2 A ddpatin from Ottawa says: In fhe J Telling Props Sevtiond Insurance. "Commons on Thursday afternoon Hox! Mr. Fielding, oh motion for the second 7 reading of the insurance bi his 'suggestion, made. the mea 'sure was iiraduced, that it be form-{a ally read fi second time, then 'referred 10-4he Banking and Commerce Com. millee on the understanding. that il would be a matler for full discussion in Iho House when it came back from. the pemmitlee. Proceeding, he said that among other important matters the bill proposed to geal with the question of assessmen! or [Iraternal Insurance. In regard 0 thal urgent representa- tions had been made to the Govern- ment, including those of a deputation representing the greal fralernal order ©l the Independent Order of Foresters. While only that body was represented on the occasion referred 10, he had no doubt they expressed views that would generally be agreed to by fraternal or- terated | ing ga! 'for the early. future, they felt that ; the time had arrived when some sleps should be taken io pul it on a still more solid and permanent basis. For thal purpose "the Supreme' Court had been| summoned fo meet in June next, one but right that their officials should have an opportunity to consult with The samo end in view, Hon. Mr. Fielding fore proposed 1g strike from Rg 3 sure all the clauses dealing with the as- sessment and fraternal insuranoe,iWhich | ore if. necessary, might become the. subject af a second bill at another session. Mr, Borden concurred, and the bill was read a second time. - er ---------- _ CONDENSED NEWS os DAFPENINGS FROM ALL O\..i THE " GLOBE. p------ Telegraph Briefs From Our Own ond Otker . Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. = Hespeler in 1007 had 32 marriages, 52 births and 30 deaths. The next new building for Queen's University is to be a library. The Quebec Board of Trade will cele- brate its centennary in 1909. Dr. Sprague, a well-known physician of Belleville, dropped dead on Saturday. Two Kingston lobacconists were fined for keeping slot machines in their slores. The Toronté Cily Council will proba- bly ask the Legislature lo fix a stand- ard for milk. Thieves have damaged 13 steamers Rit Sp at Montreal to the extent of ,000, The Hamilion Board of Health is tak- ing vigorous measures to fight the smallpox epidemic, Canadian steamship . lines report 'a Jorge increase in the Allantic passen< ger trade last year. Guelph retail merchants will not grant half holidays on Thursdays during July and August. Between two and three thousand men are wanted on Grand Trunk Pa- cific contracts west of Edmonton, The Department of Mines received in royalties from the O'Brien mine in De- cember $7,327.75. The New Brunswick Legislature, haes . 'been dissolved and the general election "swill be held on. March 3. New York capitalists are said to have "project well under way 0 build a canal from Montreal to New York, "Arthur Leger, chiet accountant of thei Carticelll Silk Company, commitled suis cide at Sl. John's, Quebec, on Eriday. Canadian steamship lines have. reduc- «1 roles on sleerage tickels from Euro- detn ports to Canada to meey the New Hie out. "7 The Bankers' Association of Winni- eg has agreed to. advance the city 000 to tide 'over the Present strin- John McLeod was fatally injured and Isaac 'Brown lost both eyes in. an ex- plosion at Eagle Swamp quarry,' near Windsor; No: 8,27 Gun-a:Noot, who shot two men in Zuly,: in: Northern British: has been tracked 'unsuccessfully. pursuit has cost over $30,000. The C. P., R. steamer Montrose ar- rived al St. John on Sunday with three hundred immigrants who were on board the Mount Royal when she was compell- ed to return fo Queenstown. GREAT BRITAIN, The: British Labor parly has refused to bind ilsell to Socialism. Lord Curzon -ofiKedleston has been elected a representative Peer of Ireland, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, the British = Premier, will probably retire shortly on account of ill-health, The Lancashire colion operatives have accepled the terms of thé employers. Consequently, there will-be no lock-out. Britain will 'not underlake the' con- struction of any battleships this year, except - hose "already on her pro- gramme, UNITED STATES, Two navvies at Salamenaca, N. Y., murdered a companion to secure his money, $40. Raymond Taylor of Rogers Park, IIL, is dead as the resull of being hazed by schoolmates, 3 Women wilt nol be permitted to smoke in restaurants in New. York the aldermen have decided. Percy Boyne of Woodville, Ont., is being" held by the police at Detroit in connection with the murder of Mrs. Welch there, A bomb wrecked the front of an Ital ian bank in New York, 'on Thursday, exposing $40000 in coin used as a window display. New York police "have 'seized large quantities of ~ arms and. Ammunition and $800,000 in counterfeit. money .in- fended for the rebels in" Hayli, Mrs. Mary R. Clark shot and killed Frank Brady, an advertising solicitor, fn a New York department slore res: taurant on Tuesday, and thén commie {ed suicide, President Roosevelt's action in nego: tiating and proclaiming the {rade treaty with Germany Without any reference to Congress was severely criticized: in the Senate al Washington. BE Oe I GENERAL, Columbia, The} do cholge asked, outside, Mantfobn . heat. No. 2 ne 815 asked, track, Midland: en, $1.15 asked; en y, $1.15 bid spot 'Nor Bay Young ducks .... « Chickens, choice Old fowl ivi nin Inferior chicks and fowls iv Butter---Market holds steady: Receipts are moderate and the demand sleady. Creamery prints va do solids .... » 27¢ 10 28c , f0cto otc Chiease=-18){e for large ind 13%¢ for iwins, in job lois here. Eggs--Storage, oo to 2¢ per doz- en in case lots; selects, 25¢ to Honey--Strained steady at ie fo 12¢ per pound. for 0-pound pails, and 12¢ 13¢ for 5 lo 10-pound pails, Combs al $1.75 to $2.50 per dozen, Beans--8$1.70" to 7% for primes and $1.80 to $1.85 for hand-picked. Potatoes--70¢ to 75c. per bag In car Jois on "tracks here. Baled Straw--$9.50 lo $10.50 per ton on track 'heres . - 3 Baled © Hay--<Timothy 'Is ra to sa in' car lots. on' track ere. PROVISIONS, Pork--Shart out, 5 lo $23 | per barrel; mess, $18 to" $19. Lard--Tierces, He; lube, 1 12)e. Smoked and Dry Salted Meals--Lang sensa clear bacon, 9%¢ for nd hams, large, medium and Ii 15¢; 'hams, 123¢ 10 13¢; back 1634c; shoulders, Hos alls, 100 breakfast bacon, 15c; green. meats of pickle, Ic loss than. smoked. winter heat Tas $5.75; srs rollers, $5.50; do. a bags, 50 to 65; exlra $2.05 0 $2.10. : Millfecd---M: ; Many were injured jn "Berlin on Tues. ; qa in 'conflicts elwi a ua Jes 'of uemplo t has med a a to en Ys mon: archy and found a republic, af " Re A spaloh. from " Balkimiore, says: Fire early on posay, Joo tells of the members of: ment of this'c! dairisige is estimated ot Theil. blaze; 'which is the ors} that' Tas 0c curred in "this cily since the calamity: Bol slarted on 'the third oor of Ho! broke 'out ! of the' Sl a \ wall" ging wire A despatch from