BUYING. EASONABLE GGESTIONS _ Just now everybody is busy cleaning up the house and mak: ing it look pleasing. We can help you here because we have some Most Beautiful Wail | papers & Floor Stains and can give ex- cellent suggestions for house decora- tions W. H. McCaw |. | | | | House for Sale Frauie house on Crandall St, 6 rooms, good stone foundation, a good well, about a quarter of an acré of land with small fruit. , Apply to H. DOUBT. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 0, in the ie on. ot pay acl Jcientit io Joarna), 1 Terms tor Ronee No Yor GAT FURNITURE | +s hot a complex problem. It] [is simply the study of individ: 'ual requirements. Wé have studied the needs of the people them, These goods are seasonable and reasonable : Verandah Chairs Spring Reds Mattresses Roem Moulding Picture Fraines and 'are prepared to. supply} fof which {1s issued every Wednesda "from the office of Blong: Block, . Qaee Perry, Ont. Qe 13 fo Sebscription $1,000 year in #r Ak iin } 7 THE POWER ER QUESTION This article was clipped from Toronto Saturday -- Night, and' throws some light on the unful- filled power proniises of the Whit- ney Government. ** Underneath the surface in the provincial poli tics of Ontario a struggle 'is' going |. on at the present time the outcome will have far-reaching effects in Canada and even 'be: yond. Itis a most unusual kind of struggle, because it is not a fight between the two political parties. The issuc is as to whether sev- Folding Gocarts Window Shades Curtain Poles | Pillow Sham Holders Curtain Stretchers- Jardenicre Stands Centre Tables Umbrella Stands Mirrors for Kitchen, Hall and Bedroom Paper Racks, Bamboo & Oak Marshall Stonehouse SeriotisispitbrErITIeE 'A Sailor Hat Trimmed plain, match the hat an one satisfactory Lats for general wear. Prices range from $2.00 to $4.00. Miss O. Waddell FASLLEIETIASILIAPEEIIONS of the neatest with ribbon to d dress will be and most : eral cities and towns shall, | State supervision, bring electrical land that every week that slipped for 3 politicians are in ne ~ |and it is freely offered by the on} under energy from Niagara Falls 'and | distribute it at cost to consumers, or allow control of all this business to remain in private hands. ~Aliough the people of Toronto 3 have polled large majorities in fa- vor of the by iaws voting large | sums for distributing plant, and although with the utmost emphasis all kinda! declarations have been made in faver of cheap power aud and public control, yet the reader cannot fail to bave ob served that the powcr people have adhered to a policy of "stand pat' Even when, as they said themselves, their position was an impossible one, they minde no real effort to meet public opinion, but formed up on new lines with AVilliam the front. ) They have chosen to fight it out and win or loose all. The men who desire to control the power supply do not beleive that they can be prevented from ac- quiring" that control." They are uot dismayed by the popular vote of two or three million dollars for a distributing planty/nor by the signing of agréements between the municipality of "Toronto and the Hydro Electric Power Comumis- sion, which acts under authority of the Ontario Government. made prodigious efforts to defe by-laws: at: the polls and. had failed ; having argued with legis lators and aldermen in vain, how is it that with agreements signed and all details under arrangement for the purchase, transmission and dis tribution of energy on the public ownership basis in Toronto and elsewhere, the power people con- tinue to fight and expect to win No doubt from first to last their hope has beea that the public faith in the power scheme put for- ward by the municipalities and the peter out No doubt their hope. has been that popular confidence in the project could be under mined, that dissensions © would newspapers would begin to find one excuse or another for offering criticisms and withdrawing sup port. No doubt they felt confi' dent that time was on their sid#, away allowed much popular en: thusiasim to evaporate and brought nearer the great day when thes Provincial elections would be held: The holding of a general electi gives the private backers of bi schemes an opening. The peopl etting everything 4 t Wan fight with each oth and leave gates Goguarded. T gd of mone persons who 'know 'Where to get il 'the ministry does hot commit NEFEEA ART FERRERS SEE resTaRa sty Having | = a Hydro Electric Commission would arise between municipalities, that {gen the Gov Bb cannot get frank: assurgnces that; "the work wiil go on regardless of anything that may happen; and if t % self finall¥" before the elections-- 'there will be, room for fear that. the underpinning has been. 'pulled away from the projectaud used, as| | election fuel." o 3% ng Shas it iy yrasssuaniven kf H ENTLEMEN are . never wholly indif- ferent to style. They would sooner have-a- well-fittigg tailor "made suit than v4 ready-made you could offer. But then they think the the price may be high. It will be a little higher 3 than. ill fitting sweatshop i stuff. BUT YOULL FEEL PROUD of YOURSELF "IF YOU WEAR ONE OF MY SUITS You'll not begrudge the small extra cost at the start. \ I say "at the start "' be- cause a tailor made suit wears better than the 5, product of the sweatshop. Call and see my goods W. H. DOUBT KE ARERRERD Tenders ' - - -- f Parties wishing to supplv the corporation of the village of Port Periy with cement for the year 1908 will leave written tenders with the nndersigned on or before 20th May 1908. Cement to be delivered when and where. required wishin. the eorporation. Zi . HH." HARRIS, Clerk. FOR SALE Lot No. 157 on tie nor north side of Queen St.iin the Village of Port Perry on which there are two semi-detached brick houses, with stable, fruit trees and gar Also Village lots Nos. 70 and 71 on the east side' of Cochrane St. in the said Village of Port Perry on which there 1s a good frame hoyse, with summer kitchen, | | woadshed, stable and drivihg house; a large garden and a number of fruit and other trees. All these properties. are now and have been constantly rented; but, owing tothe |g decease of the late owner, Win, Bateman, it is necessary to sell them in [order 10 wind up the estate, For particulars as to price and tera, : PE ple BROWN; or DR. R. BATEMAN Post Perey. 2 P "To : "Tor sale by" ) A. I. Davis and E. B. Fins, Druggist, Port Perry. Office Hours---9 a. Also opén Saturday 15! over Rose & Co's Store, Qu Port Perry. 'Edward Barton SINGING MASTER Will give vocal instruction on Wednesday of each 'week. Studio at the home 'of H. Roberts, Water Street, For particulars apply to J. GOLDRING Port Ferry. FRESE AND DRIED "MEARS I carry an excellent stock of all kinds of meats, both fresh and salted. Prices reasonable. = Quality the best. ~ Fresh Fish and Game in © sedson. J. A. MURRAY Dentist, = * "Rooms over Fost (Sice ice. from 9 a.' m. to 6 p. J. GOLDRING. "PIANO TUNER, ETC. Is now prepated to tune, "action regulate, tone regulate, repair and keep your pigno | in perfect order Iso tune an repair' or Address i gap * Teacher of Violin, Cornet and a Band Instruments. iy JOS. GOLDRING, .'Bandmaster, Port Perry. Hows \ Sittings of the Division Counts. County, 5 ONTARIO 1. WHITBY + Sere, D. C. Ma don ricll, Whitby: Jam. oth, eb. 3rd, Mav, snd, April 6th une oh July ard, Sept. 7th, Oct. sth, Der. 8th "Jan. 7th, 1 gd OSHA WA--Clerk, ah 12, Feb, b ty dige 3th, A Tih New. yne ul t, 9 h, Ses Sui Jay i Sept 0 : pe a. BROUGHAY Clerk, M. Gi 13th, Mar, sth, May 5th; "Jan ov. oth, Jan. 11th, 1909, 3 PORT PERRY--Cierk, J. ry--Jan, 14th, Mar, Sept. 11th Nov. oth, Jan: 13th, 1809, 4 ry as E. Gould, Li Jan. 1th, Mar, oe Io 16th, Hes asth, Nov, 13th, Jan, st! ath, 1000: 5 CANNINGTON--Clerk, Geo, o, Sihith, Can ton--Jan, 16th, Mar. sgth, May 14th, July Sept. ath, Nov. 1ath, Jan. 14th, 1909. 6. BEAVERTON Clerk, 3 ig M. Gordon, Beaver: Lr Macdonelt, whi . B th, May 8th; Jay Farmers I will pay the highest fig- ure for good Cattle, Calves, Lambs or Hogs, . J. WHEELER Eggs for r hatching Sitver Grey Lorkins The breed that fays-- The breed that pavs Bred. from tlie 'best pens in. Am- erica." Last year my flock netted me $1.50 per bird in eggs alone, at market price, and "have Already. laid | 100 dozen this' year. Ss $1.00 n per Hindred, © Mail oe filled. ig oF $5.00!" 0. th, M. th, Sorta Tw ee, Ju. 1 oo Suk sath, 7. UPTERGROVE--Clerk, P. Maulvahill, | Upters grove~Jan, 14th, Mar, 17th, Sivan jg fi Sept. aand, Nov. voth, Jai. xath, 1900. fil By order," J. B. FAREWELL, . Clerk of the Pease, | Dated at Whitby. Nov 18th, 1907 We have. CONFIDENCE your eyes with spectacles invite you! to test us.