what happens. swal- eal. Xou mach with {ablets a syrups fo di: it your food: for you--if you don't care you ruin your system alto- ¢ SYourcan do all these' things call it. "curing your inWiges: voligh-10 do - their. natural "a healthy and IOUS way. Williams' Pink Pills. . why: Dr tars actually -muke | ew blood. Here is thé y kind of food offen turned my ! ach and I would arise from the fable without eating. = Doctors advised different 'medicines which I took with ut benefit." - Finally 1 became 80. run own that I h to quit work. For "two mionths I tried to build myself 'with the aid of doctors, but as time t on and 'my condition did not im- 'prove [ became much discouraged. Then ® friend told me he thoughi-Dr, Wil py ken twelve boxes, sand now my stomach is strong, and | «Bm ready for a good meal three times a Say. and life now really seems worth ing." : sr - . 2 It is because 'Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills make. new, red blood that they cure "fuch common ailments as anaem'a, with i: lls headaches and backaches, rheu- matism, -neuralgia; St, Vitus" dance, par i | paralysis and the 'secret ailments rf which women and young girls suf- fer so. much, You can get the pills from medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a Pox or six boxes.for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Ca., Brock: be Nee OLD-FASHIONED KIND. Old fashioned man! Simple his plan, Plain at a glance, Pays whal he owes; " Nothing he knows Of high finance, To pul away - ~Somlhing each day +~ ~--1Ig his design. . - Not 'very slick; Getting rich quick Not in his line. Old fashioned man! 'Head of a clan, Happy his life. 7 Kids all about, Rosy 'and 'slout, i.» And 'Just one wile! : SLL ie as ~~ OHILDHOOD DANGERS. symptom (hat indicates any of the ts of childhood should be. allowed pass: without prompt attention, The He ailment may. soon bécome aseri- 'and perhaps a little life pass- . JI:Baky's Own Tablels are kept dn fhe house minor troubles can: be ton... With _such_ perso the Or ah from UD a lt Eo is TL it i ged % gic Pill --Dyspepsia is a foe with gall apparances vanquished™in one, it es fly 3p eas her die 'tion. In many gestive apparatus is as delicate" as-the mechanism of a 'watch or' scientific instrument in which even a breath-of air will make a. varia- ns. 'al causes and' cause these Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are re- commended as 'mild and sure, ----e VALUE OF HUMUS. . 1.'Humus is decaying vegclable mat- ter'in th soll, + 2. It 15 the storehouse of nitrogen, the mast expensive and the most necessary of all plant foods, . 3. It conlains the food upon which the 80il organisms live, whose function is to. convert organic' nitrogen info nitrates in order. to"be available for the usa of plants." It materially assists in- decom- posing the mineral constituents of the sail, such as potash and phosphoric acid, making them available for the use of plants. LL ' 4. It increases the power of the soil to hold water - without becoming "waler- logged. "+ 5. It makes clay soil more open and and increase ils drouth-resisting power. 6. 1t prevenis washing to a great ex- tent; thereby diminishing the 10ss of fer- tility by that cause, 7. Soil filled with humus more readily admits the air so necessary to all useful plant growth. 8. There appears to be a distinct re- lationship between theiamount of humus i} he soil and the amount of ava#able nifrogen therein. It has been observed that when it is absent from the soil, there is a distinct reduction of the. ability of that soil fo grew crops. Hence in prac. fice in order to obtain the best crops we havgyto resort to barnyard manure rather thar! the use of concentrated fertilizers. \ HLS "UANDRUFF IS 2 nd forerunner of baldness. EVERY onlin $HOUTD "wish ixn HEAD REK with 7 Sutherland Sister's air Scalp Cleves, It kills the dandruff beaut and Mrargihien the hair, bi p soc. or postpaid from Seven Sutherland Sisters Sample sent for 10¢, 179 King St, W., Toronto LYNCH LAW IN CHINA. The Chinese do nol hang criminals, even when th mob lakes revenge. In the remote mountan districts the people burn thé robbers. The passes are watched, after a robbery, all strangers of suspiclous charc'ers" cre-arresled, and, when sat'sfio | that {hey man, they gel dry wood, kerosene, and jblen burn him alive. The yel'ow beans aus: the bones do" incinerate. The viel mr seldony cries out more than threo nw | #mos, and tha bystanders have a holi- ab- have found (hem in every way | tary. L always feel safe when 1 nd, ; 2 day. A Chinese military offical once robbers fo him in drder lo torlure him ani gel lhe names of his confcderates; 'but the people declined, saying that burning was beller than decapitation. 1 Three were burned one morning; and the same night another robbery, close | fish? | by. was committed. : PAGO. ; when. applied as directed, eR A i To nt Eien ally frappiing D disorders Xo the most i] much suffering, *'o friable. "It "serves to compact sandy soil | - have their | pr "Photos. yellow oil b2ans, chan the culprif, and » asked: the people lo releass one of three |- oney paid will be refunded where] Bd by 3G cents. or dries out. It reaches you fresh and with all the nutri- "ment retained. Libby's Peerless Dried ~Beel is only one of 8 Great to. serve, pure food products that are prepared in Libby's § Great White Kitchen. Just try a package of any of these, such as Ox Tongus, Vienna Sausage, Pickles, Olives, etc., and see how - delightfully dif- ferent they are from 'others you haveeaten. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago NO SCOOP ON A.A, "Millie," said the young man, as he slipped the. engagement ring on her fger, have you told your mother about this?" "0, you innocent!" exclaimed Miss Millie. "Why, Clarence, mamma knew it six months before you did. . he Ll * " THE NEW FOOD Have you tried a package of "THE NEW FOOD"? HI is made of the Choic- esl White Wheat, then steam-cocked and flaked. No kitchen can'produce a bet- ter made or cleaner article for human consumption. In order to introduce "THE NEW FOOD" a prize has been placed in every pack- age. Already THIRTY-SIX Blue Cards calling for LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, have been redeemed, and SEVENTY- FIVE Red Cards, Each one of these cards has been found in a package ol "NEW FOOD." The Red Cards give the finder the choice of the following artcles: 'Boys Nidkle Watch, "Our Pride" Gold Nb Fountain Pen. Bureau Cover, Duchess Paltern, Four Pieces. . ;Table Cover, One Yard Square, Da- mask. "Baby Ring. Solid Gold. Sideboard Covers, Two Yards Long, L nen, } Open Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Steriing Silver Top. ~ ' Cold Meat Fork, Silver-plated,Rogers' Best Make, 14k Gold-fitled, Place fof Nack Chains, Ladies' Back Comb, Toricise Shell, Sel With" Brilliant, . S'gnet Ring, 10k Gold, Place for [wa Initials, ~ . A new Jot of prizes have been placed in the packages. Lr YE Ask your grocer for a- al "THE NEW . ep ti SELFISHNESS: : why do you 'say that Brown is sel- "Because he always wanis the things that 1 want myself." ; _._ PANGO, Will _ afford instant" relist 'from pain ralgia, 'Headaches, 'Gout, Catarrhal Colds. Sample druggists or National Drug 'Go., Lomdon. == Sindy Ee i *ves, Ive i won't break when it is. $ thought of buying stock of the company whose walches I buy for 'my boys' use, and thus, through the 'dividends, getting the watches t- cally at a-lower cost; but whi would be - saving - something, still it pos'tion. What I want is a walch that 7 and 1"have given this subject thought. "It seemed lo me at first that maybe an ouler case or covering of some sort Inside, in which the walch could bs car- ried when worn, the inferior cushion- ing being designed to break the shock en the watth when it fell and so pre- serve the machinery from derangement. And I thought that this would do all Tight, and I think so still, but the trou- ble about it would be that a watch with: | such an outer. protection case around it wouldn't look lke the other fellers walches, and | am afraid that would bo a fatal objection; the boys wouldnt carry them; and so | have given up that idea, and what strikes me now os the | thing is ths: "You want a watch having ail areund the works, out of sight with'n_the-usual 'regular case, ds of springs, these springs to be sufficiently é'astic and yet suffic ently strong {0 serve as shock ab- sorbers, and so arranged that they would save |h: watch wherever and in wha'ever way you dr #. Thats what we want--a watch that shall look ovwardly like any other walch, but that won't break when you drop ft. "And don't you think you see some thing in this? Don't you know that there are mill'ons of fathers now even buying for ther boys from four to we.ve watches a year who would snap, fa'rly snap, at a chance to buy a walch that wou'dn't break when dropped? "I tell you that there's money--van leads of money--wait'ng for th» man that invents a boys' nonbreakable watch. All he'll haye to do will be fo put the wallch on the market and cart the money away." ------ A SPLENDID PRESCRIPTION. For Rheumatism, and all Kidney, Liver, Bladder and' Urinary Affections. An eminent physician informs us that he has used the following prescription in his practice for a number of years and found it very successful in the treatment of kidney, liver, bladder and all urinary affections, and is unsurpass- el for the cure of rheumatism, driving the uric acid entirely from the sys'em. He claims that a very few doses will relieve the most severe pains in the back arising from disordered kidneys and impure blood. The prescription is one ounce of sweet spirits of nilre, one ounce of com- pound vimosa and four ounces of syrup of rhubarhy taken in dessert-spoon'ul dcses in waler, after meals and at bed- time. These ingredients are harmless and inexpensive and can be obtained at any reliable drug store and mixed to- gether ab home. : ------3 RIGHT. Teacher--"If a vehicle with twa wheels is a bicycle, and one with three wheels a tricycle, what is one wilh one wheel?" Scholar--"A wheelbarrow." It is the Farmer's Friend.--The farm- cr will find in Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil a potent remedy for wounds or pains in the body or for affections of the respiratory organs and for house- hold ude generally. He will also find it a conven'ent friend in treat'ng injured harecs, catllegetc., or relieving hem when allacked by colds, coughs or any kindred ailments to which they are sub- ject. GREAT RELIEF. The other day, when Mr. Avery mar- ried Miss Small, a sub-editor headed the report of the ceremony "Avery-Small Wedding," but the compositor knew bet- t>r and set it up, "A very Small Wed- ding." Y OLD SORES, oh whi: r long after treatment with Freie has : Also, CURIOUS MARRIAGE CUSTOMS. Among the Indian Gonds a bride is carried 'on hér brother-in-law's back to the house of ber friends, and is made to weep with each of them, while they givé her small presents of money. When the ceremony is about to be performed at the bridegroom's house the bride hides in Saginer house, and calls""Cool" and ths groom's bro'her-in-law searches for her. As she enters the bridegroom's house 1wo, spears are plan'- ed" belore the door to make an arch. and the bridegroom pushes her through the ge hanging back. On tha day af- te wedding the bride and bride- groom:.throw mud at each other for ind sport. Among the Marars, all the wo- | men. of the bridegroom's parly are shut up ina house with ihe bride's sister's husband. They 21 £ét upon him, and beat him; so ¢ be is usually glad to ; | escape as soon as possible, SAFE MEASURE. y comijortably, I see, but are RL "Yes; but don't would be only a sort of makeshift pro- | would do, a case cushioned all 'around | t (to married son}--*You're |. "HEADACHE, WEAKNESS, 4] Suffered With for Years---Pe-ru-na Cured x Miss Albina Chauvin, No. 30 Rue Agnes, St. Henri, Montreal, Oan., Fr el dE th pe is rl fa fn pn lim npn nl aid HEART "TROUBLE" writes #1 consider Peruna better than any other remedy; as it cured me when nothing elsecould. I suffered for and years with heart trouble," headache and weakness, I never expected to find anything to eure me, I 83Ww one day, in "La Presse," that Poruna was excellent and I tried it. One bottle produced a change in me and if the price had been $100 a bottle I would have paid it gladly, I have taken six bottles and am 'cured. Please accept my thanks and best wishes for your Peruna." Thanks and Best Wishes For Your PE-RU-NA." Many cases of heart trotble are caused by reflex disturbances. Derangements of the stomach and liver produce symptoms of heart trouble. Catarrh of the stomach is a very fre- quent cause of sympathetic heart dis- ease. Palpitation, shortness of breath and bloating after meals are the most prom- inent symp ioe, Manufactured by Peruna Drug Manufac Such a condition of the stomach {s also liable to produce headaches of the worst sort. Medicines that palliate the symptoms will never lead to a cure. It is the effect which Peruna hasupon the stomach, healing the mucous mom- branes and restoring the natural func- tion of the stomach, that causes Peruns to bring such prompt relief, turing Company, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. DELAYED. She (in evening costume)--*"Is not my dress becoming, dear?" He--"Well, it may be coming, bul is not some of it rather lale?"' PANGO. Is Highly recommended as affording in- slant relief from pain--Neuralgia, Head- ache, Gout, Rheumatism, Catarrhal Colds. Sample, 50 cents. All druggists cr Lyman Bros. & Co., wholesale drug- gists, Toronto. POOR PASTURE. Student--""Something is preying onemy mind." "Professor--"1t must be very hungry." The superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the.children. Purchase a bottle and give it a trial, HER DREAM. Lady (engaging cook--"Why did you leave your last place?" =~ Bridget Maloney--""Whoi, mum, the mistress said she cudnt do wihout me, 89 Oi came to the conclusion that Oi was worth more than she was givin' me, and lift at wanst!" In Abyssinia, the house and its con- tents belong to the wife. Miss Wilhelmina McCharles of Pow- assan, Ont, write: Zam-Buk a healing My father had it very bad bo Boca to uy Zam Bk. it for Ringworm which I could a ib eted Zam Buk. removed the ina very shorttime. 's were 4 contin much fared He oi is now all I hold Zam. Buk in high esteem ss $Vesiing bale." bl | are making $5.00 a day. Particulars. Geo. T. Cole, Owen Souud, Ontark o Wilson's FLY Three hundred times bet ter than sticky paper. NO DEAD FLIES LYING ABOUT Sold by all Druggists and General Stores and by mail TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON, HAMILTON, ONT. AGENTS WANTED. A reliable man in eve eity and town in Canada with waterworks to se a patent article needed in every home, hotel io building. Sells at sight. Hustlers Write at once fo CARPET DYEING BRITISH AMERIOAN DYEING OQ. Bed rnb sd rt me iy WANTED. ible agent in every cily in represent A resp Canada to The Larder City Cold Mining Go., Limited For full particulars apply Henry R. Darrell, 8 Colborne St., Toronto. T - - PETERBOROUGH CANADA Come Def ano Chaspeat DN 1 EFOR] >i A. J. PATTISON & CO., "33 Scott St. TORONTO: Phone Main 1311 - INVESTMENT BONDE. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges ~ for cash or margin. | Cobalt orders. executed for cash. ' | CORRESPONDENCE INVITED,