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Port Perry Star, 13 May 1908, p. 3

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Te is one way 10 prevent the | ea 'Which follow. | made rich, red and 00d | iniperial "act of homage to heaven and "1 earth and agriculture in the ceremon- > suflering Irom ner which resulted In partial of the . She says: "The Lon quite gradually, and | id not pay much- at "Then it grew more seri- wes a. general 'break: nerves, which 'was follow 3 al para is of the lace, one "being completely drawn out ¢ .- 1 was under a doctor's care g 'of 'manths; and one. treal- 'after another was tried without fit. By this time I was confined lo room, and the doctor told me he ld nol cure' me. Almost in despair was persuaded' to try Dr. Williams' ink Pills. The improvement was low, but the building up of a run A fervous "system naturally is . Slowly but surely this medicine its work; and after a:-lime I was ain come down stairs. From rapid and 'now 1 am as well as 1 was in my life. My friends look Williams' Pro Pils 01d for me > liams' - Pink _did for me medical treatment failed they. brought me back good blood building, nerve restor- awer -in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 'enable them 10 cure such troubles naemia, rheumatism, the -afier ef. | of 1a -grippe, indigestion, neural tx Vit nce, - partial paralysis g secret ailments of girlhood and inhood, Sold by all medicine deal. | y mail at. 50c..a box or six for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Co., Brockville, Ont. : I PLOUGHING SEASON & farmers. deemed it necessary | corded ate certain: ers: belere they | farmer must remain secluded during the following day, no salt must be eaten; no | > 'butter and molasses in his own field the nerves and first day of their selar year: Anciently | Raakua about the middle of May, which '| first furrow was ploughed with a "Hail "up there is a 'council or tribal assembly [sent through: the Willa oo pene | goes, 'They { ries sacred "or ihree - ortune imperiled. The Joney, grain or fire given away, Ens Karnas, before ploughing, the farmer makes a burnt offering of and again at' © JAE VILLAGE SHRINE. ~The Chinese begin ploughing on the Alie rites which were celebrated by the Chineso-at 'ploughing time were elabor die but rationalistic- sovereigns eliminat- od one expensive religious rite after an- Gther until nothing was left except the lal ploughing. The Siamese observe a vite called is preliminary to the ploughing season, and 'is'not proper for any one to plough until the ceremony-is over. The court astrologers determine the time for it. On the day. fixed by them the Minister of Agriculture, who is always a prince or nobleman of high rank, goes with a Procession to a piece. of ground some d'stance from the capital. Where the festivities are to take Place a new plough to which a pair of buffaloes are ycked 'is in readiness, decorated with flowers and 'leaves. The minister guides the plough ove the field closely watched by the spec- ators, who are especially interested in the length and folds of the silk of his lower garments, because the prosperity of the season and ils characteristics, wet ar dry, are to be predicted from these 4s he follows the plough, If the robe fises above his knee there 'will be dis- astrous rains. If it falls below the ankles there will be a drought. If the folds reach midway between knee and ankle the season will" be prosperous. -~ After a proper number of furrows have been turned old women strew grain of different kinds in them and the bulls are released from the yoke and allowed to feed upon the sceds. The grain which the animals eat most free. ly' will be scarce next harvest and that which they refuse to take WILL BE ABUNDANT. The Germans anciently had a before ploughing cererionial. Sods were cut from the four corners of the field. Up- a {hese were laid oil, honey and barm, milk branches of every kind of tree ex- cept oak and beech and of all name known as herbs save burrs. The whole were sprinkled then with holy water. The four turfs were then carried to the church and placed green side toward the 'altar. Four masses were said over them and they wef returned to their places before sunscl. Then spells were spoken and unknown 'seed, bought of beggarmen,' placed on the plough. The Earth, Mother of Men, &o." From meal of every kind a large loaf was with mille and baken and 'laid under 'the first: furrew. The following curious custom is re- by J..Owen Dorsey in-his mono- graph-on 'the sociology of the Omaha Indians: obi "Inthe spring when the comes held lo which a feast is given by the ad of {he Hanga geno. = Affer they de- ide" that planting time has come and at vommand of the Hanga man a crier is ges. He wears a and: cries as he do, indeed, say that you e ground!' Hallo! 'He car- A corn, which has been shelled find 10 each household he, gives two } grains, 'which are mixed with the seed corn of fhe household." fler this it is lawful for the people Aig up. the soil and plant their {he first '| scarlet breeches, . | the London Mail. - He was only a cus-| trencli loms officer, but he looked like the | i | commander-in-chiof "at least. 'Alas! his When 1'landed at Port-au-Prinee; on} of several visits to Hayti and | ia Twas met onthe | fa &: personage |. t, and | Santo : 4 ly. 1 wharf by a most fmposin in a cocked" hat, gold la ( wriles Claude Blake in coal was ragged and torn old lace, his eno! Innocent of boots, and he was patheti- cally eager for a tip. ; or He was typical of the tinselled 'squal- ot ol the Black Republic--that mock- ery of civilization where African suv- agery and fetish'sm are veneered over by a little French polish and plenty of gold lace. . WHOLESALE MURDERER. Far generations past the Haytian residents have "waded through. blood- shed fo a throne," and ruled by the sword. Christophe, who made himselt Emperor" and created an aristocracy of negro dukes and marquises was a monster of incredible depravily. He murdered men, not singly, but literally by thousands. Nissage-Saget was fond of clearing the streets of Port-au-Prince with - grape-shot. President Ulysses Heureaux, a negro dock-laborer from Jamaica, who made himseM ruler of Santo Domingo, calmly told me at din- ner one evening In 1897 that he bad £hot his own brother, "He was plotling against me," he explained. "I asked him to dinner and gave him of the best dishes. Then. after we had finished the coffee and liqueurs, a file of soldiers-came in to lead him off to execution. He tried to- draw a revolver, but I was too quick {rr him and shot him first." HE IS IGNORANT AND BRUTAL. I was in Hayl during the chaes of revolutions out of which the present president, Nord -Alexis, emerged into supreme power. He is an ignorant, brutal, senile negro with absolutely no qualifications for his position except a bulldog courage, which has made him popular with the army. On the day he proclaimed himself president he shot four political opponents in cold blood in Port-au-Prince. : The sanctity of the foreign legations was tested. most remarkably at the fall n! Simon Sam, who was president be- fore Alexis. He got to the French Le- gation in the nick of time. The mob howled around the house for his blood for days, believing, righlly or wrongly, that he had looted the treasury and got the money with him. Yet they dared not profane the legalion." and the French Charge d'Affaires escorted him t> a French steamer in peace. The handful of whites who run busi- nesces or plantations in the Black Re- Public have suffered terribly in recent years, for Alexis has encouraged their plunder and maltreatment, But they ave hung on to their investments in thc hope ihat the United States will assume control over. the country, as it did a few years ago over the flnances c! Santo, Domingo. President Roose- velt has threatened this in no uncertaia language several times. -- BABY'S TEETHING TIME I8 A TROUBLOUS TIME neath the rmous black feet were When baby is teething the whole household is upset. The tender little are inflamed and swollen, the poor little child sulfers-and often crics day and night, wearing the mother out and keeping the rest of the family on edge. In the homes where Baby's Own Tablets are used there is no such wor- ry The Tablets allay the inflamma- tion, sooth the irritation and bring the teeth through painlessly. Mrs. S. Wil- liams, St. Joseph, Ont., says: "My first baby suffered terribly when cufling her Th at the doctor could do nothing for her. 1 got a box of Baby's Own Tablets and they did her so much good that I cannot say enough in their favor, You may' be sure that I always keep the Tablets in ihé house now." by 'all medicine dealers or by mail at 25¢, per box from The Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., Brockville, Onl. WHY? it lead year, any- Sold | "18 INCH -- in brown shades only $3. i15 Plesse send Cash with order. SEND FOR CATALOGURB. i The Pember Store © 127.120 YONGE STREET, TORONTO, ~ONT NEXT. "A sentimental poet writes: "How can I met my darling? After som deliberation over the ques- ign 'we have come to he conclusion that he can mel her by approaching her from an opposite direction. Signals of Danger.--Have you last your appetite? Have you a coated tongue? Have you an unpleasant taste inthe mouth? Does your head ache and have you dizziness? If so, your stomach is out of order and you need medicine. But you do not like medi- ¢ine, Ile that prefers sickness to me- dicine must suffer, but under the cir- cumstances the wise man would pro- cure: a box of Parmelee"s Vegetable Pills and speedily get himself in health, and strive to keep so. - ABOUT ANONYMOUS IL.ETTERS. Abouth he meanest thing on earth is the person who. writes anonymous let- ters, unless it be the person whe re 'ceives and pays any attenlion to them. WHAT CAUSES HEADACIIE. From October b MaTy olde are the most fre. @ Of . QUINN B Tomoves cause, RW. Brove oe - A pompous manufacturer of machin- ery was showing a stranger over his factory. "Fine piece of work, isn't it?' be said, when they were looking al a very ingenious machine. "Yes," said he visitor, "bul you cannot hold a candle to lhe goods we ere turn'ng out." "Indeed!" said the chagrined manufac- Wirer, "and what is your line?" "Gun- powder," was the reply. "ITCH, Mange Pralrle Scratches and every form of contagious lich on human <r. animals cured in 30 minutes by Wal- ford's Sanitary Lction. Il never lalls. Sold by all druggists, "Billy Green's nothing but a coward." "Is he?" "Yes I called him a coward right to his face, I did, an' he didn't dast say nuthin," ard." "You bet he is. An' the next time I call him a coward I'll say it right out loud, so's he can hear it." I{ Lays a Stilling Hand on Pain.-- For pains in the joints and limbs and for rhéumatic pains, neuralgia and lumbago, Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric Oil is without a peer. Well rubbed in, the skin absorbs it and il quickly and per- manently relieves the affecled part. [ts value lies in ils magic property of re- moving pain from the body, and for that good quality it is prized. They were relurning from the spell ing bee, "Mr. Spconamore," she said. "why did youmiss thateasy ward? You spelled 'honor with a 'u.'" "I know it." he answered. "The feeling came cover me all at once that I just couldn't get along without 'u,' Miss Daisy. With which old, ald story he won her. IL is astonishing to find how far a few gallons ¢f Ramsay's Paints will go to make a housé Jook fresh and sunny. Everybody should see the fine color cards with suggeslions for painting and the: stock carried by your dealer, Write A. Ramsay & Son Co., Montreal. for rack of Souvenir Picture Pest Cards of Homes. Prospective Employer--""Your parents lefl yiu something when they died, did they not?" Boy--"Oh, yes, sir." Em- ployer--4And 'what did they leave you, my boy?" .Boy--"An orphan, sir." 8 'I BURNS with and 1s coTerel wah eruptions tha lnehargs thin Bud 'may be 0 and sightly with Weaver's Carate. But this should be used conjunction Weaver's Syrup. Lady Visitor--*That new girl of yours seems very nice and. quiet," Mistress ol the House--"Yes, she's very quiet. She doesn't even disturb the dust when she's cleaning the. room.' nothing equal to Mother Worm Exterminator for de worms. No article of its kind _sueh salisfaction, THEY REALLY BELIEVE IT. Some people cling to the old-fashion- 3 'a. man must be a genus if he about: with uncombed hair. oF 5 % glon is tically the only ¢ ion ls which has ie 8 Natural Wavy Switohes "Then he is a cow- '| London, England, by a number of the e | World's deadliest revolver shots for' give {ing -a._public exhibition of the "sport" tof dueling on July 13 and 14 next; in entertainments, © Our readers fo nole that the celebrated French remedy, PANGO, which. has been and is sold under a guaranice--that In cases where ihe outward application, as directed, fails to relieve pain, moneys paid will be refunded--still stands. In no case, not withstanding the large anu increasing sale, has a refund been asked for. Recommended for neuralgia, headache, rheumatism, gout, catarrhal colds, sliff joints, etc. Ask your druggist for a sample and do not accept a substitute, You will bé pleased with it. Price 25 and 50 cents. The Pango Company, Toronto or wholesale Lyman, Knox & Clarkson, Limited, Toronto. Lyman Bros. & Co., Montreal, Toronto. PETERBOROUGH CANOE CO. Ltd., if you want a Canoe, Skiff or Launch for the Summer write us. Wao build them all, and can sup- | ply a Launc complete or hull only, and you can instal your own motor. When you buy a Canoe, Skiff or Launch see that it bears the stamp of The Peterborough Cano Co'ys We have the largest Canoe and Skin Faotory in Canada. LEANING owe ADIES'.. 3 uf ortankie somonra SoEATA-s ERED to hear from owner having A GOOD FARM for sale. Not particular abouts loeation- Please give price and description, aud rea- son for selling. Mtate when possession can be had. Will deal with owners only. L. Darbyshire, Box 984, Rochester, N. Y, TRAINING HIM. Ascum--I saw you punishing your boy to-day. What was it all about? Popley--1 caught him in a lie. Ascum--Oh! well. you cant expect a Loy to tell the truth all the time. Popley--No, but when he doesn't tell the truth I want him 0 be bright cough net to be caught at it. The Most Popular Pill.--The pill is the most popular of all forms of medi- cine. and of pills the most popular are Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. because they do what it is assertel they can do, and are not put forward on any ficli- tious claims to excellence, They are compact and portable, they are casi'y laken. they do nol nauscate nor gripe, and they give relief in the most stut- born cases, HELP! A" girl seldom has occasion to cry fcr help when a young man kisses her --probably because Le is liable to help himself. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. WPAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protuding Plles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 600. TEMPTING FATE. "Dost. hear that? asked the fair muid. There was a sound of a heavy step. "Tis father. Fly, sweetheart, fy!" "You mean flee," corrected (he lover. "As you like," said the inaid, "bul this is no time for entomological dis- L.nclions." SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS. real ones at Singer stores. Buy here and deal with the mauufacturers. The Singer Com any is permanent and res, onsible ; its representatives are always at hand to care for Singer, and Wheeler & Wilson machines. Look for the Red S. Any lady having used any make of sewing machine Lor 6 years or more write Singer Bewing achine Co., Manning Chambers, en souvenir Toronto, for beautiful set of views of Ontario. Free Sor asking. He--"Did you hear me singing.unde® your window last night? I hepe your: futher didn't hear it?" She--"Yes, he did; bul you needn't worry, he thought it was the cats!" DO NOT ALLow ourself to heoome alarmed becas ou have your a) and are flesh, bu commence taxing ' vim the ood Sonic. It will build you quickly, Life Insurance Examiner--"Of what did your® father die, Pat?' Pat--"I don't know, doctor; but I'm sure it was nothing serious." Very many persons die annually from cholera * and kindred summer oom- plaints, who might have Leen saved I proper. remedies had been used. If ot- tacked do not delay in getting a boltle cl Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cor- dial, the medicine thal never fails to effect a cure, Those who have used it say it ascts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and discase. rr Mm rere DUEL WITH WAX BULLETS. The World's Noted Expert Shots to Meet in London. Arrangemenis are being made In connection. with the Olympic games in London, = = ; Waller Winans, the champion reval- ver shel of the world, whose sideboards and (ables: at Surrenden Park, his Ken- tish seat, groan. beneath 'the: irophies: he has won: as marksman, is at the head of this novel departure, in, public is secured. the enthusiastic' eo: and ad EE ep np the Jewel, ag Your name. STAR MFQ. CO.,44 Roy Bt. ,PROVIDENOR.R.L.,U.0.4, FREE BOOK "HOW THE BANK WAS SAVED" Tells how a young man saved the bank by a wise investment. Every stock buyer and inveslor should read this book. Not for sale. Sent free on request. Your name on ua postal will bring it. Write to-day R. W. BAILEY 381 Railway Exchange Bldg., Denver, Cole. A. J. PATTISON & COMPANY BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS 3348COTT STREET, TORONTO Stocks bought and sold on New York, Boston, Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges 'or cash or margin. Orders for Cobalt Stocks execut- ed .on Toronto Mping Ex- change or .Boston and New York curb for cash. PRIVATE WIRES. Correspondcnts--Chas. Head & Co., members of the New York and Boston Stock Exchange. TE ---------------- through, There will be seconds, the paces will be solemnly measured, the duelists will lake their stand back to back, and- on the word being given, will wheel around and fire--that is to say, they must fire before three seconds are counted. "There will be just enough risk in these duels to make them exoitling, though not really dangerous," said Mr. Winans. "A little loo heavy a charge of powder might cause the bul- et to penetrate slightly, and no doubt most of the duelisls will protect thelr persons. 1 do not think I shall wear any protection myself, however, as I dc. not want- to make {oo large a target. "1 have been practising hard during fra last few days, and to-day got twelve consecutive shots home from the regulation distance, all within a space of a few. Inches, "If we are successful in fixing Gp these duels [ shall shoot on behalf of {he United States, : * "Same crack . Belgian. and - French shots will take part. and I do nol doubt we shall be able to secure répresenta- lives of one or two. other countries."

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