¢ ihersiore probably 8 scholarly theologian a cher -of. "lew, hi lelmony to character of z a Five Dollar Note lized {he ance 'of teaching i interests at the courage of {and did not publicly admit' .divine authority. 43 ¢ ; Referring not only to the |: These signs--| 'authority Jesus had assumed in his act of cleansing the temple but lo ather acts and miracles also not mentioned speci Ehically but suggesled in verse 23 of the 'fF preceding chapter, 8. Verily, verily--Lit,, "amen, amen," dn expression used for solemn emphasis, and when preceding the clause or sen- tence it is inlended to emphasize trans: lated as in our text. When following the thought emphasized the word in Eng- lish. appears in ils original form as "amen." anew--Or, "from ahove." igdom of Ged--Conceived of by earihly * kingdom, in of the Bat its" culmination, "had In mind 'the' he had come | ong conception other with the vast ple of his time, had Jot the. + Crook oe tedy, -Signifying not merely. but 118 faculties, ils appetites, 08 well, "the whole equi hich nature furnished man this world," with life in comes: in contact by his life and activi while the source and ultimate bent of | spiritual life and of his outward activity may alike be hidden from all who ha not themselves become partakers of the same new life and spirit, - 9. 'How can these things be--Rather,, "transpire," or "come fo pass." - 11. 'We speak--Jesus includes his dis- ciples with himself in this slatement.} But note the change lo the singular in the next verse. 12. Earthly things--Such as tra; upon earth; though eternal and heaven! in character, = pare cay ya ~Heavenly things--The deeper mys! ecncerning God's plan for the salvation of 'men. : 13, No one hath ascer into heaven, 0 'see and know these gs, but hut: descended out 'of heaven, even . San. of man. , i ! 14. The serpent in the wilde {he acoount of the events here eer] fu. compare Num. 21. Must ', , . be lifted up--As a divine necessity 15. Have elernal life--John's charace! teristic phrase for "life forever." . 16. Many able commentators regard verses 16-21 as the words of John rather, than those of Jésus. ~ In support of this suggestion it is pointed out that John' - habitually throws explanatory com-/ ments of his own into his narraiive, andl that he does this ofttimes very abruplly, {compare 1, 18-18; 12. 37-41). The past terse of the verbs is also regarded as representing rather the later point of view from which the apostle writes, sue ceeding the completion of Christ's fe-' aemptive work, In addition to this it is' ; pcinted out that phrases like "believe onl the name" and "only begotten Son" not elsewhere used by Jesus himself bu are expressions peculiar to the evange- list. Verse 1§, which has sometimes been called "the ghspel in miniature," gives ccndensed form a very comprehensiy statement of the gospel message, point ing to the love of God for the world, manifested in the sacrifice of his only] begotten Son, as the origin ofthat G08 pel, and to the allinclusive scope of the divine purpose which provides salvation and elernal life for all who believe on the Son, 18. Judged already--The life and ex- ample of Jesus Christ provides, as ik were, the touchslone for every life, nteasured by which those who fall short <f this high ideal and standard stand al ready adjudged before God and men ag having fallen short of that standard of life' which, since -the coming of. Christ has been made possible lo those who be- lieve on his name. 20. DPoeth---Ory "practiceth." Tha phrase refers {o tha habitual attitude fo- ward evil... 1, 'Doeth the {ruth--A phrase oceurs ring only here and in 1 John 1; 6." Heels 77" =a used in contrast with the expression} "doeth evil" in the preceding verse. Wrought in" God--There is 4 div Slement in every right and holy hum action. ; arp er Mois To STRANGLED HIS WIFE. Iusband Annoyed Because She Kept ony Talking. "I wish to give myself up for murder. 1 killed my' wife' this morning about #'* ont into 'the 'police; station 4 "Walking in = 8 Slonehobse, Devon, England, the ather} day, 'George "Robert Crook, i laborer of 25, startled the officials ¢ duly by making the above confession. we On; going lo the man's house, in High Street, the police found the body af Mrs." Crook, Who. had apparently "inet her death' by strangulation. was 21 er Ih wragedy. is said Cro After the gedy, said, G locked. the door. of the room, and, pro- ceeding to the house of his Pennyeross, wished - them Then he returned to his own house; about 9.30 went lo the silat E himself up," handing the