Canadian public, and. a decrease of in. Canada of $5,700,000 for the] h--nol an unusual condition for t 48 as probably going on a ridend hasis, has advanced to 37; and 'intimated, a dividend of 1 per cent. declared payable in July. materially reduce 84 by the complefion of the wah sys, coal being an expensive in that district. The net Saumgs Id show large increase within the sixly days. The American mar- 8; which have suffered a reaction ow- 10 the Presidential nominations, of- tiractive dividend investmenis 'n standard issues as Northern Paci reat Northern, Pennsylvania and aul, Industrials have advanced y, but still show large earnings ices q for standard corpara- 1 We doubt if the present condition {rade in United States warrants the , but certainly no more prom- Ig crop. conditions have existed for ny years than are now general ughout Canada and the United PEN 'Cobalt shares have advanced general "The' expected dividends on a num- of shipping mines have been rea- Crown Reserve 4 per cent., Te- aming 3 per cent and Cily of Co- 5 pr cent. are among the recent igrations from mines which have not -b ofore been regular dividend payers, "Il is stated on apparenily good au- ty that Trethewey will be placed on idend basis within the next month. nt earnings appear to warrant from cent. to 5 per cent. quarjerly. Re- from the mine show sufficient de- opment to warrant expectation of a inuation of dividends. McKinley- Dar, is also expected to declare quarter- ly: dividends, beginning in July. Recent Hudlations are: Crown Reserve 4%49x : i 44-46; City of Cobalt i Trelhewey 82-84, buyers 60 days, 90; Rinley-Dar. 76, 68. LaRose, the new merger, which was placed in Thiew York at $4.75, has sold up 10 $5.13. ipping Cobalt mines may be consid- Srey 8 fair speculalive investment. Wa Ahink that the other stocks should be lone for the time being until (he erlies have given 'evidence .of ---- ees ; IN DANGER. Ancient lady (about lo lecture 8 tramp Sood My man, were you ever Pp. (hurrying away) --"Wow! 1 this was leapyear." | Pleasant Medicine. There are some dens: have no other purpose evi y than to beget painful internal n distress which only women know. At ige of a woman's life Dr. Wil are her best {riend, be- o& "| cause they actually make the rich, red blood. which gives health and strength and lone to every organ of the body. They help a woman just when nature makes the grealesl .demand upon her blcod supply, Mrs. H. Gagnon, who for twenty years has been one of the best known. | Is' of St. Roches, Que., | says: --"Dr. Williams' Pink Pils have been 'a blessing to me. I was v-eak, worn out and scarcely able {0 drag my- cell about. I suffered from headaches and dizziness, my appetite was poor and to attempt housework left me utterly worn oud. I slept badly at night and whet sleep I got did not refresh me, For nearly thrée years | was in this condition and was constantly taking medicine, but found no benefit from it. One -of my neighbors who had used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with much benefit, advised me to fry them. 1 did so, and the 'whole story. is told in the words 'I am well again.' There are limes yet when 1 take the pills for they seem lo me a guarantee ageinst the troubles which so many women suffer," - Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pills do nat act on the bowels. They conlain just the elements that actually make new blood and strengthen the nerves. That's why they cure anaemia, indigestion, rheu- matism, lumbago, headaches, backaches heart palpitation and skin diseases lik pimples and eczema. That is why they are the--greatest help in the world for ing girls who need new blood and or women who are troubled with irre< gular heallh. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ------f---- FOR YOU AND ME. Other suns will shine as golden, Other skies be just as blue; Other south winds blow as softly, Genlly drinking up the dew; Other golden-rod and asters With the sun and skies agree; These for other men and women-- Just to-day for you and me. Other fruit of winey flavour Wanderers will pluck and eat; Others birds with winsome voices Other songs will sing as sweet. Q'er the dappled brook will midgets Dance 'an hour, then cease lo be; All the world may have to-marrow-- ' But to-day's for you and me, Other gardens will be planted Fair as this which we call ours; Other blooms succeed in shaming These benign, old-fashioned flowers. All the glories of the sunset In the sunrise one may see; That which others call the dawning Is the night for you and me. eee BRINGING IT TO A CLIMAX. "lI know what's passing in your mind," suddenly said the maiden as the habitually silent caller stared at her. "I know, too, why you are calling here night after night, appropriating my time to yourself and keeping other nice young men away. You want me to marry you, dont you?" "I--I do!' gasped the young man. "I thought so. Very well; T will," at sae "THE NEW FOOD" "Have you tried' a. package of "THE NEW FOOD"? : It_js made of the Chaic- acon | es While Wheat, then steam-cooked and 'won't say marriage is a failure," he in what they get than others" ¢d 'annoyingly. "Yon: i id. "You, for insta got only you." k br grily; "but some are more fortu-| & flaked. 'No kilchen can produce a bel- fer made or cleaner article for human consumption,. In order. to: introduce : "THE NEW FOOD" prize has: been placed in every pack- age. Already THIRTY-SIX Blue calling for LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, 'have ; ENTY- FIVE Red Cards, -- Each one. of these tirds has been found ina package of "NEW FOOD." "The Red. Cards. give the finder the cholce of the following: asticies: Boys' Nickle Watch, = = "Our. Pride" Gold Nib Fountain Pen, Bureau ner Dace PA, Fou ds| Some fest "rescues" were | made in the imitation gallery, Miners, V'| rying safely lamps, traversed the ¢) cayed coffins and consecrated with an "lech and bowels {ree work. : Sn | Instead of living in the magnificen} attired in al safety. outils and. a special safety. ou car: ings of the gallery, with the object of rescuing other miners who -were sup- posed 10 be entombed. An atx here remiéréd deadly Ly dense fumes of sul: phur had 'been injected into the gallery, away a dummy figure, supposed to be unconscious, and 'weighing over 12 stone. is While working in the gallery the "res- cue" party to overcome 'all the obstacles usual in a mine disaster, Pan- gerous portions of the roof had to be and the apparatus used in mine venti Jation had {o be put into operation, It was a fight yard by yard, and the first test occupied two hours, during- which time the men remained in tha deadly at- mosphere, medioal officers, of course, baing in attendance {0 render a'd should any of the competitors be overcome. trained so as to form rescue brigades fer service in the real disaster: which arc so constantly taking place. ¥ [RE CRAMP RINGS, Once Highly Recommended by the Medi- cal Profession in England. Formerly it was customary for kings of England on Good Friday to hallow certain rings, the wearing of which pre- vented cramp or epilepsy. They were made from the metal of de- elaborale ceremony, some details of which are still preserved. They were "highly recommended by the medical pro- fession" about 1557, for Andrew Boorde, in his "Breviary of Health," speaking ol ¢ramp, oe "The Kynge's Majestic hath a great helpe in this matter in hal- lowing Crampe Ringes without money or petition." Occasionally cramp rings played a per- suasive part in diplomacy. Lord Berners, Brilish Ambassador at the Court of Charles V., wrote in 1508 "to my Lorde Cardinall's grace" for some '"crampe ryngs," with trust to "bestowe them well, by God's grace." ANXIOUS MOMENTS FOR YOUNG MOTHERS The hot weather months are an anxl- cus time for all mothers, bul particu- larly for young mothers. They are the most - fatal months in the year for babies and young children, because «! the great prevalence of stomach and tbcwel droubles. These come almost without warning, and often before ihe mother realizes that there is danger the little one may be beyond aid. It is the duly of every mother to use all reason- able precautions to ward off summer complaints. For this purpose no other niedicine can equal Baby's Own Tablets. An occasional dose will keep the stom- from offending malier, and will ensure the little ones heaith., If the trouble comes un- expectedly the Tablets will speedily cure it. Every home, therefore, should keep the Tablets on hand always; they may be the means of saving your child's life. They are guaranteed Iree opiates and narcotics, and may be given with perfect safety to a new born babe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cenls a box {rom The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ----e i. : INAUDIBLE, AND INVISIBLE. (Scene--Farmers' dinner; tables well filled.) Chairman--"Mr. Thamson, please tae say the grace." Mr.- Thamson, with kent head, com™ mences lo whisper to himself. Farmer next him--"Speak cot, Thamson!" Mr, Thamson--*Shut- up; I'm no' speakin' tae you." Why go limping and whining aboul your.corns when a 25 cent botlle of Holloway's Corn Cure will remove them? Give it a trial and you will not regret it. EE a a a 3 a . FRANCE'S PREMIER:A WORKER. M.. Clemenceau Dwells fn Modest Apartment; ; 7 M.- Georges Clemenceau, Premier of the French Republic, has been: called the busiest man in France, and one of the least oblrusive,- He cares little for show, but lias an immense capacily for occupying and the *rescu:rs" had to find and bring || relimbered, piles of debris cleared away, | At this Lancashire school men can be NASAL CATARRH. "PRODUCES DEAFNESS RELIEF IN PE-RU-NA, ul | p Mr, R. J. Arless, 401 City Hall Ave., Rescue ol Montreal, Quebec, is an old gentleman y having served speaks for itselt, Concerning his use of ; Peruna, see letter given below, MR. R. J. ARLESS, "I have been afflicted with nasal catarrh to such a degree that it atfected my hearing. "This was contracted some twenty years 8gy by being exposed to draughts and sudden changes of temperature, "I have been under the treatment of specialists and have used many drugs recommended as specifics for catarrh in the head and throat--all to no pur- se. "About three years ago I was induced by a confrere in office to try Peruna. "After some hesitation, as 1 had deub's as to results alter so many failures, I gave Peruna a trial, and am happy to slate that after using eight or len bottles of Peruna I am much im- proved in hearing, and in breathing through the nostrils." Manufactured by Perunp Drug Manu- {ncturing Company, Columbus, Ohio, HANDICAPPED. ' Judge--"Remember, witness, you are sworn to tell the truth, tha whole truth, and nothing but the truth." AWitness--*"Judge. I'm try'n' my durn- edest to do it, bul that pie-faced slob of a lawyer over there won't let mel" It Will Prolong Life.--De Sota, the Spaniard, lost his life in the wilds of Florida, whither he went for the pur- rose of discovering the Ilgendary "Fountain of perpelual youth," said to exist in that unknown coun'ry. While Dr. Thomas' Ecleslric Oil will not per- petuate youth, it will remove the bodily pains which make the young old before their time and harass the aged into un- {imely graves. MUSIC CRITICS. Mooney--"Faith, Oi cud die listeniny lo Tom Callahan play th' poipes." Donohue--""Fer mesell, Oi'd prefer a peaceful ind." Loss of Flesh, cough, and (Lain on the host nsumption, but are ite er Balsam' loosens and heals Fhe cough: Not a grain of opium in it COLLIDED WITH ELEPHANT. road life in Indo-China. The Bangkok Times sayé that when the morning train from Bangkok was near Ban Klap an elephant walked out of the jungle on to the track. The engineer sounded his whistle, but the elephant, trumpeting loudly, lowered its head and charged the oncoming train. So great was the im- pact that the elephant was killed on the spot and the engine derailed and badly damaged. The elephant's tusks were snapped off, but when a search was made for them they could not be found. Some- one had walked off with them. ATTIRED TIRE BA alace provided for the one. 18, BR Elcphants are one of the perils of rail- | | TROUBLED. Photographer--"You are all right now, exoept Jour expression. Please look pleasant." 7 i Jay Green--"Hang it, man, I can't I'm bow-legged, an' I'm trying to hold my knees tcgether so as it won't show. When I' smile I forgit all about my knees, and when 1 pay attention to my knees I forgit to smile." Great Things From Little Causes Grow--It lakes very lillle to derange the stomach. The cause may be slight, a cold, something eaten or drunk, anxi- ely, warry, or some other simple cause. But if precautions be not taken, this simple cause may have most serious consequences. Many a chronically. de- bllitated constitution to-day owes its de- struction to simple causes not dealt with in time. Keep the digestive apparatus in healthy condition and all will be well. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are better than any other for the purpose, Belle--"You're to be married next week? Why, you told us you were en- gaged for a personally-conducted tour with a small, select party!" Marion-- "Yes, dear; bul George is the personal conductor, and I'm the small, select parly." Through indiscretion in eating green fruit in summer many children become subject to cholera morbus caused by ir- vitating acids that act violently on the lining of the intestines. Pains and dangerous purgings ensus and the dell- cate system of the child suffers under the drain. In such cases the safest and surest medicine is Dr. J. D. Kelloggs Dysentery Cordial. It will check the in- flammation and save the child's life. Even a shallow man may get deep in debt. AGENTS WANTED, A reliable tan in eve ety and town in Canada with waterworks to se a patent article needed in every home, hotel and public building. Bells at sight Hustlers can and are making $5.00 a day. rite at once for particulars. Geo. T. Cole, Owen Bouad, Ontario. PEACHLAND, B, OC. "The Pick of the Okanagan Lakes' 5 t0 10 acre fruit los free from stones or under- brush, at $50 an acre on easy terms. By purchas- ing through me you save land speculators' profits of at least 50%, Write me for free informatlin about any part of B. C. as to fruit land or bearing orchards. James Brooks, Box 4, Peachland, B.C. LEANIN was sine ChBiruNG 8 olin Can be done perfectly by our French Process. Try gue AMEGIOAN Jviine 00. s TORONTO, OTTAWA & QUEBEO WO OROFN, NO FAX! Fair is it not? Wild and land from to $18 an acre, in the " Bread Busket™of the LW., "Base Batcngwan Saskatchewan Land Agency Wauchope, Ssak. "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" VICTOR-BERLINER GRAMOPHONES All prices and for free calalogue. Dept, styles from $12.50 to $2.40. Write TORONTO GRAMOPHONE COMPANY 264 Yonge Street, Toronto. Agents wanted in every town. and Ckanagan Valleys spot, where Olive,almond, nectarines, melon, sweet use of glass. and fruits grow perfectly. No light Four orops clover a year. Cornri strawberries, cherrfes, apricots, lest fruit district in Dominion. [otanitoes or fruit pests. air, withou of Great Bee the Si best parts of homemaking, Not a coun 7 0 one to retire In--tested 40 Spend your vacation out experiment or Jone ence among the lofty Cascades. July 10 and 25. Address, or Keremaeos, B.C. Et EEE Ml SSA ESS FREE EXCURSION 7 the Smithameen To rare ne: the Nub © n --A Channoe to see Keotsnay's ' red The Smithameen is ah ine tare o tobacco ant oals attal Drtection in the open and sub-tropi attain pe n In the open nne 1. . on ar bels, the 1th and sunshine, Just open: y ain ing 5 Northern fa oes prairie d prairie marke! pen p lan Troe of Bamps, stone and brush, ready or plow. Lands low priced on easy terms. ithameen, its the equa the world in fous iald opening or business, fruit growing, stock raising, farming, mining, industrial 'openings, kin , pleasure and place to , wl here where fsb. beauty are par excel- ing, hunting and scenic y op perats 11 te excursions twice a mon Pastor 'and western points. June 18, BEAUTIFUL VALLEY LAND CO., 108 Colony St., Winnipeg, Man., Columbia Boundary crop years. ns in July, Kar- No mud, Close of the rest. pioneer but Phone 7378 A. J. PATTISON & CO. 33 Scott St,, TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin, Cobalt orders executed for cash, CORRESPONDENCE INVITED, has this day heen declared upon the will be payable at the offices of the Books will be closed from June 20th to June Toronto, June 12, 1908. 43-45 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO DIVIDEND NOTICE Notice is hereby given.that a half-yearly dividend for tka six months ending June 30, 1908, At the Rate of SIX PER CENT. Per Annum d-up Capital Stock of the Company, and ompany, on and after July 3, 1908, and the Transfer both days inclusive. [The Trusts and Guarantee Company Limited the same JAMES J. WARREN, Managing Dirootor. For Neuralgia, Headache, PANGO Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. 50 CENTS. ALL ON, Toronto; The Pango Company, WHOLESALE LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronto and Montreal; CLARKS: DRUGGISTS, OR Toronto LYMAN KNOX & NATIONAL DRUG CO., London. FOR FUN OR you are master of all you survey. [DO YOU WORK A FARM ? FOR PROFIT You are a farmer, you cultivate the soil, you grow [ruit, vegetables, wheat, oats; you raise catlle, sheep; you are interes'ed "in horses, in short, 1 Farmers are the most prosperous class of people 'in Canada' lo-day, therefore, you are getting rich. No? Bad crops? Drought? Oh, a leak in your costs department. Economy begins at home-- plant La Bicycle on the farm and reap & harvest of saved time, money, and shoe the Josuotfon 10. the st ves Lima and SAVES