br AT SO it | The 'Famous Hecla 'and "Sun- shine Furnaces. Carnegie Bros. IMPORTANT NOTICE A TREMENDOUS CUT IN THE PRICE OF PAF RONGE ST RAE : The: subscriber having a large and well selected stock of furniture intends from now until after the holidays giving Jfreat bargains io all 'intending: buyers, The : following are a few of the many cut prices :-- ; content it mast have Been at. the. ' PARLOR SUITES a Christmas tree held in the 2% he. Mahogany finish--were $24.00 now, $18.50. Ji church last week. The dialogues Maple finish: = were $19.00 now $14.90. and recitations and choruses 'were 2 BEDROOM SUITES all good, Perhaps the one that Ash polished nicely carved ($10 50) now $i5.85 was most popular was, that given Mahogany finish carved dno now. 16.00; J{by three lad § : Elm finish nicely carved ($18.00) now $i4.40. = A host of other articles will be sold very low---simply covering cost." Short credits if required. If you ever saw. youngsters 'en-{ joy themselves to their heart' the dialogue was the struggle bi tween Pleasure and Religion fi + J [the soul of Youth. The end y "JOHN NOTT. "A [that Religion won, although one a £ { "=f jecould see by the happy faces : - . around that all pleasure did not} 'Heave life because religion entered | eatin 4 ; > ? ih Ader a general i] was declare i A ; nel anta vs "appeared. and dis: | {psanity, : She kbibiiiiiipkanbobiil x tributed pe from thé tree Vin ' : 3 "to the delight. of 'the children. | 'ah 3 na And the children were not the' ; ar e : ew ear : only persons ' who received 'pres: ! ents for @ beautiful set of dishestjjver oil to get the benefit o ; s : was given to Miss Sweetman as 4 medicinal elements contained} token of appreciation for her ser-{ilierein. as for the crazy mah to vices in training the children. leat the egg shell and all. © + Scientists a 2 eS RNPRONA QAI CAN The following "is 'an' address}, esented to Rev. W Vicket y members of 'the church and congregations 'of the Scugog Cirenit -- = Se he > Melton Overcoats at right prices. = They give finish toa man's dress,