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Port Perry Star, 13 May 1908, p. 14

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Six Thousand Cotton Operators 'Went. On Strike on: Monday. 'A despailch from Monireal says: La- bor {roubles are accumulating here very rapidly. Some six thousand col ton operalives went on strike on Mon- Alay because the Dominion Textile Com« Jany and the Montreal Colton Company ve decided to reduce wages by: ten Jor cent. The mills were only running our days 8 week, being idle on Fridays aturdays, b the managemen feel that in view ot the conditions of trade they will have to reduce expenses slill further, Cotton operalives claim that an injustice has been done them, and have decided to quit work. Speaking for the textile workers, Mr. Willrid Paquette, thelr Secretary, said: -- *We can afford {0 be out 6f work till the autumn without any greal suffering. We will never accept the reduction of wages. 1 fail to understand the action of (thé 'employers, because four weeks ago the Montreal Cotton Company de- clared a dividend of eight per cent., and the Dominion Textile Company of sev- en per cent. It is not going to make times better for them to cut our pay. We are prepared for a long struggle." Four hundred and fifty bricklayers went on strike here on Friday morning. They want a uniform wage of filly cents an hour, while the Builders' Ex- change wi Hive fifty cents to firsi- class and yeive cenls to second- class men. The stonemasons contemplate follow- ing the bricklayers' example. EXPLOSION ON A CRUISER Two Hundred and Forty Killed on a Japanese Warship. A despatch from Tokio says: Aboul two hundred and forly men and officers lost their lives on Thursday morning as the result of an explosion in the stern magazine of the training cruiser Matsushima. The explosion took place while the cruiser was anchoring at Ma- kang, a harbor on the Pescadores Is- lands. Imniediately after the explosion the vessel sank until only her bridge was visible. There were about 355 men and fifty cadets and officers aboard the cruiser at the time of the accident. Of these about 175 were rescued by boats from the cruisers Hashaidate and Iisu- kushima. The majority of the officers, however, and it is believed more than half the cadets, were lost. Among the latter were the sons of Prince Oyama, Field Marshal, and of Baron China, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs. Cap-| tains Yashiro -and Yoshimori are also thought to have been lost. The cause ¢! the explosion is unknown. ITALIAN WOMAN KILLED, Murdered .by a "Servian Miner Near Lethbridge. A despalch from Lethbridge, Alberta, says: M. Zagaly, a Servian coal miner. employed as an engineer on screenings in Galt's mine, brutally murdered Mrs. Bracedi, an Italian woman, on the roaa between here and the mines on Friday. lle had been boarding wilh her and her husband, and had given her money to keep for him, When he met her on Friday he asked for it and she refused --4c give it to him. This so incensed Zagaly thal he shot her and then cut ker throat, The murdered woman's nine-year-old son was with her at the time, but escaped. The murderer then turned his revolver on himself, shool- ing himsel! three times. Nine small children are lefl motherless. Jo C. N. R. MEN ACCEPT. Reduction of Wagds in Mechanical De- partments. A despatch from Winnipeg says: The agreement between the C. N. R. and 1s shopmen has been signed as a re sull of the conference between ihe of- ficials and the men. The unions took a very fair and-reasonable view of the situation, and in view of the company s decline in business agreed to accept a reduction in wages averaging about twe cents per hour. Some classes of Jabor are not affected at all by the re- duclion, and the status of the unions will not be interfered with. OMcials are greatly pleased with the spirit shown by the men, and it is believed the re- sull will have an important bearing on the C. P. R. negotiations. meets fg v------ TO STRENGTHEN CHINA'S NAVY. Large Number of Battleships to be Purchased. iA despatch from Shanghai says: The Board of War has framed a.scheme which will greally strengthen" China's navy. It proposes 'the formation of flirce new squadrons, each to consist 'or five scoond-class and five of six third-class crulsers, seversl gunboats, destroyers, lorpedo hoals, one or two 'submarines, a anspo! / fended 10 build and maintain 'the navy ith: revenue from' the Ca vi VAULT WALL TUNNELED. Unsuccessful Attempt tor Rob Bank of Commerce in Winnipeg Suburb. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A daring bul unsuccessful attempt was made last Sunday night to rob the branch of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce at Weston, a suburb of Winni- peg. The fact developed on Wednes- day, when a hole six inches square was tunneled through the outer wall of the voult, but the burglars did not succeed, in securing entrance or getling away with any booly. mee certs BOY SHOOTS LITTLE SISTER. Was Playing With Gun When Weapon 'Was Discharged. A despatch from Sackville, N. B., says: News has come here of a tragedy ot Upper Rockport on Wednesday af- ternoon whereby the three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tower had the top of her head blown off through the discharge of a gun in the hands of her six-year-old brother. It is understood (hat in the absence of the parents the boy took the gun from its place and in some way discharged it. JE ANOTHER SLIDE-OF RIVER BATK. Further Damage at Quebec Village Is Feared. A despalch from Notre Dame de la Salette, Que., says: Another landslide occurred here on Thursday night, when about 20 feet of the west bank slid in- tc the river. It is feared that if the rain does not cease the whole of {he west- ern bank within a distance of 100 feet will slide into the river. No more bod: ie§" have been reclaimed, and it is now feared that they.will not be. meer BURIED UNDER MASS OF BRICK. Two Men Met Death fx Mine in Brit. bh Columbia, A despaich from Vancouver says: News has reached here of a fatal cave- in.at the mine near Phoenix. Christo. pher Martin, aged forty-five, and Kings. ley Smith, 'a young working an the 300-foot level on Sunday afternoon, when an _énormous mass of |, rock was dislodged, oeinplelly Bury] ing then. 006 wort] glishman, were | Ober Counteies of 1 CANADA. © The Toronto Coineil sirick 'the note : of taxation at 183% mills. Customs returns at Toronto for, Ap! show a' decrease of $167,030. ~ © Four hotel licenses were cut of by the "Board of License Commissioners The Scobl act was sustained al Bil 5, $ridion, N. B., after a hard-fought con- Martin Price was sentenced at Guelph : i lo fifteen years in penitentiary for burz- ary. Two boys named Dyell were drowcd at Blue Bonnets, near Montreal, on Friday. Americans are making heavy purchas €s of pulpwood along the line <I the femiskaming Railway. © London Water Commissioners pro- pese a scheme to extend the waterworks, at a cost of $560,000. Dr. E. A. A. Grange, New York, was appointed Principal of the Ontario Vel- erinary College, Toronto. Mr. Patrick Steep of Merriton was beaten and robbed in his house ol all his money, $9, on Saturday. The police are looking for the perpe- trators of four jewellery robberies that occurwed on Thursday at Toronto, The burial plot where the soldiers who fell at Stoney Creek rest was consecral- ed by Bishop DuMoulin, on Sunday. William Hanlon, who Is already serv- ing a term at Kingston for forgery, was sentenced at Guelph to an' addi- tional twelve years. A lady's handbag was found at a railway glation at Montreal with $25. of jewellery in it. The own- er furned up also. Roxy Farrell was fined fifty dollars al Brantford for pointing a revolver ut a union moulder during a row at the Buck stove works. Miss Ethel Skitch was brutally bea- ten on Friday night by an unknown man in the fruit store of W. B. Well: wood on Yonge street, Toronto, The C. P. R. steamers will run to Monlreal for a time, and may abandon Quebec altogether unless the longshore- men moderate their demands. The Angus shops of the C. P, R., at Mentreal, are closed for a few days for stock-taking. Both the C. P. R. and the Grand Trunk are reducing their clerical staffs. Mike Arome, a Russian, being re- fused admission to a street car at Ham- filon because he was drunk, drew a revolver and fired al the conductor, but missed him. tn GREAT BRITAIN. Sir Antony P. Macdonnell, Under Sec- retary for Ireland, has resigned, Five men were injured in an explo sion on the British battleship Brilan- nia. IL is officially announced that the Do- minion and White Star Lines will com.' mence a joint service to Canada next] spring. } William Evans, supposed to be from Paris, Ont., was found dead on a bargs on the Thames at London, England, on | Saturday. Tho British torpedo-boat destroyer |' Gala was cut in two and sunk by the scout Attentive during manceuvres in the North Sea. Mr. Asquith's pla'form, as laid down) by himself on Thursday, embraces free. trade, home rule, old-age pensions and the education and licensing bills, Dr. Nansen, Norwegian Ambassador, lk Great Britain, has resigned. Scotland Yard delectives arrested a] man with a complete outfit for counters feiting French rentes, UNITED STATES. Six Italians were asphyxiated in a New York lodging house. Six lives were lost in a fire in lené- |: ment house in. Brooklyn, on Sunday morning. Rudolph 'M, Hunter, an American scientist, claims to have discovered a eyo of transmuting the baser oo Two % or students have Been suspend- ed for shooting "needles- into a horse which was being = driven ' past ir boarding house. A New York Slate school teach? is Leen awarded $32,500 damages for the Joss of a leg in a wreck on York Central, ny 4 'GENERAL: Honduras is Sonsenteeling her 4 nthe an S BuckwheotNo. 2, Bhige to "650. Oals--No. 2 white, 46 Sulsides ure on track Toronto; to 2 mixed, 4c. Bran--825 on track Toronto. ; Shoris--Searce, 8 fob. mil, in, COUNTRY PRODUCE, Wholesale quofations are: Eggs--New-laid, 16¢ to 17c. Bulter--The market lends 10 be weak-| ari on larger offerings. Creamery, prints ,... do solids Dairy prints .... i... do large rolls FI do solids . Inferior . oii. R3ctoRhc veri 80ct021e Yar, 9c to $1, in car lots on track ere Beans--$1.70 to $1.75 for primes and $1.80 to 81.85 for hand-picked. Honey--Strained steady at 11c to "12¢ per pound for 60-pound pails and 12¢ to 13¢c for 5 to 10-pound pails, Combs at 81.75 to $2.50 per dozen. Cheese--14c for large and 14}4c 'or twins, in job lois here; new-make, 13¢ for large and 13%c for {wins. Maple Syrup--$1 to $1.10 per gallon. Baled Straw--88 to $9 per ton. to $15.50 in car lots on tracks here. --_-- hOG PRODUCTS. Bacon--Long clear, 10 fo 10¥c per pcund in case lots; mess pork, $18 lo £18.50; short cut, $21 to 821.50. Hams--L ight to medium, 13 to 13)c; do., heavy, 11% to 12¢; rolls, 93{ to 10e; shoulders, 9)c; backs, 16c; breakfast bacon, 1ic. *~ Lard--Tierces, = 113c; 11 pails, 12c. ~. tubs, MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal May 5.--Local and foreign demand for spring wheat flour is fairly aclive and a moderate trade is pass. ing. Choicé spring wheat paterits; 86.10, 1) 86.20; second, $5.50 to $5.70; winler "wheat patents, 85. 10; straight rollers, $4.50 to $4.75; do in bags, $845 to $2.95 exira, $1.85 to $1.90. Bran--The market for Ontario bran is easier and several cars were ¢ffersd 'at $23.50 per ton, including bags, which shows a decline of $1 per ton on'previ ous sales, $25; Only bran, $23.50 ta $24; mid- aLngs. 1 Son shorts, $24.50 Yo no n, including bags; pure: grain Hiouilic. 834 fo $35, and milled grades, $25 to $30 per ton. Provisions--Barrels short cul mess, a half barrcls, $10.75; clear Tat back, $92 to $23; long cut heavy. mess, $20; | halt barrels do., $10.50; -dry salt Jong! elear backs, ~10%;0¢; barrels plate beel, $13.50 to $15; hall 'barrels de., §7.25 to £7.75; barres heavy mess. beef, $1070 $11; hall barrels do., $3.50 to $6; com- pound lard, 8%c lo [1 pure lard, xe fo. 11%c; kettle rendered, 11 to oR 12¢- to 13%c, according' to she: 'breakfast bacon, 4c to 150; Windsor 'hogs, $9.75 $10; live, 75. [7c per dozen fof single "cases Hecss--DId. colored quoted at tags | 10° co Juole to "13¢ and white al 123{c to LA hl at. 3 to ig sy were 938 the New| Baled Hay--Timothy is- ted at $15 Manitoba bran, $23; shoris| bacon 1k¥%c to 15%¢; Jesh hie abet air, 'dressed: Cows §nd. bulls: we ged from last week, Sows: ng from $2.50 'to to. $4.60, CLwRioh are bound for {he east stopped | Loff 'here, but were not for sale. The: . few loads that were. offered. 501d at $3 to ; Potatoes---Ontario, '85¢ to 90¢; Daia-| $4.50. Consignments of calves tere reduc: #4 and prices were a little firmer, The offerings of sheep and lambs were also comparatively light, which kept pric:s steady, Spring lambs are becoming a little more plentiful, and are slightly easler, The hog market is steady, but reiner | f weak, as there was a large run of ho The dverage price for selects. was $6. fed and' watered, Toronlo, and $6. 15 for | heavies. i BR ----. BLOWING OUT FURNACES, Steel Plant at the Soo to Shut Down ] Entirely. A despatch from. Sault Sle. Marie, Ont., says: The Algoma Steel Company on Saturday followed the recent shut- down of ihe. rail mill by blowing out blast furnace No. 1. "No. 2 will blow. out' this week. This will leave every branch of the steel industry here. idle, thus shutting .1,500 men. out of employ- ment. The company. in -a.slatement says that owing to financial troubles the Canadian railroads refuse to place orders for rails. No promises are made as to when the. plant will resume, al- though it is said the company hopes lo resume in June. This is the first shut down since the resumption after the felapss of Clergie's old Consolidated Lake Superior Company. The plant is the second largest in Canada, a + ATTACKED BY DERVISHES. The Governor of Bh Blue Nile Province 'Wounded. 5 "A despaich from Cairo, Egypt, says: LS British subject, Scott Moncrieff, De- puty. Inspector 'of the Blue Nile prov- ince, and a native official have been assassinated at the instance ofa loca' sheik, 'who proclaimed himself prophet al Mesalamieh, about one hundred and fitty 'miles from Khartoum. A small punitive' force, led by the Governor of the' province, was attacked by a mur.' derous 'band 'of dervishes. During the |} {igh tho Governor was sounded; alii: native officers were 'Killed.' "INDOMITABLE SWIFTEST VESSEL. New "Turbine. Craiser Made Twenty-| SA teh from Glasgow says: Les ! oh man orled that the. new cru 7 Hotel Aveline al an early hour on Jay morning, vesulled in the 3 the loss © twenty lives, More than a do © 'sons were injured, some of ously. The fire was started at the elevator 'shaft, and bell boys: sent to warn the 'guests. Five minutes Ine, he ire 8 Shath front. the the suffocating smoke to the sia ways, In an instant every floor was in a state of intense excitement, men, wo- men and children Hed ing into. on ridors "and back heir screaming And OF Ae ®tr help. "Tho. fire alarm called {he entire. Separtinent out, and it was but afew minutes bi fcre ladders were run up at ait avail -able. places, and many of the. guests were. taken down. in safely. Mi however, could not be reached; sicod "with 'agonizing cries in the win- dows and on the ledges around 'he hetel, appealing: for help. "There were about 74 guesls. register ed In' the hotel, as near. 8s can learried. Thirteen bodies have recovered, and 'twelve are missing: 'is barely possible that other lives 16s}, as this number, with the inj now in the hospilals, and those kn to have escaped, does not make up full number supposed to have beens the hotel. Guests that opened their doors at' first' alarm were driven "back" by flames and smoke. IV is believed mi died from sufideation. A despatch from" City ot Mexien Advices from Torren $2. that when

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