0 rh i 48 yard, boys' : pdt hats ac | ? ; 8 laines 25¢C. oak See advertisement pa SLIRE n ~~ ~r *) Pardy's Cash Store 12 packets flower a seeds 25c. 6 Ibs. broken 6 bars of laundry soap; 250. * A. Ross & Son Call and see our nice' display of new carpet squares and lace cur- tains, -- * y F : W G Monet i 7 See the new dinver sets W. G.' Monet is giviug to cash purchasers. 3 If so consult Carnegie Bros. about Builders' Supplies. Our range is wide 'and of good quality at reasonable _ prices. Call and we will give estimates on short. og notice, | & | 4 % i¢ ; 2 dnchos vide open and plain: embroidery work, well frishod Tors. These 2 -were taken from our 15¢. and 20c. lines and are EE en: g Car negio Bros: : i. Thursday, Friday and: Saturday per yard sa susie Swe iiiyals -+10¢. 1 Come and get a Standard Pattern Fi ¢ fixing up yout poviry Yard, 1 5 We are authorized by the Standard Fashion. Compan LE to make an extraordinary offer in. "connection with THE STANDARD FASHION. BOOK ME The May issue of this superb publication, just out, contains over I 000 jHustration _ of styles for women ard children of every age. "The price' is 20- cents, in- bunly your garden reat sone in cluding a certificate 'good for ONE STANDARD PATTERN wk FREE.. This makes the book cost 5 cents only. ' NOW FOR THE OFFER: - Spruce up! You can get an Ar } Spring suit for $15.00. Why be ~~ Subscribe for THE DESIGNER at 75 cents a year, --ad- Carnegie Brothers S00 HOH H. Doubt & Son" Most people like common-sense and style combined. = You can get both in Invictus shoes. + They are: « Time for a Change 2 somforiable and stylist. na W H McCaw . House decorating suggestions on As the seasons change so it becomes necessary to re- page 4, lenish i >. plenish stocks in trade EB Flint The undersigned opens the spring trade with 'a full line of first-class Furniture sujtable for the Parlor, Dining Room, Bedroom and Kitchen, all of which will ) be sold at most reasonable terms and wal Doubt prices. Public patronage solicited. ® MY. UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT is fully Ey ¥ furnished with all the requirements for funerals. Diesfeld"s ; Are you going to be married 2 shabby ? : . vance renewals will be accepted, --and we will give you this beautiful May issue of The Standard Fashion Book upon payment of only 10 cents extra to cover handling Ie "JOHN 'AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. NOTT. G | ~ Women's Missionary Society (Continued from front page) while last year they nearly reached the Bron. ,000 mark, The need of mission work in Canada was emphasized. Last year some 252 ooo. foreigners came to our shores. It seetned to the writer of this _ report that if Canadian chuiches "would concentrate their energies on civilizing and - Christianizing the immigran(s coming to our land, the ~ result would be better. Stich a . course would receive the support of business men. The European Christians should be able to care for China and Japan, Weg are fac- ~ing a grave danger at the. present time and the watchword - should be '" convert Canada." We shall sgon have to hoe onr own patch of corn or the weeds will grow too high and the corn may be smothered, During the afternoon solos were | rendered by Miss E. Ross aiid Miss Akers. © Supper was served in the basement at the close' of 'the session. . Miss McGuffin spoke. again in "the evening. Owing to. other at- _ tractions in (own 'the attendance 'was not as large as could have Higen desired. Conditions in China were described, and a helpful fact, : was noted. , This was the rapid methods of tranportation which are of oberg value for the spread of the Liss Norine Letcher and Miss. e Ross sang a duett. errr between the "afternoon and evening session the followiny were elected by Jone year. Subscribe now and take Additional' Locals Extraordinary bargains Thursday and Saturday at " 'The Fair." Public Library Notice ! This is a good-time to begome a subscriber of the Public Library. Additions of mew 'and interesting] vals to meet the wants of those who like to read. the. latest fiction-~ All money should be paid to Mr. Pénhall, the Librarian, as he alone has the membership cards. All. subscribers to the Library will be much' pleased to learn that Mr, Penhall has con- sented to retain his position as Lib- ravian for.a few months; Notice to Subscribers Read-the date on the label of your paper. You may havé over- looked paying for your paper. It would 'be well t6 make sure that the date is correct. Af you think there is any mistake come in and let -us knpw about it. It might be said here. the price of the Weekly Globe is likely b advauce in the near future. Just now it is $1.35 for the STAR and Weekly Globe for advantyge of the offer while it fasts, "A regular meeting of the town council was held on Friday. night of last week. . All members were present, -A committee was appointed to as certain'the cost of 'extending. th waterworks system. In the iscus-| sion leading up to 'this Were more pe twas thought i laid more books are being made at short inter- |g We carry a complete assortment of wedding rings in 10 and 18 kerat| | in prices to suit the customer.§ = * * * Rose & Co Big gc. sale commences T day, April soth at 9% at, T.C. Forman & Son a "Best seedless navel 4] 5¢. and 3oc. per dozen. Eo 18¢c. y 1t was a sight to see the, : at ' The Fair last Thursday: i Miss Deborah Gerow is recover: ing from her illuess, Mrs. B. McKnight spent Susdsy with friends at Toronto. 4 Mr. John<€owie spent a few days with his parents at Sonya. i Flint "has just received a nice fresh line of Webb's Chocolates, Mrs, Dr. Orr Graham spent a couple "of days in" Toronto ° Jest week. Miss Reynolds, of Regriolds | 'Court, Uxbridge,--is visiting cher | P aunt, Miss Christie; for Toronto, where'he has seciired a situation in his lige. Rev. B. Greatrix is regaining ib usual good health and was able to TT own C ou n cil - ocoupy his pulpit last Sunday, * Tinware are Granitware at Big reductions at '* T'he Fair." Last week the officers of Sleced, and Mr. Wm. Ross 'Superintendent for the "time, " Alinost like Xmas week at Fair " Good reason too ! bead pointed out at w watermains| The Bpwarth Jengae will 0 #|and Miss Diesfeld.. Mr. Geo. Cawker left last week Ls Methodist - Sunday School Be i charges. ° A. ROSS to on w Monday to hear' Carvso. the! world's greatest tenor. Omer WANTED. A good girl for | fg eneral housework. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. Jas: Carnegie. - ; ie Béveral cases of new g Sig al R Re at 9 cents & a Fait, !. Recelved Hik Degrep. We are pleased: to hear that Mr. R. F."Downey has been successful in taking first class honofs in an examination which. gives him, the degree of: Bachelor. of Pedagogy. The degree is conferred by Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. Throw away cracked dishes "and bay new ones, bushels to sell at} » Lhe Fair,' The Musical Clab TPH Club pet at the of tek President, Mzs. David, Archer, on Friday evening. The following progranitue was. xeodered : : '1° Duett, Seles Mi 2 . Piano Solo; M| M oCa ' Piano Solo,' Queen of Irowsy fond, Mayrienne Shert.' 4 "Duett; Diabelle Ope. 1 Hunter's Song, Miss Tiopsia i Marjory Groves, : 5. Liebling, Miss Kathleen M eadi rp & SO