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Port Perry Star, 3 Jun 1908, p. 3

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prem. ov 40 sta mother's' arms; pell o'er Nature's. dream. number of Jelters. first opm ebrua. ry. aving obtained the dates of the first rdeys, the date of every other: Satur: . day in {he month is gol by the addition - of the necessary number of sevens; from : ich it is but a step to any intermediate y. For example, to know-the day on en Christmas - Day falls this year, *"@réam," standing for December,'has five letters, so the first Saturday in December is 'the 5th of that month; the second Sat. a is the 12th; the third the 19th; the 26th, being six days more, gives Friday, anys on from Saturday. omer Hee COBALT SILVER PRODUCTION. ACL Pattison & Cc Co., Toronto, report ihe follow'ng are the weekly shipments from Cobalt camp, and those from Jan. 1 to date: Ha Week: end, May 16. Since Jan. 1 Ore in Is. Ore in Ibs. TAGES. vai ver vv. goose ; -Coball Lake .... . C . Cty of Cebatt "a eee Kerr Lake. a Feros "King Edward .. ihr ihe La MeKinley oiv vans vee ; 'Nip'ssimg : ... 138020 dard' ls, an ba od EEN sve" vies svivess hs! £30" pounds, or 7 tons. - po hend, ts from Jan. .1 to lo_dale Aare. Be 6152 fons, The. iota '802,148 pounds, NC ma lo ra. oe Sn for di WA I re RAN re BATE my joeund Jean; in ach ward the particular. month to which it _cor- ; thus, "Just" for January, use the. first Satirday in fourth of that month; "a," ary, has one letter; as ay in February is the first 0 fh; and so on. through Ee word of the twelve, excepting the "a," begins 'with the same letter 'month it represents, 'Thus; "Just" with "J" "because January begins "mother's 'begins with *m" be- Mérch 'begins with "M""; and so on through, with the éxception of "a" ected that there Ss, and it is.e - For it, will be - assumes the] 4 of Wages 8 the act that the cost ¢ ot has increased materially in Ger- y 'and that his: majesty's chamber, hs ars no Tonger: able to run his " castles' as cheaply as herelofore: What the Kaiser does with all his cas- \ tres is a subject for speculation with all but 'the initiated. If they could all be bunched they would form a good-sized yillage--and a village more pretentious tian any other in the whole world. Some of his places are of enormous size and most of them are showy in their construc- tion and Style. As a. matter of fact, though, 'they are all in: German parlance called 'kaiserliches schloss- (imperial castle), very few of them, such as the [widely known palaces at Berlin and at Potsdam, are really castles in the strict 'sense of the word, Many of them, for- merly built as strongholds, perched upon peaks; or squatted in the middle of marshes in arder to mdke them impreg- nable against atlack, have given way tn ambitious modern palaces, But tbe word schloss'is now applied to any house ¢{ considerable sizé which a nebleman owns and occupies. Among the, Kaiser's Berlin palaces the royal castle on the Spree is one of the largest and probably THE MOST FAMILIAR 1:, tourists. Originally it was of very modest proportions but from time to time additions have been made, keeping pace with the growth of influence and power of 'the -Hohenzollerns, The castle is gaudy, raw and pretentious in construc- ticn. The walls outside are of stucco stead -of stone masonry. The preten- ticus columns of the salons indoors are ol imitation marble while the same key- ncte of show and pretense governs the whole structure and all its details. One more inferest is the Charlotten- burg Castle, a structure much plainer and of later construction. It is situated in a charming park and is extraordinary for ils great length. Five hundred metres, 1 believe, are the correct figures. At any rate I know that it is only beaten in this respect by Schonburg, near Vien- na, -and Nymphenburg in Balavia. This place was. the home of the late Emperor Frederick IIL. during his last short stay in Berlin. The mausoleum in the park is the burial-place of Queen. Louisa of Prussia. and of her grandson, William, the first German Emperor. One of the most interesting of Kaiser William's places, historically, is Schloss | Koenigsberg, in the ' pro To of East Prussia. This castle, which was finished in 1261, was a famous stronghold of the order of the Teutonic Knights, one of the three great military and religious 420 | orders to which the Crusaders gave birth, the other twa being the Templars and the KNIGHTS OF SAINT JOHN, ""At one lime the order was undisputed aster of a population of 3,000,000 people 200 Sud-played a leading role in the palitical history of Northern Eurepe.. In the chap- ¢l of 'this famous castle Frederick IH, Elector of Brandenburg, crowned himsell as Frederick I, King of Prussia, in 1701. 000 One hundred and: fty years later, Wil- 679.9161 iam, who was afterward fo be the first 180430 German emperor, put upon his head the Nhe total sumé erown in the same chapel. otal} = perhaps the most widely known royal home outside of Berlin is Wilhielmshohe. near. Cassel, "the summer resort of Jer- 8 ome 'Bonaparte while he was king of Westpnole. 'The Versailes of Germany, : it has 'been called; was begun. by H.and furnished by: his succes- gor, Rqeric 1+ and it is said that 2,000 work- men: were 'employed for fourteen years -il8 construction, - Its chief 'boast is the great fountain, which throws up a jo, of water twelve feet in diameter to has a a A ST SUN. reed bitin wep ss asershier i Sth be oreo ani sadn ti lox 'on 1a 'the Jomatkabie ig of 190 Foes Ne ed SES P 1) art. eid the uric acid gX aula from the system.' The ingredi- ents are inexpensive and harmless, and can be given to. children with safely. MANY KINDS OF SMOKE. Substitutes - for Tobacco: Often .Tavo Harmful Effects. The American Ind'ans who smoke driéd holly leaves, the bark cf the wil- low. irce and leaves of the stag's horn sumac use the least harmful f lhe sub- stitutes for tobacco. Many of the other substilutes have the most horisful ef- fects. Indians along the Alaska coast injure ther eye-sight smokng wood shavings saturated with a strong solu- tion of pepper; excessive smoking by farmers of the leaves of the tomata and potato plant often causes Insanity and suicide; a variety of Indian hemp which is smoked by all classes in Jamalca has terrible results, and a weed known as mountain tobacco, which is smoked In great quantities in Sweden, causes its uscrs to become mental and physical wrecks. -- A Successful Medicine. -- Everyone wishes to be successful in any under- taking in which he may engage. 1 is therefore, extremely gralifying to: the proprietors of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills t. know that their efforts to compound a medicine which would prove a bless ing to mankind have been successful be yond their expectations. The endorsa- tion of these Pills by the public is a gu- arantee that a pill has been produced hich will fulfil everything claimed for t. HOPELESS, "Now, don't ask me another question. Little boys should not be too inquisitive!" "Why musin't 1 ask you any more, daddy? And what's inquisitive?" You can lengthen the life of your house and give it a distinctive person- ality amongst its fellows wilh the use of Ramsay's Paints, guarartced the very best, full measure, full value, at fair honest prices. Your dealer has them and will show you tho splendid range of colors. Wrile A. Ramsay & Son Co., Montreal, for a pack of Souvenir Picture Post Cards of Homes. German. Friend: "De biclure you haf bainted is most buliful; dere is only von vord in de English lancqvidge vich des- cribes it--and I haf vorgotten it." A Carefully Prepared Pill.--Much time and atlention were expended in the ex- perimenting with the ingredients that euler into the composition of Parmelec's Vegetable Pills before they were broughl tn state in which they werg first of- fered to the public. Whatever other pills may be, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the result of much expert study, and all suffering from dyspepsia or disordered liver and kidneys may con- fidently accept fem 3 as s being what they are represented to "Fine feathers," remarked the man with the quotation habit, "do not make fine birds." "No," rejoined the faiber of seven grown daughters, "but they make fine fortunes for milliners." PANGO. Will 'afford instant relief from pain caused by Neuralgia, Headaches, Gout, Rheumatism, Catarrhal Colds. Sample 5G. cents. 'All druggists or National Drug Co., Lemdon. Conceited Amateur: * "I learned to play the violin when I was eight years old." Crusty Professional: "Indeed!" How old were -you when you forgot?" FAMILY of skin diseases 1s the ong i Folie dl 'word Eczema. In all id treatment Duk is 'Cerate in con- Wor Wearar | "what 'the most a aggravating thing life?" asked Dorothy, "Some- Said the bachelor friend, "it's the | "= he' trinattion om winter's cold lo sutmer's 'heat frequently puis a stfain upon the system that produces internal ations always painful and often A onc FOR. Bri ad ~ THE STOMACH | mm - Method of Treating Even Obti- 'The trouble with the old fashioned me- thods was that when the treatment was 'slopred the trouble returned in en ag: 'gravated form, The modern method of freating indi 'gestion, catarrh of the stomach wr <hronic gastritis, is to tone -up the stomach and glands to do their normal work. Every step toward recovery is a slep gained, not lo te last again. - The recovery of the appetile, the disappear- ance of pain, the absence of gas--all are steps on the road to health thal those who have tried the lonic treatment re- 'member distinctly. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic every constituent of which is helpful in building up the digestive ongans and therefore are the very best remedy for chronic cases of stomach irouble. The success of the {reatment is shown by hundreds of cures like the. following: -- Mrs. Wm, E. Dunn, Prince Dale, N. S., says:--""For upwards of seven years 1 was an almost continuous sufferer from stomach trouble, which was ag- gravated by obst na'e constipation. Food was not only distasteful, but every niouthful 1 ate was painful. The {rouble 8) affecled my heart that at times | thought -I could not live. I was con- slantly doctoring, but did not get the least relief. Indeed I was growing wcerse, and in the summer of 1907 had gol so bad that 1 went to the City of Beston, where 1 spent some time under the care of a specialist. I returned home, however, no better than when ! went away. The pains I endured were almost intolerable, and would sometimes cause me lo drop. 1 kept getling weak- cr and weaker and had practically giv- en up hope of even being well again when my mother urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. flow thankful I now am that I took her advice. My case was a severe one and did not yield readily, but once an improvement was noticed the cure progressed steadily and satisfactorily, and aller the use of ten boxes of the Pills 1 was again a well woman. Every sympfom of the trouble disappeared, and It is years since 1 en- joyed as good health as I am doing now. Al who know me look upon my cure as almost a mirac'e, and I strongly urge ali suffering from stomach trouble to give this medicine a fair trial." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by al' medicine dealers or you can get them Fy mail at 50 cenls a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. --_-- fe INSENSIBLE. "They say that Mrs. Climber takes an anesthetic before she goes lo every re- ception." "For what reason?" "So she won't feel the culs she re- ceives." If your children are troubled with worms, give them Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator; safe, sure and el- fectual. Try it, and mark the improve- ment in your child. MISUNDERSTOOD. "I understand your husband is a spirit- ualist?" "He is not. le's a prohibitionist." } PANGO. Is Highly recommended as affording in- slant relief from pain--Neuralgia, Head- ache, Gout, Rheumatism, Catarrhal Colds. Sample, 50 cents. All druggists or Lyman Bros. & Co., wholesale drug- gists, Toronto. _ NOT A FIRM FOOTING. "Do you happen to know where he slands on the prohibition issue?" "Yes. Before the bar." AN UGLY FAMILY of skin diseases is the one described by the word Eczema. In all fot forms it resists ordinary treatnfent, but is tely cured by Weaver's Cerate in con- with Weaver's Syrun. NOT HER BIZ. Why don't you watch the game, Laora? "What's the use? You told me the um- pire man was paid to watch it. Let him cok after it. I'm sure I don't want the job' " 1 fitting boots and shoes. cause corns. Holloway's Corn Cure is the article to use. Gel a Lotlle at once and cure your corns, "EXPENSIVE CORRESPONDENCE. Visitor "(viewing wedding gifts}-- "That rug's a beauty, Have you any idea what it cost?" <Bride--"Yes. Three hundred dollars wert of furniture to match it." wa MAN { OF 'MARK. Bacan--And docs your son show any his college training?" 'Oh; yes; he's quite lame from received on the. football Y 2p Ei & N Every Man in Swiriand Lesrna fo Use Al a lime when lhe question of mili- tary training for civilians is being much discussed, oF short account of 'the Swiss system, from the Manchester Guardian, | may be of interest, Every man in the 'peaceful and democratic country of Swit- _zerland is a soldier in @ modest way, be- of Ting a small nation. able-bodied Swiss enters the army at twenty years of age, and saves sixty- five days: in his first year. For the next} {welve years he trains for three wecks every alternate year. At thirty-two he enters the Landwehr, and has eight lo 'ten days under arms every fourth year util, at Afty, he retires, and is required te furnish rio further service except in|, case of war, What the Swiss militiaman lacks in military orthodox "he far more than makes up by skill a nation of marks- men. The (raining periods are occupied anly with drill and tactics; tre all-im- portant matter matter of shooting is left tc the indivitual soldicr to carry out at other times, and he does il under the auspices of the shooting societies which are such a feature of Swiss life. These societies, under government control, are called Schulzengesellschaf- len in the German, and Socieles de Tir in the French cantons, They are volun- tary associations, varying in size and imporiance with the town or village they serve. Thoce in the larger towns pos- sess comp clely fitted ranges and club- houses; the small villages do their shoot ing in any fleld backed by a suitable ihll. Every peasant and townsman has <casy fac lities for shooting, and each man has his service rifle always in his possession. Every man between the ages of twen- ty and thirly-lwo must fire thirty-two shots in fur compulsory exercises every year, and the socletics receive a grant «f two francs for every soldier shoot ing th"s course on their ranges. The in- come derived from the grants gencrally suffices for the current expenses of the society, supply of targets and pay of marker. There is no enlrance fee nor subscription as a rule, and heavy ex- penditure, such as that incurred by the construction of new ranges, is met by a special grant fiom te government. Rules as to spectators, methuds of Icading and conduct on the ranges aro stringent. Loss of grant is incurred by any breach or neglect of regulations. In addition to the<e exerc.ses, many comptit'ons are held between different villages, towns and canlons. In sum- mer the trains and streams are crowded with jovial bands of marksmen going te and from their shooling festivals. The whole of Swiss shoot'ng is a god cxample of co-operation between gov- crnment and individual. Every Switzer has his army rifle; he can use it when and where he will, provided he does not MAN-A-LIN Is An Excellent Remedy for Constipation. There are many ailments directly dependent upon con- stipation, such as biliousness, discolored and pimpled skin, inactive liver, dyspepsia, over- worked kidneys and headache. Remove constipation and all of these aliments dis- appear. MAN-A-LIN can be relied upon to produce a gentle action of the bowels, making pills and drastic cathartics eatirely un- necessary, A dose or two of Man-a-lin Is advisable In slight febrile attacks, la grippe, colds and Influenza. THE MAN-A-LIN Co.. COLUMBUS, ONIO, U.s.A: AGENTS WANTED. A reliable man In eve endanger other lives; he is insured by government against accidents on (re ranges, and through his sociely he can secure the services of qualifi.d military | officers to organize shooting. By treating rifle <hooling as a sport, and it is as popular as f<o!ball is with us, and far more generally practised, the Sw'ss have removed il from ils usu- al warlke associations; but should oc- casion arise, that which has been learn- ed in sport would be used in earnest, --_---- A Liniment for the Logger--Loggers lead a life which exposes them to many perils. Wounds, cuts and bruises can- rot te altogether avoided in preparing timber for the drive and in river work, where wet and cold combined are of daily experience, coughs and colds and niuscular pains cannol but ensue. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, when applied to the injured or sdminislered to the ail- ing, works wonders. and control his "Our baby gives us lols of trouble. Yells unless he has his own way." "Curs -yells anyhow. you don't know what trouble is!" PANGO. Money paid will be refunded where Pango fails, when applied as directed, to relieve pain. Specially recommended for Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Gout, Catarrhal Colds, elc. For sale 50 cents at all druggists or Lyman, Knox & Clarkson, wholesale druggists, To- ronlo. FREE BOOK "HOW THE BANK WAS SAVED" Tells how a young man saved the bank by a wise investment. Every stock buyer and investor should read this book. Not for sale. Sent free on request. Your name on a postal will bring il. Write to-day R. W. BAILEY 351 Railway Exohange Bidg., Denver, Golo. For Potatoes), 'Strawberries, ato. Double. Cylinder High Pressure : plex Flats: Shows Proguine. FR and ag: eT city and town in Canada with waterworks to se a patent article needed in eve Borg, hotel and public building. Sells at sight Hustlers can| and are making $5.00 a day Write at onee fo particulars. Geo. T. Cole, Owen Souud, Ontario. FEATHER DYEING Th Co en by pestle por on the bout place t+" BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MONTREAL WANTED to hear from owner having A GOOD FARM for sale. Not particular about location Please give price and description, and rea- son {or selling. State when possession can be had. Will deal with owners only. L. Darbyshire, Box 084, Rochester, N. Y, PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Beat. and Che. . Canoes. . Launches Etc. SEND FOR CATALOGUE A a GET OUR | PRICES BEFORE BUYING ¥ A. J. PATTISON & COMPANY BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO PHONE M 131) Stocks bought and sold on New York, Boston, Mon'real and Toronto Stock Exchanges for cash or margin. nen Orders for Cobalt Stocks execut- ed .on Toronto Mining Ex- change or .Boston and New + Yark curb dor cash. PRIVATE 'WIRES, Correspandenis--Chas. Head & Cp., members of the New York and Boston Slock Exchange.

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