PORT. PERRY |bedsine, An appropriate |! | eply 'and 'acknowledgement wis) {made by Mr. Veale, sf, {thanked the family for their Kindly remembrance... The father and mother called the six sous and 'two daughters before them ap | thet 'each a photo taken "just fast week in Port Perry, A 'very pleasant. evening was then spent in story, recitation; song and social concourse, closing witli. prayer by the Pastor. Oue son, William, with wife and daughter, came from Manitoba 'for 'the event and wos warmly welcomed. = All joined in wishing the aged couple still. many years of enjoyment in their retired life.--~Bowinaiiville Nets. 2 Reeigo 'Mixed Often. /Some remarkable stories are being | told about town and among the c:untry 'people coming in of - this sfmple home made mixture curing: Rheumatism and Kidney trouble Here is the recipe and directions for taking : = Mix by shaking well in a betele one-half ounce Fluid: Extraet delion 3 one: ounce D n ; three .ounces Compound yrap Sarsaparilla. Tuke as a dose one teaspoonful after: neals and. at No change need be made in 'sour 'usual diet, bus drink Hleuty 'of good ina Teadt 1g Philadelphia newspaper. {hes a_poeuliar tonic cffect on the | Kianeys ; cleansing the clogged-up the eliminative Ussues. fore onons waste matter, over g Bhouniation, Bladder and EY hoabics ina short while, rk druggist who has bad rund f calls for these ingredi: sei fit cattle on Friday last, J © a goi 2 is doi ig a few weeks with her} Compound fs 1pe 'straight, small marked in plain Sgures to com pare, ther at the store where Cash 10st wanted g profits. No fictici us. prices, is' King. = re the kind we sell at - Everything at prices that we are not afraid Buy Furs, Men's and 'Women' Ss Outer Garments Simply Throwing. Out Ladies' Fur Jackets Ladies' Black Astrachan big warm Fur Coats for women who drive, . excellent quality regular: $35.00 and $40.60 FOR 25.00 $4.75 this Women's Cloth Coats that sold up to For your: choice: of" $12.00. oe 339 For this season's sold up to Ladies' Coats that Now , 40.00 Collareire for. Like Giving Awa ~~ Good Furs $75.00 Ladies' Fur-Lined Coats $52.00 6000 Ladies' I tir-Lined Coats '4500 60.00 Bocharan Dog Coat for 24 50. 22.50 1500 Isabella Fox Muff for,.... 9.75 season's : 7.00 Persian 10.00 Marmot Ruff for..,... Lamb Throw over.. 4 75 : +:6.75:3 16.00 German Otter Ruff for. ...16 03 7.50 American Sable Ruff for... 4 50. 6.00 Grey Lamb Gauntlets...... 3 98 10.00 Persian Lamb Caps for. ... 7-75 ls GROCERY COUNTER 2 Ibs. of best 258. Black Ceylon Tea for JONES ] Philp treasurer for the present! yéar. It was decided to hold a spring fair... The business havin 'been finished the meeting repaire to. Mr. Thos. Swain's. where oysters were served, 'Wm. Parr and Samuel Jefivey were ap ointed auditors. JONEYD ALE on account of so much sickness and bad roads tha sleighlng party ito be postponed this week. 08 of our. neighbors shipped Mr. 1 Parrott being the buyer: : Ross, we are glad to 3 out again after au attack of Miss | nina Mark, of "Toronto, te. Gs ses descr esnrt ones ssay UNK & COMPANY in Honey dale ov Friday. putting up eavetronghs for Mr. J. Ross. Miss A. Mark is on the sick list Mr. Samuel Griffih is no better, Mr. J. W. Meharry was in our village on business last week, Miss Irena Griffin was visitin with Miss Mary Honey last Wed- nesday. Mr. N. Ayers, of Blackstock, spent Sainrday and Sunday with Mr. W. Johns. The attendance at church on Sunday was very small owing to the storm, Mrs. R. Wells, of Lindsay, is visiting Miss May Dowson. M INCUESTER Mr. ahd Mrs, White of Wahpe- ton North Dakota were the guests of Mr, Crosicr Manchester fora short time. Mr, and; Mrs. White 'Ihave been making several visits in this locality where they were well! known som, years ago, Blity of attending as CASH. AND ONE PRICE. I wood to the Sunday Schook Mr. Robins held his first Bible Training Class' on Wednesday evening of last week. These meetings will: doubtless be very instructive and every one should avail themselves of the opportun: often as possible, for as well as ecncourag- ing Mr. Robins in his work they would also be benefitted. Mr. and Mrs. John Munro arid Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Munro spent a few days visiting friends in Scott, Miss Van Valkenburg = spent Saturday "at' her home in Pary Whitby. Mr. Russel Pollock spent Son day at home. Miss May Bryant intends Jeav+ ing 'on Friday for Rama where . she has secured a school, Mr. Thos. Couch has started work again for the first time _ sir he received his fall Mr. John Watson is erécting a new hog pen which when: Some pleted will be one of the fiaest its kind. Mr. and Mrs. Geo !Saintfield, visited Mis.