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Port Perry Star, 11 Mar 1908, p. 5

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"ES want your business, Come andi we'll see that youre satisfied With the TT great improvement we've made: in merchandising conditions, the people can and do buy the very 'best goods: and Pay extremely moderate prices, We're ready, splendidly ready with all the new goods' for spring. Ccme any day now and see the ; lases B BN Embroideries Fosiery "Gloves Linoleums Oilcloths Curtains Draperies Wedding bells are fining. 5 jo | 'Mr. J. Mark was visiting friends! in Seagrave on Sunday. SE 1 Mr. S.J, Wilson was calling on {fiends in Honeydale on Sunday. Mr. W. Johns, of Port Perry, 'was visiting friends in the 'villa: on Sunday, Dress Goods Wash Goods Millinery Shirt Waists. ~ Men's Shirts Boys" Suits ~ Neckwaar Collars Most of our boys make their : 3 Heskly trips to Port. Perry on' TT 8 ) ? [Saturday afternoons now: instead IS Week S Mone Savin Cha of Saturday nights on account o : : the bad roads, ki se : - Mr. Frank Dowson has 'started to 'work: for Mr. Robt. Jackson, Scygog. : se hs 5 While-Mr. W. C. Wilson was driving to Port Perry on Wednes: day last he had the misfortune to drive into a holelin the ice. His horse get down and he was unable to .get it out until 'help was se cured. We are glad. to say that the horse was not much hurt: Every item quoted here is a strong inducement for this week's shopping Big Lot of New 9c. per yard Embroideries 5c. a yd. || for 15 cent Ginghams 1800 yards Fine 'Cambric Embroidery, A big special purchase totaling 200 Insertion and Beading, over forty yards, stylish broken checks and fancy different patterns to choose from, 2 tog stripes in green pink and red, End of inches wide. On sale last three days of the week sale Co this week on , . - We can furnish you with Seed Peas, either English, Scotch or Canadian variety, at prices from 8oc. to $1.00 per bushel, No SHRINKAGE: "We reserve the right to reclean -at 'our. ex- - pense. ~ We are letting only a strong, hardy i . /twoand a half feet, field péa with long straw, nothing less than We will not let any short straws or garden peas this season. Or 'seed will'all be: choice hand picked. We ean guarantee the quality. = There will be ro _ shrinking on the crop this year.' on You 'will receive full price for the crop after cleaned. oc an baby Sg it We can furnish Sucar Best SEED, 'and will %> _ undertake to take care of your beets and pay for same WHEN DELIVERED ON CARS HEKE. The price will be $4.00 per ton for clean 'beets, F.O.B. nearest railway station, REGARD- "OF SUGAR TEST. Seed ric, per Ib. 13 We solic your order both for Peas and Beet We will'do our utmost to see that : r and honest treatment. * Hoping to receive you esteemed patronage. {thority who says that rheumatism] being - | just right. | kidney fail to filter ont, {at small cost, i [' Druggists 4n this towa and {broke | has been repaired aud is in good Shake ina Bottlo Now is the time when the doctor gets busy; and the patent medicine manufacturers reap the harvest, un- fess great care is .taken to dress warmly and Keep the feet dry his is the advice of un" vld eminent an: and Kidney trsuble weather is here, |! und also tells what to do in case of', an attack, 7 41 Get "from any. goed: prescription | pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Bx: tract of Dandelion, one ounce. Com: spoonful after meals and at bedtime' Just try this simple home made mixture at the first sign of Rheuma- feel that the Kidneys are Tiot 'acting This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator, and al- most certain remedy for all forms of | Rhenmatism, which 'is cau<ed by urie acid In the blood, whieh the I Any one can easily prepare this at home and vicinity, when shown the prescrip- tion, stated that they can either supply these ingredients, or, if our 'readers prefer, they will compound the mixture for them. : e4pmus : Mts: Jaines. Thompson bad the misfortune to. fall on. the ice at Nestletotr recently and ~break her : : milldam, which way about two weeks ago. running order. { , Lindsay, is tism, or if your back aches or you| id Mrs, Berisou, Ballydaft, | : M. Johu-| Per yard SEE WINDOW Sc. 9c. per yard. 25c. a pa For Hemstitched Huck Towels, all white, regular 35c., size 33 x 17. Come early. 25c. apa pound Kargon, tliree ounces ,Com- : pound Syrap Sarsaparilla, Mix "by | 'shaking in a bottle and tak®d a tea- _ ir. cent cloth. ir. 25c¢. each For Linen Damask Tea Table Covers, size 329nches square with red border and hemstitched edge. A regular 50 Another big purchase and you reap the saving. NK & CO. ES s EERE * GREENBANK, Qur Greenbank correspondent nse have wondered wien his bud- get of news was going to appear in print; The delay must be blamed on the snowstorms, which are. re- sponsible for nearly as much trou- ble as-the proverbial cat this winter. This difficulty is likely past now, and.the weekly supply of news will be very welcome. EDITOR. . Ste February 26th, 1908 i Miss - Gertie Town was visiting -- at Saintfield last week. Mr. Wesley and Alberta Real were visiting [friends at Wilfrid over Sunday, . "Mr, and Mrs. . Tom Ward were visiting at. Mrs. F. Ward's. last week.' Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wells of Port Perry were visiting at Mr. Robert" Town's for a few days last week. ; Mr. Jas. Bush, who las been spending a few weeks with Mr. Clarence Town has returned howe, Miss G. Gibson. of Manchester, ting her cousin, Miss Clara st week. i 'I'nesday of last week, the Aid was held at the home Robert: Town. ( re sous were present, enjoyable time was Real, brother of the wvride, was groomsman. = Miss Laura Beare, sister of the groom, played the wed- ding march. After the usual con- gratulatiens, the company partook of 'an elaborate 'wedding supper. The young couple drove to Port Perry, where they took the train for Kingston. Mrs. Beare was at. tired in a green broadcloth dress, with coat, hat and plumes to match and wore mink furs. The presents were numerous and costly. Mr. and Mrs. Beare, when they return, will reside at Hillside Farm, west of Greenbank. ' <0 March 2ud, 1908 Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Buddy were visiting at Mr. Geo. Lee's for a few days last week. Miss Libbie Pearse, Port Perry, was spending a few days last week at 'Mr."George Real's. } Mr. and Mrs. R. Town were vis- 'iting at Seagrave recently. Mr. McHonll, Sengog, was yisit- ing at Mr, Robert Town's recently Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leask, Sea- grave, were visiting at the home of i Mr. Jas. McMillan last week. Mg: and Mrs. Abbott, Port Perry, rick's Tast week, -at Epsom. Jast week. Armour McMillan is spend. weeks at his home here K is visitia 'Real, | ns attended the bride, and Mr. Wesley [school for the month of Febru- were visiting at: Mr. Jas. McKit:} + Oliver and Miss Eva Luke| + ot € attending their cousin's wed: ary :-- . SENIOR PIVISION - Senior 1V--Irene Hyland, Jofin Hooey, Selina Swain, George Crawford, Bertha Taylor, Helen Whitfield, Roy Ferguson, Lewis Willan. ° Junior [V--Everett Mary Scott. Carl \Vright. oS Senior [II -Elmer M#untjoy, Rosetta Wright, Harold Holmes, Ethel Whitfield, Jessie Power, Howard Bailey, Roy Tavlar, Austin Willan, A¥thur Bailey, Wilfred Power. Junior IIl--Vera Hogey, Al- berta Riches, Clara Ferguson, Etta Croker, Maretta. Willan, Murray Forster, Helen Cryder- man, Edna Kinsman, Kussél Riches. Charlie Venning.' Present every. day--Howard Bailey, Harold Holmes, Russel Riches. AS L. Morwenna Haris, Teacher. JUNIOR DINISION Senior [[-~Margaret Forster, Laura Harrison, - Arthur Crozier, Alice Venning.. ©. : Junior I1--Eva Holmes. Part [[--Cora Riches, Elva Wright, Ruth Whitfield, Frankie Saran, i - "Nai art, [--Egith Smith, Nellie Strutton, on Smith. aes Hofor 'roll of, AE Trewin, Harrison, Elva Wright, Smith, Nellie Strutton, A Smith, "uo :

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