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Port Perry Star, 8 Jul 1908, p. 5

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THE PORT PERRY. STAR AND STANDARD, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1go8 Just when you want a dandy Hat for summer. | necessary to bring Miss. Foy back |, for two days this week. Vv 'Few small villages are as fortun- ate as ours. 'We have inour midst three young lads who have erected a windmill that is indeed: a credit | to.them. ~ Itis much Jarger than | any other toy windmill we have} ever seen before, and is so under | control that the wheel is allowed. to turn only as the boys wish. | They 'also have a smaller windmill} fastened to the top of pine tree at least fifty feet high. + We predict / l, ot for these boys a noted future if | Albert, spent Sunday with Mrs. lthey follow the work to which . - Robins. ' 2. they are so evidently called. -. lot | Rough Braid Dress Shapes, Our pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins, Tha 6rseless carriage, although worth to $1.00for ..veeues preached anniversary services atli, many ways a delight, "does od 2 BAC £1 - Castleton on Sunday. always play up fair. A Toronto es : Lot 2 SEAGRAYE . Miss Alma Sanguin, of 'Sunder: land, visited her cousin, 'Miss 'M. Short, last week. | | 'Miss B. Whiteway is' away to {Toronto and Buffalo for her: holi- days. 3 lH "Quite a large number from here decoration services held at Prince Albert. Mr. John Short is preparing td + | erect a new barn. ye Mrs. (Rev.) Snell, of Prince Your friend will be ~ married in June or . 'possiblv you will be the happy one. In + "either case we have suitable jewelry for the occasion. 10C. 25c. Rev; My. Robinson, of Port|gentieman had the misfortuqe to P had charge of the services : 1 éide oft erry, ha g ¢s| have a break-down just outside © on this circuit last Sunday" the village Sunday forenoon. Dr. and Mrs. Moon, Mr. J. H.|Many offers of help were given Wells and mother attended the|but none availed. At last our furieral of Mr Blanchard of Can- {good blacksmith, Mr. M. Mark, nington on Saturday last. strolled along. His experienced' Rev. Mr. Wickett, of Scugog.|€y¢ looked bver the machine. In was in the village last week. less than half an hour he had not Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller attended only discovered but remedied the the meeting held at Pleasant Point | S1ACY ty to the satisfaction of the last week. It has been decided to|OWher 'B clear the graveyard there of all Have you ever heard of the weeds, etc , and to put it in first- primary class ina far off Sunday | class condition. Sunday School who were unfor- Miss Florence Gibson, Miss tunate enough to have a new Ethel Frise and Master Roy Gib- teacher every Sunday? Each son were candidates at the recent teacher .told her favorite Bibl Entrance Examinations held in story which proved to be (hat © Port Perry. forced to say, " Please teacher We extend congratulations to don,t do Moses and she bulrushes | Miss Moy Tart Paring the at to-day, Lse most tired to death of | 3 | him "' ut why this story? We est in High School. She sucipaye had three strangers to ceeded in passing the Pro or minister unto us in as many Sun- |@ examinations to the secon 10fM | gays Hach one in some most and took excellent marks in her peculiar way has found it fitting . oo o give us the life of Moses. re . The farmers aré out in full force} we not justified in making this ex- these days putting the roads into planation? better shape. Sooner or later most - things Mr. Jno. Watson's acre of . come to the surface, and so with strawberries is bearing splendidly | the amusing things that happened this year. It is very convenientithe cvering of the anniversary. for people to be able to get such| We hear of one couple who be good berries so ncar at home. came so excited over the thunder- | H% We are constrained to ask why |storm that they drove home lcav- |§ and where did our choir disappear | Ing one of the number of their | | on Sunday evening. It is a long | houscheld to get home as best | time since!we have been forced to they might. Can vou imagine the view that row of empty chairs. pxeitement? Ag was sent back i ut the forgotten member, a School closed Fusaday of his though started for home, walking wee oo vacation. tions on Wed- in the rain, had become so inter- prom ay. and Friday of ested in * another one also alone, Tet Yok. The Ye ction is wonder- that they failed to recognize the jing why the Trustees found it Rough Braid Dress Shapes 'The designs' are ! values to $1.50,7at...... very beautiful "and will not faii to please the wearer. When, ~ buying jewelry call' | W. H. McCaw y J AS Fine Milan, Tuscan or Lot 3 Chip Dress~ Shapes, black, navy, brown or burnt, worth $2.50, foreseen ienene seisnnnes 75c¢. White Milan and Whit lot 4 o : ip Dress Shapes, worth 1.00 up to $2.50 for....... reves Prettilyv "Trimmed Lingerie Hats 2.00 sees on ° Lot of 3.50 all white, for. | In conclusion.yod may have any trimmed hat in stock at HALF PRICIL. What's left of the Children's Hats, plenty of new shades and 25C ; ° shapes, for coovevnnnn. And as if that were rot enough we offer our Rough Braid Banded Sailors, Knox block, all colors, worth up to $1.50, for... ou. 090c. FORJUNE - The coal dealers announce the following prices of coal for the month of April 1go8:-- . : Del. $7.20 $7.20 $7 45 $7.50 cee en Shed $6.70 $6.70 $6.95 $7.25 "Fag Coal Stove Coal Nut Coal Blacksmith Steam Coal" $6.75 #6 25 Pea Coal $6.45 $5.45 + A discount of 25 cents per ton allowed off above prices if paid by May 1st. © 500 Ibs. lots $2.00. A Startling Sale of Kimonas - . ,. . . Fine Crepe Kimonas, bound front, collars and sleeves with banding of 1 9 9 oe ie Japanese silk, shaded colors, usually sold at $1.75. Ssturday coeeen oan JONES DUNK & CO We want your Butter and Eggs. 40 cts, per 100 Ibs. if less tha 500 lbs. When You Need Butter Paper call at the Star office. pa 'Summer Vests : Look Cool and familiar call. Picture the after scene. We also heard of one family so unselfish that everyone insisted on the other members taking the rig. It so happened at all walked each to discover| = ---- - - eee that every other member had|Uxbridge, were visiting relatives'a few wecks with relatives at| Wedding ls are ringi eed oa ne hort st ho ok Sand ae edn vets wn ning comfortably in the shed a mile| rpg 1 T. Harrington, of Duluth, | Mrs. Edward Switzer of Onillia, Watch this report next week. } away. isspending a few weeks with friends visiting her sister Mrs. Ricard | Mr. and Mrs Bail of Toronto (Above too late for last week.) here. Real. are the guests of the Misses Hiscox. Mr. Alfred Crooks of Chicago. Miss Bmme Lee, of Toronto, was, Mis. George Wright of Stouff-; Johnnie Cruse is home for a couple of wees spending a few days this week with, ville is visiting her daughter, Mrs. father in befieraw. holidays. | her mother. | T. Phair. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson | Miss Margaret Dusty is at home | spent July 1st in Toronto. for a fow days. Quite a number from here Miss Margaret McMillan, of To- weat on the excursion to Peter- | ronto, 18 visiting her parents here. borough. Mr. and M7. Elgar Lambert, Rev. GH. Kenny of Oakville is of Cannington, was visiting relatives visiting his daughter, Mrs Snyder. bere ou Sunday. } Mrs. Wendt of Clifford, Ont. is Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Jamieson, cf or 2% 1% se s%0a% see $%0 420 P0420 Loa PT TT NESE NERC RE JOR 2 eotsateatagsateateateatseloiododdeedsedr oslo WSrameaengeeds oleae ela olaieag deeds Grasses XIX ° o 2. ' oe Seelee, Dd oe oe oe ° Xe 2 " i Poe "" Is ' visiting his °. boo %" ° > Miss Agness Boynton was home during the holiday. » 2. Joo "® SCUGOG they are Cool N What is more they can be The Hiscox residence is being . } remodelled. Mr. George Dafoe and wife, of Chicago, are visiting Mrs. W. T. Reader. Delicate Children ALL PERSONS Who HAVE Doedealelreds deed oi 2 "* BLACKSTOCK bos °. "* washed. The buttons come off ~ and you can put the vest into joule 2 "s" ts ode visiting her cousin, Miss M. Rntten- bury. Mrs. Wrendt very kindly assisted the choir Sunday evening iving a solo after the sermon. Fier rendering of the song was Uxbridge, were visiting friends here recently. Miss McCorkidale, of "Toronto, 18 visiting at Mr S. Dusty's. Miss Annie Clyde, of Toronto, was Miss Cline, who has been teach- ing here for more than a year, has gone to her home in Last Aurora avd will stay there until the fall school term opens. when she will Dertcate CHILDREN IN PORT PERRY WILL BE INTERESTED "IN THIS ARTICLE. oad Rapidly growing children need a great deal of vitality, They grow fast, play hard and work too hard ; at school. Then the appetite be- portfolio and a pearl handled pen. |qmes fitful, their nights arc restless These gifts came from Miss | oo 5 and they soon t wer -li- Cline's Sunday School class, and, HI eeome weak, deli . cate and sickly. members of the choir and League. In all these departments of church work Miss Cline has proved her- at her nome here for a few days. Miss Rosc and Mr Clifford Crox- all were visiting at Mr. George Real's on Sunday. Mf. and Mrs. Thomas Beare, of Manchester, was visiting at Mr. 1. Beare's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Page, of Epsom, were visiting at Mr. m. Beare's on Sunday. Mr. and Miss Smith. of Victoria Corners, were' the guests of Miss Laura Beare on Sunday. Miss Viola McCulloch has re turned to her home at Enfield. Mrs Garbutt and her daughter, of Stouffville, are visiting with Mrs. Ernest Jamieson, ) Mr. Harvey and Miss May' Beare, of Port Perry, were visiting relatives here on Sunday. (Above too late for last week.) Mrs, Wm Hall of Whitby was the guest of Miss I. Miller for | a few days last week. Mrs. W. Stovia was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Lam: bert at Cannington, recently. 'Mrs. Ki Trubgen of Markham has been spending a week with 'Mrs, Frank Waid: Mr, and Mrs, - Whit. Lee of Whitby were 'visiting relatives {bere last week. Miss S. Ward and Mrs. F.Ward were. visiting friends "at Epsom last week. AD Miss Treasure Watson was excellent. . Mr. H. Cobb succeded in win ning 2nd prize at the three mile race held at Sonya on Juiy Ist. Congratulations. According to the topic cards the League holds its social even: ing on Thursday evening of this week. They have -decided to hold it on the lawn of Mr. J~H. Wells. There will bea stand on the" grounds from which straw- berries may be"procured. Games and other interesting programme are being*arranged. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tripp of Kiasale called on old friends here last week. Mp. David Stevenson of the General Post Office staff, Toronto, | spent the holiday at home. Miss Flora Watson, who has been in Hamilton since last autum, is at home. 3 Mr. Wylie Ferguson of Chicago is visiting at Mr. Allan Stuart's. | The League friends are looking forward to an:enjoyabe evening a their League Social this' Thurs- ay. o i 5 a wash tub without hurting it. take up work at the Normal School, Toronto. Before leaving, she was presented with a writing (ee! Sebi We have a nice range in fancy + patterns (not too flashy) From $1.00 to $2.25 We want to remind the parents of every such child in Port Perry that self to be a most helpful worker, four delicious cod liver preparation, and the gifts were but the ex. Vinol, will correct these troubls ression of good will that natur- and make for each child new vitiliry, ally is felt toward those who are sound flesh and muscle tissue, strong worthy. {bone structure and pure rich red blood. It will build them up, fill The Orangenien Jl hold di' out hollow cheeks and make them vine service in the drill shed on'grone, robtist and rosy. Sunday next, when Rev. Mr. | Kidd will preach. PRINCE ALBERT I traw Mrs C. Allen of New DBedforc, Mass., writes: '* With two puny, ailing children, 1 was very much worried. I had tried almost every- thing to build them up without success and, as a last resort tried Vinol, The benefit was great in a very short time, they gained flesh and strength so rapidly. Hats They are- Miss Aileen Boe, who has been visiting Whitby friends, has returned home. Mr. A. H. Worden, who has been working at Richmond Hill, spent Sunday week at home. Miss Belle MacBrien, of Albert College, Belleville, is spending her vacation at her home here. The report is the most successful year fyet in this school's existence. Mrs. Daniel Boe-returned from the city last Saturday Miss Olivia MacBrien arrived home on Saturday evening. Mrs: James Burnett had the : teasure of a vidit from hzr son home from Toronto last week. Fon «nd his_.wife and children of] Mys. James Miller is spending opt weet, i Are necessary now, in the usual shapes and. styles $1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $2.00 The reason Vinol is so far super- jor to old fashioned cad liver oil, emulsions and other tonics for child- ren js beeause Vinol is a delicious modern cod liver preparation with- out oil made by a scientific extract- ive and concentrating proces from fresh cods' livers combining with (peponste of iron all the medicinal, ealing, body building elements of cod liver oil, but no oil, and chil dren love it. We ask parents of Port Perry who have delicate chil: dren to try Vinol on our guafantee F return their money if it fails to: GREENBANK. '} Mrs, John Bwen, of Uxbridge, | was visiting friends here on 'Bun: \ is home for a Cai Jas. Me Kitrick 18 at' Sunderland ive satisfaction, E. B. Flint, Drug-. = gist, Port Perry Ont. :

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