THE PORT PERRY FCC XC ROC IC OR OOOO IO RC ARE YOU BUILDING THIS SUMMER : SH $5 '(Jottes, Dunk & Co. © Gentlemen | You can get clotl ing that will please you here ! prices that will save you money. See adverrsement pages. ER San i Re le Napl iz No. 1-63 dozen Table Napkins, size 13 x ed patterns of shamrock, ivy' £1 morning glory, regular $1 25, $t 50 and $2.00, Thursday pe dozen. sess esa an 212 doze Table Napkins of fine Irish linen, hemmed ready for use, 2434 x 2434, assorted patterns of clover, oak leaves, ivy ar. ™ per dozen, Thurday per dozen. ,..... Nasiie ss nramane in No. 8 dozen Table Napkins, size 24% x 24%, hemmed edges, linen, assorted patterns of shamrock, fleur' de lis and dotted 'e regular $3.00 per dozen, Thursday per dozen. .. sree iovidan oh § Dress Goods Special 7 pieces of summer weight goods in black grenadeen, black, blne 'and brow also shot lustre in green and red, blue and white, NES 13 inches and 1 Pardy's Cash Store = : 12 packets flower and: garden seeds 250. 6 Ibs. PORE Bod 25C.] 6 bars of laundry soap 25¢.¢ 3 £3 A. Ross & Son a) Call and see our nice display of |] new carpet squares and lace cus-| tains. * x W G Monet See the new dinver sets W. G. Monet is giving to cash purchasers. - : If so consult Carnegie Bros, about Builders' Supplies. Our range is wide and of good quality at reasonable prices. Call and we will give estimates on short notice, ' Carnegie Brothers Pe] S33 OX NOR RMN (1 Time for a Change As the seasons change so it becomes necessary to re- plenish stocks in trade. Mo. * Carnegie Bros. - Buy your wire netting now for fixing up your poultry yard. | ® ok * H. Doubt & Son Most people like common-sense and style combined. You can get both in Invictus shoes. * They are comfortable and stylish. Ce Tx WH McCaw "| House decorating suggestions on page 4, E B Flint Buy your garden seeds here in bulk and be sure of fresh seed. * og ok W H Doubt Spruce up | You can get an Ax | Spring suit for $15.00. Why be -shabby ?, Co i ES Diesfeld's Gem rings make excellent 'pre- sents, | Our stock is very complete, | good reductions will be made dur- ing the month of May. * k 5 Rose & Co 10 doz, Whitewash Brushes reg- ular 25cts. each to clear Thursday 3 for 25 cts. n. lust regular 50c. per yard for 2 5C. - v . [ ] : * or, 'Gents' Furnishings 2 dozen Men's Fancy Wash Vests, keyed buttons, in stripes and checks, light an dark colors, sizes 34 to 42, price ER ICTR Ib A ceevieeis si $1.00 A complete stock of Ties, Shirts, Collars, Soft and Hard Hats, Black and Colore ~ Half Hose, Underwear, Etc. Grocery Department Cooked Ham........ ES re | A x X Ve) bo! X % A A De! Pe) De) be! De) De) bo) A De! 2 ON CII III? x * x The undersioned opens the spring trade with a full line of first-class Furniture suitable for the Parlor, Dining Room, Bedroom and Kitchen, all of which will be sold at most reasonable terms and prices. Public patronage solicited. MY UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT is fully furnished with all the requirements for funerals. AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. Ce JOHN NOTT. Gg SC PCC C2 UCC CC CC CC CC Cp 0 MILLINERY ROR 24h Daily arrivals of NEW MILLINERY Smoked Back .- Breakfast Bacon Cee Smoked Ham........ cee PIA Loug Clear Bacon ....,. Jellied Tongue,.vu.......... cite eess30C, Head Cheese....................¢'vu.. 100. ' Bologna «...oovvviieiiiniiiiiii. LL 100, RENEE EES | Ek T. C. Forman & Son Best seedless navel oranges 25c. and 3oc. per dozen. Pineapples 18¢c. . * Senior III--Rosetta Wright, Har- | old Holmes, Cecil Hill, Ethel Whit- | field, Elmer Mountjoy, Austin Willar, Jessie Power, Howard Bailey, Arthur Bailey, Roy Taylor. Junior III--Alberta Riches and Esta Croker, Vera ITooey, Russel Riches, Moretta Willan, Murray Forster, Charlie Vinning, Edna' 2 Kirsman I Present every day--John. Hooey, {#4 Murray Forster, [arold Holmes, | 4 Russel Riches, Alberta Riches, Etta Croker, J L. Morwenna Harris, Teacher. JUNIOR DIVISION 1 Senior Second--Laura Harrison, {I Margaret Forster, Arthur -Crozier, {| Alice Venning, > nN Junior Second --~Eva Holmes, R Part Second--Cora Riches, Elva = snow | Wright, Rath Whitfield, Frankie [5 '| Cryderman } : Part I--Nellie Stratton, * Olive Bailey. "Ei I Present every day--Cora Riches. © M. Miriam Cline, Teacher. 'Report. of - Junior - Division of 'Greenbank - Public School for the month of April == - ; . ~ Beeond Ohos-< Forest Wilkinson, Alex," Real, "Henry ' Leask," Erma alter and. Anstin Bundy (equal), Farebrother, Ante Michie A De) * Miss Walker wn See the new summer millinery at Miss Walkers. et wt © GUN CLUB MEETING _ - A meeting of the Gun Club will be held in the Sebert House on Thursday May 14th, All shooters are requested to be present. By order of Wm. Short, President, "All the Newest Styles and Shapes In Hats . wi ay 4 Pes 3 You can Save MONEY by Buying from... ... W. G. MONET Wm Stone, caretaking of 'hall for April and May, $2 oo. _ Stewart McKay, shovelling snow, Div. 60, $12.12. Stephen Smith, shovelling on Div. 15, $14.64. I. Vernon, work on Div. 29, $12.77. L. J. Smith, pure bred ewe, killed by dogs, $10 00. : ------ School Reports Report for S. S. No 11 Reach' for April, r Class V-- Harvey McCulloch, Class IV--Myrtle McCulloch, A choice selection the Holiday. MISS WALKER 0 0 0 3 R30 0 3 2 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 for { 'Walter 'Marat, Flo Taylor Jen Gordon, Florence Lee, Osca Harvey. - Real," Arthur Robbie . Leask, Ernie Le Salter, Leigh Bundy, = Average attendance~25. 27 UAL Real Pe absent). be) Willie Martin : dure, Lenore Medd, I~ Yorna Lester Leask, Stewart McTaggart, Garnet McTaggart, Annie McTag- jar, Mary Clarkson, 'Lillie Norrie, uncan Martin:(absent). © Part 11--Sarah Thomas, ¥ Part T--Mary McTaggari, Mary] = J.- Martin, Martin McTaggart,' Andrew McTaggart, Neitie Leask, .. Junior Part [--Armstrong Me: : OCI ICICI IICICICAICICR SO 3 WN SOCK PORT PERRY MAR not opening up the roadway dur- vi : ing the snow blockade, and when he asked the pathmaster to open Reach Council : GRAIN AND SEEDS The monthly meeting of Reach Township Council was held at Manchester on Monday, May 11th. All members were present. ~. On motion of Mr. Leask it was decided to commence inspection of up the road he refused, and he algo refused to allow him hls time for opening. up the road. Mr, Claughton claims $5 34 for 44% hours work. Will you kindly let Class IT[--Bertie Wilson, M Lambe, . . .. Class II--Melis<a and Nellie art, Nora Ackney, . Pt II---Gladys Luke a Alma Kerry, 1 and Lester tH Real, Ned "Par Farlane. Wheat, redo aylor (equal), Freddie ke, Vo AN Wheat, white. T. ed Lu me know what your Council put- poses in this matter, and what are the grounds for refusing this fea- sonable claim of Mr. Al. Claugh- ton? J IA ee] Mr. Leaby moved that when the Council 'adjourned, it stands] adjourned until June 12th, 1908, at. ~ the Township roads on Wednes- day. May 27th. . N Aen i, 'Graham 'moved = that the first sitting .of the Court of Revis- ~ion. fo revise and adjust appeals against the assessment roll for the ! A Tih eld jn_the Town b A ster, on Friday, Junelglo cual Kour, 2th, and thatthe Clerk advertise] ppc change of daté for holdin fn ascr eh we Clerk the council meeting is made be Mr. ark moved th at he with cause the Provincial Elections will Uxbridge Township Council in| c, !d on June 8th the date of _ reference to one, Mrs. Fitchett, he regular Meeting ofthe Reach Ernan Cook. Whlutolg, Irene Hyland, wain, Bertha Taylor, George. : First. Class -- John Report of Blackstock publie school |V for the month 'of April : -- ; ~ SENIOR DIVISION Senior IV-~John Hoos : Lewss Wi Crawford a Junior TV--Everett Trewin Claughton, |G