pen. 'motion; of ud 'Rose it was 'decided | etings of he} J oi hot first Wednesday "ot i, Year' in' Port Perry. H a. Hutcheson, Mer EppRuARy SALE - Now is the time to get an Ordered Suit at cost price. . Spring goods are coming in, and I am anxious to reduce "my large stock. Twenty Suits at Cost ) ry "Come in 'and get your: suit have leared, | SH while they last press. that' the : amendAbe yernment Qvercoats at and Below Cost Poi EE mp TINGS GREATLY REDUCED 'come: oul of FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. ng Hg W. H. DOU BT y, and that k ] : be an Injustice. especially as a PEARL INARI NN BER EEE avers rural school section is ive and vigoraus ft ge y. their | gt sed] tion "of $550, this | pose ia on of $s thie Having: resumed business: at my old 146 onthe past year while of stand, I take this opportunity of thank- Sicess would ing my customers for their very liberal patronage during the past 60 years. My stock will be complete ina few days of which due notice will be