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Port Perry Standard, 30 Jul 1868, p. 4

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"Stumps! A Poem.' . d t- EES nth Gates, asf pespest lectably stumpy regions. Stumps! stumps! stumps! 8 on every Stumm; de the rivulet, And stumps beside the rill. Stumps in every cornfield, son stumps among the peas, mps for birds to 0 Sing on, Instead of lofty trees. Stumps around the shanty, And stumps above the floor, Stumps before the windows, And stumps beside the door. Stumps for men to sit on At their daily meals, Stumps on every hi, hway, To trip up poets: i Rotten stunips and leafless, Look where'er you may, Acting ghosts at midnight, And stumps again by day. Stumps of all dimensions, All altiudes and forms, Some made stumps by axes, And'some made stumps by storms. Hoary stumps primeval, Deep in marsh and pond, Stumps od the horizon, And doubtless stumps beyond. Such a stumpy country, I never yet beheld ; Everything is stumpy, And hoary grown with eld. Stumpy are the women, And stumpy are the males, Stumpy are the cattle, And can boast of stumpy ails. Stumpy are the oxen, And horses not a few; Stumpy are the girls, And the boys are stumpy too. Stumpy is their intellect: Not stumpy though my song, For my very pen is stumpy With stumping it so long. Than all that I have mentioned, (Aud numerous they are,) Alas! the people's purses Are stumpier by far. Devrra. Uxbridge, July 25th, 1868. PE -------------------- A new scientific toy is a magnetic . fish, made of paper, colored to imi- tate nature, and which, being placed in the palm of the hand, wiggles as natorally and as uneasily as a fish out of water. Mrs. Eunice Warner, formerly of Great Barrington, Mass., became a mother at 13 years, a grandmother at 27, a great-grandmother at 40, a great-great-grandmother at 56, a great-great great-grandmother at 74, after which she lived several years. A Pourre Hinr.--A plain spoken preacher delivered the following from his desk:--¢ I would announce to the congregation that, probably by mis- "take, there was left at the meeting house this morning, a small cotton umbrella, much damaged by time and wee wear, and of an exceedingly pale blue color, in the place whereof was taken atvery large black silk umbrella of great beauty. Blunders of this sort, my Lrethien, are getling a little too common." Steamer Anglo-Saxon DAILY TRIPS BETWEEN PORT PERRY & LINDSAY! N ang after the ist of July, 1868, and un- til the close of navigation, the new and fast-sailing Steamer " Anglo-Saxon" will leave her wharf, at Port Perry, every day, (Sundays excepted), at 7 ¢ clock, AM. for Lindsay, Calling at Port Hoover and Csmsarea ! Returning will leave Lindsay every day, (Sundays excepted), at 3 o'clock, P. M., for Port Perry, calling at the above intermedi- ate ports. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS, BUSINESS MEN AND TOURISTS, As well as the public generally, will find this a most pleasant route, affording a fine view of the delightful scenery around Scu- gog Lake. From Oshawa and Whitby to Port Perry, there are two daily lines of Stages, and one daily line of Stages between Port Perry, Manilla, Cannington and Beaverton The steamer connects at Lindsay with the PORT HOPE & LINDSAY RAILWAY and the steamers plying on the Lakes north of Lindsay, for Fenelon Falls, Bobcaygeon, Public Notice jk HEREBY . GIVEN, that application will be made by the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Company, to the Parlia- ment of the Province of Ontario at its next Session for an Act amending the Act to in- corporate the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Company, and extending and en- larging the power and authority of the said Village of Uxbridge, with the same rights, their railway. (Signed) - ROBERT J. WILSON. Whitby, June 24th, 1868. The Impeachment Trial OF ANDY IS STILL GOING ON, AR the Subscriber would notify all by Royal Proclamation that his Sash and Door Factory is going on, too, where anything in bis line can be had cheap, such as SASHES, DOORS, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, PLANING AND _ MATCHING, for all those BUILDINGS that are about to be erected in anticipation of the Port Perry Railway being built--which is a sealed fact if the people will only push it on, Given under my hand, at Port Perry, this 30th day of April, 1868. GEO. ROBINSON, 38 Builder, PHOTOGRAPHS For the Million! Te Subscriber in returning thanks for past favors, and soliciting a continu- ance of the same, wishes to inform his cus- tomers and the public geoonally, that he has REMOVED to the new car Opposite Henderson's Hotel, where he is prepared to supply FIRST CLASS PICTURES, of all kinds and sizes, at REASONABLE RATES. He has spared no pains to fit up his car in keeping with the times; and every ex- ertion will be made to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. J. FITZPATRICK. zbiidge, Feb. 11th, 1868. 27-tf SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SAW! UXBRIDGE! FOR Hardware ! TOVES, TIN, COPPER, and SHEET Iron Ware, Building Materinl, Grind- stones, Nails, Glass, Putty, Locks, Butts and Screws, Weights and Measures, Zinc, Bolts all sizes, Bells, Spades and Shovels, Axes, Edge Tools, Saws, Rasps and Files, Catlery, Chains, Ropes and Cordage, Ma- chine and Burning Oils. Lamps, and Lan- terns, Cash and Work Boxes, Bird Cages, Spectacles and Cases, Fancy Pipes, Chil- dren's Carriages, Looking-Glasses, Toys, Picture Moldings, Baskets, Trays and Wait- ers, Satchels and Purses, Enamelled and Brass Kettles, Patent Spinning Wheels, Horse-Rakes, Gates and Saw-Gummers. Fresh Field, Garden and Flower Seeds! FANCY GOODS, 4c, §c. At H. THOMPSONS, Tinsmith, &c., Uxbridge. and Bridgewater. FARE: Between Port Perry and Lindsay....$1.00 Return -Tickets...u..oueereceraras. 1. Brearsion, artes, 13 or upwards, Half Fare...................o. g 3" The esi Sasn has been specially fitted up for the comfort and convenience ot Passengers. T. OAKLEY, Captain, Port Perry, 30th June, 1868. 48 3 . LOOK OUT FOR A Fenian Raid. HILE we are constantly threatened with a Fenian Invasion, the subseri- ber has made a most determined Raid, re- sulting in the entire revolution of his old WOOLLEN FACTORY! And has turned itinto an excellent new que, and filled it with the latest and most Im- Proved Mag Machinery for the manufacture of Cloths, Tweeds, Satinetts, Shirt- be Sheeting, Blankets, and Ladies' Plaid Dresses, and Is 'now prepared to take Cus- tomers' Wool and manufacture it in the . most workmanlike manner into any kind of " Cloth they may require, at the customary id for similar work in other parts of the Je ge Sanding, Fulling and Cloth be strictly attended to and a got a New and Im- 4 ofl th Machines , he feels confident or Jill be ghen in the 'and also speci aang os of ful, wien Fil- arn for customers.-- taken in exchange for Cloth Shop. The Shop will 'Shop. while returning thanks to and so- Uxbridge, April 6th, 1868. 35 o.| General Blacksmithing! N SUCCEEDING Mr. 1 Johnston, in this place, as General Blacksmiths, the Subscribers wish to inform the public that the business in all its branches will be car- ried on as heretofore. Mill Work Done! XJ Special attention paid to sharpening Mill Picks. Horse- Shoeing oitended lo by exrperi- enced hands. Wrought=Iron Plows made to Order. FLETT & HUTCHISON, Port Perry, Nov. 13, 1867. 14tf GEORGE FIELDS, LICENSED Auctioneer, For the County of Onlario. All orders addressed to.Goodwood P, O., or left at the "Standard" Office, will be promptly attended to, Uxbridge, Jan. 8, 1868. 4 . PORT PERRY Carriage Shop. THE SUBSCRIBER withes to ie public that he is sow i WAGGONS, cumaiices & SLEICES! &c., &c., of the Latest Styles, and of the notice. - company inthe lsying out and constructing : + Y2avJy of their proposed railway under the said act Id by giving the said companythe further power . and authority to lay out and construct such railway, continuing and building tue same to such point upon the shore of Lake Sim- coe, at or near Beaverton as may be consid- ered ndvisable and also to lay out,construct and finish, a branch from such point upon said Railway as they may think best to the powers, priviloges, and under and subject 2s © to the same provisions ag are now given and Pa HE 8: made by the said act incorporating such company for laying out and constructing 3 3 § § § § Secretary. wx DEEERER : FIN 5 & ZFegEDd r= £ BIEgERE xh ER ym< 2.753785 0. hei 50 al mn ¥ oJ 8 He tpl 2 g 37 i 108 d ng dy = fox ko Cl ae oun] az" =: fing) ~ 2 © > sndny| ~ w= _suadag 20 £ g | 1990390 a Tle 0 12 [19QUIAON o ~!q weoa( . EVERYBODY! SHOULD KNOW | From the testimony of Uncle Joe and Aunt Betty, that the Cheapest place to buy groceries is at the CHEAP GROCERY, BORELIA. APPLES 60 Cents «PER BUSHEL! A GOOD CIGAR FOR 2 Cts. Everything Cheap in Proportion! TEAS, RAISINS, BREAD, SUGARS, ~ CURRANTS, BISCUITS, TOBACCOS, GAKES, CRACKERS, CONFECTIONARY, ~c. LOBSTERS, SARDINES, HERRINGS, Oranges! LEMONS. SARSAPARILLA BEER AND SODA-WATER. HAND LAMPS! VERY CHEAP! Highest Price Paid for Butte & Eggs IT PAYS TO CALL AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE ISRAEL POST. Borelia, May, 6, 1868. 39 NEW TAILOR SHOP!! IN PORT PERRY. --C PERKINS would inform the inhab- e itants of Port Perry and surrounding Country that he has opened a new Tailoring Establishment the above-named town, where he is pre- pared fo MANUFACTUKE GARMENTS |" Substantially and Tastefully On the shortest possible notice and in the latest NEW YORK AND LONDON FASAIONS. ce 5 His prices are very reasonable, and to those who favor him with their work every satisfaction is guaranteed. SHOP--over Shaw and Gordon's store, Queen Street. Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1866. 3-1y. Property for Sale. FHE subscriber offers for sale the south half of Lot No. 21.1n the 1st con. of Brock ; the south half of Lot 14 in the 6th con. of the Township of Reach ; A STORE AND TAVERN WHAT EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE! Existence being so uncertain, Various are the ways of fa When death on life has drawn the witha, Who would not prize their friends portrait. Then haste at once it is your duty, Get portrayed yourself and friends, While you've health in all its beauty, Think how very soon it ends. H. McKenzie, bY, YAULLY inform the people of this and neighboring vicinity that he has Opened a Picture Gallery IN PORT PERRY! in the building opposite the Royal Canadian Hotel, on the first floor Above the Medical Hall ! As he has spared no expense and taken the greatest pains in fitting up the gallery, he feels himself competent to give entire satisfaction te all who may favour him with their patronage, Pictures of all kiuds and sizes finished in 0il, Water Colors, or India Ink. PHO IOGRAPHS, $2.00 PER DOZ., LEITERGRAPHS, 25 CTS, EACH Call and examine specimens. H. McKENZIE, Artist. Port Perry, Feb. 5th 1868. 26 "The - Victoria Hotel." MAIN STREET OAKWOOD, D. B. Dennison, Proprietor. AVING leased the above House for a term of years, the Proprietor will spare no efforts likely to conduce to the comfort of the travelling public. E# Good Stabling and an attentive Hos- tier. Oakwood, March 10th, 1868. 31-tf Farms For Tor Sale | HE Subscriber offers for sale the follow- ing valuable Lands: 1st.--Part of Lots No 21, 22, and 23, in the 8th Concession of Whitby, containing 283 acres 2nd. --Part of Lot No. 27, in the 9th Con- cession of Whitby, containing 85 acres. 3rd. --Part of Lot No. 11,in the 12th Concession of Reach, containing 148 acres. 4th. -South half of Lot No. 4, in the 9th concession of Scugog, containing 100. 5th.--Part of Lot No.5, in the 11 con- cession of Scugog, zontaining 85 acres. 6th.--Part of Lot No. 10, in the 13th concession of Scugog, containing 50 acres All the above are first class farms, well improved, and can be had cheap, upon easy terms of payment. Also a large number of Village Lots in the village of Port Perry. Also a number of Town Lots in the town of Lindsay. Also any amount of money to loan at reasonable rates of interest on farm secu- rity. For further particulars apply (prepaid) to T. PAXTON & Co. or W. M. COCHRANE, Solicitor, Port Perry Port Perry, Aug. 20, 1866. Teh PORT PERRY BAKERY. HE Subscriber wishes to'inform the Public that he has always on hand a supply of Good Bread, Flour, Oatmeal ! DIFFERFNT vps OF CaKES! Biscuits & Confectionaries. TOYS IN GREAT VARIETY. ¥35~ Fancy Wedding Oakes, med, are made to order, an price. icely trim- agonable in Port Perry, Nov. 1 2,000 Cedar Posts for Salo. Pros $5 PER HUNDRED. JOSEPH BIGELOW. Port Perry, 22 April, 1867. 37 situated on the south side Queen street, in Port Perry, known as the Railroad Hotel, with half an acre of land; and Lots Nos. 71 and 72 on the north side of Mary Street. Terms made known on application to NEIL SINCLAIR. Proprietor, Port Perry, Feb. 4, 1868. 26-3m. THE ONTARIO FARMER'S MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. HIS Company is now fully organized, and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, Country School Houses and Churches. Those wish- ing to Insure, and thercby supp rt a Home Insurance Company, have now an opportn- nity of doing so, either by applying at the Head Office, or to any of the Local Agents of the Company Our Rates will be found as low as those of any respor sible Mutual In- surance Company in Canada. - Heap Orrick :--The old Registry Office, Brock Street, Whitty. . FAIRBANKS, Secretary. Whitby, July 10th, 1867. TAILORING EMPORIUM! HE SUBSCRIBER, in returning his sincere thanks to hig numerous customers and friends for past favors, wishes to inform the Inhabitants of Reach and surrounding Townships, that he is still prepared to execute all orders entrusted to 'his care wi b neatness and despatch. CHBEAX FOR CASEI. THO'S. BULLEN, Mary Street. Port Perry, May 2, 1867. 38. ONTARIO Photograph Gallery. HE Subscriber in Tn returning thanks to his numerous friends and patrons of North Ontario, for past favors would re- specifully inform them tha: le has removed from Uxbridge to Whitby, where he is pre-- pared to take Photographs, &c., &c., equal to any in the Province, and: would solicit a continuation of the patron- of those who may find it convepient io visit Whitby. best material, on the shortest possible N. B.-- Rooms opposite. the Bankof Mon- treal--over McClung, Fielding and Co's Repairi Prompily. Attended to-| 510% or Fa MILL SIEVES| BROCK STREET, WHITBY. constantly on hand. J. A, CLARK, C McKENZIE. Artist. ~ Port Perry, Sept. u, 1867. 4tf{ Whitby, Nov. 13, 1867, 3m, of ------ GOOD NEWS! FR SPRAY 5A Applid to th Gums, Froduciug Local Anasihsia, For Extracting T th Without Pain, as luv ntd by Dr. Richardson of London, England, AT C. D. WAID'S DENTAL ROOMS, BROCK STREET, UXBRIDGE : All Operations Warranted to give Satisfac- tion or no Churge, and at Prices which Defy Competition. Rererexces:-- Rev. Dr. Shortt and H. P. Griggs, M.D , Port Hope; Rev. J. T. Byrne and Dr Carson, Whitby ; Jos Gould, Esq, and J Bolster, M.B., Uxbridge. Uxbridge, Nov. 23, 1866. cE JOHN NOTT, Cabinet Maker, 46 House, Sign, and Carriage - Painter! PAPER HANGER, ®C., UNDERTAKING attended to prowptly. A first class Hearse - furnished when required. ~ Coffins o* all sizes kept constantly on hand. CHARGES MODERATE y 5000 Feer or BurterNu~ LUNBER, Marre 34 SQUARE. _Borelia, May 8th 1866, Montreal Ocean Comp 4 AND GLASGOW, [PASSENGERS 2 going Enela Scotland, or Ireland, can Juste T Plans of Berths, and all necessary i tion from | u E. GEO. Y LE 5 Si June, 6th, 1866. Port Perry, Dec. 26, 1867 HARRISON MAW & SON, Contractors « Builders, Port Perry August 7th, 1866. The Port Perry Ware-Rooms! N returning thanks to his numerous customers for their patronage during the pest nineteen years, the subscriber solicits a continuance of the same. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Lounges, Sofas, Sideboards, Secretaries, Book Cases and several Sets of Bedroom Furniture, and two Organs--one with siz stops, and one with two. PORT PERRY, August, 1866. GENERAL LAND AGENCY! 1 | 1E undersigned has opened an office for the general Sale of Lands in this and the adjoining Counties. THE LOANING OF MONEY At Low Rates of Interest on Improved Farm Securities, INSURANCES EFFECTED! On all Classes of Property at Low rates of Premium. Y= OFFICE--Bigelow's Block, adjoining the Royal Canadian Bauk, Port Perry. PORT PERRY, RE prepared to contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick, or Stone, and to finish them off in the latest styles, wi All the Most Modern Improvements. Parties requiring First Class work done, will do well to give them a call. Plans and specifications made to order. MY STOCK CONSISTS OF They will answer for Church or Parlor purposes, and wiil be sold Cheap for Cash or UNDERTAKING Done on fhe shiortes notice Coflins always on hand. approved credit. PORT PERRY THOMAS PAXTON & Co, UMBER MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN BOARD AND BUNDLE LATHS, Pickets, etc, etc: ALSO SEVERAL FIRST CLASS FARMS FOR BALE With Improvements, in tbe following Townships, viz. WHITBY, CARTWRIGHT, REACH, SCUGOG, MARIPOSA, and SEVERAL LOTS of Wild Land i in Mara and Rama ; also a number of Village Lots in the Village of Port Perry, WITH AND WITHOUT BUILDINGS, All of which will be sold on reasonable terms. J. B. CAMPBELL. 20 HARRISON MAW & SON. 1-tf. Chairs, 1) " IVAN INVA DOA di H Elearse at reasonable rate, J. W. DAVIS. MILLS, [1 dV T. PAXTON. 1-tf. HOUSE, SIGN, Terms Moderate. MOORE & SONS, MASONS « PAINTERS, Port Perry, Ontario, \ A TISH to inform the public that they are prepared to do ail kinds of LATHING AND PLASTERING, and every description of ¥3" on reasonable terms. Port Perry, Feb. 19, 1868. BOOTS 'and SHOES. FEE Subscriber is desirous of informing his friends and the Eo i that he has received a well assorted stock of LADIES; GENT'S AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR! Consisting of Calf, Kidd and Prunella Gaiters and Heavy Wear of all kinds, which EQUAL IN STYLE & QUALITY !! TO ANY IN THE MARKET. | ga A Lot of No. 1 Spanish Sole for Sale, Cheap for Cash. = Repairing Promptly Attended to. Produce taken in Exchange. { The Tighent Price in Cash for Hides, Calf & Sheep Skins_ HH. F oY. Port Perry, Oct, 24, 1867. [INT SSVT) I CARRIAGE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, &c., 'g0uBApE UI PIEPUE)S, OY) 0) uorydurosqng Jnok Avg a0 0 TH0) IN HARMON UMS. = wv Can be had, by applying a at the Manufactory. Port Perry, Nov. 21st, 1866. ih og S. WILLIAMS, MAUFACTURER ! Nos. 143, 185 & 141, YONGE Sr, TORONTO. 0G Musical Instruments of All Kinds. { this Office, the same in Price as Orders respetaly solicited. 10 -- $ | -mmuue Jod sjued Gg 9Aes pus ~SNOTAOTIK I 10d 1) Face planin 2, JOSEPH BIGELOW, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER: In Sawed Lumber, Sawed Shingles, Fiour Barrel | Heading and Flour Barrel Staves. \| A LARGE STOCK ON HANDS AT ALL TIMES! An Also Rraprieror of Port Perry Sash and Deor Factory. = Matching, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Moulding, etg, etc., done on the shoctast notice Port Perry on! 10th, 1866, - Bifles, Rite and Shot jig Ye Gun Materials, sold by Gun Dealers ps Trade SR tho these Ll aking and bery, tiie louse, Store, Bonk, vad, 2 ry Parties desirous to avail' 'heniselve 3 thie late improvements in' Pistols por perior workmanship and form, find i : combined in the new Reemingten Revolver. Circulars soniainiog cuts and descrip- tion of our arms wil I Yo Zasuished 408 application. E, REMINGTON, & sons, Titon, nN: § Moors & NiomoLs, Agents No. 40 Courtlan 1 The Sanative Hall, MAIN STREET, UXBRIDGE. . J. L. MARGACH Chemist and Druggist, Dealer in first-class English DRUGS md CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, VARNISHES, TUBE-PAINTS PAINT BRUSHSS, efc., etc. BOOKS & STATIONERY, Slates, Pens, Ink, Pencils, Per- fumery, Combs, Hair Brushes Toilet and Fancy articles. MarcAon's Pin Maraaow's Coven Omvruent and Pit mMixtors has never Piuisare warranted tojfailed to cure coughs cure the most obsti-land colds. It eases . nate cases of this dis-{Asthma and prevents tressing ma lady.--{consumption. Price Ointment, 50cts. per|25¢. per Bottle. pot ; pills 25¢. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES constantly on hand. - Family Receipts and Physician's Drogeriptions carefully prepared on the shortest not MARGACH'S ANTI-BILLIOUS PILLS Are constantly wcreasiag in public favor. 5 Essences of a superior quality sold wholesale or retail. Every article sold warranted to be of the best quality and at the lowest remunerative price. There have been added from time to time such articles as are generally required in the trade, and the Stock will be found as varied as the demand, ¥¥ Terms invariably Cash, TOWN & PARK LOTS in PortPerry. Village Lot 1,--~Corner, Water, and Queen Streets. "" 11 4 } North Queen Street. " 16 " 22 " 24 ; South North Street. & 30 ¢" 44 North North Street. 1% 70 North Mary Street. " % } Sputh Mary Street. " 89 y 2 | North Casimir Street. " 94 H 10 { South Casimir Street. For price and terms apply pre-paid to J. HAM PERRY. Whitby. Whitby, August 21, 1866. 1 (1868. PROSPECTUS 1868 "THE GLOBE?" NEWSPAPER, Juzine the year 1868 very im- portant Sessions will be held of the Parliament of Ontario, and of the Domin- ion, and very interesting discussions will take place on subjects of the deepest inter- est to the Canadian people. The founda tions of the New Government have been laid, but the superstructure will demand all the care of the people, and the public jour- nals will necessarily be called upon to dis- cuss at length many questions, upon the right settlement of which the future welfare of the country will depend. In all the matters which will be brought before the Legislatures " THE GLOBE" will take a deep interest, and both by dail ® ports of Parliamntary Procdings, and by editorial discussions it will strive to inform the public of the progress of events, and giide them to a right judgement on the points of issue. Early in the year 1868, The Daily Globe vill be very considerably enlarged, and will be printed on a Rotary Lightning Press, or- dered from Messrs. Hoo & Co., of New York, capable of printing 10,000 impress- ions an hour. ' The outlay of this press, about $15,000 in GOLD, bas been render-. ed necessary by the large and increasing circulation of the GLOBE, It has béen for some time impossible to supply in time £5 for the Morning mails the number ol copies called for by the public. - The in-i: crease of size is rendered necessary by the pressuee of advertisements, which have al- ready caused the publication of a supple~ ment twice a week, and which will be con- tinued as may be found needful until the permanent enlargement takes place. At the same time ms the enlargement, the paper will be printed on New Type. Early in the year we shall commence the publication of a New Story by. Wilkie = Collins, author of the IW 'Woman in White.! TBE E TERMS a of Jubseription will remain as heretofore: SIX DOLLARS per annum for the Daily edition, and TWO DOLLARS anpum for the Weekly edition, both payal strietly i in advance. Clubs for the Weekly Globe. The Olub rates for the coming yout wil be as follows : 5 k COPIES, one yeas TWENTY do And an extra copy of The ar to the person who ge up the Twenty. THIRTY OOPIES, one me yeu for... ps0 gud qu extra copy goin up the RalE Bid FIFTY COPIES one tor. and a copy of me yon oe person who gets up the Ola oF EIGHTY COPIES, one stor 8 . GEORGE "BROWN, 4 Publisher 'and Proprietor. Toronto, Dec. 5 188Y; HE an Dinmont

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