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Port Perry Standard, 12 Sep 1867, p. 4

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Just 'mice; = you 8 song, tia not very long, : wy a piece of advice. Onorus : matter What at people may say, . No matter what somebody inks, 'wish to be happy the ress of your days, "Don't marry a man if he drinks." g Indies take care of your hearts, them away on a sot, (friends, or give them to one that's treating his What e're be his station or lot. His pride may uphold him a while, But sooner or later he sinks, [days, _ And if you'd be happy the rest of your "Don't marry a man if he drinks" . Just think of the sorrows and cares, The heart rending sighs and the fears, words and the blows, the cruélest woes, Then think of an ocean of tears. Think of Bob Jories, hé drankest of men, "His attitude, hicconghs and winks, Think what a dignified pair you will make, you marry a man and he drioks. 'Latest from the SongWriters BY THE FAT CONTRIBUTER. The man who " Drenipt I dwell in Marble Hall," has opened a quarry there and is doing a thriving business REAL, GOLDEN SYRUP AT THE 'SCUGOG HOUSE," HENRY CHARLES. June, 20, 1867. 1 9081 'mot Buy 'Aureg og 90130 18933008 93} UO 'duOQ *31pa1d pasoadds a3 'save wasauu Surmaned . 109 ¥ £119[]08 1a} 'serqe], 'speeispeg 'suneoing "30 SLEISNOD MOOI iM 'sasn) yoog 'saravasrag 'spavoqapty 'snjog 'safunog Life] in getliug out grave stones, ._ The author of ¢ Carry me back to Old Virginia," has opened a livery stable and is carried back in his own conveyance wherever he wants {o be. The man who sang "Iam lonely ince my Mother Died," isn't quite so lonely now. The old man mairied again, and his step-mother makes it lively enough for him. The author of "Life on the Ocean Wave," is gratifying his taste for the sea by tending asaw mill. He will be on the water now. The one who gave the " Old Folks at Home" to the world has recently taken them to the poor house, as they were getting troublesome. The man whe wrote * Five o'clock in the Morning" found that no saloons were open at that early hour where ha could get his bitters, so he lies abed rather late now. "Give me a Cot in the Valley I Love," has got a cot in the infimary. Mine cott. The man who sighed " Take me home to die." took Dr. Kerr's system Renovator and is now a " Fine old 10a, gentleman." ""Mcet me by moonlight alone" has left off meet and taken to drink. The author of "Shells of the Ocean," is in the clam busincss, The man who wanted to ¢ Kisn kim for his Mother," attempted to kiss his mother for him the other day and kim gave him a walloping " for his mother." : The one who wailed so plaintively, "Do they miss me at home 7" nas missed the other day, together with a neighbor's wife. Te is missed by a wife and seven children. The author of * Three Blind Mice," lias started a menagerie with them, og of the American papers ob- "metves of Mr. Wentworth, ONIV.LIHANA 10 yseQ Joy dwar) pos oq [[I4 pus 'gosodand 3013 10 gong) 10; JaMsuv [la Ley "amus oy Jo "omy ypm auo pun 'sdojs xis yna Iuo--sunSiQ 00g pu unpruing 'sar gt "MT 3)B1 9[qBUOSVAI J¥ OSIBIH PUB] UO SLVA[® SUPOY, woo.Lpag Jo $708 1043298 PUD SWOOY-IB AL Addo Jog 9], E 45ed oy3 Supp 93vu01ud J} 405 820WOISND SNOLIWNT SI 03 EHUB) Zi | 'SeIpEID COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK. aE Subscriber is desirous of informing the public that he has purchased the above premises, which lhe las renovated throughout. First class Liquors and Cigars, and the best accommodation with careful at- tentiop can always be found. Good stabling, enclosed yards, and attentive Ostlers. R. A. MURTA, Greenbank, June 12, 1867. 44-1y WINES. Juat received, a fresh supply "of Pure Wines for medicinal purposes at THE MEDICAL HALL, Nearly opposite the Royal Canadian Bank. J. H. BACHE. Port Pozry May 29, 1866. 42 NOVELS & STATIONERY. A Good asaortment at the MEDICAL HALL. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. A SPLENDID assortment at the MEDICAL, HALL. Horse and Cattle Medicines. A GOOD SUPPLY slays on hand. A Superior Condi one 2,000 Cedar Posts for Sale. Price $5 PER HUNDRED. JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, 22 April, 1807. 37 Peemington & Sons. MANUFACTURERS OF REVOLVERS. RIFLES. Muskets and Carbines, For the United States Service. Also Bifles, Rifle and Shot Gun Barrels, and Gun Materials, old by Gun Dealers and the Trade gecerally. In these days of Housebreaking and Rob- bery, every House, Store, Bank, and Gffice should have one of Reemington's Revolvers, Parties desirous to avail themselves of the late improvements in Pistols, and su- perior workmanship and form, will find all bined in the new Reemington Revolver. Circulars containing cuts and deserip- tion of our arms will be furnished upon application. E. REMINGTON, & SONS, Thon, N.Y. § Moore & NicnoLs, Agents. 1 No. 40 Courtland St. N.Y. 1867. PROSPECTUS 1861 "THE GLOBE?" NEWSPAPER. PuE year 1867 will probably be the most eventful year in the history of the British North American Provinces. I'here is every reason to believe that im- mediately after the assembling of the Im- perial Parliament in London, on or about Ds t of Feb uay next, an Act will he passed giving effect to the petitions of the Legislative bodies of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland, and uniting all the British North American provinces under one Government and Legislature. On the passage of that Act, a Governor-General or Viceroy will be ap- pointed by the Queen to preside over the United Provinges; and writs will at once be issued for the election of Representatives to the Federal and Loeal Legislatures. In April next, it is therefore probable that the people of Upper Canada will be called upon to elect eighty-two representatives to the Local Legislatures of Upper Canada. It would be difficult to over-rate the influence that these elections may. exercise on the future well-being of the Province. Thelin Local Government and Legislature of Up- { per Canada, to be established in Toronto, | will have the control of all Crown Lands, Timber and Minerals within the Province-- of all local Public Works --of Education-- of the promotion of Agriculture--and over all personal rights and rights of property. The eighty-two men first elected, will be | charged with the duty of placing in opera- | tion the machiney nsci3say ©) the ad. ministration of these and many other impor- tant public inte ests; and in their hands may rest the decision whether the future government of our Province shall be as it has beep for years past, or shall be organ- ized so as to secure efficiency and economy throughout the public service, and the pro- motion of the industrial interests of the country. Fully alive to the importance of arousing the public mind to an earnest and candid consideration of the numerous important questions shortly coming up for decision, and obtaining from the Legislatures about to be ¢lected a judicious settlement of them, the publisher of Tar GLosk is now perfecting of the very best in Hien Call mi: got a package at the MEDICAL HALL. of Congress Tor a district of Tino that * he ig 80 tall that when he ad- «dresses the people, instead of monnt- ing the stamp, as us om in the West, they have to dig a lole for him to stand in I' Another paper, which goes the whole ticket against Mr. entworth, politely observes that they " dig a hole for him not because hie is too tall, bot because he never feels at homo unless he is up to his eyes in dirt." > In a school recently, the teacher took occasion to relate an anecdote of the little girl who tried to * over- come evil with good," by giving a New Testament to a boy who had ill treated her. The story was ap- preciated, for, a few minutes after- wards, one boy struck another, and, on being asked the reason, said lie was "trying to get a testament. 7 This was a practical bearing alto- gether unexpected. One man wagered another that he had seen a horse galioping at great speed and a dog sitting on bis tail 1t seems an impossible feat for a dog to accomplish ; but the man was right and won the money. The dog was * 'sitting on his own tail. Novel Speculation.--In a recent translation of Klopstoek's Messiah" we are told that alchohol" was intro duced by satan into the tree of "knowledge before our frst parents partook of it, and was attended with the same effects wnich hi ave followed © #8 use ever since!" It is related that a subscriber to a country paper of long standing, who had never paid a dollar of his sub- scription, told the collector, when called apon for his li-tle bill, that he had no funds ; he had only sub- scribed for the thing i in order to en age the undertaking. uninformed Trishman bearing! -- the Sphinx 40 1h company, Shia jo Jia companion, ) 2 ie : monster man,' ) 'Hibernian in order not to d with Lis family, 'a man? Tthought Le was COUGH BALSAM. HE bests medicine ever introduced. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c., are immediately rolieved. The immense demand enables the proprietor to reduce the price--Only 35 Cents per Bottle, None genuine unless signed J. H. Bacus. For Sale at the MEDICAL HALL. Infant's Preservative. piss is a safe and efficient remedy for the disorders of children consequent on Teething. No mother should be without it, as it isthe only medicine required for ghild- ren. - It has never failed in a single instance to effect a cure when timely administered. In Diarrhea, Dysentery, Colic and Pains in the Bowels, it is without an equal, and is the most effectual soother of pain as yet presented to the public. None genuine un- less signed J. H. Bacme. Only 25 Cents per bottle. For sale at the MEDICAL TALL. WORM POWDERS. T is the best and safest worm medicine It drives out the worms thoroughly without pain They sre superior to any Worm Lozenge ; aud none but the very best ingredients are used in their compo- sition, Give thema trial. Only 25 cents per Package. For sale at the MEDICAL HALL. Anti-Billious Pills. AY excellent Family Medicine, and is the most effective remedy for Indigestion, Billious and Liver Complai arrangements which will secure increased efficiency in every department of the paper. The Editorial staff js being strengthened, and a large corps of short-hand reporters is now being formed for reporting daily; ina style surpassing that heretofore attained, the progeedings of the Federal and Local T have been en for securing every night the European. news and prices current of the same day by the Atlantic Cable, and a special commis- sioner for Tne Grore will sttend the coming session of the Imperial Parliament, and watch' the debates om the Confederation Bill, In the general conduct of the paper fresh efforts will be made in the coming year to secure that prominence among the journals of the Province which Tre Grose has here- tofore maintained. The telegraph wires will be still more largely availed of than in the past; and noexpense will be spared in the employment of able correspondents at important points, aud in despatching Re- porters to distant places whenever their ser- vices may be required. A special commis- sioner for Tae Gogg will attend the Paris Exhibition next spring. Arrangements are being made for reporting more systematical- ly thau heretofore the an of the Law and Charcery Courts ard 'trials at Nisi Prius throughout the Province. On'the 7th of December, the republication was commenced of Miss Braddon's Admira- ble New Tale 'BIRDS OF PREY," and will be continued from week to week as it appears in England. Other interesting Tales will also be published during the year. In the mechanjcal exeeution of the jour- nal very great improvements are shortly contemplated. From the commencement of the year, the paper used on the Daily, as well as the Weekly edition, will be of very superior quality to that 'heretofore used-- and in the course of the coming Spring the paper will be printed from a new and beau- tiful fount of type, from the celebrated foundry of Miller & Richards, Edinburg. For some months past, the largely inereased circulation of Tas Grose has more than equalled, the eapacity - of the presses, and Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness, Spasms, and all disorders of the Stomach and Bowels. For Females the Pills are truly excellent, removing all Obstruction, Headache, De- pression of Spirits, Blotches, Pimples and sallowness of the skin, and give a, healthy, juvenile bloom to the complexion. "Only 25¢ per box, at the MEDICAL HALL. Please Rememberthe Plaze | EDIOAL HALL --Opposite the * House of All Nations," Queen Street, Port Perry. J, I. BACHE. Port Perry, March 21st, 186, i 23 {108 & PARK LOTS FoR SALE In Port Perry. Village Lot Y~Coruer, Water, snd Queen Streets . ey y : 1s: North -- " - 16 i ¢ ids Sot Yort Sir, : wa North North Street. "1 40 Nork M 40.7: 15 00 TWENTY do ......'3000 10 J an extra apy of The Wek Globe the person w Ho geld Ap. the the Jub' of y Ten ty. Fore COPIES, ope year, for... ...05 ERR | sienTyY L100 00 non coi ae dered it diffieult to publish the Ws coming in by telegraph and otherwise u bo a late hour after midnight, and work off t necessary number of copies jg time for the morning mails, To meet this dificulty, and enable all the readers of the paper to be supplied at an early hour of the morning, new Lightning Presses, capable of working off ten thousand impressions per hour, are about to be added to the establishment, and will place the office in a position of efficiency unsurpassed by any printing office on this eontinent. No paper sent out of the office until the money is paid. The Federal Goverpment and Legislature will also be largely affected by the charac- Pocket and Belt Revolvers, Repeating | | { --0--- he subscriber would say to his custom- ers, and the public generally, that he is still prepared to do all kinds of Black- smith work on the shortest.notice. Horse Shoeing specially attended to. ¥3* Axes, and Edge Tools, jumped and tempered. Mill-Picks sharpened, &c. All work wafranted. HENRY JOHNSTON. "Port Pasevatin Aug "1866. 15 1-tf, whether Wood, ings of all kinds, est styles, with All the Most Modern Improvements. Fpartiss requiring First Class work done, will do well to give them a call, Plans and ge to order. HARRISON MAW & SON. PORT PERRY, dq Contractors « Buillders, RE prepared to contract for and put up Bi Brick, or Stone, and to finish them off in t Port Perry August 7th, 1866. ns MAW & SON, { GOOD: ) NEWS! NARCOTIC 89 SPRAY ieee Applied to the HER Goms, Producing Local Anmsthesia, For Extracting Teeth Withont "Pain, as Invented by Dr. Richardson of - London, Ingland, T C.D. WAID'S DENTAL ROOMS, BROCK STREE T, UXBRIDGE! All Operations Warranted to give Satisfe- tion or no Charge, and at Prices tekick> Defy Competition. RerereNces :--Rev. Dr. Shortt and. H.P, Griggs, M.D., Port Hope; Rev. J. T. Byrne, and Dr. Carson, Whitby ; Jos. df Esq. and J. Bolster, M.B. , Uxbridge, - Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1866, 16-4f ter of the ejghty-two R i sent by Upper Canada to the Federal House of Commons. Whether the long reign of lav- ish expendi and ill id legisla- tion-ig to be continued, or a better state of things ¢o be inaugurated, will mugh depend on the choige of Representatives made by the electors of Upper Canada at the coming election. THE TERMS of subscription will remain as heretofore: SIX DOLLARS per aunum for the Daily edition, and TWO DOLLARS annum the Wed Weekly edition, both pel lo strictly | HOUSE, pon for the Weekly Globe. The Club rates for the coming yéar will | be as follows : SIX COI'IES, one year. eessesd0 00 TEN do , who gets up the. iO]ubs resin BHOWH, 'Publisher and Proprietor. Wanted Immediately | 1 (cores OF FIELD STONE. po Cabinet Maker, Sign, and Gare Fiber Marie 33 Square. Toronto, 1867, ° Borelia, May 8th 1866, "30 THOMAS PAXTON & Co, oH MBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, WHITBY, Pickets, etc, etc. ALSO SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR SALE With Improvements; in the following Townships; vis. CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS of Wild Land § in Mara and Rama ; also a number of Village Lots in the Village of Port Perry, WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, All of which will he sold on reasonable terms. PORT PERRY, August, 1866. T. PAXTON, & Co. 1-f "PORT PERRY FOUNDRY. HE above New and Pirst<Class Foundry is now Open for the Manufacture of {Steam Engines, Boilers, Grist & Saw MII MACHINERY, TOOLS FOR WORKING OF WOOD AND (RON, Such as Sash, Door, Blind and hair, Stave and Shingle ' Machinery, of the Latest Improvements; Woollen Mill Machinery The Double Turbine Water-Wheel, of all sizes; Besides Every Description of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STOVES, &C. MADE TO ORDER AND REPAIRED. The fact of Opening a Foundry in this neighborhood, thereby CHARGES REASONABLE. saving time and transportation, is a saving of itself which the subscriber hopes will, in the end, be mutual. Immediate Orders Respectful y Solicited. A.M. GIBSON. Port Perry, Dec. 19th, 1866. rn R.S 'SNOHAOTAN . WILLI AMS, MAU FAGTURER ! Nos. 143, 135 & 147, YONGE Sr, TORONTO. {G- Musical Instruments of All Kinds an be had, by applying at this Office, the same in Price as 'at the Manufactory. Orders Tespectfully solicited. Port Perry, Noy. 31st, 1866, i 15-8m ort Petty sea wou 1866. JOSEPH BIGELOW, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER |In Bawed Lumber, Sawed Shingles, Fiour Barrel Heading and Flour Barrel Staves. J A A LARGE STOCK ON HANDS AT ALL Fines Also Proprieror of Port Perry Bash and Door Factory. : ge | Face planing, Matching, Scroll Sawing, Turning Mowing, : eto, ng Yous on the shoztest notice ige . ad 'oundry to AND PROVED LAND in thes ool Michi opposite Goderich, | ke ean or or Town fis per, reasy. © aniy a the. Port Perry. or 2 DAVID GIBSON. Port Perry, March wy) 1867. 84 ont Pensy, or 30, 1807. ' - GEO. ROBINSON. |. ny » ml A 140 THVONVLS, o0 0 N00 INIENEH SSYTD LSHIA dViHD DB LVN INVA 0X dI pa 4 # + ' -- is - 'paepuelg, oy) oj uonpduiosqng anok i wmuue Jad s)ue9 (G eAes pu '9oueApE § A Dealer in frst-olass English DRUC CHEMICALS, PATENT EDICTS, | PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, V. PAINT BRUSHES, etc., Sr BOOKS & STATI Slates, Pens, Ink, Pencils, fumery, Combs, Hair Brushes Toilet and ° Fancy articles. 3 Marcacn's Pix Marcaon's Coven. Omrusnr and Piri eMixrore has Piuusare warranted tofailed to cure. ough cure the most obsti-and colds. It eases nate cases of this dis. Asthma and prevents v ing malady. os Ointment, 80cts. per|25c. per Bottle. ae pot ; pills 25¢. 7 HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES sonstantly on hand. Family. ori and - Physician on the abil notice. MARGACES ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS Are constantly increasing in public favor. ' Essences of a superior quality sold wholesale or retail. Every article sold warranted to be of the best quality and at the lowest remunerati: price. There have been added from ti time such articles as are generally req in the trade, and the Stock will of Fis as 'varied as the demand, 3" Terms invariably Cash, Uxbridge, Aug. 22, 1866. te "ARK THE BEST PURGATIVE PILLS. ¢ "ARK THE DEST IURGATIVE LIS THE DEST PURGATIVE FILLS. xo STRAINING. Zi xo omirmvo. ie Jo TENES\TS. bhi No. PILES. NO FALSE CALLS TO THE WATER BUT A BRISK AND THOROUGH EVACUATION FROM THE BOWELS 18 ALWAYS SECURED. Newly Di d Pr in Parga . Dr. Radway's Pills aro Pills in the Id, nly Vall mt or Stoo an ror discovered. are composed of VEGETABLE EXTRACTS FROM ROOTS, HERBS, PLANTS, GUMS, SEEDS, FLOWER® BARKS, WITS AND WEEDS, PRE- IN VACUO. - 'the extrast of the medicinal SOOTHE, CALM, STRENGTHEN, - IN VIGORATR SIX TO EIGHT OF DR. RADWAY'S 'REGU- LATING PILLS WILL PURGE THE PRIMA. RY CAUSE OF THESE FRON HE BYSTEM IN SIX HOURS. One dose of Dr. Radway's Pills wili cleanse the intes. tinal canal, and purge from the bowels all offending and retained humors, as thoroughly as lobelia or the best. approved emetic will cleanse the stomach, with out irritation, STRAINING, other easant Thore are usin ills 1 tho Work that will secure thie BETTER THAN CALOMFL OR BLUE PILL. 3 BETTER THAN CALOMEL OR BLUE PILL) 7 DEITER THAN EL OR BLUE PILL 4 AS ALTERATIVES, more rful influence over the nr oe ao on ph , mercury, blue fod their ions hin In cases of pnd and Spleen Difficulties, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Bilious at. tacks, Headachd, kc. It the treatment of Fevors, either perior to quinine. Their influence extends Ti Pp rae Seed %11 tho nearctiona 10 tho natural perfrmance, lating ul SS me od ee, Be id pure hy DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE Costivencss, |Jaundice, Rush of Bloag mstipation, [Congst've Fe-| tothe Head, gestion, ver, h Heart Disease. Sleepiness, Dropsy, : of Kid-|{Gen'l Debility, Route Erysipy- ney & Bladder.| Dimness of §'t| las, f

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