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Port Perry Star, 17 Jun 1908, p. 2

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i TRUER IN RAL Serious Stabbing Affray at Reynold's Con-|¥, struction Camp at Iroquois Falls. A despatch from Haileybury, Ont., says: Word has reached here of a seri- ous slabbing affray at Reynolds' con- struction camp at Iroquois Falls, about 120 miles north of here, on Saturday night. As a result Fritz Young, a boat~ man of Stanhope, Quebee, is dead of his wounds, and Thomas S. Wright, a foreman in the employ of the Reynolds Co., is under arr.st, char, with mur- der. Two other men from the camp, Michael Morris and James. Quinn, dre also under arrest, charged with aiding and abelling Wright in the murder of Young. The three priconers are now awailing trial, and are confined in the jai! at New Liskeard. . The affair is said to have started with Bome words between Young and Wright ihe former having left two boats p ver instead of bringing them down to the camp again With him, Wright is said t@ have come out of the tent to where the other two men. Quinn and Morris, were silting and mbm CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETIES. Persanal Probation System Will be the Next Step. . 'There has Leen some excellent work done by the Children's Aid Soclelies of Ontario during the past year, and. the entire Province is rapidly being covered by a network ef organizations aiming at the betterment of child life. In 1906 there were 59 soc ties, while during 1907 the numter advanced to 67 wilh many smaller cocleties and commitlees doing occasional work. The interest and en- thusiasm of the various officers, and the loyal co-operation of hundreds of the directors and members, has an onerous and cxacling position most pleasant and inspiring. In Ottawa the Society has taken up probation work and success- fully demonstrated its possibilities, bringing such kindly individual influ- ence lo bear on each delinquent child as ffectually save about nincty-cight per cent. Other soc®lies are following and the general iniroduction of this personal probalion system will be (he next great advance step. n addition tc the Secretary and agent there arc two well-known ladles employed as proba- tion agents, and there are weekly mect- ings of the probation committee at which each child's case is carefully cons dered and volunleer workers give valuable as- sistance by sludying the home, and be- coming personally acquainted with the hoy and fam'ly. The Chldren's Ad So- ceties make a study of truancy, play- grounds, prcbation, housing cond 4 ons, slreet lile of children, attendance «f ycung children at thealres, and other problems closely affecting the child-life of the community. The execulive work should not re dlelegated to one paid of- ficial who in a large cily cannot possibly cover one-quarter of the work pressing for atlention.--J. J. Kelso. -- fe HUNGRY SCHOOL CHILDREN. Terrible Destitution in New York's Lower East Side. A despalch from New York says: The reports thal hundreds of pupils in the public schools of the city are suffefing from lack of proper nourishment as a result of so many rersons in the poorer seclions of the city being out of employ- ment were given official consideration by. the Association for the Improving ol the Condition of the Poor on Wed- nesday. To every school Principal in Greater New York the association sent lellers. requesting them to immediately notify the association of cases of Jesti- tution. As a result it is expected that rel ef will be sent to hundreds of homes within the next few days. The asso- cation is being assisted in {his work by the Uni'ed Hebrew Charities Society, More than five hundred children of the school districts on the lower East Side are in need of food; according to a re- port made on Wednesday by District Buperintendent Jul'a Richman. In many cass it has been found that children go without food on an average of lwo days a week. Many of these children have "fainted in school from lack of nourish- ment, This is what bas led to the dis- ecvery of the deplorable poverty. -- --n TWENTY WERE DROWNED, +A Cloudburst in Mexico Does Very Great Damage. s Mexico City, June &.--Word has just WAY CAMP n told them he vould knife Young wilh a new knife he purchased that day. The men urged Wright him with his fists insiead, and they all Ris, In which they al took pur, en fight, in which { , €n- sved, A cook, a Frenchman named Brisson, was .in the tent and managed to separate the men, but when he went to lifl Young to put him out of the tent he found that the man was bleeding profusely from a knife wound in the stomach. i bo token to M Young begged en c- Douglas Chutes, where he could be at- tended to by a doctor, so the men wrap- ped him up in a blanket and started in a heavy reinstorm in a boat for the Chutes at about 9 o'clock on Saturday nig™t. About five miles up the river they decided to camp for the might: Young was in too serious a condition to be moved, so they left him in the boat. When they returned next morn- ing they found the man was dead. re ------------------ A. J. PATTISON & CO. REPORT. ~~ June 3rd, 1908. COBALT ORE SHIPMENTS.' Following are the weekly shipments from Cobalt camp 1 to date: - Week end May 30. Since Jen. 1, Ore in Ibs. Ore in Ms. 610,810 505,580 246,455 40,000 Coniagas ... Cobalt Lake Crown Reserve Cobalt Central City of Cobalt Nova Scotia . Nancy Helen O'Brien Rght of Way .. ... ...cee Provincial Standard .... .. ... .. Silver Leaf .... .. .. .. S:lver Clift Silver Queen Towns'le Temiskaming & H.B. .. Tem!skaming Trethowey .... Walks The total shipments for the week were 919,020 pounds, or 459 tons. The total shipments from Jan. 1 to date are 14.- 125.248 pounds, or 7064 tons. The total shipmen!s for the year 1907 were 28.- 084,010 pounds, or 14,040 tons, valued al $6,000,000. In 1904 the camp pro- auced 158 tons, valued at $130,217; in 1905, 2144 tons, valued at $1.473.196; ir 1906, 5129 tons, valued at $3,900,000. -- ------ BRIDE WAITED, GROOM CAME NOT. Cut IHis Throat Exactly at the Wedding Hour, A despatch from Winnipeg says: Al- | exander Scolt, a young foreman of the Winnipeg Paint and Glass~ Company, committed suicide in his room on" Wed- nesday night by euiting his throat. Scolt was to have been married to an estimable young lady in this city, and the wedding was to have taken place al eight o'clock Wedneslay evening. The guesls had assembled at the house of the-bride, but as Scot did not put in an appearance al "the "appointed "hour; the bride's brother and one of the guests Hea for it loigin house to learn Ww was keepin, 'degroom. They 'found Soot Tying on the bed. dead. He had done thie deed ut the éxact héur the wedding wés 10 have taken place, The only motive that can be suggested is Suancial straits and mental derange- men . - re Ml et sens. A CHARIVARI SHOOTING. Farmer Fires a Shotgun Into Unwelcome Visitors, br A despalch from Peterborough says: report has reached the city , and those Irom Jan. he to 10%c; breakfast bacon, 14¢ fo 15c; to | green meats. out of pickle, 1c: less than | 900,000 Lkilled abatloir-dressed hogs, $9:25 to Toronto, Juné 9,~ Manitoba Wieat-- No.1 northern, . 2 red, 90c outside; No. 2 mixed, Corn--No.-3 yellow; nominal at 81¢ to 82¢, Toronto freight, but no business do- ing. Price too hi, : Flour -- Man palents, 'special brands, $6; seconds, $5.40; strong bak- ers', $5.30; winter wheat patents, dull al $3.45. ioe ¥ Barley--No. 2, 57¢c outside. Péas--No. 2, 92¢ to 93¢, of Rye--No. 2 scarce and wanted, 88¢c. Buckwheat--No. 2, 64¥c to 65¢. Oats--No. 2 white, 47c to 48c olitside; No. 2 mixed, 45¢ to 46c oulside. Bran--$22 on track, Toronto, _ Shorts--$25 here. cern. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Wholesale quolations are>-- » Egges--New-laid, 17c lo 17Xc. Butler--It looks as if the bottom prices had been reached for the present, though the market is still weak. Creamery, prints .... do solids .... Honey--Strained sieady at 1lc fo 12¢ per pound for 60-pound pails, and 12 fo. 13c Jor 5 to 10-pound pails. Combs at $1.75 lo $2.50 per dozen. . Potatoes--Ontarios, 80c to 85¢; Dele- ware, 90c to 95c in car lots on track re. - Cheese--OQld, 13c for. large and for twins, in job lots here; new make, 13%c for large and 12c for twins. Beans--$1.90 to $2 for primes, and $2 to $2.10 for hand-picked. Baled Straw--$8 to $9 rer ton, Baled Hay--T¥molhy is quoted at $14 to $15 per ton in car lots on track here. PROVISIONS. Pork--Short cut, $21 to $21.50 per bar rel, m > . 817.50 to $18. Lard-- 1" erces, 11)4¢; Lubs, 11%c; pails, 12¢. Smoked and Dry Salted Meals--Long clear bacon, 103c, tons and cases; hams, medium and light, 12¢ fo 133%c; hams, large,~11}c to 12c; backs, 16¢ to 16}c; shoulders, 9%c to 10c; rolls, 10¢ smoked. MONTREAL MARKETS, Montreal, June 9.--Flour--Manitoba spring patents, $6.10 0 $6.20; second patents, 85.50 to $5.70; winter wheal pat- enls, 85.25 to $5.75; straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.50; in bags, $2 lo 82.15; ex- ira, $1.50 to 81.75. . Rolled Oats--$2.75 to $2.90 per bag of 9) pounds, . Oats--No. 2, 52 to 53c; No. 8, 9c to 50c; No. 4, 48c to 48)c; rejected, 463c lo 47c; Manitoba rejected, 48¢c lo 48%c. Cornmeal--81.75 to $1.85 per bag. Millleed--Onlario bran in bags, $21 to $22; shorts, $23 to $24; Manitoba bran in bags, $23; shorts, $24 to $25. Provisions--Barrels short cut mess, $22.50; hall barrels, "$11.50; clear fat backs, $28; dry salt_long clear backs, 11c; barrels plate beef, $15.50; half bar reis do., 89; compound orgs 8%c to 9)¢c; pure lard, 123c to dsc; kettle-rens dered, 13¢ to 133%c; hamd] 12%c to lic, according lo size; breakfast bacon, 14¢) clined the to 152; Windsor bacon, 15¢ to 16c; fresh- $0.50; live, $6.75, Buiter--The local butter market is easy, with finest crésmery quoted at 220 on round lots and 22Xe to grocers, Checse--Local. receipts to-day were 5] boiler 636 packages, compared with 2,021 for {he corresponding.day of last year. Eggs---=Seleeled, 18¢c;- No: 1, 16%c W 17¢c, and No. 2, 14c per dozen. UNITED STATES MARKETS, er; No. , OC 81ALy, Winter steady; No. 2 red, 99¢. Stronger; No. 2. white, 80c; No. 2 yel Tow, No: X Soe; No. & white, 58 to 563c; Hlixed, 52. Barley--58 to 65c. Wheat, 5¢ fo New-York, Minneapol's, Minn., June 9.-- Wheat No. 2 Rye-- oa. 1 hard, SLI to 81.12%; No. 1/07 Ih "Regina erm Provmeial san The boun but em A about $200 by means of Regina will have a new fire hall , Dewdney strech i Ry a olesale Civic salaries in. Lethbridge for May}af. | totalled $8,000. PE a DO Mr, William Cherry's. was day. Mr. Abrahfm Snyder was run a roller ncar Brampton and killsd. Satwnday, Nicol Bros. sawmill 'and of lumber were burned at Own Sound | on Friday. "a ; al The Montreal cotton-operal ves 19 qicded 10 ac.ept the terms oft rel and 3 pp SAG IG Gg ly Germans ane organizing for t Ad this ye is to be' renewed. wed Tox Tiva years ; A ia Hamilton wa sind od oi 4 : 2 Sr We ry's four-year-old son drowned at Palmerston, on £ on 200,000 feet go back to work. . : John Andérs>n was sent>hoed at Ren: frew, on Salurday, to 8x years fn peni- ten'iary for bigamy. - Ernest Flagler, who "escaped from Belleville jail in 1905, was Torcn!o on Friday. ' For the first building arrested in. five months of the "year fling ot of $3.616,895, The tolal rainfall for May was in Toranto in_fourteen 4.36 inches, the greats! inf years. i There is a movement ¢n fool to-inter- es! the Canadians in contributing towards Brilish Navy. Dougall McNef}l, C. P. R..section fore- man is a , was found dead at Winnipeg. case of suicide. 92 { Ho =e ts in Taronl showed a} {vas bariqueled. by the Canada Club in "Buffalo, Jurié' 9.--Wheat=-Spring Highs | 00° fa ra es TT 2 mixed, 40 1 on track. Canal freightes.|> Shorey Hayden, a contractor ot Co- balt, had his head blown off by {he pre- mature explosion of a blast. Plans _for the new $100,000 Collegiate Institute in Regina, lhe first in Sas kat:hewan, have been accep'ed. The Dominion revenue for the last fiscal year was over $96,000,000. The surplus for the. year will exceed $19, There is a complaint from Carlyle, Sask., that seed gra'n sent there by the Gevernment Comm sioner has failed W| tained, rminate. - Fitods al Macleod; Alberta, carred away a house belonging{o Han, Peter Mclaren, and the Packing Companys factory is in 'danger. ; Justice Mathers of Winnireg finel the Plumbers' Union two thor dollérs in the- action brought by the employers, and "issued a perpetual injunction against picketing. : It is rumored at Niagara Falls that the. C. N. R. will secure an entrance to Unil-' ec Slates territory over the Niagara River. using the Electric Development Company's holdings for thé purpose. GREAT BRITAIN, Eight inches of snow fell in Bulle, Mont., on Friday. "Prince Arthur of Connaught is réported betrothed to the daughter of an English Duke: £ "Bishop Breni.ofthe Philippines has Je- ined | appointment to the See of + 'Washington, - The Earl of Crewe, Colanjal London, on Thursday, Four men were killed and six probab- ly fatally injured by tho bursling of.a oiler tube on the U. 8. cruiser Ten- nessee, on Friday. ---- eer m-year-0ld. boy at Pilisburg was 4 en-year-o! itisbu by. & baseball a killed, = ©. ah Joon "to hat hE 'has 3 2% New York plece of coral weighing ne Steel Trust is negofialing Tor a 000 der ior Bee rails or ihe 1d Killed During a Terrific -A -despaich - from Lcndan, England, says: London' was visit-d on Thursday by one of the severest: thuride:storms thal can te' about four hours tke '1ghtnng mever | orased its flash ng, Fut London, which 33 nearly always peculiarly lucky in this respech, escaped. fhe. iorrential rains which flcodel the Thames valley and the hail which caused 85 much havoc n the neighborhood of Epring.: Stencs es large as b'g nuts gmished th: w.nd ws of gicenhousas and ruincd plants. Thee was hardly a hoe or 'shop which did nol have two or thrice windows smish- ed. The: railway embankment at Grn- den, Staffordshire, was demol'shid, Tue railway s'ation at Rosley, elso 'n Stal fordshire, wes struck by lightning and burned down. 'The fire brigade <f Tun- bridge was kept busy owing %o-the num- § * barat housas being set on firs by light: ning, The railway bridge on the Cam- brian Railway was washed away, a brewery al Margate wos plit in twe and about a sry of feetory smokestacks were thrown down, An cn'ire f} ck of shecp and lambs was reported k led in Derbysh're. In several paris 4f the Mid- lands people were killed, but t-e com- plete death roll has not yet been escere { --e TRAGEDY AT POWDER MILLS. Explosion "Naar + Montreal Kills Two : Workmen. |. ~~ A despalch from Moplreéa) says: A sec- oml. explosion w.thnrsix months, at the works of the Slandard-Explos ve Com- pany, al lle Perrolt, ncar Montreal, oc- curred about 9 o'clock Saturday morn- ingfl and as a result two workmen: Jost their lives. The victime. were both em- ployed 'in the black powd:r mill, where the explosion occurred. The dead are: Bafisle Ropierre; Vaudreuil; and A. 'Sag- in, of lle Perrott. Both wire middle men, and were /marrial, The ilding in which the explosion occur- and ithe walls shatter- .. Forlunalely, it 'was ¢imple'ely ior lated from ihe other buidd'ngs of ihe' plant. "The two. victims were-'he only men al work in the vicinity. Tre oiicr. buildings of. the plant contained. hum-}. of "The Ro: shock of the explosion was us. It shatlered Yadaws im farm houses all over the is- insurance. The in- W Loy: + Con- "200,~ > nembered in the cily. For | ¢ A despatch from S Ivertom, Colo, Twenly-lhr.e mn are niissNg and | in. the Gold K° at al 1t was discovered thal three fers A ow and a party of th riy-four went info. the mnie to find tham. missing men were supposcd- lo be om tre fifth level, and = when ih rescue: partly reached the fourth 1 wl ihey with bad air and gas, Fourleen <1 ih managed to reach the surface again; but twenly were overcome. 'Two specal 'reins with three hundred men accom- 1anied by doctors and nu.s s were sen "0 the mine from Silverton®and a ond rescue parly hes entesed the mine, --gee EDX # MURDERER SENT FOR TRIAL. '+ James Farish Creighton is Arraigned at © Owen Sound. . A despatch from Owen Sound Says: Fcrmal Sou ot somes. virial Creighton self-confessd munderer" ST ils and his stop-daughters, Kas therine and -- Claire: Chapman, on the: mornng following = Victoria Day, took. place on Saturday af'ernoon, and fol lowed the evidence of th> wiinesses, Dr... Harry D.-Cowper, who made tha mortem; Geo, A, Wri Alex : Gilliland and. Wm, Heighes, who we first in the Jowe and heard he mani confession; Dr, Hershey, ) cal ea in the night previoas a' Tie mt ' and David Christie, from whom th »pr: oner secured the revolver. Fhe pris aner was strongly" guarded "and evicyl dently felt his position keenly, 2 . i 3 SPRANG TO DEATH IN RIVER. Galt Woman Commits Sulchlé 'From. .C. P:R. Bridge. = A despalch from Galt says: Mrs. Sa'ems: Armstrohg, 'a - widow aged about' 48 years, eldest daughter of Thomas Pat 3-xac8, oe mor and _ oer - OWR © , commitied sui Salurday moern'ng about 10.30 by ing from the CanadionPacific R of eep. Deceased was not'céd strangely 'ii the yicinily of and shortly afterwards walke alely out on the bridge and jumped y body was recovercd on Sunday.

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