IGS BANK DEPARTMENT f $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current gates, and is paid four times. a year. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the number or by the survivor, , and in the SINGLE COPIES So. Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 y United States-4nd England 'Highway Re A case of assault 'and 'robbéry took place in town on Tuesday evening of last week which very neatly terminated fatally. .Fred- erich John Lodge, of Toronto, had been spending his vacation at Myr- his friend. Peter. Pearson of that place. On Mouday evening Lodge sang at the strawberry festival held at the foot of Scugog Island. The singer had intended to fill other engagements, hut different arrange- ments were made, and he found it possible to return to' Myrtle on Tuesday night. He had intended to go back with Mr. Pearson, and 12 left his horse and buggy in the hotel shed preparatory to starting, 'T PERRY BRANCH. J. McE. MURRAY Manager DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS BANKERS AND BROKERS ) MONEY TO LOAN AT 4, 4: and § PER CENT, , Life and Accident Insurance. Real Estate bought, sold or exchanged in any of the Provinces or Principal Cities in the Doniinion of Canada ARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED » Agents Allan Line and C, P. R. Steamships. that when Lodge "as ready to start the rig was gone He natur- ally made enquiries of the .hostler .p [as to the whereabouts of his rig, but could get no information from that source. . A' stranger who was standing vear welked up to Lodge and start ed to talk to him. He asked if Lodge had a horse, and, when an- swered "' yes," wanted to know if he would like to buy another. Lodge replied that he did not want to be bothered with. any more. At this juncture 'a man was heard running down the street and Lodge stepped aside to let him " 4 pass. But the new arrival evideut- ly did not wisl-to pass, but bump- CPC PPC MPC MCR MC PCMH RCH RICH CK ed righy into Lodge, who set him self TQ receive 'the shock, at the same Hitling the newcomer a blow Jin the face. The nran staggered, | but at that moment an unseen hand hit Lodge on the back of the hread, and partially stunned him. '| Hesays he. remembers the two men tying and gagging him, but was in a state of semi stupor and unable 'to shout for help or to move. He feels sure that the mes: must have hit him again him totally-unconscious. ., He was then taken and placed behind the unused blacksmith shop on Water Street. b | EDW. B. FLINT Drugist aad Scaatific PORT PERRY Optician. ONTARIO 30030 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 34 In some way the bound man succeeded in rolling to the edge of the sidewalk running down by the railway tracks, and lere he was found later. ' It so happened that Mr. Gerow had kept his barber shop later than usual, as next day was a holiday. After closing it, he jumped into his brother's buggy and they drove past the place where Lodge was lying. bound and gagged. They heard a peculiar noise and upon in- Po! 2 % x po Do) xX 2 A We! De) Pe! Po! pA | ) CHOICE CUTS ©, » . in all lines ot BEEF. LAMB, VEAL 3 FRESH, SMOKED Live Stock 'Wanted Highest cash prices paid, WASP SALTED MEATS AND You can depénd upon 'quality at" reasonable price when you buy meat frém 9 ~Tvestigating found the unfortunate man who was soon} unbound and taken into the Sebert House where he is at the time of writing. He Co was in a critical condition: for some time but is now recovering rapidly. Mr. McKnight was notified, and a man named Fred Mnrray was arrested in the hotel and taken to the jail. Next morning about five o'clock Frank Smith was arrested on the station platform and put in- to jail with Murray. It was mot long before the prisoners madaged to get out. An exciting chase be- gan, Murray surrendered readily but Smith threw stones at his pur- suers. He was finally captured by two prisoners were now secured in a safer part of the lock-up, The next: thing was to locate the third man, and this is supposed to have been done on Wednesday afternoon. The man who gave his name as Easton, was captured on the sixth CAWKER BROS, HIRI KICK KX RII concession near the home of J. W, Crosier.? On Thursday morning all three were tried on a charge of vagrancy and given thirty days-in itby jail with hard labor, The charge of assault and robbery referred 'against these men was adjourned until. Thursday of this week as Mr. Lodge {was unable to tify at that time, although he been able to identify two of the ge is very grateful for hin by many] tle and came to Port Perry with: In the meautime, Pearson took the|damaged.: rig and drove to Prince Albert, solnorth of Biookiin, and the result! to renderd so of --ten cents, : 1 Veterinary Surgeon Coates. The'|shape. d is town. Thisis a No 48 ¥ ; & FRIIS IIS III III IIS | A. G. Dowson will succeed Mr. Kilpatrick as agent for the celebrated light draft Deering Agricultural Implemerts. Offize and residence, Cassimir St, Port Ty. i ® 5 Reckless Autoist Fined , A. N. Eyre, of Lee Avenue, To- ronto. With a companion, was motoring south from Port Perry on Thursday evening last, when at the village of MaucHester the auto passed a liorse and buggy, in which a8 woman-and child were driving. The horse ran away, the occupants weré thrown out, and the buggy A cow was encountered was a broken leg for the cow. Juet south of the village the auto at- tempted to climb a telephone pole. When _.yre was taken out from under Lis ear lie was unconscious aud remained so for hours. Mr. McDonald, the other occupant of the car was badly hurt, On Friday morning Eyre paid to the Chief §Constatic of Whitby a fine of $25 aud costs imposed by Nicholas Ingram, J. P., of Port Perry, for furious driving. The owner of the .jeow is still to be sct'ied with, and also the owner of the buggy. Eyre's auto was able to travel, though it was badly damaged. The two.men left for Toronto this after- noon.--Mail and Empire. A Bad Nightmare People with strong. imagination should be careful to avoid undue excitement. Constant applications of cold water, a light diet and {plenty of physical exercise are help- ful where the first stages of brain disorder become apparent. A man who lives near Port Perry heard of the highway robbery, and shortly after he dreamed he had been The/daring ghwaymen tore His clothes, ripped out his pockets, knocked the gloss off bis hat and placed a hole therein for--ten cents. In this dilapidated condition the dreamer returned home and roused the sympathy of the neighborhood. People began to wonder if it was safe to venture out after dark. The dreamer awoke and found that {be had ruined his own clothes and picked his own pockets for----ten cents. The neighbors are now do- ing their 'best to make him feel like --ten cents. ) he Skating Rigg. What is to be done with the skat- ing rink ? Are anyefurther repairs to be made to it? If we remember rightly, the matter was left until the eleventh hour last year before necessary repairs were made and then what was done was of a tem- porary nature. It is due to the townspeople that this majter be taken in hand immediately, and the building be put into a shape thatjwill guarantee the public safety and satisfy the citizens tbat there is no danger there to themselves or their children. We quite under- stand that this building is private property, but it is used for a public purpose and must be put in. proper In talking to Mr. Tom- monds about this matter he said that repairs would be made if the rink is to be used this winter, but it might be possible that he would pull the building down. This may be quite satisfactory to Mr. Tum- monds but not to the townspeople. Hockey and skating, snowshoeing and coasting, are. the only winter sports we have iu Pdrt Perry. = The latter two are wholly dependent on snowfall. If the rink is torn down, the town will be deprived of its [leading winter . sport, If such action is to be taken, the peoble should know at once... We do not want to find out.in' November that the rink is to disappear. Those interested in sport should look into the matter at once. We cannot afford to be without healthy sport f atter of vital mportance to the citizens, and the eople should not. rest until we "-- pone for next "The Fair" WATCH Don't Good forget MONET'S ... FOR... Boots A carload just arrived, Oil at Get you supplies of Best. 'Machine Oil, Boiled Oil and Raw \/\V MYRTLE LIV ERY Having purchased the Myrtle Livery from Mr. F. W. Lea, I shall keep a cuitable number of up-to date vebicles_and horses. Service will be prompt and reliable. Ail trains met. Com- mercial Travellers and others will find splendid accommodation at these stables, Harness made, sold and repaired, J.W.DISNEY MYRTLE ONT. Creamery Payments The creamery paid 20c. for June to its patrons. the average on the market fo: June was about 17c. Mr. and Mrs. J. Linton, of Toronto, were visiting Mrs. H. Jack last week. Methodist Sunday School Picnic Fine weather favored the Meth- odist Sunday School picnic, held at Pettit's Point on July 1st. The attendance was good. The follow- ing is the list of athletic winnings. "100 yards dash, boys 16 and under--ist, Alex. Souch, 2nd H. Emmerson. 100 yards dash, boys 12 and under--ist, Coombe 2nd, GC. Ingram. ' 50 yards dash, boys under 12--1st E. Boe, 2nd, H. Brooks. 50 yards dash, girls under 12-- 1st, Colville, 2nd, Raines. Running broad jump, (open)--1st, G. ta 2nd, fn. Emmerson. 'Three legged race-- 1st, C. Purdy land H, Graham, 2nd, Turner and Stonehouse. LOST On Sunday afternoon between Manchester and Chalk Lake, a lady's gréen cloth coat. Finder kindly leave at James Carnegie's, Port Perry. Miss Moore, Miss Bessie Moore, both of Toronto, Miss Elizabeth McCaw, graduate nurse, Miss Emma McCaw, Grace Hospital, Mr. Quale, Detroit, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W, H. McCaw. Those Big Fish When a big fish is caught the catcher is justly proud of his catch aud while he may not wish the whole world to know it, he doesn't like the credit to be given to some other fellow.. Last week we. re. rted the capture of two big fish y Messrs, Flint and Orr. It seems that there was a boy in the party who captured one of the fish, The fortunate fisherman was' Harry Brooks. We hope he will catch many more like it before he goes to the 'happy huntin; grounds" where 'the fish are easier to t a catch. £73 We have not reached the end of