A nee Lawton visited Kinsale friends recently. = © oF "over | Misses Ada and Mable Edgar re. looks turned to - Alphena, mm | friends here, {Bell of Newmarket, were interred in| Mrs. Smith, Matser Gordon Brod the Friends' burying ground, Quaker | Hill; last Sunday, Rev. H. officiating" Mr. Bell wus a former Mrs Robert Walker, . "Miss Mande B. McDermott is the | resident of Uxbridge and did teaming *1afound town. His wife died here & few years. ago; s " A nmber of the employees of piano yd oo Hfactory left town vesterday for New: Ei market, where they will be employ: Ir. A. Quinn has returned. home ie] v.Co. A Berlin fir Jatsor spending a few weeks in. the ed by the Novelty %o. .A.Berlin firin Mr. Joba, Bright "has ely ~. feould until they w by the company. Miss Bessie Watson while playing r Ba = /Pwwith companions. last Saturday had Messrs' Smith and Richardson have [the misfortunate to fall out of a tree, 0 returned from England with {breaking her wrist, : Little, Miss fregn prize horses, but unfortunately (Olive Hillson stumbled against a wo of theirs have died, . ~~ - [tombstone at the cemetery Monday NET Lg BE "= |inflecting a bad cut on her knee. It was found necessary to put in five stitches, Ry Mr. C. D. Cory of Toronto on be- half of the companies who m the loss of the Uxbiidge'Organ & Base Co, adjusted the master to the 12 | [satisfaction ' of the local company have been only two goals mers hin them $12,000. The total the Myrtle team this season, out of from England with three] ere wanted here ) Racers," will meet fea' Flyers atthe Port Perry ! . | High. School Re-union on Friday August 30; at 2.30 p.m. . There sixteen games, so Utica, beware of a |. scvgoe. {the Island busy . threshing alsike these days. . The clover is yielding | from-five 'to six bushels per acre, nd is of a good color and quality, 1s land the price we think will be good. So much the better for the farmers. Talking abows-Alsike eh 7 Well we just rise To say that Mr, Wesley Crozier threshed thirty-one" bigs from 7 acres, which means an aver- age of nearly four and a half bags to the acre. Miss Essie Jackson, of Toronto, is spending her holidays under th parental roof, ng-at the home One of the boys the West. She is going out to +| past year or two. Britain. insurance' carried $13,500.~Times, Li her last realized the need. of brother's {home in Saskatchewan, over the weigh scales," T' who has been * batching ' for the has been erected and whi Mich, uesday after a pleasant visit with fe, th, guests. of Mr, and Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smi ot Uxbridge, are home after spending a few weeks at the Kawartha Lakes. " © SEAGRAVE § »+ Mr. and Mrs, Wn, Cook, of wanted-to get as many men as they Myrtle, spent Sunday at Mr, W. A, King's. "{"%¥iss Myrtle King and Mi s If, C Thompson "visited last week with Mrs; Howard Metheral, of Little \ Mr. Morley McDougal, of Toronto is at home for a few days, We are pleased to seeiMiss Morri- son back at her old post. Rev. P. W. Anderson, of Ottawa, was calling on old acqudintances last week. ; Mr. Geo, Thompson, of Eindsay, was in town this week looking after some property. ¢ Mss Elste King is visiting in Wats oF 8 M. Morrison, of Gravenhurst, 18 with her sister, Miss J. Morrison. Miss Laura Couch, of Toronto, fs | | visiting with Miss L. Mark. Mrs. (Dr:) Johnston und son Alan, of Selkirk, are holidaying with Mrs. Frise E. \ Mr, R: Williams paid a burried visit to Oshawa last week. H. L. Engeland, of Coldwater, and Jno, Engetand, of Guelph, were in town looking at R.' Thompson's stock, which 1s for sale, . Tha young ladies have under taken the work of making an auto- graph quilt, the proceeds to be u-ed for "New Church ** purposes. The people 80 fir are responding Invally, Miss Ethel Fralick of Toronto, is 3nd we ask that all aid the girls in visiting at 'her father's, Mr. S. ©, the good work. Eralick, prior to her departure' for| The ** Scale Compa y."" have at building @ building le it. will be a decided comfort to all interested Mrs, Smith of Whitby is visiting 10 the scales, we eannot help wishing ber neice; Mrs. John Milner, for a few weeks, : The at Pettit's Grove are alive these days with fmen women and children from all parts' 4 | that scales plus new building were on one of our back streets instead of main street. Tennis is quite. the order of the of the: day. Seagrave and Bethel clubs globe... This 1s one of .the finest have had several interesting games in. | Summer resort on the Pl beach; being of a good: grivel - ry [and pe prefty to look upon, land, the [and hope to have more. Our base ball team played at -|Bonya on Saturday and' at ringer. ind Ls. W. Crozier | board on Tuesday. | the ht at broke and. the the animal's + walks are not completed, Our malin stree; has been much isiproved in appeirance by 'a new fence in front 'of Mr, John Groves'. We are still wondering why our the mau that undertook the work. "The monthly mestiby ol the Ladies Ari will be held Wednesday Sepreme ras & decided onl eIAY at Mrs, Wesley Frises', | ©) Mere Fannie D.Fox (9 Some a "wd So-called * wandering pains" may come from its' early stages, or the pre- sence of by profuse month Retiads, accompanied by unusual aig from the abdomen | through the groin and thiglis, Ii you-have mysterious paina if thers = are indications of inflammation or dis © Placement, 'gecurs Lydia E. Pinkham's: | Vegetable Compound = right away and { in jts use. F : : Mra. "Pinkham, of Lynn, Mas; will give you her mdvice if you will write her abou P if. She is the daughterin- * law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty= { five years has been advising sick women irée of charge. ' Deur Mrs. Pinkham 4 *2 "I take the liberty to congratulate on the success | have had with your onder 'medicipe. Eighteen months ago my periods stopped. Shortly after I felt so that Istbmitted to a thorough examina by, a physician and was tog that Thad a od and would have t» undergo an operation, "Soon after I read pr our advertise ments and decided to give Lydia J. Pinke ham's Vegetable Compound a trial, After trying five bottles as the tumor is entirely gone. I have been examined by a h and he says I have no signs of a mor now. It has also brought my pe- ods around onee more, and I am entirely well," --Fannie D. Fox, 7 Chesnut Street Bradford, Pa, Ee ---------------------- success, over £13 00 being taken in. The yoting' people met on Monday * evening to organize an Epworth League. The following officers were: elected :--Hon, , Pres., Rev, J. . Robins ; Pres, Miss H. C, Th my son; ° Viec<Pres., Miss M. 'Rattenbury, Miss J. Morrison, Mrs. Whiteway, and Mr. Jno, Watson ; Sec"y, Miss B. Whiteway ; Treas., Mr. Mark ; Org., Miss W. Wells. = Four depart ments of work were arranged for viz: Christian Fodeawor, Social, Tempeaance and Missionary. g Harvest Help Wanted West C. 'P. BR, Runs $12 EXCUESIONS To WINNIPEG, * Unwarda of 20 000 men are wanted in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta to assist in harvesting, ard to meet the demand to some (Xx'ent the Canadian Pacific has arranged to ram low rates farm laborers' excursions. Leaving dates are Aug. 27, 30 and Sept. 4. (Advertisement in' 'another column gives Territory and farther particulars). From all Ontario. sta.' tions one-way tickets will be sold t» Winnipeg at $12. ' Men are engaged at Winnipeg and are given free tiek-' ets 10 points where help is needed east of Moose Jaw, After working at least thirty day, and having the em ploying farmer certify to the fact. a Ad back to original starting point Is issued on payment o$ $18, This is a splendid opportunity to see the , golden west and make something jMmore than expenses. Local C, P:R. agent ie well posted and will be gh &., to give anyone fall inf } Ve) danger may be made manifest £