EGS ECE PER I) Screen Doors || 1 Screen Windows Lawn Mowers Coal Oil Stoves Gasoline Stoves: Lawn Shears ~~ Paints and Varnishes. CARNEGIE BROS. © + {influence to elect me @s your next + dof this conmy, havi The very best in this line Sole Agents for the celebrated Sherwin-Williams PCPA FCA POR ACMI POPPI XX 4 5 4 5 4 it : : : % 5 SUMMER MILLINERY Daily arrivals of NEW MILLINERY A choice selection for the Summer MISS WALKER Millinery - - Parlors SOOO HHNHHH HR HNN XEN NNN WN XX HIE XW RR LEER LED From Top to Bottom ,~ Wwe can dress you ~ anddress you well i ogoatedtostraleedoetrepeitrdestritosdeetoites ¥ You need a Straw Hat now. Don't wait until the summer 1s over, i RL ad odode DERI Soedre; a Buy it § now, Qur stock includes all qualities at} ALL PRICES, from $1 to $2. These are! good hats, not leftovers, correct ian style . | {islature. to attend her sister's funeral. representative to' the-O Iam no oie) 0. " peopl amougst you. for sve Lik vear During that time I many positions of pu [| can truly say my aim: es been 10 protect the interests of the rich and poor allke, record is before you. If 1 am elect Fir to the! best of my ability, , deal justly to all, and give my; support to all | measures that will, in my opinion, be conducive to the welfare of the people at large : irresepective of party. I have made a personal canvass | of the voters of this riding, but it may be possible that some may have been missed To .such 1 would now appeal to support me people, 'as your next representative in the | Legislature, Iam yours sincerely Jamies Carnegie Port Perry, May 30th, gid GREENBANK Miss Annie Rennie, of Seagrave, | Wl a few days last week at the home of Miss Jas McMillan, | Rev. J. A. Miller, B. A., of Tor- | onto, i¥ spending a rew weeks at his home here. I Mr. Norman and Miss Mima Lylc |g were visiting in Epsom on Sunday. Last Sunday evening the Meth: odist services having been with- drawn, there was a large hres |B dance at the Presbyterian church to hear the farewell sermon 5 Rev, N, D, Keith, M; A; B b On Tuesday Mr." Keith was in-| ducted into the important' pastor- ate of Prescott. We wish hinr{ every success in his new field of labor. A large number from here atten: ded the communion service held at Wick last Sunday morning. Mrs. George Lee is visiting with her sister in Mount Albert. EPSOM - Mts. Moses and Mrs. Lawrence, of Toronto, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Terry. Brgy Our boys went put to Uxbridge on Friday last and had a football match. The score was 2--1. in favor of Epsom Well done, boys! We ate sorry to report the death at Cannington of Mrs. Brandon, daughter of Robert Scott of this vicinity. Everybody expresses sympathy with; Mr. Robert Scott and his son in their double be- reavement. It is scarcely two weeks since Mrs. Scott "died. Almost on the day of her funeral her daughter Mrs. Fred Brandon, }l of Cannington also passed away. Death in each case was sudden and unexpected and few can esti mate the loss to the bereaved. Mrs. Ritz the sole surviving daughter who has been living "in Matitoba, arrived home in time Mrs: E. Ashton and daughter, Ruby, of Ashburn, are visiting with. relatives, Our football team held their own | ina lively game with Uxbridge on Monday, June ist. The result was a tie. is game was one of the. features 'of the Anniver ty services held here on that. day. were something over $50.00 The attendance was good and the My public RE fp Et to ie fom a ia variety oF Printed Batistes Printed ar Swiss Muslins and Muslins with Mercerized Stripes. <8 S Drapery Muslins. | Three pieces 4 Curtain Muslin, blue, pink and white grounds, with seroll and floral designs and some with drop stitch borders, esting in the style and quality, 8c, per yard. Ps ~~ The-savings are especially ; Ladies' Collars 19c¢. Two dozen Ladies' Fancy Lace, Embroidery and Silk Collars. broken lots and were sold at 25, 35 and 50 cents--to clear 19 cents, - These! ar: A. ROSS & SON. Christie makes a good chairman. FINGERBOARD, Mr.«and Mrs. Wm. Stacey, of Little Britain, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank King, Pleas yi Polat. 'R. Martin spent Saturday hy Sunday at his home in Port Perry. Mr. Archie Sillats speat Sunday. at his home. i: 'Mrs, Russell Smith, who ha been visiting relatives in the citys has returned home. der considerable discussion in this loca- iy lately. Some say that the automo- ile is a curse to the country and "that it should be used in the city only, while others would destroy 'the machine alto- ether. Those who are more liberal in their views say that it sould be used only ought to be built purposely for them. Our fathers and grandfathers came to this part of the country and settled down to grow ' prosperous with it. First, -they made their homes-arouad the 'chief wa- terways of our country, then Sduliylte ba moved back to the more. inland parts. 'As they, moved back from, the centres 3; huca ilization good roads became a neces- 'much help from the overnmgnt in many gases ; Having built them. t would seem ut that they and their children fn lowed d 'Have we the right Vi Wi The automobile question has been un- |B sity, and our fathers built: them without | em in safety. | vi In winter when the automobile is not biles: u almost 'entirely given by me of the Port Perry Methodist and their efforts were much | ciated. | In the ~The program of the evening was [fo th 5 sided and kept the audience \in | FIFIAD ) good humor by the snrplus of his |g own which he keeps on hand Mr. |E dates to sae to for. better government control. old the candidate responsible | for the introduction of a 'measure toi} remedy this evil. If he will not; get 'some one to represent us who will, under ceftan regulations or that roads} These matters will take time but we might as well get busy for controlling the trouble because the machines have come to stay and what is more they will be- come more common as the years pass. 2, is s mot alwa; id do to be iy for Aiomoben) ah S a machine now that can "Additional Locals' Mr. Norman Murray Spent the| ys it Totonte rooms, a good, well, about. acre of land with sma Apply to! SR