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Port Perry Star, 11 Mar 1908, p. 1

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¥ Fa ~The Western Bank of Canada from CHARTERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT 181 | mee for the present» Twentieth Year of Port Parry Agency 'season; - Prof. MeLaughlin, of Vic- . : 7 | {toria College, Toronto, will preach NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS : H bo DR tational sermons in the Metho- . 0 yom ines, of Toronto, was listichurch in Port' Perry on Sun- Six months' interest has been added to friends in town. 2) dag March 22nd, 4 deposits. In future interest will be paid or com- waiifel imitations of natural "pounded every three months--4 times a year-- 0d finished with varnish may be / TT ined: By applying one sous of next payment Feb. 29th. va ies Libby De ars Spent" fev cathphell's varnish Stain. W, H. -- ~~ ~ ut urrent Fates. | daysiin Greeubank last wee ing aw "carfies 'a full line of all r i the whole or Spain 0 ay and Mrs. George! Colors and size cans. Color card . ; B L A C K S I 0 C K * Reet . x " ar : Sociabilities A Branch of this Bank is being opened in the Village of ake a ti og EBhere have heen several little Blackstock. Be aa 2 Me parties' in © town - recently Joys Srkatcheman, and wilth 1g them being one given by H. C. HUTCHESON, - : nett 2 Greatrix and two by Mrs. . Mana er Rev. Mr. Greafrix preached €0. Jackson. The first of Mrs. & Greebank last Sunday. Rey. I son's parties was given to a Snell of Prince Albert accupied thed nusiber of married ladies and the 3 "pulpit of 'the * Methodist charchidgegbd to some of her unmarried -i{here, and Rev. A. J. Terrill, oftjadl friends Both parlies 'were . ' Greenbank, occupied the pulpits off li enjoyed. SF: y {the Prince Albert circuit, AL A number of young folk were . Rem Betate bought, Public Library Conceit . 3 oy L to Me: We Jrabaurs party . or exchunge in-any of the Provinces or ~ On Friday, Marcli 27th, the cngog on Monday of last wee oo oo oo . _ out 1p ord the Dominion 6t Canada Firth Operatic Company will give] 40d returved in plouty of time to get your Tinware, Graniteware, Crockery, China {the musical scenic play--** Doyla, {8% 10 work again. ware, or any of the other various lines we handle 'the Japanese Tea Girl."" Mr Firth A Preity Gool Profit . LICENS : Fat was for any years principal of thief Farmers in the Counties of Kent at this store. f a i ed ! ] » ry Hamilton Conservatory of 'Music, ] and Essex and, vicinity are makin Agents Allen Line and C, P. R. Steamships. y g and was tenor soloist iu tlie Queeq. considerable 'motiey from sugar St. Methodist Church, Toronto, Ie beéts, many tepant farmers relying U is also. gifted as a composer, and a on sugar beets to pay their rent. o CO. The Fair 4 large part of' the music in connee~|I'he beets are mostly purchased by It is simply a matter of saving money when you tion .with ""Doyla*" is the produck|ile Wailacebtirg Sugar Co., and ROSE & of his" pen. The programme will|net tle farmer $3 60 to as high as be in twa parts." The first, part will | $4. 50 per net ton. A fair average | Ce "be the play and thesecond a mixed yield is 15 tons to the acre. Seed program of music, etc.. This will {and extra labor cost from $7.00 to ° | be an opportunity to give practical|$ir.00 per acre, leaving $50.00 to 3 "if aid-to the Library. i $55.00 per acre profit. ' { Bandoneert i A First-Clags Fenco ily the band will fisurc| Mr. Nathan Byers, who is ' a, he. baud will gue General Agent for the Frost Wire What IS Wanted ? aiid we are glad that it is so; forjrence Co., attended their .con- ® - US Bhi tro io. d¥ention "at Hamilten last; month. | i ; {most of us enjoy goed band musi fT ENtIoN at on as ' Int addition to (his the HiglrSchoolFV, Wm. Medd, Brock "was also HR 3 Dramatic Club will present tio Present . Py RE plays--* Through a Matrimonial], Lhere were about 175 delegates SESE A Buceas "and ""Tlieir' First Meet. |i" attendance for the purpose of IRR y ing.' There will be vocal selec. | discussing bisinass matters. The Fox uh instru. | toast to the farmers and the cus- . , ih Sf % | mental music by the orchestra. Ay|tomer's Jeiter which wc. append si And where can you find LINT. Ph B. the time of going to press the pro-, ring ons y N EW HO ME " fur. rd F us I m. i ; gram has tot been completed, Buf with the hospitality extended to ; nishings more suitable PTICIAN. PORT PERRY will bedssned in a day or two and|Y AnD. OP RE el Se ess REE can be had on: application to. Mr. him and other agents by the 2 and at less cost? (30 30 3 0 SO 3 MM MH | Jos. Goldring. The concert is to ompany. 4 ' aie pee The held Yin: the Town Hall, All TOAST TO THE FARM : : id Seats may be reserved. Admission] The toast, ' The Farm," was 25¢. and 35¢.. Don't forget thelresponded to by R. R. Kernighan. dote--Weduesday, March 18th. He said:. The Khan stated that SIE The Carnal : when he came down the road Skating and. music were both [¥eEday the country was mage | Come and get your first {Ea Sealine SSRI wit) 8 lesson in economical buy. bes go ing cha hots ean sen | SOY RON OY a hai aon Hie Bway Sun bis own pho challenge the city rolacre OE reo jas the shorts another look, be knew, for his stores to do as wel for io jo deg wer siich to Seve En re oi ap fence you, - ye music: ; i ! hi =a : § so-hideous were the home of mice A -- A. fi body oye Che Skating fof and weeds. There were miles and Ge ER FR Rd FT Na FR FY FI ES Amber of Skater i miles of these eye-sores And it nm skaters in costume was waslike passing to a new planet to Hot as latge as might have been de- see miles of Frost wire fence M sired, but most of those who did |" wy; : ' i a S d e u e take the t oub to dress in fancy How can you clean out your r ired of the ch fence corners, you fellows?' he ] asked." "Burn the fences," spoke » 3 Mr. up an agent; Port Perry Ontario "That's right, There's one - t Frost fences it does th weeds and mice. ie naeanitona | | Purdy's New Cash Store 1 uring them of the| @ . : che veld thecom| § Snaps for this week for CASH from a French cus: : fies faa packages Orange Meat for.......... 256. Sd) Force for;...... ...: 5 Wheat Berries for ....., "tn. Beaver Oats for coiiivvii 2508 (13 Sens of Conn or Peas for ..... 25¢0 Tomatoes pera. ..v.vviiiiiiuy., 100. Ibs, Selected Raisins or Currants hi" 50, i ee PILOO # 3 3 3 3 3

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