{11s issued every Wedxn 4 from the office of '"Blong Block, Queen. Perry, Ont. © Subscription $1.00 a yea $1.25 if nov su | Advertising rates on application. SAMUEL FARM: Publisber and ' - : g THE THREE-FIFTHS CLAUSE ro A woman's shoe deter- . Proof ts, inoxhaustiblo at ai el 5 EN . dig PB. Pinkbam's Vege writer inthe Toronto News mines as much asany other | Sn. puna cures feruafo bh the | has settled the Shree ithe clans What would th tat one detail of a woman's oy FhrouER P| problem for i Hime 1 efing ~t0 3 Hl ly ple ound 3 apr | Ee -- for i 0 im | Tes, Letitis Blair, Connifton, Ont, | his own satisfaction, = Looking at "ailing the people who cause e aying watches for: apparel h er right ¢ cl writes to Mug. 1inkham: om, ne it from his standpoint, the whole [law to be enacted, whete shall the : years and. know the the distinction of being | "| ius sick fr ive years, One doc- [thing is as casy as ** rolling' off a |cvnstable secure evidence? It is good ones --the ones you will correctly costumed. The |»: told me it was ulation, and an | jog * AJ that has to be done is riot likely that the opponcuts of] Nf: find in our stock: Empress claims the distinc. | wt vised si operation. Na ons have the Jaw placed on the statute Be Be Jill 6 out of thelr way 10 . . cnows what I suered, and the bear- | book, and if the local magistrate is enforce ip, oy a Ww i 0 , tion of being a faultlessly | no; Faw pais were | Yaris, id ae | SYmPpathetic towards local option 4 eople fray atk 2 ey Uke MW, dW i * I wrote to.ny sister a Jong J € | Je will enforce the law irrespective |aDout local option being like the h : ! made anf designed shoe, risen ip itis Tadle B Pinkham | of the various shades of ern law against stealing, "lhere is an ; and is unrivalled in perfec- | "#500 STP all my troubles | sentiment. The magistrate does | essential difference. It is not con tion. . ind I did not have to have the opera- | not care whether local option was sidered criminal to buy or sell Jon after all. The Compound also |.. rie by a majority of one or|Hquor illegally, 'Fhie inen who can We have the exclusive a Jno lo, pass sefely through | £0 e hundred The daw: is there [elude the ufficers of the law in this i* ; J. GOLDRI i " and he is going to enforce it. He [respect are considered clever.' It : fd PIANO TUNE sale of this modern shoe. FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. cares nothing tur public opinion in {18 only in communities where thef Is now prepared. : We sell other shoes for \,am's Vegetable Compound, made | this case any more than he does in SE hong against hy & bunt) ; egulate, tone regulate ) om \ nd herb been the {a case of stealing or murder or |liquortraiiic that any odium at-i qe Rian eep your piano in perfec thon he po wg better a madly oe female sy any other legal practice. ? If a |taches to the ian who violates the SYROPSIS CF CARADIAN NORTHWEST sis tune and repair mn and has positively cured thousandsof | man seils liquor illegally this inag- | 10cal option law. In such a com-| * estea ations, ress Fa SOLD BY women who have been troubled with | js¢rate is og i to Panishthe man, |Iunity the law can be enforced. | Any evensnumber section of Dominion | Teacher of Violin, Co displacements, inflymmation, uleora- and that's the end of the matter, |1n such a community the three "Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and v t] | op or Troi 1, 2.0, 1%, 8° AACE a chun nok an obsal fo Alber cpa nd 6a rd - orman 01] bg dows foeling, flatulency. indiges. |3 straw man set up by the liquor |the passing of local option, as re any inale © ve tion,dizzinessor hervous prostration. interests to Soars people from mn - tarrh Now C b over 18 years of ves 0 the sxiont ofuue. Why don't you try it ? ing to pass local option. el Catar quarter section of 160 acres, more orless. | PORT PERRY Airs, Pinkham invites all sick [three-fifths requirement on the ca ow Curable Application for entry must be made in women to write her for advice. part of the Government i8 a piece | But never by Medicine Swal- person XN ie a 2 inion She has gu ousan of tyranny for which the Whitney lowed, Snuffs, Sprays or ict i whi ad is si : alth. Address, Lynn, Mass. J A fies » trict in which the land is situate, Ent RRERBBRBRREFR heilth, A : Government was put back into Douches : by proxy may, however, be made at oy . . Sl - | power, practically without -oppo- Catarrli is not. a" blood dlsente Agency on ceitain conditions by the father sition. : Tae mother, son, daughter, brother or sister TAILOR TALK Farm for Sale or 10 Rent The writer in the Toronto News and that is why it cannot. be cured! of an intendin oy r . ¢ by any wedicine taken into the| Duries.--(1) At least six months resi: Invisibl Bifc / is not alone in taking this. attitude |gtomacy, ~ Catairh is a germ |flence upon and cultivation of the land Sod e, Tp IoC : In toric or spoon shape: ---- : towards the three-filths clause. A bi 31 he [{n each year for three years.' : 200 s of first class' land, 100 f 28 Otroable contracte rom the jf © yoars 2 io ae ; ¢ ENTLEMEN are acres oe north half of lot 22 con, | 8FE3t Many sincere people think in | gern Jaden air you breathe inward. | \ (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, solid piece of glass. N al C! gS this way-about the matter. In fact Th fast th 1 : riorm the required residence duties by ment, no ridges, no d never wholly indif- L and 100 acres west half lot 22 they are generally so gincerc that ese germs asten themselves in |}; op farming land owned soiely by 3 ono, ferent to style. They con 2 Reach near Shirey. Better| oq impatient of restrictions the tissue and air. cells" of the | him, not less than eighty (80) acres in would sooner have a ct | known as the '* William Coates 1 fo ! C a I breathing organs, multiply by mil- |exteat, in the vicinity of his homestead. well-fitting tailor made Farm." For psrticnlars apply on the of any kind. Compensation, the|jigns cause' sneezing; coughing, ! He may also do so by living with father : ' Me | three-fifths clause and alfother like PRA 5 i or mother, on certain conditions, Joint sult than pa ready made premises: or to. HENRY HOCKEN, | ofiers are considergd unjust, raising of rs Ee horn ownership in land will not meet his re- y But then they think the Shirfey, Ou... a simply schemes used by the poli- hoarseness, dryness and stoppage | 11 ent: 2b i the price may be high. - ticians to save themsglVes Irom | fyjie ose, tickling in the throaty (ay. A houiestendet intending to: per- It will be a little higher the necessity of enacting any kind | 4nd other symptoms that can only form bia fesience Slice in acrerdance 3 ill-fitti of prohibition laws. 0 | be reached by the dry air principal dod Bgadimn thag ill-fitting sweatshop * Mistor Dobley a Biviog: bis|of aches y dry air principal or on fasming land owned by hunselt y S ' ' Y q wii? 1 must notify the ent for the u . Spinion of woke sufliage: seid, It medicates the air you bisathe such fention. pi ial , *"Do' yez want ter vote? says L lwith the curative properties of the. sil Sr Woes HY a . 3 BUT YOULL FOR JUNE I dues, says she. Docs yer aunt| Australian eeatvis Forests| Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. FEEL PROUD : . th, Dec. oth, 1900: want it, says I. 'She .dpes'tdt, | where catarrh is unknown. N. B.-- Unauthorised - publication 'of |. . Does yer cousin} of yer Sister, -or| The reason you get relief in a this adveitisement will not be paid for, of YOURSELF -ii, The coal Qealers snug the yer braifieps. wife, § mother minute or Tn fr Fyne is be- - se a seston i IFY WEAR } | following prices of coal for the|law ? They do not, sez she. "hen, {cause it destroys every catarrhal . Jan jth, Mar, 3th, Ma a 4 | month of April 1908: sez I, go and convart thim, and gern in the ir yon Dosa, 'and Voters List for 1908 + PORT PRNEY Cigk ONE OF MY $i «Del Shed whin'they all want it, they'll get its dry penetrating aroma will For the Munici Tit of AR Ry SUITS 2 Ezx codl | 3 Ta Re od oo ibid 4 reach the inners fecessts of or erry y or}, NES tove Coa 7.30 .80 tis the same with prohibition] the air passages killing millions o © Jan: oth, Ma sot. Nut Coal $7.55 $705 |or local option," When the people | germs fi lion ion £2 BON ry y goth, Nov, sath, Jan. th Blacksmith + $7.50 - $7.25 want it, they will get it, and the means freedom for. oppressed ! Notice is hereby giv that : small extra cost at the _ Steam Coal $6.75 $6 25 | politicians will be the first to' 8ee | respiratory organs.' E. lint transmitted of delivered to: the persons |. t s i po pitatory organs, | 1% mentioned in Sections 8 of th i oR "at the start" be- 3 Pea Coal $6.55 $5.55 [that the law is enacted." But no sclis Hyomei under a guarantee of Lention ind 9 of 'the OS! an, 6th, June You'll not begrudge the : : aba aad a y 21 Ontario Voters List Act cause a taildr made suit A discount of 25 cents per. ton such Jaw will be enacted untilpub: satisfaction or moneysback. Hrice quired by xAid sections xo be Ph wears. better than the 2 transmitted / or Geliveted 'of said list made pursuant to product of the sweatshop. A : Call and see my goods es if paid Dy |1i€ sertiment demands it, : 0s allowed off above prices if pa a YJ Local option has not bee : . . - s ried in any Canadian cities ar}: 500 Ibs. lots $2.00. as Iam aware. This prohibitive Es 40 cts. per 100 lbs. if less than |mcasure has only had practical} Don't fail 500 Ibs. : application in country districts and garden party Fi n under the towns, and villages. - Conditions| auspices of the Prospect Methodist | was first posted up it 'm in these places are very different church on th erry, nor ugust, 1908, and C than in the city. There 1s no Mr. h inspection. ; H s § S i Hs magistrate here wo automatical| the chure! ay, Aug. 11 ector Fe IPOH i Sxamine : n 4 - {ly hands down his decision of ** 1 : A rved fron : ORNSSIONS DF 0 gis i 0 ey ior ale and cons or thiy days." Noris 8 Io en i herein 19 take imme- {i CT A small quantity of bassword and | there a squad of policemen to See |, oF gto Edward Barton cover honey for safe. Very good that infractions of the la : LE : ~ sample, Apply to MRS. F.. BOND, ES itiams: in such 2 aces be SINGING MASTER | Utica, Ont Ye a nh ot oc amet Will give vocal instruction a i whodic ouses justice In firmness on Wednesday of each week. : re aah rst. . we | the : all.persons by Aug. 1st PROSPECT the last Recast Assessm ioe oll of th 3 at CER said Municipality.to be entitled to vote | "be present ht the 1B said Municipality at Elections for presen members of the Legislative Assembly and | and at Municipal Eicctions ; and said list office at. Port Hy : W. H. DOUBT cautiful lawns of 5 BEIIBRAIARARE Se fore him' fo consider himsel it is not usua