WEN BLOWN 10 PIECES rful Tragedy on the National Trans- continental Railway. A despatch from Qucbec says: Nine men were hurled into eternity suddenly and without warning through a dyna- _ mite explosion on Saturday afternoon, while three others were badly injured. ..The scene of the explosion was on the "Transcontinental Railway at the rail- way construction camp of Messrs. Mur- doch Bros., at St. Cajetan d Armagh, Bellgchasse County. St. Valler is 20 .ailes from Quebec, while St, Cajelan d Armagh is 22 miles above the former ce. Six of the victims of the disaster were young French-Canadians, workmen of the vicinity. The names of the victims are as follows: A. Barnard, French; A. Pinkstone, English; A. Campbell, Scotch, from New Brunswick; Adelard Morri- selte, St. Cajetan; Wilfrid Noel, St. Ca- jetan; Edouard Langlois, St. Cajelan; Onesime Gagnon, St. Cajetan; 'Emile, (haretle, St. Cajetan; Joseph Roy, St. Philemon. Of the - six French-Canadians who Emile Charette, was married. He leaves a widow and several children. Canrp- bell was the foreman of the party. His tody will be sent to his relalives in New Brunswick. Of the imjured, two are slightly hurt, while the third has his leg broken. He will be brought up to the Hotel Dieu Hospital for treat- ment. red are as yet not very definite, but it is stated to have been caused by the premature explosion of a blast. Cor- oner Perron will hold an inquest, The jury was sworn in on Saturday tnd viewed the remains of the victims of the accident. HOUNT TEMPLE FLOATE C. P. R. Steamer Has Been Stuck Sn Last November. -- 'A despatch from Halifax says: After having been ashore on the ledges at Ironbound Island, at the mouth of the Lahave River, since November 30 lasl, the big C. P. R. Liner Mount Temple was successfully floated on Wednesday night's tide. The steamer was filled with air, and with the rising tide and the assistance of three tugs she slid off the rocks into deep water. This was the third attempt made to float her. Under her own steam the Mount Temple started for Halifax, bul owing to a heavy southeast storm sel- ting in she was obliged to make Lunen- berg harbor for shelter al 11.30 Wednes- day night. Tho Mount Temple registers €.661 tons, and the underwriters agreed to give the salvors $200,000 if they floated her. When the steamer stranded she had over 600 passengers on board, and all were saved. She will come to Halifax to drydock as soon as the weather per- mits. The steamer had been driven hard on the rocks to save the lives of the passengers, and the rocks protrud- ol through her bottom in several places. The work of floaling her was one ol the most difficult ever undertaken on the Atlantic coast, and the success of the salvors is regarded by marine experls es a nolable achievement. SWINDLED BANKS AT SARNIA. Blick Customer From Port Huron Sec- cured Total of $830. A despalch from Sarnia says: A man, "ha gave his name as James B. Young, and a Port Huron address that is now found to be a vacant lot, is being search- ed for by the police of Sarnia for pass- ing worthless cheques on two banks here, Last Tuesday Young deposited $50 in one of the banks. Laler he de pesiled a cheque for $400 on a bank in Springfield, Mass. On Thursday af- dernoon he appeared with a cheque for $300, which appeared to be certified to ty the same Springfield bank whose cheque he had previously deposited. The $300 cheque was paid, but later, becom. ding suspicious, the bank telegraphad lo Springfield and found that both gheques were bogus and the certification was a forgery. On Friday night it developed thal another ebank had been swindled by precisely the same operation to the amount of $530, the losses of the two "aggregating $850. e-- $7,000,000 PALL F FOR LONDON. Plana of Obscure Young Architect to be Realized. A despalch from London says: The London County Council has decided to "proceed with the building of the pro- _ posed County Hall on the site selected en the banks of the Thames al Wesl- minster. It is estimated that it will cost: $7,000,000 and that seven years will be consumed in building it. The architect -is Ralph Knell, who till won' that position by competition an Sisaire assistant in the city archi- ' ? President Roosevelt's Request for Four | Can He is 29 years old. ' His Hh will amount to about Was Purchased 2.700 Acges of Nelson . A CHAPTER OF FATALITIES. Montreal Man Run Over--Hotel Guest Found" Dead--Body in River. A despalch from Montreal says: A series of fatalities were reported to the police on Sunday night. Alphonse Champagne was run over by a street car and killed, his body being terribly mutilated. F. McKenna, of Auslralia, a guest of the St. James Hotel, was found dead in his room on Sunday, and an {investigation will be held into the cause of death, as it has not yet becn ascer- tained whether it was due to natural causes or not. 'The body of an unknown man was taken out of the river. lle had apparently been dead for several months. rent fe cease WARSHIPS TO VISIT QUEBEC. Canada's Invitation to Washington Will be Accepted. A despatch from Washinglon says: A favorable response will be made by the United States Navy Department to the courteous invitation of the Domin- jon Government {o be represented al Quebec by a war vessel at the coming visit of the Prince of Wales tb Canada in July. The present intention is to de- spatch the fine new, ballleship New. Hampshire, recently put into commis- sion, and in command of Capt, Camer- on McR. Winslow. The finishing touch- ¢s mre now being put on the vessel ONLY TWO NEW WARSHIPS, .. lguored by Congress, A despatch from Washington says: In, spite-of "the President's urgent recom- mendation contained. in his special mes- four 1 gent to to Bay nd on Tuesday that CORBIS NEWS FEMS GLOBE. Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA: a the British authozilies to continue the "}subsidy to the overseas mail service, With the possible exception of pin Illinois, the codl miners now on met death in the explasion, only one yrs in the United States will return to work, from the Loeal Government Board 10 be Parliamentary Secretary 10 the Ad- ymirally, Toronto caterers have been asked 10 assist In feeding those who attend the Wercentenary celebration at Quebec. A fine seam of bituminous coal has night {# pg ell Creek, B. C. The law requiring pleasure craft to carry lights in Toronto harbor will be strictly enforced. Crop reports from Ontario points in- dicate that the fall wheat and clover wintered fairly well. Montreal longshoremen object to the bonus system introduced by the shipping men, bul the laller refuse to abolish it. The Standard Fuel Company of To- ronto received the contract for the sup- oly way. The Point Edward ferryboal was seized in Port Huron on a charge of | taking foreigners into the United Stales, end Caplain Glass was placed in fail. Hon. William Pugsley announced 'n 7] the House that he was considering 'the question of deepening the harbors on the lakes lo {wenly-five feet. Inspector Leake is working ona plan to give normal school pupils three months at Guelph to take a course in industrial training before graduating as teachers. Delails as to how the disaster yr 2 uncovered by a landslide ai Camp- RS GREAT BRITAIN. The Prince of Wales will reach Que bec on July 23, and leave the cily on the 29th. It is reported that Mr. Joseph Cham- berlaln will shortly resign his seat ia he British House of Commons. Bills of the Province of Onlario for nearly half a million sterling have been beiscounted in London at three per cent. The Mauretania made a new record n her westward trip, doing the long route in one minute less than five days. UNITED STATES. D. Sullivan, a G. T. R. clerk at Mont: real, was killed by a subway {rain m New York, on Salurday. The Mine Owners and Operators' As- scclation at Fairbanks Alaska, has sent to Seattle for ten thousand men, A bill providing for the appointrhent oft s commission to investigate Wall 8 et speculation was introduced into the'! ale at New York, GENERAL, Queen Wilhelmina of Holland is said to be suffering from tuberculosis. crush the widespread. revolt there. Italy has despalched a squadron of eleven baltleships lo make a demonstra- tion in Turkish walters. The French defeated a force of Ber bers and Arabs at Tolzaza Hill, Algeria, lcsing 28 killed in the batile. A Government bill has passed the Dan- ish Folkething allowing women to vote i+ all communal élections, A Canadian flour miller named Rennie | jumping overboard from a launch. The King of Italy says the Black Hand, as known' in America, is simply an or- gonization of detached malefactors, not a branch of any Italian society, mnt THE FISHERIES 'TREATY, A' despatin om. Aigion says: Slates 2nd Great Britain regulating fishing in the lakes along the boundary line between - the United = States and Canada to-day. received the fa orable en dORodDl of ihe Senate Co mittee on Foreign Relations, Secre tary of State Root went if over. Ahe treaty in detail with the committee; and ay fexpatne 4 the fal providing for the demarcation: of the boundary between IAPPENINGS FROM ALL: ova ros , Tans ts rom our ove 10) " The Dominion Government has induc- } goo Dr. McNamara has been promoted | of coal for the Temiskaming Rail- | Japan is rushing {roops. to Corea to prices. commilted suicide at Hong Kong by Was Favorsbly Reported by U. 8. Senate | hey The fisheries treaty between the Uniied Corn-Firmy "No, 3 yellow r American, Te, Toronto Treight;_ No No. 3 mixed, 1c} Barley--Very dull; No.3 2 olering 8 at 6 60c. outside. Rye--Strang: No. 2, Bide, vie Sa Buckwheat--No. 2, 8) fo. 65¢. * Oats--No. 2 white, 6c outside, 480 on track Toronto; No. 2 mixed, 43%¢. Flour -- Manitoba patents, special brands, $6; seconds, $5.50; strong bakers', $5.30; winter wheat patents, $3.40. Bran--Full cars, $24.50 to $25, Toronto fitights. Shorts--Scarce, $24 f.0.b. 'mills, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter--SLill scarce, with good demand. Wholesale prices are: -- 4 Creamery, prinls ; do solids Duiry prints ..... . do large rolls do solids ....... Inferior 4 10 Honey-- Strained steady 'at 11c to per 1b for 60-1b pails and 12¢ fo 130 5 to 10 1b pails. Combs at $1.75 to $2. per dozen, Potaloes--Onlario, 85¢ to 90c; Dela- ware, 95¢ to $1, in car lots on track here. Beans--Firm; $1.70 to $1.75 for primes and $1.80 10 $1.85 for hand-picked. Cheese--Firm; ic for large and Hc fer twins in job lots here; new-make; 13¢ for large and 13%c for twins. A Maple Syrup--$1 to $1.10 per gallon, Baled Straw--88 40 9 per lon. Baled Hay--Timothy 16 quoted ai $15 tc $15.50 in car lots on tracks here. to to to fo to' PROVISIONS. Pork--Short cut, i fo $21.50 per bar- rel, mess, $17.50 to $18. ' Lard--Tierces, 1134c; tubs, 11%c; pails, 12c. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats--Long clear bacon, 10¢ to 1024c; tons end cases, hams, medium and light, 12¢_ fo 13c; hams, large, 11%c¢ to 12¢; backs, 16¢ to 16%c; shoulders, 9%¢ to 10c; rolls, 10c; breakfast bacon, 13¢ lo l4c; green meat out of pickle, 1¢ less than smoked. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, April 21.--Flour--Choice 'spring wheat patents, $6.10; seconds, 5.50; winter wheat patents, $5.50; raight rollers, $5 °t0"$5.25; doin bags, £2.35 10 '$2.50; extras, $1.80 10 '$1,00. Milifeed--Manitoba bran, »:2 to $23; Soma, $23 10 $24; Ontario grain, shorts, $20 to $22.50; middling, $24 10 825; shorts, $25 to $27 per ton, including bags, "and pure grain mouille, $32-1to "$34 Moderate trade is passing at, firm Rolled Oats--$3.123 per bag, GCornmeal--$1.67% to TS. 75 per 'bag. Oals--Eastern Canada No. 2 white, have declined ¥%c; eastern Canada No. 2 white 'oats, 49c; No.' 3, 46}4c; No. 4, 4534¢; rejected, 43%o per bushel ex store; and Manitoba rejected, 45)4c to 46c per bushel, ex track North Bay. Cheese--Seplember westerns are selling at 13c for white and 133c for colo September easterns, 13%c¢ for white 'and | 21 for. colored Butler--Fresh creamery, 33¢ to 35¢c per : best Jon fake, Se per 1b. Eggs--18c per dozen for Sngle lots and 10-17%c for wholesale vislons-- Barrels A , cut mess, © Pro 8 Tialt pastel, $10.75; clear fal back $29; out heavy hes, $20; hal LD Dale Ary: salt beet, 813.50 Clear mmission is. to purchase Dominion : be.applied strictly and to the of reducing and Laltlefields, and Sr in the Chémplain tercentenary- fetes. (2) That at present the aim of lie 'the land pnecessary to redeem the baillefields of BEATEN WITH TH FENCE HAIL. T. Jcrow Nearly Ki Killed at Niagara Falls, A despatch from Niagara Falls, Oni., says: A daring assault eccurred early on Friday morning, when T. Jérow was nearly beaten to death with: a fence 1 near 'the Grand Trunk Railway {Jade a lonely district in fhe outskirts of the city. His nt was frighten- ed away by the man's cries for help and | fo the barking of a dag, which drew. the attention of J. Kells, 'who carried the man to his house and called in a doc- tor. Jerow has three severe scalp wounds, and his condition is precarious, Chief of Police" Kimmins "hes com- menced: an investigation, and closely examined several men who were in Jerow's company earlier in: 'the 'even. | ing, but no arrests have been made. AR TRE BULLET IN HIS HEAD. Wiltiam S. Hartley Found Dead in Westmount Park. A despatch from Monlreal says: Two boys found" the body of William S. Hartley on Friday night in Westmount Park, with a bullet hole in' his head. The deceased, who was a Scotchman, Lad been out of work some time and was obviously despondent. In a letter addressed to a friend he remarked that a'] his cheques on the bank of life had been - dishonored, and that, unfortunate ly, he was not alone in the dis, The words are supposed 10 have a bear. ing 'on some unfortunate love affair. Hartley was thirty years old." The wound was" behind the ear, showing the shot had been well aimed. He always bore a good reputation; but re- cently lost his place and began to drink. him ipo ALLANS GET | CONTRACT. New Steamship Service Between Canada | and France. WA despatch from Montreal says: The subsidized mail service provided by the treaty for a steamship line be tween, Canada and France has been ob- toingd by Megsts. H & &:A Allan, 1 ca or. eighlee und 5h a year, at @ minimum. subsidy of § vith the privilege of a os service to thirty-six round 4 warrants. three ihe trade gi, from © 1n Februafy, 1907, the number hail patents issued: was 1,602, cov a the area of 263,460 - For -the r Sig. the] uae To aan an moat CHANCE FOR CANADIAN. DRILLS. Transvaal Has Arranged for Competitions in Mining Machinery. it TN despatch from Oltawa. says: Premier Louis Botha, of the Transvaal, has sent a letter to Sir Wilfrid Laurier, pointin out that the Transvaal Government, in cc-operation with the Transvaal Cham- ber of Mines, has 'arranged for 8 prac- dion) frial of small" rock Sri.g, Su suitable: 'narrow stoping . work; "the working "conditions staining on. oe eters Rand. All types of rock: eligible lo compete. Drills using 'pressed air will be supplied with a pres. sure varying from 60 to 75 pounds per scuare inch at the working "face. Two prizes of £4,000 and £1,000 respectively: are offered. The competition will com-. menoce early in 1909 and will last about #1. months, reared] ELECTRIC ADIGE, Railway Commission May Tnsist on ls Adoption. 'A despatch from Ottawa says The Board of Railway Commissioners has: gent 0 oul a circular stating that 'owin; the numerous reports thé board. received from its inspectors roiling > the poor condition of the lights large number of locomotive-engines im. use on the different raffvay systems ini Cran he board has had under: eon- sideration {he advisabilily of 1 the: aitway mpanies subject to ils ue 'to use an electric system of Heagtights, or some other good sysiem. that will 'give satisfactory light for the fection of life 'and property. The: beard asks companies to file with it. in , at as early a date as a in ation as they may. wish ruake regarding the proposal of the board to issue an order. ag suggested. herein, . eR ' MORE: HOMESTEAD ENTNIES. tnerease of 7% Recorded During Jabu- ary and February. A despateh from OHawa says: A net increase at - in the number ot one ad entries during January and Feb en ia uring Jaguar wilh the sdme months of i] y total of 847 entries made in by persons coming from the 120 were from' esota and 22 from | wr