are correct to the best of aon DO D McKAY . JOHN TAYLOR } Auditors. Reach, Dec. 31st, 1866. ° 40-ew '| Running--Open to all horses. "| enter. Entrance 10 per cent. 0 J. PHILLIPPO, To Cash - - fe 1.4334 81 Balance ida OBR] A Shame: ek - 5412.39 By Assessment for Co'y purposes. - 4000.00 Educational ~~ -. = 857.86 Kalance from 1865 - v= 554.53 5412.39 | ASSETS. Cash in Treasurer's hands vee. $1802.51 Value of Town Hall... 800 00 Dues Bir The Natal Day of our Sovereign Lady the rw Queen will be celebrated ~~ .. iN PORT PERRY, x os follows: RACES! Inn-keepers Purse : Trotting--Open to all Horses. Half-mile: heats ; beet 3 in 5,. 3 to enter ; 2 to start. Entrance 10 per cent. a at Merchant's Purse heats ; best 3in 5. 3to enter;.2 to start. . Entrance 10 per cent. wr Foot Race-$5.---200 yards. -- 10 per cent. Pn .. Sac Best 2 in allowed. 3 toenter; 2 to start, ~ Entrages | 10 per cent, Wheel-barrow Blindfold. = 3 t6 enter, and trance 10 per cent. $1. 100 yards; 2in3. 3 to start. Entrance 10 per cent. . Boys' Race--Under 13 yéars-- $1. 3 to enter; to start. Entrance 10 per cent. GAMES! ] 21 yards; 2in 3. Entrance 10 per cent. 3 Standing Jumps.--$2.-- Best 2iwr3. 3 to enter. Entrance 10 per cent. - , x enter. Entrince 10 per Ho Best 2in 3. 3 to enter. cent, Throwing Sledge.--$1--3 to Entrance 10 per, Greased Pig--$1.--Entries un- limited. To be caught, shouldered and brought to the judges in 10 minutes. trance 10 per cent. All entries to be made with the Secretary. at Shaw's Hotel, before 10 o'clock, on the morning of the 24th May. EXCURSION! The steamer " Lady Ida" will leave. Tronnce's wharf at 9, a. m , to convey ex- cursionists to 7 mile Island ard back.' Fire-Worlks. display of Fire Works. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT : H. Gorboy, N. E. Brraes, D. OampneLy, GC. MACKENZIE, + Treasurer. Secretary. "GO SAVETHE QUEEN." 5 + Port Perry, May tl} 1867. PORT PERRY THE SUBSCRIBER, in refuraing thanks to his numerous customers for their 'favors during the past two years, he is Now Prefhred to Fxecute all Work entrusted to him, on the shortest possible notice and in THE BEST STYLE! As a recommendation for honest dealing and good workmanship, he would state this fact that in 1865 he carded only 8,000 1bs of wool, and in 1866 over 14,000 lbs, ' He hopes by strict atténtion to business to merit an additional increase in 1867. Pricrs :--For Carding, per 1b--5 cents, if paid before the 1st January, 1868, if not 80 paid, 6 cents will be charged.' On all other accounts not paid before that date 10 per cent will be charged. For Fulling sd pressing 10 cents per yard, and fulling and Dressing 12} cents per yard. Shawls, Capes, Dresses, &c., Colored-and Pressed on moderate terms. C. T. YOUNG. Port Perry, April 23, 1867, 36-3m TAILORING EMPORIUM! HE SUBSCRIBER, in returning -L his sincere thanks to his numerous customers and friends for past favors, wishes to inform the Inhabitants of Reach ! and surrounding Townships, that he is still prepared to execute all orders entrusted to his care with neatness and despateh.. " FOR OCAsEY. THO'S, BULLEN, ri Mary Street. Port Perry, May 2, 186). 38, Farms For Sale ! FJVHE Subscriber offers for sale the ing valusble Lands; 1st.--Part of Lots No. 21, 22, and 23, in the 8th Concession of Whitby, containing | follow 2nd.~Patt of Lot No. 27, in the 9th Con- cession of Whitby, containing 85 acres. 3rd.--Part of Lot No, 11,ip the 12th Ci ion of Reach, containing 148 acres. No.4, in the oth VICTORIA Mutual Fire Insurance COMPANY. T= aim of the Directors of this Company is, by careful and economical manage- ment, to offer insureres perfect security and low rates of premium. RATE OF INSURANCE FOR THREE YEARS : Brick or Stone for $1,000........... Wood and Out-buildings for $1,000... will find it'to their interest to insure in the above Company, as the rates are very vow and security perfect: W. L. BOOKER, 5 Secretary and Treas, W.M. COCHRANE, * Agent for North Ontario; Port Perry. : April 16th, 1867, "Beef Farms for Sale. OF HUNDRED AND THIRTY AGRES, 10 15 concession of the Towuship of Cartwright, 8 acres cleared and under a fair state of Itivatiop, with ordinesy out buldings,' Thi land is only 1} miles from Caesarea, from whence there is a good graveled road to 5th. --Part of Lot No. 5, in the 11 con- cession of Scugog, sontaining 85 apres. 6th.--Part of Lot No. 10, in: the 13th | concession of Scugog, containing 50 acres. . Al the above gre first class farms, well improved, and can be had cheap, upon easy terms of payment, * a Ry Aso a large number of Village: Lots in the yillage of Port Perry. Ae & number of Town Lots in the town n . . 4 Also any smount of money to loan at Itdsonajyle rates of interest on farm secu ty, eA For further particulars apply (prepaid) to 1a F. PAXTON & Co. W. M. COCHRANE, Solicitor, Port Perry. or J Ianson, Ta; J Horpe do N Fh Port Persy, Aug. 20, 1886. ot "9th Con. Cartwright, 3 ille. There ss also school within a quarter of a mile of the Lot. Title indisputable. : - TERMS :--$600 down, and balance spread over a term of six or eight years, The ag $0: An the, i Log H Joshipfve an, : os hae 958 ; 8 tt own and balance spread oyer a term of ten years, if required. Apply to a JOSEPH BIGELOW, Port Perry, April 2, 1865. in 31 --_-- 2,000 Cedar Posts for Sale. Price $5 PER HUNDRED. - r JOSEPH BIGELOW. GAY SPORT! 2-825 Half-mile{ * Best 2 in 3. 3 to enter; 2 to start, "Entrarice | k Race.-$5.--100 yaids=| 3, over hurdles. No hopping |" Race.---$1--| 2to start, En-| Boys' Race--12 to 16 years-- | enter; 2 to _Quoiting $2.50.--Game of 21. or Leap. --83--| cen ¥ p-step and Leap.--$2.--/| . In the evening there will be a grand | . M. Cocanaxe, J. Suaw, T. Hazurnorsr,| ~~ Woollen Factory: : wishes to inform them and the public: "tia: |" Hamilion, | Febir20, 1801. 'being part of Lot No. 20, in the 9ih| (HAW & April 10th, 1867, ARE STILL RECEIVING THEIR NEW SPRING GOODS! CALL AND SEE THEM. ORDON Ti a5 STOVES AND LAMPS, © Water-lime, &c., &ec. Ready-made manufacturing houses Canada, HATS hand. ad 1 Town or City. Eresh Are arriving almost most select variety of All kinds of FARM exchange for ggods. Potatoes, &c., &ec. always eommanding their families of all®Lengths, from from 8 to 12 inches 8q bear this in. mind. $17,000. WORTH OF \ - NEW GOODS, Comprised of British, French and American ~ DRY GOODS, bo t Canadian Tweeds, of the latest variety of p iw Style and Texture, GROCERIES! Shelf Hardware, oop and Bar Iron, : Crockery, Classware, Window Glass, Nails, & Putty, Paint, Oils, raishes, Dye Stuffs Scliool Books, Stationery, Garden, Field = and Flower Seeds, Fish, Salt, Plaster, CLOTHING ! on hand and made up to order if required, BOOTS AND SHOES, Of every style and size for Liadies, Gentle- men and Children, purchased from the best Ladies and Gent's AND CAPS, Bonnets, Mantles, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, &c., in Great Variety always on I would say that my stock is the largest and most complete in the County, embracing almost everything for sale in ' everything required of the latest styles and ed to supply customers. ; alt Rubber and Leather Belting furnished to order at Manufacturer's prices, ED--Any quantity "of 'Butter, Eggs, Tallow . tos, Port Perry is the larg- est market in North Ontario for these things, supply the large number of men in the Mills and Factories of this place, as well as 500 Butter Tubs for Sale or will be given out to customers to fill. 10,000 Feet of Square Timber for Sale, The Subscriber has also a large stock of SAWED LUMBER on hand, and is pre. pared to furnish any kind of Lumber, sawed out to order, from 12 to 26 feet long.-- Parties: wanting long lumber had better quantity of Sawed Shingles, Flour Barrel Staves and Sawed Heading. 3" TWO GOOD POTASH KETTLES 8 cwt each, and three Coolers for Sale. JOSEPHBIGELOW. Port Perry, 22nd April, 1867. BOOTS and SH( MLE Subscriber is desizons of informing bis friends end the publie what ho Oonslsting of Calf, Kidd and Prunella w EQUAL IN STYLE & QUALITY! Port Perry, May 22, 1867, i ., = recelved a well assorted stock {LADIES GENTS AND CHILREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR! Gaiters and Heavy Wear of ali kinds, ds whigh ch, 11 be found TO ANY IN THE MARKET, =. ar A Lot of No. 1 Spanish Sole for Sale, Cheap for Cash. =@& Repairing Promptly Attended to. Terms Moderate. Produce taken in Exchange. roi The Highest Price in Cash for Hides, Calf & Sheep Skins, H. FOY. 41-4 TINWARE, 0AL OIL, Paper Hangings, A large stock of in the Dominion of C Goods, PRODUCE taken in . Lard, Hams, Bacon, TEE IN EW PICTURE. GALLERY N The Latest Styles of Pictures, AT PORT PERRY IS OW OPE: WHERE YOU CAN GET W™ TAKEN ON THE MOST IMPROVED SYSTEM ! Photographs Painted in Oil, Water Colors, &o., &, 53" Small Likenesses Copied and Enlarged to any size. gg Remember the Place,---Nearly] opposite the Royal Canadian Bank. Specimens to be seen at the MEDICAL HALL. Port Perry, April 25th, 1867. J. H. BACHE. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTH ONTARIO. We wish to inform you that our Spring Stock is now omplete, and you will find it to your advantage to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere and price our list of New Goods annexed : S : Silk Goods, Hardware, daily, to keep my 3 ' $i] assortment complete, thot LA ry oN Doeskins, , Sugars, wanting on my part to serve patrons with r Goods to be dou] in Tweeds, Coffee, y Mark he LOWEST PRICES. Any i ibiatitey not in stock will be order- Flannels, Rice, J . . Muley Gang and Circular Saws, Shirting, Currants, &e., &c., at MARSH & TROUNCES, Port Perry, May 2nd, 1861. yh Merle N '8 the highest price to 18 to 60 feet, aud uare. Also, for sale, any 37 7. I.. Margach NOW OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC THR FOLOWING MEDICINES, Margach's Cough Mixture. MARGACHS CONDITION POWDERS, FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. M4 RGACH'S PILE OINTMENT AND Pile Pills, 75c¢. MARGACHS ITCH CURE-50 CENTS. MARGACHS ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS, DRIFFIELD OIL, For Horses : Prepared from the Original i ! +. Recipe, by J. L. Mareacn. ESSENCES, Rr Sea A Kiberal Discount fo tho Trade, "i 7,1. MARGACH, UXBRIDGE. 28 NEW TAILOR SHOP!! Coa - IN PORT PERRY. i Qe \ PERKINS would inform the inhab- D. Jdtants of Port Perry and surrounding Country that he has opened a new Tailoring Establishment nthe above-named town, where he is pre. hs pared to ~ MANUFACTURE GARMENTS Substantially and Tustefully On the shortest possible notice and in the PR 'latest - NEW YORK AND LONDON FASHIONS. 3 a ---- His prices are very reasonable, and to thoge who favor him with their work every satisfaction is guaranteed. 1 SHOP-- over Shaw and Gordon's store, : Queen Street. Rort Perry, 22nd April, 1867. 37 3-Iv, Port Perry, Aug. U8, 1868, Don't Buy! Don't Buy! on 9 Don't Buy What ? "T)ON'T BUY that little nonsensics) $15 Machine. You will always be in trouble. But the best way is, when you have Fifteen Dollars to invest in a machine, to put a little more with it and get a good one; and S The place to get the best Machines, Is on Broek Street, at S. P. GREEN'S, Highest Prize Canadian Machines, Are for sale at 8. P. GREEN'S. New Improved Belleville Maebines, Are for sale at S. P. GREEN'S. Grover & Baker's best Machines, Are for sale at 8. P. GREEN'S. Genuine Singer's big Machines, Are for sale at 8, P. GREEN'S, Wanzer's No, 2 Machines, - Are for sale at 8. P. GREEN'S, Finally, all good Machines, Can be had at 8. P, GREEN'S. Time given for payment on Machines, If they are bought at 8. P. GREEN'S, Written warrants with all Machines, That are bought at 8. P. GREEN'S, A Remember this place of such renown, { "Tis on Brock Street, in Wibtby Town. 23 6m Whitby, Jan. 15, 1867. Port Perry, May 8th, 1867. AN AWFUL TUMBLE !! Coods Very Much Lower in Price! THE SUBSCRIBER has just returned from Montreal, where he has purchased one of the Largest Stocks of Goods! ever brought to this Market. And as all COTTON goods are now some fifteen per cent lower than the one month ago he feels satisfied he can offer hargalng not All kinds of 'were given in this line for five years past. GROCERIES, BOOTS §& SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Straw Goods and READY-MADE CLOTHING, &C., J. W. ALLISON. Very Low. 7 | PORT PERRY FOUNDRY, fue above New and First-Class Foundry is sow Open for the Manufacture of Steam Engines, Boilers, Grist & Saw Mi MACHINERY, TOOLS FOR WORKING OF WOOD AND IRON, uch as Sash, Door, Blind and Chair, Stave and Shingle Machinery, of the Latest Improvements; 3 : Woollenn Mill Machinery, The Dduble Turbine Water-Wheel, of all 'Bizes; Besides Every Description of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STOVES, 40. MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. ~CHARGES REASONABLE. The fact of Opening a Foundry in this neighborhood, thereby saving time and transportation, is a saving the subscriber hopes will, in the end, be mu; of itself which tual, : Immediate Orders Respectfully " . ; SEY AM. GIBSON. Port Perry, Dee. 19th, 1866. { SCUGOG HOUNE, PORT PHRRY, Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines & Spirits, At Reasonable Rates. ; HENRY CHARLES. Port Perry, April 23d 1867. sr : DIVISIONCO URTS FOR THE - County of ¢ Ontario. No. 1, Whitby, ....«./o.... April 1st, 1867 4 3, Pickering, ......... * dnd, # " 3, Prince Albert, +++ March 20th, " " 4, Uxbridge,,....,ee... * 30th, © '5, Cannington, . «May 15th, © * 6, Beaverton, . wy 0 26th, ¢ 1, Atherly,........ re THN a Z. BURNHAM, Judge, CLO. Whithy, Mar 13, 1867. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tabl approved credit. CT The Port Perry Ware-Rooms ! N returning thanks to his numerous customers for their i du ' the I i . ke sub its & i Eh ays during 4 pet years, i solie MY STOCK CONSISTS OF Hh . hg ;, Sofas, Sideboards, Secret: Book Cases, and several Sets o 1 BREE + Finger vod isc ge Sg LL. al purposes, and will be sold Obeap for fash of UNDERTAKING They will answer for Church or Parlor an Done on the shortest notice. Coffins always on hand, Hearse at resonable rates Por} Perry, Aug. 6, 1866." 1-tf J. W. DAVIS, 7 \ LL i