RRR: ES 5 FER ually going into a de- dost all my strength; my appe- - poar; I was pale and suf- requent headaches; I was on, Ir Sa He Jeast exertion would me: breathless. 1 doctored ora a with little or no benefit, d in the. Waterloo Journal Oe 'condition, and by the time 1 had seven or eight boxes 1 was again best of health, and able to en- yself as well as any 'of my young SS tama write. ti it d by all medicine defilers or by al 50c. a box or six boxes for from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont. ft NEW SUIT TONIC. "Clothes Adt as Strong Mental Stimulant. few men can do themselves full 6 unless they are wetl dressed." is opinion was expressed by a well- 'gpecialist in nervous and mental good suit of clothes," he said, "acts 5 a splendid tonic upon most of us. 'mere fact of being smartly dress- a'strong mental stimulant, and the who is shabby and knows it, is D less eS pabie than his well-dressed the average man shabby or ill-fibt- es are a source of constant wor- hich frets away his energy and he keener edge off his wits, strongly condemn the practice ojdding lunatics in public asylums fitting clothes, for the mentally dy when recovering his-Qr her rea- cannot but be worried and upset at Ing to 'wear what "are very often {esque costumes. general impression is, 1 think, a e--that the man in a disgraceful ggy-kneed trousers and a shock- oat who can appear quite self-pos- d among a number of smartly-dress- ople is either a millionaire or a extraordinary brain power. "men can get along successfully without the moral support of smart -- LITTLE ONES : ~~ MAKE HOMES BRIGHT that are well sleep well, eat y well." A child that is not play 'attention, and in all 'mo medicine can equal-Baby's M rg Ques says! hd fird Baby's Sum, he most satisfactory medicin ever used for constipation, pe cep | Thornhome Ci, sent, when Cow emount to $42,110, The | profits last 'year were hs $1,100. A draft from the" "hackney stud at Carluke, was disposed of 17 animals brought $6,- Be Education Department of Kil 'marnock has. given a grant of $44,000 towards the new, technical school, hall : His eatimil, gob Stirling Bl sols are giving about $500 a year for three years lo a Lon- don ier who is printing a "guide" Tr Col. 'Sir- Robert Cranston, of Edin- burgh, has been appointed to command the Lo'hian Brigade under the new ter John Hanlon, Coat- >| ritorial scheme. The late - Mr, s | bridge, resided in the same house since the day of his marriage in 1850 ill his death at the age of 85. The Secretary of State has appointed Me."T. Douglas Dunn, M. A., Epglish master in Bellahouston Academy, In- suector of Schools in Bengal. Mr. James Coats, juni, Ferguske, House, Paisley, has presen'ed a library of over 200 volumes, with a bookcase, caps, efc., lo Westerkirk School. Mr, Neil Brown, house agent, who had been a well-known figure on Rothe- say Pier, Buteshire, for 'many years, died recenfly in his 72nd year, Mr. John Young, Gre.nkes, Cambus- lang, died from lockjaw recen'ly. Some time ago he received a kick from a horse and blood poisoning set in. The Alan line of steamships give no- tice of holiday tours during the summer to Canada, and back in three wecks, giving five days in Canada, Mr, Donald M'Coll, jun., formerly of Glasgow "Tramways Department, has teen appoinicd general manager of the Shanghai Electric Tramways. Ardrew's fishermen are having nord times. There is scercely a fish 1D be got in the Bay. Since the New Year the takes have been very poor. General French inspected recently the Glasgow Boys' Brigade, when ten bal- talions of 148 companies -- a total strength of §,528--passed the saluting post. The Scottish birth-rate for 1907 is said tc bec the lowest ever recorded. The number of births was 128,739, being 3, 131 fewer than in the previous year, Mr. Rotert Wight, Ormisville, Muir- park, Dalkelth, died recently in his 85th year. He had for over half a century taken a prominent part in the affairs of the district. Sir Thomas Graham, Lieutenant-Gen- eral in 1810, the hero of St. Sebastian, afterwards Lord Lynedoch, and proprie- tor of Balgowsan, in Perthshire, began lifc as a Leith merchant. . "While the family at a farmhouse at Loans, near Carrickmacross, were at dinner, the roof fell in. One member of the family was killed. The others were saved owing to the cross-beam fulling obliquely across the place where they sat. On a recent Sunday Wm. Howait, beadle in the Parish Church of Inver- keithnie, called as usual for the min- ister's books to take thém to the church, A few minutes afler the had left with f them Be was found dead at the manse gate. At Glasgow -Cenliral station of the Caledonian Railway there is a new in- stallation of railway signalling on the electro-pneumatic principle. It is the first of the kind in Scotland, and the inlerlocking frame is"one of the largsst in the country, there being 340 levers in operation, SENTENCE SERMONS. "You can be faithful without. being | ion ty. The, best. way to. work for a raise is l- raise your work. Preparation is the best prayer for suc- cess in any undertaking. He has no_prineipal in heaven who has no interest in humanity, When a man knows he is a martyr "| yeu may know that he is nol, The man who always is figuring for t himself 'culs a poor figure at last, The best kind of a memory is the one 'specimen 'of his class tler ally meets, "and when-he | for something lo eat at} i: Temelnbers, the best Sunes, ou never lighten the aidle at bath arid by are opportunities t or avenues for infection. Some fed Nak they ust be good be. | cause lle tastes so bad to them. Fos always. seems kind to 1, dyn chewing their ker | 10 the system whether enfeeb rooms' on the floor and latticed apartments above in. which his woman- kind lived. He told me, by the way, {hat his wife 18d never been downstairs or set foot outside the house, had never, in fact, moved beyond the confines of her second story prison for twenty-five Ars, T Metchants, tradesmen, officials like to invest their "savings in real property. I mel a young clerk in one of (he public offices in Cairo who had been educated at an -American mission school and twenty and of course married and a parent. He told me that he had saved enough out of his salary to have bought a'small estate in the Della. His wile and children and his mother-in-law and an uncle lived there and managed lhe farm, and he went down there himself during the long summer vacation when most of the Cairo offices go to sleep. Everybody indeed in an Egyptian tewn seems to héive an interest in the land. The Berberine servant who acts as chambermaid in your hole) is pro- bably the tenant of a tiny patch of earth, with a date palm and a mud hut, en which he labors during the summer and autumn, leaving his family to look after it when he comes down lo Cairo to gather the piasireés of the stranger in the cool season. And the trader who has made money wul often own an es- tate worth thousands of pounds, left in charge of a nazar or bailiff, whose ac- counts he will check from time lo time. Such a man, when he retires from busi- ness, may himself set up as country gentlemen, even as prosperous p- keepers do elsewhere, A man can have a good house and ex- hibit the outward signs of wealth with the certainty that his superfluity will not b2 squcezed out of him by the tax collectors or extorted from him as bribes Ly the relailers of the Pasha. It is no longer necossary lo conceal all evidence of means, live in ostentatious penuri- ousness and bury your money if you have any in a ho'e in the earth, fr -- Clergyman Creates a Sensation. Tells Ris Congregation There is a Cure for Drunkenn ess. It is generally admitted among med: medi- cil men, that drunkenness is a Some modify this by saying that it i is a sign of 'weak will power. Now, weak. ress is dangerously near diseass, the taste for liquor is a disease it is only necessary to find the proper cure, to be rid of the trouble. A well-known Methodist divine, inter- ested in the cause of temperance, made it his business to find out if any cure for drinking has been discovered. This is an extract from one of his sermons on Temperance. "I find that the use of Samaria Rem- ody for the cure of drunkenness is stead- ily increasing. Wives--who wish to win back their husbands--and mothers --who long to redeem their sons--are giving Samaria Remedy lo the way- ward ones, in tea and coffee, Those who have relatives or friends who feel that they need help to shake off the hold of the demon, rum, buy Samaria Rem- ody. In the alcoholic wards of the leading hospitals, Samaria Remédy is orde for those who express an ear- nest desire to stop drinking. It delig..s me to say that Samaria Remedy is do- ing 8 ga kX goed work and has my hearty - bl for saving so many fram, life-long lssipation and degrada- "Free Sample and pamphlet giving full particulars, festimonials and price are seni in plain sealed 'envélope., Corre- spondence sacredly confidential, En- slose stamp for reply. Address The Samaria Remedy Co., 26 Jordan Cham- vers, Jordan St., Toronto. items, ANCIENT HISTORY. "No, " replied the mother, sorrow ully, "my doughter didn'l pass at all, Maybe 'you 'won't believe it, sir, but them ex- aminers asked the poar-girl about things that happened years and years before she was born." = - 'A Purely Vegetable =Pill.--Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are compounded from roots, herhs and solid exiracls of known virtue in the treatment of liver and kidney complaints and in g tone by over- work or deranged Ihrougu excesses in 3 ~testimonia _ influence. They have qu : Le their condition, wi gentleman, He lived in a large, while: |/ a pl rs nk # ath Publ 'washed, untidy old house, with big, bare | _jsaid Ethel my, b "fan awful cold, and 1 "who were bald or whose hair was om Gen to wonderful resaits Brower Sos 106, Cleaner. BREE y re Wine oe. Westy Hials Grover soo and $1.00. DRUCCISTS, GROCERS ano CENERAL STORES 100. por packet, or 3 packets for 25c. will inst a whole season. i annoyed. Bul she hadn't been, not a mite, "I said to her, 'Miss Bugbee, I wish you cculd hear my daughter Sarah play some time. We all think she's improving.' "l just meant 1 hoped she'd drop in some time when there were folks here, and we were having music. But she Wok it that 1 meant 1 was sorry she couldn't hear. Did you ever? "Well, she up and remarked, very loft- ily indeed, 'I think she's improving, too, Mrs. Russell. I was going by this morn- ing, and I heard her playing way aut on the sidewalk, and she seemed to have real touch--real touch!'" --_---- i ---- ~ "THE NEW FOOD" Have you tried a package of "THE NEW FOOD"? It is made of the Choic- est While Wheat, then steam-cocked and flaked. No kitchen can produce a bet- ter made or cleaner article for human consumption. In order to introduce "THE NEW FOOD" a prize has been placed in every pack- age. Already THIRTY-SIX Blue Cards calling for LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, have been redeemed, and SEVENTY- FIVE Red Cards. Each one of these curds has been found in a package ol "NEW FOOD." The Red Cards give the finder the thoice of the following artcles: Boys' Nickle Walch. "Our Pride" Gold Nib Fountain Pen. Bureau Cover, Duchess Palkirn, Four Pieces, Table Cover, One Yard Square, Da mask. Baby Ring, Solid Gold. Sideboard Covers, Two Yards Long, Linen. Open Salt Cellars, Cut Glass, Sterling Silver Top. Cold Meat Fork, Silver-plated, Rogers Best Make. Neck Chains, 14k Gold-filled, Place fot Photos. Ladies' Back Comb, Tortoise Shell, Sel With Brilliants, S'gnel Ring, 10k Gold, Place for ['wa Initials, A new lot of prizes have been placed in the packages. Ask your grocer for a package of NEW FOOD." eee emistnent CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. Master of the house (finding one of his silver spoons on the steps after a receplion}--"Hm! It seems one of my guests has a hole in his pocket!" Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator because they know jt is a safe mediciné for their children and an effectual expeller of worms, NEEDED AT HOME. "I didn't notice you at the mothers' congress." "No," replied the woman addressed. "I'm not a theoretical mother, you know, 1 have six." Fever tig Surge 074s Ty fcs- In the sl and tedious recoveries f; rom. this and Ai other Ferrovim " is the beat tonic ber the name, " FRRROVIM.' STRIKING AN AVERAGE. The children were not allowed in the kitchen, but nobody had ever forbidden their sniffing outside the door to catch the delicious odors which could be ob- tuined by a close application of a small nese to a crack. "Why, Ethel," said Mrs. Harwood, who al. | discovered them in the entry just outside | the kitchen door one Saturday morning, "Why are' you twitching Tommy and slapping: him?" *'Cause he fsn't playing fair, mother," "He's had five- smells" and d four, and i's my turn." toa, playing fair," asserted Tom- his utterance smof! hered as he again applied his:nose fo the crack, "I've got can't smell half as Tve only "I am, "CENTREFUGALIZED MILK." Japanese English as It Is Prited Wn » Kobe -Newspaper. If you don't know what "centrefugaliz: ed' milk 1s go 0 Kobe, Japan, and there | sli at the feet of Talsero Hanamiya, "dealer in milks," and drink in wis- dom spiced with sweet phraseology. Here is an advertisement sent qui b, Mr, Hanamiya and copied in an Englis newspaper published in the Japanese por 1 have the honor to write a letter for you that we have now established the Japan milk Sanitary Laboratory and its branch or special milk delivering office, as which caused our dairy men are very peor to deliver an unsanitary or tuber- culosis and even bad cow's milk bac- teria and milk constituents before their delivering and even for their cow's ANTISEPTIC health, under and food, and in this branch or milk delivering office their pure milk is again fillered through pass the Bundo's method's apparatus till the ai~ bacteria is all out, and we oan de- liver their pure milk with the satisfac- tory proof, as the seal is on the bottle, now your drinking milk or city's milk is all about when danger comes, as ther milk is included many dirts and air bacteria, but you are very hard lo sco them well with your naked eyes, and il yau can often through pass the flan- land from $18 >o OROF, NO FAX! finasice is it not? Wild and improved farm to §18 an acre, near $8 ma od and in the " Bread Basket" of the atchewan." Saskatchewan Settlers Land's goney Wauchope, 8: OMENILLE OURTAINS and all kinds of house Hangings, also LAOR TURFAINS ove. sieanes 'Write to us about yours. BRITISH AMERICAN DYRING CO., Sex 158, Montroal ne! or cotton covered with linen or if it be centrefugalized which is very easy well to sec with naked eyes if always. I beg if yon are sanitary man cr baby and sick-man have, you must have the pure sanilary milk and take your health, If yqu can make me for order tb have the sanitary milk sooner as possible you should soon wri'e me without your servant or make your order for my de- Iiverng boy who can always ask you. Please make me your order with kind regards. --_-- A Medicine Chest in Itself.--Only the well-to-do can afford to possess a medi- cine chest, but Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, which is a medicine chest in itself teing a remedy for rheumatism, lum- Lago, sore throal, colds, coughs, ca- larrh, asthma and a potent healer for wounds. cults, bruises, sprains, etc., is within the reach of the poorest, owing 'o its cheapness, It should be in every house, KNEW BY EXPERIENCE. Mr. Bach--*] have my doub's about this idea that tho more you give away the more you have." Mr. Phamleigh--"No question at all about it. I gave away my daughter two mnths ago and now she's returned to me with her husband." Mirrors are a nuisance In the house of a man whose face is branded with eczema. His own reflection shames him. Let him annoint his skin with Weaver's Cerate and purify his blood with Weaver's Syrup* EASY. Agents wanted in every town. '* HIS MASTER'S VOIOR" VICTOR-BERLINER CRAMO PHONES All prices and styles from ¥ez 50 to $2.40. Write Dept, D for free caialogue. TORONTO GRAMOPHONE COMPANY 264 Yonge Street, Toronto. ( 8vccEssary_ 10 _Gvramye c canos co ~ X raza (B sei The Best and Chea, Canoes, Skjffs. Lavnches Etc. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OUR | PRICES BEFORE B! a Wig (yawning in the Law Courts' cor- ridor)--"I can always tell by the footsteps oulside my door whether a client or a dun is coming." Gown--"How?" Wig--"Easily. No clients ever come." They Never Knew Failure.--Careful observation of the effects of Parmelee's Vegelable Pills has shown thal they act immediately on the diseased organs of the systemn and stimulate them to heal- thy action. There may be cases in which the disease has been long seated and does not easily yield lo medicine, hut even in such cases these Pills have been known to bring relief when all other so-called remedies have failed. These assertions can be substantiated by many who have used the Pills, and Tedical men speak highly of their qua- itics. BELONG TO THE UNION. The Monkey--"I'm going to move to the city next week." The Ape--*"What are you going to do FREE EXCURSION To Keromeos, the Hub ib of the Smithameen Valley, In Southern British British Columbia --A Channoe to see Keotenay's Boundary and Okanagan Valleys The Smithameen is Canada's most favored spot, where Olive almond, peach, wine grapes nectarines, melon, sweet potato, tobacco an and sub-tropioals attain perfection in the open alr, without use of glass. and all northern fruits grow No light crop years. erfectly. Four crops clovera year. Corn ripens in July, strawberries, cherries, a rioots, June 1. Kar- liest fruit alstrict in Dominion. No mud, osquitoes or fruit pests. Dry air belt, the Jand of health and Sunshine, Just opened by building of Great Northern Railway. Close to coast and prairie markets. Open prairie lands, free of stumps, stone and brush, ready for plow. Lands low priced on easy terms. See the Simithameen, its the equal of the best parts of the world in first- hand openings for busimess, fruit growing, stock raising, mixed farming, mining, indus@sial openings, homemaklin, easure and place Not a count PB experiment or pioneer but one to retire fo-"tentod 40 years. Spend your vacation outin here where fish- ing, hunting and scenic beauty are par excel: ence among the lofty Cascades. We opera special low rate excursions twice a mont from eastern and western points. June 16, July 10 and 25. Address, BEAUTIFUL VALLBY LAND CO., 108 Colony B., Winnipeg, Man. when you get there?" or Keremeos, Phone 7878 The Monkey--*Act as cashier for an or- gan grinder." Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is compounded specially to combat dy- sentery, cholera morbus and all inflam- matory disorders that . change of food or water set up in (he stomach and in- testines. These complaints are more condmon in summer then in winter but they are not confined to the warm months, as undue laxness of the bowels may Geize a man al any time, Such a sufferer will find speedy relief in (his Cordial. TWO OF A KIND. "Fur hiven's saks, don't shoot, Casey! Ye forgot to load yer gum!" "Begorry, Oi must, Pat! won'l waitl" Th' burd For seen you far years. Corn Cure? corns by this remedy and I w.sh some more of it for my friends. Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. AT LAST. Hearty Party--"H-w are you? Haven't How's the wife?" Old Acquaimtance--"'Sh's all right." H. P.--"He! I brought you two to- gether, you remember." 0. A.--"Oh, ils you, is il, I owe a grudge to?" Wtere can 1 get some of Holloway s I was entirely cured of my So writes There's no hope for the man who de- clines to give himself a square deal. An ignorant person is one who doesn't know what you have just found out. Neuralgia, Headache, PANGO Rheumatism, Pain, Ete. LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronto and CLARKSO! N,. Toronto; 50 CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, - WHOLESALE NATIONAL DRUG CO., London. Toronto Montreal; LYMAN KNOX & A. J. PATTI 33 Scott 5t., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVESTMENT BONDS. - Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin, Cobalt. orders executed . for cash, CORRUSPONDENCE 1 INVITED, SON & CO.,