# ¥ Surgeon Advo and Working the "A despatch from' Hartford, Conn, says: 1t 1s believed by Dr. D. F. Sulli. van, who, while operating on Numcio C. Chial at St. Francis' Hospital on Sun- day, twice saved his patient from death by gently grasping the heart and squeez- ing it in lime with its normal pulsa- tions until it beat again of ils own ac- coord, that many lives might "be saved by this method of artificial respiration, To_all appearances the man was dead twice, and yet he lived again when the ------------------------------------------------------------SSTEER A DECREASE OF $10,000,000. Canada's Trade Figures for April Show a Falling oft. A despatch from Ollawa says: Cana- dian trade figures for April show a con- tinued falling off in "ris, consequent upon the_resiriction during the early months of the year of orders by whole- salers for importel goods for the Sum- mer trade. It is expected, however, that with the present bright outlook for the revival of trade mext Autumn the im. ports will again pick up in the course of a month or so, and the figures for the last hall of the year will show a very considerable improvement over 1hose of the first hall, Total imports for last month were $20,201,409, a decrcaso ol $8,133,878, as compared with April of last year. Exports of domestic pro- ducts on the other hand show a slight increase, totalling $10,204,828, as com- pared with $9,751,849 for April last year. The grand total of Canadian trade for the month was $30,970,387, as compares with $40,725,960 for April, 1907. rss sm Mer pr nmi . SERIES OF ROBBERIES. Large Sums of Moncey Stolen in Winni- peg Post-Office. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A series of robberies extending over sever- al months has been going on in the Winnipeg post-office, and the sum stol- en aggregates a very large amount; 'i 1s kelleved not Jess than $12,000. OM- cials refuse to discuss the matter, and consequently it is impossible to ascer- tain the correct figures, but the sum cannot re less than stated. A number ol packages, containing from $800 tn $2,000 have disappeared as mysterious- 17 within the building as though they had sunk into the ground, indicating that the (hie! is some person who has the handling of the money entrusted to- him, and that he is clever and systemao- tic in his operations. pe BOMB IN CALCUTTA. Exploded on One of the Main Streets of the Indian Quarter. A despatch from Calcutla says: A bomb that had been placed on the car track ol one of the principal streets in the In- lian quarter was exploded on Friday morning by a cart passing over il, Four persons were injured, one of them criti- cally. The cart was blown to smither- eens, The miscreants who placed the bomb evidently intended that it should blow up a car conlaining white péople. Pamphlets were circulated last week warning Bengalis not to ride in first. class or other carriages in which Euro- peans were travelling, ---- FEMALE SUFFRAGE ASKED. Large Delegation of Women Waits on » New Brunswick Government.' 'A despatch from 8, John, N. B., says: A large delegation from the recently organized Woman's Suffra, s0cia- tion appeared before the Government rn Fredericlon on Wednesday, and asked that the franchise be exiended to wo- men, The Government promised con sideration. ' MINERS MUST NOT DRINK. New Regulation by One of Steel Trust's Subsidiary Companies. A despalch from Pittsburg, Pa., says! The, H. B. Frick Coke Company, a sub- sidiary of the United States Steel Cor- poration, has ordered 'into effect a new code of rules governihg ils 'mines and}: miners, the. most remarkable hrovision of which is the prohibiting of 'the come on duly or off. | pany's miners from drinking, whether |; Heart by Hand, heart was squeezed, sending the blood | coursing through the arteries, Dr, liven thinks that if a person could be operated upon immediately after being token {rom the waler in many drowning cises life might be con- served. He Bdvocates opening the body and removing the ribs until the heart is | visible and js accessible, in order thal the figures 'may be Inserted to handle fl. In many accidents life still lingers long after the person seems to have ceased to breathe. - HOSPITAL NURSE KILLED. gine at London. A despalch from London, Ont., says: Miss Sarah Rowet, a nurse at Victoria Hospital, was instantly killed on Friday night at 10.80 at the Grand Trunk cross- ing at Egerton Street, She, with Charles Cowan and Miss Sutherland, another nurse, were returning from a drive, 10 Dorchester and, notwithstanding the el- forts of the signalman to notify them of the approach of a train, they drove on the track unaware of danger. As they drove on the tracks Miss Rowet became so thoroughly unnerved for the moment from sheer fright that she jumped and fer directly in front of the engine. Her remains were mangled almost beyond recognition, the engineer being unawvie to stop the heavy lo train in Wme 1. avold the fatality, The other occu- pants of the rig escaped unhurt as the horse made a leap and dragged the car- riage from the track a few inches ahead of the engine. fy emmn-- OUTRAGES ON NON-UNION MEN. Stones Hurled Through TVindows of Houses at Brantford. A despatch from Brantford says: Vio lence continues fn connection with the strike of moulders at the Buck stove works in this city. Attacks by unknown parties were made at midnight on Thurs- day night on two houses occupied by men who have replaced strikers at the factory. Considerable damage was dcne, bul no one was injured. At the house of Charles Boyes, a non-union man, Camphgll Street, six men at 11.45 oolock on Thursday night, made an as- saull, throwing large stones (hrough windows, smashing glass, and doing slight damage inside, "A child, asleep In u crib, narrowly escaped being struck by a stone, which landed four inches away from it. A similar attack was made at a later hour on a house oc- cupied by an apprentice, Rod Eastman, at the corner of West and Clarence Streets, where stones broke all the win- dows, and, crashing against the walls, ulmost fell upon sleeping children, Hse DEATH OF MRS. BANNATYNE., Widow of One of the Pioneer Settlers of Winnipeg. " A despalch from Winnipeg says: Mrs A. G. B. Bannatyne, widow of the most famous of the Red River settlers and fcunders of the present city of Winni- neg; died on Thursday afler a brief ill ness, She was born in Fort Garry in 1830, being a daughter of an old fur trad- er, Mr. McDermolt, and was married lo Mr. Bannatyne in 1851. Her husband was & member of the provisional Gov. ernment, and for years thelr home was the centre of life in and around Winnl- peg. Ws so -- FOREST BANKER SUICIDES, Montague A. A. Smith, Ends His Li With 'a Pistol. : A despalch from Forest, Ont,, says; Montague 'A. A. Smith, of the private tanking firm of L, A. Sm pany, of Forest, ex-chairman of the On. tarlo Fish and Game Commission, and widely known in western Ontatid, com- mi suicide in the rear of his office about 8.30 on Thursday morning, in a fit of temporary aberration, which, in a letter, he srivuied 1o:the worries so je n'eamp as ral candi- date for Past Lunbion, . tire absence of any rumors affecting the deceased: socially- and slanding of Ahe deceased, . ' ancially, and no man. st o 'was® admittedly. "the vient |arresas row aca cates Cutting Open the Chest Leaped From Carriage in Front of En-| th and: Conn- | "eCePUO . There is an én-| CONDENSED NEW A strike of naturel gas has al Innerkip, Ontario, 10 test all Toronto gas melers, In an investigation "into an alleged found that rats had taken them. Several employment agents in Mont- real have been arrested on a charge of defrauding applicants for work. 2 The total property loss by fire in the United States in 1907 was. just short of $200,000,000. SR John Boon, who shot and Killed Po- Jicaman Shea at Montreal, has been sent for trial. Ld ah 'Contracts amounting to nearly $80,000 have been let by the Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway Commission. Twenty-six hundred cotton operatives in 'Montreal have accepted the 10 per cent, reduction and returned fo work. The barge Resolute, wrecked off the western gap, Toronto, in November, 1906, has been raised and towed into the John street slip. eh 3 A- building on King street, Hamilton, was wrecked by an explosion of natural gas on Thursday, Two or men were hurt, but 'not seriously. The Seattle fishing boat Francis' Cul ting was seized by the Dominion' cruiser Kestrel and towed into Vancouver, for fishing in Canadian waters. GREAT BRITAIN. Beville Stanler, the Unionist candidate, was elected in North Shropshire by a ma- jority of 951. om The King has subscribed one hundred ineas toward a British memorial of olfe and Montcalm. ; Lord Avebury has introduced a'bifl into th: House of Lords to prohibit the im- portation of plumage. A man claiming to be an Irish barris- ter sought a warrant in Westminster Po- lice Court, on Thursday, for Mr, Augus- tine Birrell, who, he said, had stolen Dublic Castle jewels. . UNITED STATES. Seven miners were killed in an explo- gion in a colliery at Wyoming, Pa,, on Tuesday. 3 William D. Shepherd, his wife and ser- vant were murdered at Matawan, N. J, on Saturday, y Claude Monet, the famous French ar- {ist, utterly ruined a series of valuable paintings by himself. : Seven towns in Oklahoma were swept and four of them badly wrecked. . James Kennedy, a colored. citizen of children to death, s The International Paper Company im- ported 170,000 tons of wood pulp from Canada last year, : Pekin is becoming alarmed at the rebels ir. the province of Yun Nan, who are now 10,000 in number and well drilled. Rey, Dr. Kaye, formerly of Woodstock, Ont., convicted of counterfeiting "at Wheaton, 1l., has been granled a new trial, b The manager of the Talt Presidentia canvas - has. announced that the S tary for 'War is certain to get the. re 3 GENERAL, i Three thousand Chinese rebels in two of Mengtsze. . Petersburg that the, Ameer of Afghani stan has been assassingted; o they were attempting to escape from jail at Yekalerinoslav, Russia. The proposal to - hold & convention looking to the unification of the So African colonies is meeting with a mixed I ; Alter eleven years' occupation, Britain Russia, France and Maly have decid to withdraw: their troops from the Is Crete. . -. The committee of members of the' Dominion Government is 10 be asked theft of mink skins at Toronta it was| by a series of tornadoes, an Wednesday f Montgomery, Ala., burned five of his} publican nomination on he first ballet. columns are marching on the treaty pork!' There is an unconfirmed rumor al Sti] More than ten plischers were shot as Butler--Although it is of difficulty, gi Creamery, Prints + sx «a0, +0 390% ra ois. suas hv adh 0 mess prin ; weer Dairy i & a7 go-rolia Cou Wied $0 Hives inne Waa miefoe od als wes Sa per pound for 60-pound. peils, fo 18¢ for 5 to 10 pound pails. al $1.75 10 $2.50 aT, Combs "Potatoes--Ontario, 90c {o ~95¢; Dela- Yate, $1 to $1.05, in car lots on track re, : 3 A Beans--8$1.70 to $1.75 for primes and 81.80 to $1.85 for hand-picked. Maple Syrup--$1 lo $1.10 per gallon, Cheese--l4c for large _14¥c for) twins in job lots here; new inake, 12¢ for large and 123c for twins. mel Baled Straw: to $9 per fon. Baled Hay--Timothy is. quoted at $15 to $15.50 in car lots on {racks here, . PROVISIONS, 2 Pork--Short cut, $21 {0 $21.50 per bar re'; mess, $17.50 to $18, n Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -- Long clear bacom.103¢¢, tons and cases; hams, medium and light, 12 fo 13¢; hams, large, 113c to 12¢; backs, 16c to 1634c; shoulders, 9%c¢ to 10c; rolls, 10¢c to 1034¢; breakfast bacon, 14¢.t0 15¢; green meats, out of pickle, 1c less than smoked. we - id MONTREAL MARKETS. spring wheat. patents, $6.10 to 86.20; sec- onds, $5.50 to $5.70; winter wheat pal ents, $5.10; straight rollers, $4.50 to $4.75; do., in bags, $2.15 to $2.25; extra, $1.85 to $1.90. Cheese--New made quoted at 11%c to 12¢ and old at 123%c to 1234¢. . ; Butter--Creamery finest quoted af 2434c¢ for round lots and 25)4¢ (0 grocers. Eggs--18c. per dozen for round lots and. 18)c for single cases; Provisions--Barrels = short cut ess, #21; half barrels, $10.75; clear fat backs, $22 to $23; long. cut heavy, mess; $20; ball barrels do., $10.50; dry-salt®long clear backs, '103c; barrels 'plate: beef, $18.50 lo $15; hall barrels fo. $7.25 to $7.75; barrels heavy mess" heel, $10 10] | 811; half borrels da,, 85.50 to $6; com- peund lard, B¥%c to 9¢; pure lard, 113c lo 11%o0; kettle rendered, ~113c to 1204 'hams, 12 10 1334¢ 3 size; Ereakfast bacon; 14c to 15¢; Windsor ba- hogs; $9.50 lo $0.75; live, $6.85 . a I----! . v UNITED STATES MARKETS: Bulfalo; May 10.~Wheat--Spring hg y. > Corn ery:No, 1 Northern, $1.4 2 red, $1.04 Winier sl > 'Strang; No. 2 white, 77}c; 'N , 7%. Oals--Easy, 'No. v Spb freely, everything is taken" up without} 28 Their Montreal, May 19.--Flour -- Chalce| y according fo size; cn con, 14340 lo 15%; resh killed 'abattoir dressed River. A , aged 18, a junior reporter. of the Ottawa Citizen, and Aubrey Monk, aged 11, both residénts of Ottawa South, were drowned at Black Rapids, on the Rideau River on Sunday morning while ou their way home from a fishing (rip. Two other lads, Geo. Monk, aged 17, and Addie Lewis, aged 14, composed the pry which started out on Saturday af Fonte. Thal Dad cond sport oid Tented nonge, 'good spo en for the night above the rapids. . After fishing for a while on Sunday-ntorn- ing they packed up and started for 'home. Lewls, who had a presentiment that 'something was going to happen, would not enter the canoe, but started to walk home. The other three lads pad- died down stream, intending to porlage'] round 'the rapids, but their canoe was caught in the swift water and carried over the welr adjacent tJ the Black Ra- pids lock, a drop of about 13 feel. Geo. Monk swam to shore; but Gamble and the younger Mohk were, it is thought, hurled against the hedvy tinibers and drotvned, The bodies have been recov- BE a ay FARM IIANDS 'AND DOMESTICS. Immigration Department Issues 'Notice Specifying Classes Wanted. A despalch from Ottawa says: The su- Jorinandon of immigration issued a no- Nice on Thursday that the only. classes of immigrants wanted in Canada al the present time are experienced farm labor- ers, {farmers financially able lo lake home- sicads or purchase lands, .and female domestic servants... The demand for rail- way labor is filled for this season. All ecncerned are requested to note that the regulation now in. operation in Canada requiring every immigrant 18 years of age or over, to have in his possession al least 825 cash al the time of landing, besides ticket to destination, will-be en- forced. and impartially in 'the 3 ol ouside ofthe IW from Coirtral, "Belgium, feally fe whole population & Current in the 'despatehi from OWawa says: Chas. | v Gamba; ; ho ne u i oil foc "The British Admiralty," Graham, "hes 'used 'a ge perting it in its own lank steam ils marine experts, believing thal te be the naval fuel of the ful determined to locale ever, can be found in the Brit OuF ided in seeking for ofir pliés. under our own. contro! sibility that if war were 10 o1' might be declared contraband of 3 and Great Britain's navy, without g ply of the hew fuel controlled at would be in a serious pligl : A 'despatch says: According el in this city' r I of Louisiana 'en "Wednesday loss of life in Gilliam, Oit€ity ax linger. . Telegraphic communica interrupted, but reports say | PB storm started north of Shreveport, along to Little Rock, Texas S$ {ral over Texas, It is repo lism, Louisiana, a {own of 200 tants, is wiped oul and that a of lives have been lost. Oil City reported 'destroyed with a. loss and 'a' number 'of persons inju linger, La: is. reported | 2 with three perso g ish and Icelandic Parliaments having tl matter in:charge recommends thé oder union of the lwo. gountries, ' tribesmen,