" Sadi A Fil I GH AR RR . a ' s sodas Nitin i Mg wt I Ba ir ha i " a we ao» ges 5 A " a gn . i & : "PORT PERRY STANDARD, 4 "POPU Loe ¥ JERRY, ONTARIO | Port Perry Celebration, SINGLE COPIES Bo. No 45 2 Weber Bas Eneine The Western Bank of Canada 3 A = ¢ : 3 AR PAPER IN PORT PERRY AND SURROUNDING TOWNSHIPS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1908. i 4 Dor bt'ess many readers of THs 3 : /|Srak have been wondering why Company CHARTERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT 1881 YE i there has been nothing Jhofe said ; A p A : ED kt tion that it was| Ha a = 9 75 erp vod Bd J i a Twentieth Year of Port Perry gency : Paid-up Capit al, 1000 ,000 (° explanation is simple. . The {Canadian ranc 0 4 | Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 [£5 BIE 00 A ov ve), Built. NOTICE TO DEPOSITORS i. : Pk Xs ferme N; : fone thing 1 do," and 'that one Six months' interest has been added to vour i -throgghout , and in the United States and England Shing has beet to: arvange matters). + deposits. In future interest will be paid or com- RX o $0 that the 'Webea Gas Engine Co. | ny. \ " ; } i, LR me i Sar eT Yoga : could be induced to oorss their BY-aw To GUARANTEE BONDS To pounded every three months--4 times a year--- : _ SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT (isan bravch fctory in Por| writ or yn 10 ue sin next payment Feb. gh. g ' ide 'erry, . N 3 BEE Cy SoaE Sh ok rou allowed at current This has employed the energies| - MITTED TO THE RATEPAPERS ON z Deposits of §1 and upwards are received and interest p i | Es wr 35 DR} r times' . Accounts may be opened of the men who would otherwise! yy 201i 3. 3 ES Wow anes of tai: of more persons, whhrawils tape [have boomed. the celobaions] JU-Y 20TH. 19 BLACKSTOCK ; < +-im the mames. WO. Or more. i 0 : 3 They felt that the commercial, Thirty years ago the Weber com- . oi . d in the Vill 4 ++ wnade by any one of the number or hy the survivor, well-being of the town came first. | pany was formed for they manu- A Branch of this Ba 1S being opened 1n the lage 5 RT PERRY BRANCH. J. MCE. MURRAY Manager When the matter was discussed | facture of gas producer engines. Blackstock. § it was found that no suitable| That company has been a success i: - - SLonnds covld be rented for the|in every way possible. They build H. GC. HUTCH ESON, ; ASI 11 J ' . or the season at a figure that|an engine that is unsurpassed an oo : ; DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS would admit of making the enter-| their trade and finances have been Manager i yp: ¥ } - ~t BANKERS AND BROKERS prise 'a paying proposition. The [steadily growing until to-day the jowner of the Fair Grounds wanted [most natural thing has happened $100 for the rent of three acres but |--they are going to build a Cana- 2 | oy 10 LOAN AT i 4 and 5 PER CENT.. would not give the use-of the race [dian bravch. Not only is this Something You Need for Summer track. The high figure asked was [necessary to facilitate distribution A I TERE SE ITS VSR J ] explained by the fact that the land [of their product, but because there ire, Hf . : mace. Real Estate bought, | was under crop. isa duty of 27) per cent on gas x 1d Ee en f the Provinces ot ' Next an effort was made to buy | producer engines entering Canada. 3. '80 y ~ - four acres of the Crandall property | As the company now have between -Prineipal Cittes in the Bominion ot Canada opposite the High School 'and|$60,000 and $70,000 worth of en- Screen Doors & : : - about $175.00 has been raised to-|gines already coutracted for in S . d y : 3 ISSUED wards the $400 required. 'This| Canada, it will readiiv be seen that reen WwW indows MARRIAGE LICENSES . 55 bi S sum should be supplemented by [to save a duty of nearly one-third cre . i Line and 'C. P, R. Steamships. donatisns from 'a number of per-| will be of the greatest importance. . Aris Alor : / sons who are interested but who| At the present time, the parent Lawn Mowei S have not yet subscribed. It was|company is situated in a little town ; 0,099.¢.9¢ 4.0 intended to ask the Council to give | near Kansas City just about like Coal Oil Stoves ) x a sufficient sum to make up the|Port Perry. They find this kind of 1 : ' , balance of the purchase money and {location well suited to their needs. 1 y Ap " "H, ' X [then turn ower the property to the| This Canadiau factory is to be Gasoline Stoy €s 3 : go ~. 3 Council to hold in trust for a per- [built at Port Perry in the immedi- SN . . - 2 manent playground, but the [ate future under certain conditions Lawn Shears 3 pd gh TA |amount subscribed does not yet]which are fully set out in the Ea Cr : . o " warrant this action. agreement acd bylaw which . 3 ; d . In going around with the sub- appear in another column of this 3 1 ip! Sticky Tanglefoot and : scription list we were constantly | paper. The very best in this line 4 asked ** Why not buy the old The chief of these conditions are Fair Geounds " and all that could| 1. That the corporation of Port be said was that if it was difficult Perry guarantee the bonds of the to raise $400, it would be more company to the amount of $40,000 difficult to raise $1,600, the price|" 2 That they provide a free of the Fair Grounds. Some people {mill site of approximately six acres. suggested that Mr. Tummonds be *3. That the company be ex- approach.and asked as to the terms empted from taxation, except so upon which he would require his|far as schéol taxes arc concerned. payments. This has been done] These cannot be exempted. ) and the other Shon rs paso down Having received so much, the CARNEGIE BROS. in fiv question naturally arises, --'* What A nave pears. . do they give in return?" There is no doubt about the YE |yaine"of the investment it the | t-.. Xt will be seen bv the agree | oop PD ment," which appears in another- Poison Fly Paper, Insect Le Powder, Etc. o < EDW. B. FLINT gon i Druggist andl Scientific Optician 'PORT PERRY ~~ ONTARIO & FLI NT--He tests your Eyes Sole Agents for the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes. i Era SOW 00 00 0 3 00 0 0 3 0 3 3 0 0 ~ A towa really requires the property. ° iG WX < O00 0 0 3 0 3 3 3 0 3 3 {| There is a high board fence around column tygether with the by-law, & OX 33d 3d , pager the 24 to 26 acres of land and| hat they gibe the town a first vy 3 : win | grand stand upon the property mortgage on their property. 23 rT 3 - that willl scat 1,000 persons, there| In explanation, it should: be said 7 5 REE is also a race track of about half a that the town only guarantees the : 1 a 3 ; mile. ah CO OICE CcuTs 2, | So much for the matter of thirds of the value of the property ' FH | - . é grounds. But what about the|erected and placed in Port Perry, BL . 3 celebeation ? There is one thing This property will include the land, : - in allilines ot' 94 |certain,. iit will not be possible to [buildings and fixed machinery. : . hold it on the first of July, but can| That is to say, if the town is Ee --. ypu ARN ' yy we hold it later. Say'on Civic|asked to put up a guarantee for the BEEF, LAMB, VEAL | [fs ine iw Gi aiedlo pur fui bouds of the eompany for two- UE A HAVING bought the entire stock - of the late R. B. Beacock, of Enniskillen, and added it to my own stock, it makes one of the largest stocks of Groceries and Dry Goods that | have ever carried and J ! in twenty years the whole of the and will all turn in %nd Belp but {company will erect a building and . oo Gia 2 a - . » one or two nen cannot dofall that | place machivery upon the site val- . so 3 ' "3 FRESH, SMOKED 4 |is to be done. THE STAR is stili| ued at $60,000, upon which it will or e next a S A Fo ae AND ! | willing to do. its share, but does| give the town a first mortgage. 2 : Live Stock BR oh tis fnot feel that it is possible to dothe| This means that the town gets a 7. 3 aul $8. SUULA. SALTED MEATS 'work successfully with only a few mortgage worth $60,000 for a pos- | - We will sell the two large stocks at a = Fy Val ted gg : persone imarested. : hiro; sible iivestment of $56 ooo. reduction sale price. = iy ARRAL EAA a : x ere is to be a celebration, i . ES ia gar. © fe ~~ "You can depend ok and there ought t6 be, the citizens are to The bonds inn pid compan 3oc. Cottonade for per yard ....... Cesena, 20c. &5 Highest cash Bes spon quality. at. Tv must ek Tor it. It il not (at the. rate of one-twentieth per l2c., 1234¢., 13c. and 14c. Prints, all new goods, for 100. 3 Hn go Had ah : * "weasonable price do ; , Ao kin any. person present year, principal and interest, so that $1.25 White Bedspreads for ..................... . 75¢C.. B® le he vou buy 25c. package Rolled Oats for.............c0uuee.. 200. Corn Flakes 3 packages for..........oo.0,uvunnn... 25¢C. £666664666668686¢ | guaranteed bonds will be paid, to- \ V] lal Le PL gether with the interest thereon, 15¢C. Salmon at...... seeecersasetiiiiaiiees.. 2 for 25c 18 LOCAL NEWS 3. They will employ at least Large size roc. Lamp Glasses. .......... ave 6 for 25c. nabs Ean MIL 8 £ forty mechanics, otherwise the town Cooking Figs 61bs. for .... ...... Teteriiaiiianes 25C, Sosdidt dd die bid dada may" 'at any time foreclose the Trt = 'or local news, see supplement: | mortgage. In order that the foun. ' We also have some three or four 3 1 Cas dry may be J ing basis, A orities, Midden, Uxbridge, and|in cre wil have to Le aboot om hundred dollars worth of Miss Chapman, - Teeswater, spent, men employed. ) Sunday with Miss Willard, As the present general manager Sa SiS ee 8 Hardware and Patent Medicines i ti th etl] ee sy. +. ¥ ¥ . - th 0G. W, il be president of the ~All to be sold at reduction prices for success of the. concern will be will have. a dh i i RAT RETR the So AS : Canadian Compay, and 'as his A go Aad t week | brother, Mr. Lloyd H. Weber, will] B88 | the next ro days at va gp = The Canadian company 2 a » Ce the use of all the: Weber| #2 Ie NFeo AN hu KR J BE IPRVIRY V1 SRV] p a mp { So = es SVJ ok So ft Inf meek be superintendent, the mechanical of the name "Weber," [8 a ---- -- is is] are of such? value that the British law that every other votef can see i ¢| Admiralty have decided to equip he . er | their new battleship with thers r he Saventage that ane factory will hod remarkable How popular thef =" "€ OWIL i engines haye become, © |three 2. four | What have the town todo in this| "ork 28 & two-thir tter? VOTZ FOR TI : i BY- BY: