"Cawhole meal down with' ""roaste THE PORT PER Do not yh before Senin our stook of Mofiatt's 'National Stoves 'McClary's Famous Stoves. Gurney's Imperial Oxford : Clare Bros.' Peninsular i CAT SO The Famous Hecla and Sun- shine Furnaces. |Carnegie Bros. IMPORTANT NOTICE A TREMENDOUS CUT IN THE PRICE OF FURNITURE" , To The subscriber having a large and well selected 'stock of furniture intends from now until after the holidays giving. great bargains to all intending buyers, The following are a few of the; many cut prices :-- PARLOR SUITES Mahogany finish--were $24.00 now $18.50. Maple ' finish -- were $19.00 now' $14.90. BEDROOM SUITES Ash polished nicely carved ($19 50) now $15.85 Mahogany finish carved ($20.25) now 16 oo. Elm finish nicely carved ($18.00) now $14.40. A host of other articles will be sold very dow~ simply covering cost. JOHN 'Edward Ba BASSO Will give vocal instruction "on Wednesday of each: week. "Studio at the home of H. Roberts, 'Water Street, For i particulars apply to 4. GOLORING Port Perry, CL ------------------ A ------------ : PRINCE ALBERT ith a ehink of 'the grub that makes the butterfly' in one hand, and a glass of ** local option' in the other, oie of our young men 'Was seen purstifig *' the last of the redskius !' on Friday night of last week. He effected a capture, and; "horrible to relate, he ate his'victim lo the oe without consulting 'S Lot's wife.' He was afterwards 'seen to pick His. teeth with 'ac off th a block." He washed the Ta the grub carriers were re- and the conundrum part ial was over.' The con- ree Miss. Qo Brien Short credits if jFrequired. NOTT. all of which were much appreciated. Miss O'Brien interprets well, and perhaps it'would be wise to increase her repertoire. Miss Dundas' ren- dering of : '*One Sweetly Solemn Thought'. was 'very - beantiful: Miss Edith Ross gave an excelletit selection efititled '" Lucile."" Mr, R. F. Downey sang * Just for To: Day! in ia mauner well suited to the beauty of the selection, Tle cornet 'duetts 'by Messrs, Goldring and Cowie gave pleasing variety to the program. . The Prince Albert choir gave two or three Selections, which were much enjoyed, Rev. I Snell occupied the chair, There has been received: at the| s y centrating process it is made, wit STAR office a very remarkable doc. ument by *" Anonymous." Wes dom 'publish the writings of. this author, ashe is uot at all tinies res] spousible for all he says. In this particular instance it. would seem a manifest injustice to the Prince "Albert ladies if this article were tiot published. As Aton will not take the fighting editor's place | d it will be tecessary niment: Bargains Albert.' herewith. {been givéh--close attention and {urge him . to hear "| Cleaver. n The highest hake "poss ualimited enjoyment. The sam treat is in store for you on Mon: day evening, Feb. 17th. You'will 1 i do your neighbor a favar if you Death of S: S: Fr Kilgo e {News Was reveled. here 10 day. [through the Canadian Associated Press: of the death in Londo England, of Mr." 5. F. Kilgore President of the Huron ts Railway Company. He passed away last. night at the residence of Dr. James Harold, Briinswick Square, where he had been lying ill for some time. Deceased had been in London for about 'three months: : The Huron = Ontario Railway which Mr. Kilgore was engaged 4 promoting, was an electric. propo- sition. It was proposed to build a road-between. Port Perry" and Owen Sound and a point on Lake Huron. The ' project was: fairly well advanced, and Mr. Kilgore 5} trip to England was in corinne with it. ~The Did and i New Way > SOME IMPORTANT Facts Wate Thirty years. ago cod liver oil had to be for patient's throat. Invalids co take it in, and children But the doctors prescrib liad to be takew by force. ciired people where enough could | taken into the system, for it has ever been the greatest of all tissue build: ers 'and general reconstructors |X kuown to medicine, "We arenow anxious to have every a | als ke, N: Red, one know that Vinolisa new form of | Be this very old and valuable remed containing ina concentrated form «| the medicinal elements of cod liver {oil, actually taken rom. sly. cods' livers, but by an out oil or grease; and it is as 'deli cious to the taste as a fresh orange Vinol does not upset the stomach | oy like old-fashioned cod liver-oil a emulsiotis ; 'its strengtheni healing 'properties are remar and both. doctors and' patients are delighted with its action, ort Rey! hi Many wonderful cures right heel: beer; by: i Self Rising Buckwheat Flour, 2 tb. ' Peas, Queen bra 3:cans for, i Manzanilla Olives; EB ra - Cross & Blackwell. Pickles, walnut and chow show. Saas a