: fire hr var ois ruin ae SL peat ve i Wo 2 AP AAR SCN A ng oo iy AND ramus pASER DISCOUNTED, _ SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposit #1 and upwards received, and interest allowed 'at current rates. ™ depositors subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal ot the whole or any portion of the deposit. INTEREST CopoUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR PORT PERRY. BRANCH: ¥ MCE. MURRAY Manager DAVID Jo & DOUGLAS ADAMS BANKERS AND BROKERS MONEY TO LOAN AT 4, 4: and 5 PER CENT. z I ATLA HA ------ 'Wire, Life and Accident Insurance. sold or exchanged in any of the Provinces or Principal Cities in the Dominion of Canada i MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED Agents Allan Line and C. P. R. Steamships. ann r---- bona od oe sz 3 17 Pr. H. Bruce, Terouto, was in. "I burn Real Estate bought, I KRACK IIA IC Tooth Truth Teeth of pearly whiteness set in gums that are firm and healthy add greatly-to anyone's appear- ance. No man, woman or child should neglect" their teeth, ' They 'should be cleansed once or twice daily with.- ling' s Tooth, Paste a" delightful 'preparation. that will hs eve crevice, remove tartar, sweeten the breath and prevent decay, Free from all gritty or injurious matter. SEE WINDOW _DISPLAY. "CE. B. FLINT, Phm. B. DRUGGIST AND Lili PORT PERRY ooemiebnootmsoenood | § [IE IE ¥ (gE x CHOICE OUTS in all lines ot BEEF, LAMB, VEAL : FRESH, SMOKED : . AND SALTED MEATS "You can depend upon quality at reasonable price when you. buy 'meat frcm ; a boo he rr Rs Ga on wb Rosine giceney mtr Be gid fon pr ET Smarr ------ ean APS a Corson mera m-- SINGLE COPIES So. a J 'No ag: : re town last week. Dr. EL 'Procter, Whithy, fs i [Fiiiog in town. 4 #y Mr. S. Jelivey bas purchased a new. automobile. Mr. Chas. Williams, was in town last week. Lindsay, Miss Norine Letcher has re- turned home after a visit fo Ash- Born--On Monday, June 1sf, Mr. and Mrs. daughter. to Hugh Lucas, a Something new in design im big- gies, They are handsome stylish and durable, fully gnarntéed. Cail] and sec them. A. W Alflio, Miss Newsome, of Vancogver, Miss Strong, of Toronto, and: Miss Saunders, of Duncan's Mills, .Cali- fornia, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ross. Go to Diesfeld's for Silverware, Cut Glass, French China. . They all make gifts that are serviceable and pleasing. New Books at (he Library There is quite a supply of new literature at the Public Library. Most of it will make excellent sum- mer reading. The fcllowing is the list handed to us by the Librarian --Mr. R. Penhall : The Weavers, G. Parker Alice for Short, De Morgan A Cabinet Secret; G Boothby The Car of Destiny, Williamson The Missioner, Openheim 2 Trampled Cross, Hocking The Shepherd of the. Hills, Wright. Clementina, Highwayman, - Ste- phens. Through Five Republics on Horseback, Ray. The Days of Chivalry, Adams" The Shuttle, F. H. Burnett < Fo" Toronto last week fo attend the uneral of hier mother. Rev. Mr. formerly a citizen of Port has been ordained a minister Per the Baptist church and will officiate in la church at Henrietta pear Rechester,. N.Y. Last Suyday 'Ms. McQueen preached in the Baptist church here morning and evening. Our New Parier Mr. Chas. F. Cook was evidently popular among the Sunderfand peo- ple. for on leaving that village after iving there for five years, his friends presented him with a gold chain and locket, accomponied by the address which follows. Mrs. Cook was also the recipient of a church of which she was a member, To Mr. Chariie Cook, Dear Friend--We, your friends, desire to convey to ycu our sincere regret that you are about to depart from our midst and take up your residence in the town of Port Perry. We feel that in losing you we arc losing a good friend, firm, tried and trve. It is for the purpose giving expression tn our feclings that we ask you to accept this chain and locket as a slight token of our esteem. Your high character has won for you the estecm and confidence of your friends who trust that you will have many years of life and happiness. 8. 0. E. B. 8. Annual serviee Every year the Sons of England Ild a parade and attend church service in a body. For the third time they selected Rev. B Greatrix to preach the sermon. The parade was headed by the Citizen's Band, and, in spite of the unpleasant weather, the attendance was good. We give herewith a synopsis of the sermon, which was ot a patri- otic nature, and which was well deliveréd. Mr. Greatrix possesses considerable natural eloquence, and the subject brought this clearly in- "The Cruise of the Shining Hight, Duncan. z "InSearch of Eldorado; The Race of the Swift, Li Little Colonds Knight Comes, Johpston With the Treasure Seekers, Otis Gipsy Jane, Cheever The Secret Agent, Conrad In the Fifteen, Adams Jones of the 64th, Beretou The Metropolis, Sinclair The Fearl Seekers, McDonald Folk of the Wild, Atkey The Measure of Rule, Barr In addition to this list of books, wvearly all the leading magazines are to" be found om the Reading Room tabel. Bank of Commence Mannger When a new man enters a town to occupy an important position, people naturally like te know what manner of man he is. Those with {whom he has been formerly living can best tell. The addressgiven to Mr. Murray, the new manager of the Bank of 'Commerce by his friends in Dresden, will serve as an introduction to the citizens of Port Perry. - To such a mau aud to his wife we can heartily say " we bid _ | you welcome." To Mr. J. McE. Marray :-- iil fe 1 fh - « i ta evidence. #My.sext 1s bound u Vsa. 147520. "He 'hath no dealt so with any other people." These words were spoken concerning the ancient Jews when they were enter- ing what might be called their golden age. When they were enjoying wealth, greatness, power and influence, use they were obeying God's laws. Gold was as silver, silver as brass, and brass as iron. Precious stones were in evidezce everywhere. The surrounding nations had been compelled to admit the advent of a mew power. Teeir prowess, deeds of martial valor, the signal success which had crowned their arms, entitled them to rank among the first-class powers of that y. God's blessing had rested on their labors so that they bad cattle and grain in abundance. What was said of God's ancient can be said with equal truth regarding the Empire to which we belong. The growth of the British nation from lowly beginnings to the present proud position as among the foremost nations of earth, is as much a standing evidence of God's over sceing providence as was that of Israel of olden time. No one at all acquainted with their early history-- the wid; untutored savagery of the primitive dwellers in the British Isle, with their ignorance, superstition, border warfares, | the sovereignty of foreign McQueen, who Ss, = Rr The Western Bank of Canada : 4 pg J. McE. Murray was coed CHARTERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT 1881 : Twentieth Year of Port Perry Agency NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS deposits. Six months' interest has been added to vou In future interest will be paid or com- pounded every three months--4 times a year-- next payment Feb. 29th. Te ---------- BLACKSTOCK A Branch of this Bank is being opened in the Village mantel clock from the ladies of thel ~ Blackstock. H. GC. HUTCHESON, Manager PURDY] Ice Cream Parlor opens this week with all the delicacies of ihe season. The only Ice Cream made by power in town. made by power equal to city cream. The leading Ice Cream Parlor in town, Ice Cream Ice Cream any flavor, Ice Cream Sodas, any flavor, Ice Creani Sundaes and all kinds of Soft drinks. Call and sample for yourselves. E. H PURDY from : Miss O. MILLINERY If the cold days of the past few weeks have caused you to procrastinate regard- ing your millinery you will be wise to act at once as you certainly will want a hat for Summer weather. From $1.50 to $10.00 You may get it Waadell Exran $$ 0. Waddell ¢ powers, the gradual rise mo ber p position-- but can see the band of God in the unfoldment of her bi It is true the process has been longand pdinfal, the journey has been toilsome, and at times most discouraging, but it bas been upward and There ophets who have have always been lost TE ea star of Britains liberty bas flourished with greater vigor, beauty and fruitfulness than anywhere else. British soil is dear to every British beart; endless blood and treasure would be poured out before an invader could set foot upon her shores. That which has stimulated, strengthened and inspir- ed the noblest enthusiasm and greatest fortitude are the principles for which the flag stands. We are not blind to her faults--there are stains upon the pages of her history for which she has been chastened, but in the mam what has become of her rule ? reedom of speech, rights to worship God according to the dictates of con- science, trials by our peers, protection of the weak, help for the oppressed, succor to the needy, equal sights for a WANTED--A good girl to do general housework. also a young girl to take charge of children during afterrfoon Apply to Mrs. A. J. Carnegie, Port Perry. UNE. EWELRY Your friend will be married in June or possiblv you will be the happy one. In either case we have suitable jewelry for the occasion. : The designs are very beautiful and - will not! faiitog lease - the wearer. 'When ES Buying Jeweley call AE v, i A eR Ag FV FY et Er rn 4 Vo Fg + aud Sr nL ew" * vo WE Sg oe ely Ye i Sr ry a es Al oy PE oo