FUG UPRPFOG BTV Pe Page FE a wages will be pa : s fora few weeks, : Sready employment year round guaranteed. Free instruction giveh.. For particulars apply to-- LADIES TAILORING ¥ Mr. 'W. Doubt wishes to. announce that he is prepared to cut, fit and make Ladies' Coats and Jackets. Helis agent for ladies' cloths. No need to. pay* city prices. BUY YOUR OVERCOAT NOW You might just as well get the bene- fit of a good Overcoat for the whole. winter as let the matter drag on'un- til spring; and then hang it up in a moth bag. Our cloths and' patterns are of the very Dest. W. H. DOUBT TRIMMED HATS The balines of our season's stock to be:eleared out at Call and be _con- Ww by not got a small account book: and. find out how long: it r pays to Keep a pig; and how much soaked peas you can afford torfeed | himy 'to be 'able to sell at a profit for $102 If you buy fa. F one dollar, feed it for si 1 200°pounds, how mitch: 8 it and what is the profit 2p | part ofthe question is price. 'a live hog weighing 17 pounds is worth $1050. H that the late Henry War | bought a tittle "pig for', ; forty. dollar' 5 Worth. 0 are many itemsiin' every. fir business which would' be foun wl LY REDUCED ms