Tetal Assets 116.0 Branches in Gandda. United States and England © A GENERAL BANKING BYSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL. AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received, aud fnterest allowed at current rates. Fhe dep ; " holo or 'The depositor is subjoct to no delay whatever.in the withdrawal of the w ok i , Any portion of the deposit, ; INTEREST COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR PORT PERRY BRANCH.. A. G. VERCHERE, Manager "DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS v2 BANKERS AND BROKERS MONEY TO LOAN AT 4, 4: and 5 PER CENT, fe, Life 'and Acéident Insurarnce. Real Estate bought, sold or exchanged in any of the Provinces or Principal Cities in the Dominion of Canada MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED . ; Agents Allan Line and C. P-R. Steamships. ) RRR IX ¢ Keep the Chaps away with. Witch Hazel Cream This Delightful Preparation 4 preserves and. beautifies the ® ~~ shim Cares and prevents & ~~ roughr SS of theskin; tan, sun- 2 Ror "bottie "inthe house. . Prized by every member Plea X member. Pleasant after shaving w Price 25c¢. See Window Display PORT PERRY ° C00 0 0 30 0 00 3 3 0 0 30 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 3 3 33 0 3 J 00 3 2 OI NR x I : : - in all lines of En . BEEF, LAMB, VEAL PTT] FRESH, SMOKED SALTED MEATS You can depend 'upon quality at' -reasonable price y ou buy : {the church almost. forbade their ot {to accept the call. express his appreciation of Mr. thers, in the same strain, ie lng new. experiences and [back tothe old cot! PERRY AND SURROUNDING TOWNSHIRS. --C---- "SINGLE COPIES Bo. WEDNESDAY. MAY 13, rgof, No 32. So iiieh Jiag been said so. well b that we reproduce this article with. | oust elianige.' It givesa sympathe- acount of the relations existing ween Rev. Mr. Cooper's ald and / pastorate: he gentleme 10 represented the Port Perry urch were Mesrss. J. I: Forman = Jas. Waddell, R. McKnight Henry Frise, Jas. Catnegie. Wm, Grant. On Tuesday May sth tiie Pres: bytery of 'Whitby met-to deal with the call from Westminster Church to the Rey. Wm. Cooper, B. A, of Port Perry: Rev." W. Farqu- harson, B. D., of Durham, and Messrs Alex. M. Martin, M. P., and James Crow, of Mount Forest, appeared requesting the translation, while six gentlemen, representing the cougregation, board of maua- gers and session, appeared to urge that the translation be not granted. On behalf of Westminster Church there was read a minute of the Saugeen Presbytery sustaining the call, the guarantee of stipend, and the call itself, with long list of signatures. Ou behalf of the con- gregation of Port Perry there was presented a resolution of their con- grezational meeting asking Mr. Coaper to stay and offering to in- lars. All the nine representatives of the two congregations spoke, three asking that the transiution be granted and six urging with great feeling and' evident sincerity that their pastor be left to carry on the work as hie had been doing during the past uniue years. TLe most was the revelation of the strong attachment that has grown up be- tween pastor aud people in Port Perry. "The speakers knew that they could neither offer the sphere: of usefulness nor the financial sup- port that he would have at Mz. Forest. Loyalty to their minister's best interests and to the welfare of lindeging his going; while 4 i owil Kerbs. "affection as made them rebellious against any- thing that would lead to severance of the pastoral tie. He had cone among them at a time when they were dispairing of cxistence, had gathered together the scattered elements and inspired them all with the spirit of 'confidence and hope. Their debt was cleared off, the manse built and altogether the prospects of the congregation were brighter.than they had ever been before. He had succéeded alike in winhing the young people and in ministering to the aged. was honored as a man and a cfti- zen and his departure would be a loss to the town. * On being handed the call, Mr. Cooper, while ac- knowledgtng the way he had been moved by the representatives of his congregation indicated that he felt that the path of duty for him was In' this the Whitby Presbytery acquiesced and in doing so paid Mr. Cooper a tribute no less striking than that esented by _the congregation, 'he mover of the motion to grant | the translation had a hard battle to. control his feelings as" he tried to Cooper. 'He has been more than a brother tras 4 me,' he said, "he has to a father." The reminiscences réaching all the way Ueollege day's. Thus good ies 'aud' with Mr. ] with many for the Mount Forest: Coufederate, ; crease his salary one hundred dol- h noticeable feature of the discussion | Hel \ {progressive management, | desirable' to make playground as t clas gins at "The Fair." Only tintil a 20 oR, Th SSOP ASE SEPARA SDE LAL has * Good line of -hésiery at right prices at "* The Fair," "Rev. Dr. A. C Courtice is the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. S. Jeffrey. Ladies' and children's under- Wear at " T'he Fair. Conlest Programme "It is seldom that a small town | Pu put such a variety of local taleut on a programme as was given inthe entertainmert at the pworth League on Monday even- » The occasion was a contest i between sides with Miss ® Bedford :ahd Mr. C. Jeffrey as captains. | | The judges were, Rev. B. Greatrix, i Rev. J. Hurris and Mr. Wm. Ross. The decision was given in favor: of Miss Bedford sside, and they de- served to win both for giving such a godd programme aud for being able to excel Mr. Jeffreys side. Both sides were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs C. L. Vickery after the concert was over. The following is the programme that was given. Mr. C. JerrrrY, Captain Address, Selecting Books, Farmer, Mr. dett, The Beautiful Land, Miss .E. Doubt and Mi W. Doubt. Recitation, '" Jack." Miss Smith Instrumental, Hadyn's Gipsy Rou- do, Miss Ross. Quaitetie, Pro Phundo Basso, Miss tVickery, Miss Doubt, Miss Dow- «ner, Mr, Jeffrey, Recitation, The Weddin ; Fee, Miss Downer. ' Seng. Sclected, Miss Vickery. Oetctte, "* Steal Away." Miss BEDFORD CAPTAIN Instrumental, Meditation, Miss G. : Coultis. Adress, Choice of Reading, Miss Bedford. Recitation, The Stovepipe Hole, :AMiss L. Vickery, "Dustt-Love "Mr: Déthiey. Reading, Camp Meeting at Bluff Springs, Mrs. Farmer, Solo, Selected, Miss Alice Weir Instrumental, Miss Alice Stewart. Experience of a Bachelor during Leap Year. Mr. and Mrs. Han ison, of Myrtle, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kellett. Try the Buster Brown stocking for boys and girls at ** The Fair." The Way They Do in Uxbridge Port Perry 1s not the only town that needs a good play ground as will be seen by this clipping front the North Ontario Times : '* In order to get a good athletic field for the town a number of citi- zens have organized a syndicate which has bought the Plank grounds. The object of thissyndi- Divine Miss Weir, aud | Twentieth Year of \{LocaL news | The Western Bank of Canada - CHARTERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT 1881 Port Perry Agency NOTICE TO DEP © pounded every th BLACK Blacks H. C. A Branch of this Bank is bei OSITORS Six months' interest has been added to vow deposits. In future interest will be paid or com- ree months--4 times a year--- ee re, next payment Feb. 29th, STOCK ng o tock. HUTCHESON, Manager pened in the Village We comme Friday, MAY 15, to As usual early comers est cash price." Field and G by the ton.) YOUR PATRONA cate ig to (1) to get po ion of a suitable field (2) to put it in de- cent shape and (3) to hand it over to a properly constituted board of trustees who will hold it for all time as a town playground. Besides paying the first cost the field must be put into shape. This will be done just as soon as the funds will permit. Stnoothing and levelling is the first necessity. This, can be done next autumn after the playing season is over, Ploughing and re-seeding would remove super- ficial roughness at little cost, but a proper levelling is what it needs, | that would put it right for all time. This. 'night cost several hundred dollars and would pay in the long run. What will be 'done depends | on the state of the funds next fall. When this i$ done steps will - be taken to provide a permanent board of trustees who will represent. the citizens at large andthe athletic ele- ment, in order to secure Sompetent, : t is fab Very best quality of Graniteware at lowe PURDYS CA U ROCERIES and Provisic SEEDS EADQUARTERS for arden Seeds, LWAYS in Stock-- Salt, Flour, Chop, Nine Cent Sale continues till Thursday ~ On Friday at 8 a.m, nce a Graniteware and Tinware Sale 6 DAYS ONLY Thursday, MAY 2 r prices than ever, ill fare best. The Fair each day w SH STORE all kinds of Barrel and Sack Bran and Shorts GE SOLICITED. Cash or Produce our motto E. H PURDY Campbell's Stains and Floor Fin- ; ish are guaranteed by the makers to give perfect satisfaction. You can refinish floors furniture and interior woodwork with these stains and the results will come up| to your expectations. Prepared in| all colors. Dry hard over night. | W. H. McCaw will tell you all about them. The cow tags are in the hands of the Police: Commissioner and can be had on application and the pay- ment of the license fee--$1.00, Mr. H. Colville editor of the Herald Record Wallaceburg, Ont. was the guest of his brother, Mon- day of this week, The Aura Lee Club, enjoyed an evening at the home of Miss Covert. Maple Syrup, the real genuine. arti- cle, was served to the members ahd guests. Hurry up for the nine cent bar- hursday. th 150 boxes of paper and envelopes, very best quality paper, regular 25¢. to 35€. a box: to clear at 19¢. | at ** The Fair." 2} «Miss Mary McNab, of Claremont, is the guest of Miss Norifie Letcher, Mr. Nancekivel, visiting Mr. a Mi 1s of the Oshawa was} ¢ . H, Doub, |] Creamery Opening The cream haulers will call on the Patrons uext week and the they are asked to start sending as soon as possible. Jas, Stonehouse. If you want a celebration day in town this year, be sure and be at the meeting to-night (Wednesday. ) It will be in the basement of the town hall. The Whitby District Meeting, of the Methodist Church will be . | held here on Tuesday May 19th. Aflarge number of farmers have found out the value of the Port Perry foundry as a first class: place for repairing all kinds of machinery. No need to wait two or three weeks while the job goes to the city, Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revis- ion to revise the Assessment Roll he Township of Reach