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Port Perry Star, 15 Apr 1908, p. 5

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5 - 3 N° time 'to waste now." Every buying day counts This store holds for you, positively an unequalled assortment of the Ee mv | goods you need, holds best selection now and will Hold it right. up, The dina: h ne + to the last shopping hour of Easter Saturday. - "Every new style - to Ji. Shots. 4d feature finds expression in the garments you'll buy here. : nd | St nme and so found it imposib 3 ne an : ae RNS 4 Bied mes and he gfcrt aad to comivic the vor The very fact of Style Variety should chool, met at the home of Mrs. | Toronto for'a couple of weeks. | Et 'vi i EE 3 ie ah Christie to celebrate the | we are pleased to "that BH 1)r E : oh Chin "ony weston nl bring all Good Dressers here. een a as bu padiy a soaple of weeks ago, is EASTER H ATS ro E ASTER GLOVES 5 : AY {healing nicely. - : ¥ ; ¥ . of worker, wae rcdonted Saw. |, The busitess meeting of the B | 4 Ladies Aid had to be postponed on | af EES Gl . : Enkei ah san account of the stormy day... . Nese oves are a necessary adjunct to a ry pleasent evening was po Me pe Come to League Thursday NE Sed A lady's cost laste 4 he: aus Mis. a evening, M¥. Jas. Myntd wil' give 3 : = dy's costume for Laster, so why not relatives here. HAA T addegss on his trip, from (rar Sign. have a pair that will give every satis- ; »| Making maple sugar is the chief Oren to vii pe ; Cr ASL TE faction, wear well anl bz in ke ping amusement here at present. e quarterly meeting OF the. ff Shades Z ' ' ' ping o 4 Mrs J. adult Bible Classes was held in 4 A fp]. uy nd the S. 8. room on Tuesday. : - . ! , : Ho for Greenbank on Friday Se 4 : will give splendid satisfaction. They I, { the fi in thi evening, nearly eyeryoneis talking . 3 (a . a OF i. of going. . - are perfect fitting -- and there's a hls ra Ee local nce : / ; } ; earing shoe for women. A valuable cow, the property of CUROG er Br reason-- there is no guesswork about # 'We sell other shoes for Mr. Soo, Wand. died of paraveie LL i . NCTA Fowne's. The experimental stage has women, but none better caused by a fall © Jee. We are pleased to learn that § ANS S37 ; - "3 ay Appetripd Miss 'Flora Horn is visiting | Mrs. John Gerow is recovering PSC been passed many years since. value than the Empress. ebde i Porat, Br froma prolonged siicrion of hee} Lovely fashion hi ¢ Mill i + rT oral fir Bo 2 Sep 'Miss Vera: Harris, Brookiin, is |eyes,.under the skilful treatment ovely fashion hints o llinery for ) : Naturally, you want visiting Ker grandmother, Mrs. T. fof Dr. Archer. . B Faster are on show in our millinery de- Try Fowne's for Easter the best. 'We have the Hos. as ' Myers Tay taken the Mr, Plum, one of the Oldest B® partment, not a large group but fertile xclusive sale of the bo, A n | residents of the Island is very low, | Jig | - . . o ex 8 e . 1€| 4 tract of sawing a" quantity oe writing, with heart | 8 in suggestion ind most interesting as all the prominent Empress. [lumber for Henry Jones, Uxbridge | trouble. . - 8 foreshadowing the ruling styles for the a ol BY ; li | Rov. W. T. and Mrs Wickett|f@l 563s, the shapes, the colorings, the shades and colors > BLACKSTOCK ~ made a visit to Little Britain last; [lL immings all bespeak the master hand. . i week, to attend the wedding of {8 Make your selection now for Easter. to choose from. 3 with your costume. Fowne's Gloves month of March = The snow here is gradually dis- Sb aga . appearing, and the chirp of theif PORT PERRY : SENIOR DIVISION Robin is welcome, and the farm § TC FOPMAN& SON sisters ud rr of Vee Foy i cont me EASTER CLOTHE 2 fo Ve A ii ; ackstock Public School for the * i ES S FOR MEN 8r. 1V--Johu Hooey, "George ! . 5 i 's 3 ' Crawiond. Jo Taglar, Selena | crs are preparing tostart seeding. | {8 Best Styles in Men's Hats Co Easter Shirts Swain, . Helen Whitfield, Irene We welcome to ouy community | Be $2.00 W. G. & R. Shirts hold the first place Hyland, Roy Terguson, Lewis | the young men, who haye recently | B88 among shirts for perfect fit, style and '| Willan. fcome to 'the Island to work" for 8 1'ur Felt Derbys, newest spring blocks, variety of pattern We have an ex- Jr. IV--Mary Scott," Everett some of "our industrious farmers. {8 i ) ceptional showing at $1 05 to Loc Trewin; Carl Wright, Orval, has.a man and a fine boy |[®d round and medium flat crowns, rolling SE RAL eed 0 PL.OO Sr. I1I-Elmer Mouhtjoy, Harold | now. . I. + Bit CL bande Ne a ; Holmes, Howard Bailey, Ethel| Preparations are made we be- and flat set brims, siik bands and calf } Easter Neckwear £0c. 'Whitfield, Rosetta Wright, -Austin| lieve, for a_Pan-Cake and. Maple eather sweat bands. As a $2.00 hat Shape is the wide 2)2 inch Tour n- Willay, Arthur, piles. Roy Tayi, Syrup Social, which is to be held], : hand. Materials are the prettiest silks 'Power. 5. day night, The program, which ariety and Ligh quality i. ) agri Select early : Tr. 1l--Vera Hooey, Alberta |we believe will be NG wll be variety and high quality of materials. legion. Select early. | Riches, Murray Forster, Etta | rendered in the church. Talent Croker, «Moretta Willan, Clara, from the Ontario Ladies College | Ferguson, ~ Helen Crydermaun, |and Port Perry, also the Rev. Mr. | Russel Riclies, Edna Kinsman, Robins Seagrave, as well as local "| Charlie Venning, ' talent, will contribute. There will TTT i+ Presetit every day---John Hooey, | be pan-cakes, buns and maple Pogu Aff TT George Crawford, Arthur Bailey, | syrup galore, as Scugog never fails BASEBALL GUTFITGIVE EN Cecil Hill, JesSie Power, Wilfred in the Town Hall on. Easter Mon: |B they're supreme both in the style J} we have ever shown. Patterns are EVER SUK very. prety diog took place [Rimer Mountjoy, Harold Holmes, |in making provision for a big ia EME. HE Austin - Willan, Moretta Willan, crowd. Admission will likely be PRINCE ALBERT eo Tel Sb Uo Grae Tonle Ca Uses aS Tel a5 thie henge of Si ad Mir Hark 'Murray Forster. AN J 25cts and i5cts. Come over M r. spp Bn ipakipskapse hsp » is April' 8th 1908. when their| 1.) Morwenna Harris, Teacher. | Editor and enjoy the evening with oh i: 3 v 2 J? § a8 Unt © Ly) JUNIOR DIVISION us. pen. Russell Me a who as SH ) } 0 g Po 3 Sr. 11--Layra Harrison, Arthur {wo were pleased to here our een seriously ill after an attack o Sh FE R VY i " Crozier, Margeret Forster, Alice Pastor announce that a service La Grippe Is able to be arcunf & Veuning. ooo i J . again. Jr. 1l--Eva Holmes. jeu) pe pron mr Miss Smith, our tcacher is well Pt. II=Elva "Wright Cora : : again and able'to resume her work. . Ri : ». Coraline of Good Friday. We hope fpr g Ki EF 0 Riches, Rath uaa, Frankie a good rtendance pele No person here » able to peep 7 or the newest i IE EE Aa oy 5 AT s 0 adaog, a large number have been 1 Pe 1 Edith Sifth, © Neltie| .- The: monthly meeting of they; ; 0S CG Sitaiion Albert Smiths. ° |Union Ladies Aid Society, which Wie ley a and most up-10- "Honor roll + of 1conduct--Lawra | Was held at Mrs.:John Ploughman's poison. We thik it a pretty ean | oH ' . Harrison : Arthur C ozier, - Cora fas}, week Jas very well attended, pisce of business and an investi: ; , . Rh ug ght. Pre comeing the comin of on cathe rade date Ey ER dav Mirk : pe ' .G. Holman Jr. has settled at fo eVELy.. cay Margaret poping bas arrived Most of the pd Perry station For a time. ' vp 3tOrster, a "Ibirds are. here, we have either CAL . i . MMi |seen or heard. of the following, a AJ Stanley who stayed CONSULT : s : Crows; Hawks: Robins, Graybirds' at' Jas. McCulloch's all winter, ar a rh font back to Oshawa on Saturday J ' ¢ , py ~ i Tast. . r. ] i . , Geese, Ducks, Cranes and- last] ------ M O WwW d d 11 ve k the = argived and now}. EPSOM | 18 S ° a c s ¢ Q tone wears asmile like)" ir 5 i! NE ella" | an ters coming and SIE BBEABERASGAIABEARID) Er "his PIOpeHty' eggs ard not too dear. a and returned to «7 - FET ASR oT, 153 & $+ ¢ - L - " F ¥ > Rl vS "Making Maple Syrup is 'all the!' e . nr ; : RH ; ¥ Leo in this vicinity, and although | §¥ ® ; "Hh i ie have had a severe Canadian Pasture for, Rent Send 4 the \ STAR far we are allée ed live in a pasture ac- | 4 ns lg oo winter, we are all glad we, live oo rogation fora umber of to absent friends. Meteosat Bilan fot .+ 1 young cattle, good grass and plenty | 3, 7 eg Ben ol wd ine a of mayer and shade. * For terms it will be like a : A = lapply to ' ' : ow Rd the basement being. os ; c Fe ks aaa "water. Prayer meet-{ Phone 64 PC. cramam, fetter from hom "iimthe church, Tues} a \ - fice UN ge OA ak i pril 9th, to Mr. and A Jak, ason., Ty vo WwW

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