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Port Perry Star, 1 Jul 1908, p. 5

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Your friend will he married in June or possibly vou will be the happy one. In either case we have suitable jewelry for yi the occasion. The designs are very beautiful and' will not faii to please the wearer. When Lie jewel call: STRAYED - Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, north half lot no.1, ~con. 4 Mariposa on or about the 25th day of May; seven head of young cattle, One grey heifer 2yrs. old, one red steer 2yrs. old, 5 year- : ling heifers (3 gray and 2 red). ~ Any person giving information as to their where-abouts will be snit- ably rewarded. Ernest Ferguson, Sonya. or to J. Ferguson, Wick, Out. Court of Revision Take notice that the first sitting of the Court of Revision to revise the Assesment Roll of the village 'of Port Perry will be held on Monday July 6th. at 8 p.m, "cf which all persons interested are recuested to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. Wm. H. Harris, Clerk. 8 June 22nd. 1908. Port Perry Soeteate ofa ets dontentoedoiteeteloaoatats Summer Vests Look Cool and they are Cool -- What is more they can be washed. The buttons come off and you can put the vest into a wash tub without hurting it. We have a nice range in fancy patterns (not too flashy) "Fron $1.00 to $2.25 o po Mast are visitin relatives i in town. 5 { "| pes 'of Mrs, Hugh Jack. Willie Lucas, of Toronto Marie, of 'I'oronto, are . The organizalion meeting of a new bowling club will be held at} the STAR office on Thursday even: }ing July 2nd, at 8 pw. Mrs. Edwards and Miss Reata Edwards. Mr, and Mrs. Donald McKay bave been visiting at the home of H.- Carmichael. "Miss, wv. Clayton, B. A., com: "| mercial teacher. in -the Cobourg Collegiate Institute, is spending a few days with Miss McBride. The annual picuic heid by the members "of the Courtice family took place at Oshawa.ou-the-Lake. About fifty persons were present. Mr. A. G. Dowson will succeed Mr. Kilpatrick as agent for the celebrated light draft Deering Aricultural Implements = Office and residence on Cassimir St. Mr. Harold Vallentyne, of Derry- ville, a foriner pupil of Port Perry High School ,has been engaged to take Mr. Downey's - place a: principal of the Public School here. Mr. W. S. Campbell, Toronto, of the "Bulletin" is spending a few months in Port Perry resting. Mr. Campbell who is 85 years o age is one of the oldest insurance men in Canada. Decoration Day Sunday, Juna 28th, was observed as Decoration Day at Pine Grove Cemetery, Priace Albert. Ther must have been some two thousand persons present to witness the cere mony. The day was fine, hut : trifle too warm for comfort in the parade. The local lod2es headed by the Citizens' Band marchel t: Prince Albert and decorated the graves of fifty-three deceased brothers and sisters. At the ceme- tery the proceedings were opened with prayer by Rev. B. Greatrix after which 'the processsion unde: the direction of Mr. McKnight visited the graves to be decorated. The graves are well kept aud the cemetery is a credit to the compan and to the caretaker. 20000 a20e30000 edad Go ogeogeede Teele eee eo eee ele 300 " bos os , o*%s boo 2, jou "s' °, 2 Sos 2, * > te roe 2 e! ° Cate Jos eed 20 e%.4% 0840s Jos! *. boo! Poe®se%o% +2 Jealeadeedredy ofoel ° o! oi s! Toate! °, 20% boelesls: °, bo' 2, oul! (Pools oe * bo' XX $ fin the person of Rev, R: H. Leitch it. years pastor of Port Perry Metho- at' ** The Fair, Mrs. R McKinley aud daughter] Eva, of Manistee, Mich., are guests {of Mr, and Mrs. J. Abbott's. Dr. Hauser and Miss Umphrey, of the Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, were the guests of Mr. 'and Mrs Letcher last wee f Big value in graniteware '" The Fair." The Firemen have decided to hold their annual excursion on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 4th and sth days of August when they will go to Toronto and Falls, : Mr. Norman C. Noble, of Jamaica, B. W, Indies, preached an eloquent sermon last Sunday even ing at the Church of the Ascension to the Orangemen. The church was'crowded avd everyone pleased. The Anglicans are to be congratu- lated on having secured Mr. Noble's services for the summer months. No one expected to hear of the Cat el A bemuital Tine of eT 4 fchinn jost arrived jagara |B death of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Brock which occurred on Wednesday of last week, Mrs, | Sangster came to her ol l-home a' few weeks ago and became ill but, lier illness was not considered fata . Deseased lived in Port Perry all Re life until she married Mr. Sangs-' ter of Ottawa some eighteen months ago. She was a member of the Methodist church here and a work- er inthe Epworth Lea ue and the choir, We sincereley regret this loss to the bereaved family and to Mr. Sangster. 97 piece dinner sets $4.98 at '"The Fair." Two Weighed Over 21 Lbs. All the large fish are not goue out of Lake Scugog. The other day Messrs. Flint aud Orr captured two large maskinonge, the com- bined weight of which was 211 lbs. One weighed over 13 Ibs. and the other 8. These were really truly fish and were caught near Caesarea. The reason we are sure all the big fish are not yet caught is this--'* We caught some other big ones but they got away." Cheer up boys there are as good fish in Scugog as have yet been caught. Anyway you cannot tell until you go fishing. This story might have been made much more attractive by some artistic touches of the imagination, but as we wrote this on Monday and the day before bad Monday start to let our im- agination run away with us. Toilet sets fiom $1.29 up at '" The Fair." Mr. Wm. Gant Goes to Chatham. After serving the interests of Messrs. Flavelle & Clemes in Port Perry for two years, Mr. Wm. Grant has been promoted to a more impoftant position in Chatham. The Flavelle people have a coal and ice concern in that town and Mr. Grant go=s to take charge of Chatham has sone 12,000 population and is a live place that will grow. We seriously regret the loss of Mr. Grant as he is one of the men who is not merely a good business man but a good citizen, Anything in the public interest had Mr. Grant's support. Not a lazy assent, but a live work- ing support. He is a man with good up to-date ideas, and the necessary amount of energy to put them into execution. We know it will be harder for him to fail than to succeed, and it.would al- most seein unnecessary to wish him success. He is one of tlie kind of men that succeed anyway whether you wish it or not. The Presbyterian church will lose two good members in Mr. and Mrs. Grant. All we can hope is that 'Mr. Grant's successor' will be as good a man, but such men are rare Ladies' and children's underwear and hosiery at " T'he Fair," Rev. Mr. Greatrix Goes to Belloville ' Next Sunday the Methodists of this town will have a mew pastor of Belleville, who exchanges pulpits with Rev. B: Greatrix, for four dist church, Mr. Greatrix has the respect of all. classes iu town land has been' quite successful in his work here.' He i is am able man was Sunday, we feel it would be a |&& WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1908 READY 9 a.m. Ends of Dress Goods 38¢c. a yard Ends of Dress Goods containing Materials are Serge, Amazon and Fancy Tweed, colors are black, cream, green, cardinal and Everything in the dress from 114 to 7 yards. Cashmere, Lustre, Venetian, navy, brown, grey. goods department under regular from soc. to $1.25, See window Friday, per yd. Lace Valenceinnes tion to match, . .., 6 yards for Saturday Bargains 'Watch the Windows : Opportunity Lace and Inser- 10C. Voile, » 7 yards, 38c. broidery and Saturday per yard Embroidery Sale 4c. a yard 500 yards 2 to 3 inch Cotton Em- Insertion, © g 4c, Millinery Great clearing of Untrimmed SNaPES tq erie I5C. See window on Friday. Big lot Hand Towels 20c. a pr. 18 x 34 inch Huckaback Towels regular 25¢. a pair, Saturday special with fringed ends, of Fancy to be rushed out Saturday at cachovoviiiian o. Summer Collars for Ladies 15c. Wash Coll ars i5¢. seis vse 20c. At the Grocery Counter Pineapples..... Lemons.oveun... per lb. 25c, -- Presentations to Mr. Downey Two presentation were made to Mr. Downey recently. The first was by scholars and tcachers of the public school and consisted of a combined table and revolving book- case. It was a handsome and appropriate gift. The preseata- tion was made by Miss M. Hortop and Miss M. Mclean the former reading the following address ;-- To Mr. R. F. Downey, Principal Public School Port Perry Dear Sir--We, the teachers and pupils of the Port Perry School, hearing that you were about to remove from our school, avail ourselves of this opportunity of expressing our sorrow at your depart- ure from us and to voice our admiration of the many admirable qualities of mind and heart which you possess. During the six years you have been with us, we have had ample opportunity of observing your diligence, your high sense of duty, your devotion to your wark and your identification with every effort to promote the welfare of our community. We also have seen the youth of our town developing and exp nding under the in- flusnce of your cffort and example. -And now, sir, you have become worthy ofan enlarged sphere. You are to be transplanted from this Port Perry bed to a nobler soil close by the flowing waves of the Otonabee waters where you will put forth all your bloom and more abundant fruitage. In the days that are to come we will cherish" the hope that the entwining sentiments that have been around ycu will bring you occasionally to Scugog's shores; to keep alive the associations and fellowships of former days. Please accept this book case, and when you take your loved volumes from it, weave into your thoughts some remem- brance of Port Perry's classic heights. Signed on behalf of Teachers --. H. Bedford, E, V. Gamble 'H.R. Stewart, Pupils--Mildréd Hortop, G. Stewrrt, "B, Si Avge, C. Clark, G. Boe, M. "Short, V, arpeter, E. Cook. OTiéaday evening the members of the League, Bible class and other friends aroutid the church presented al r Downer witli a' Sectional book sceonip nied Py an address, : avery pretty Ba on i Welneaday afternoon; June 24th, hen her' "second daughter, 'martied 'to f West | . per doz. The Best Tea--blaek, green and mixed, JONES D Ladies' Raincoat: 2nd Floor The balance of our coats, worth up to $12.00, to go out Saturday at each. . Rain- 2.25 I.adies' wear Men's cach roc. Isc. UNK about forty relatives and friends by the Rev. J. D. Morrow, of St. Mark's Presbyterian church, took place in the drawing room which was profusely decorated with roses and carnations, The bride was given away by her mother while Mr. Graham, organist ot St. Mark's church, rendered Mendelshon's wedding march The bride was becomingly gowned in white silk mull and wore a coronet of lily of the valley and small fern leaves, slre also carried a shower boguet of bridal roses. Miss Marguerite Mec- Naught, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and was attired in point d'esprit over white silk and carried pink roses. Little Mar- guerite Jones acted as flower girl. The groom was attended bv his cousin, Mr. R. Wilson Chisholm. After partaking of a dainty dejeuner Mr. and Mrs. Chisholin left for their honeymoon to eastern points. The groom's gift to the bride was a sunburst of pearls, to the maid of howvor a gold signet ring and to the best man a pearl stick pin. Guests were present from Hamilton, Niagara Falls, N. Y., Port Perry, Oshawa and other places. The young couple were the recipients of many costly and beautiful presents showing the high esteem in which they are held by their friends. A few noticeable gifts were a solid silver tea set' and tray from the mail order depart- ment of the T', Eaton Co., a beauti- ful gold mantle clock from the firm, and a morris chair from the choir of St. Mark's church. Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm will be at home to their friends after July 20th at 116 Concord Ave. Pure Paris Green, the kind that kills, at E. B. Flint's 35c. per 1b. ' Umon Exenrsion. The Sons of England "Benefit Society. the Ancient Order of United Workmen and 34th Regi. mental Band of Whitby, will their annual excursion to. the City of Peterboro, Ont., on Tuesday, July 7th, 1908, per Grand Trunk Railway. Special . train leaves Port Perry at 9.15 am. tickets 85 cents, Children 45 cents. 'Same rates from Seagrave and Sony Manilla' Junction, Adults] ie sents, 'Children. 3%. ; come, ane ~~! Balbriggan Drawers, elastic rib, sizes 32 to 42, Saturday.... Adult} _cénts. : vial Men's Summer Under- 39c. garment Shirts cotton, and 39c¢. & CO over the wonderful Lift Lock, 25c. round trip.4 See large posters. Railway excursion good for two days. Coariice-Young Married at the parsonage, Thorn- bury on June 23rd, Mary Lmma, daughter of Rev. J. Young, and Fravicis E. Courtice, B. A. Sc., of Collingwood. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Jos. Young, father of the bride, assisted by Rev. Dr Courtice, of Toronto, brother of the groom. Miss A. B Courlice, of Toreunto, neice of the groom, and Mr. J. Young. of Boston, brother of the bride, acted as attendants. The wedding march was played by Mr. C. C. Jeffrey, Mrs. Cour- tice, re and Mrs. S. Jeflrey and Mr. C. C. Jeflrey of this place were present and witnessed the ceremony which was performed in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties, Mr. and Mrs. Courtice left in the afternoon train for a trip down the St. Lawrence and Saugeen rivers with the good wishes of all present, In a Breath There's Rest Breathe Hyomei and be cured of Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma Nature has a remedy for catarrh, epidemic colds and bronchitis that is far better than dosing the stomach with medicine and drugs. It is the healing oils and balsams of Hyomie which medicate the air you breathe, reaching the most re: mote air cells in the nose, throat and lungs, Killing all catarrhal germs and restoring health to the mucous membrane, " Hyomie acts like a chrative in- ternal air bath, and has the same healing-and antiseptic effects ag the air where the Pine and Eucalyptic forests give off their fragrant an healing balscms. Breathe healing Hyomei and gee how - quickly you will ge relief frrom catarrh and head colds. If it does nok help you there will not be a penpy's expeuse, aa E. B, Flint agree to refund the money. . The complete Hyomei out costs only $1 90, Lawn Mowers Sharpened

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