SEASON oy XX X: White Wine Vinegar, 400, per gal, XXX Gider Vinegar 4o¢.a gal. Imported English Malt Vine- gar, 6oc. and 8oc. per gal. "We have all kinds of spices, and keep nothing but pure spices. Redpath's =" best Granulated Sugar at special. prizes by the too 1b. bag. Gem Jars, best quality 'and all sizes, E xtra value in Peaches for the the next two weeks, ~ We buy these Peaches. direct from the grower and save two express charges, and have fresh fruit every. day. T.C.Forman& Son PORT PERRY Pe ARE & TAILOR TALK ENTLEMEN are G never wholly indif- ferent to style. They would sooner have a well-fitting tailor made 3 suit than any ready-made you could offer. But then they think the ° the price may be high. It will be a little higher than ill-fitting sweatshop stuff. BUT YOU'LL FEEL PROUD of YOURSELF IF YOU WEAR ONE MY SUITS ia QU You'll not begrudge the" small extra cost. at the start. ; I say " at the start " be- cause a tailor made suit wears better than the product of the sweatshop. Lal and see my goods W. H. DOUBT Bonssrasnanll \ | : § times a barning pan, \ 500. 1bs. a Pors Perry citizen says :-- Miss. E. Brown of Mary at. Says i. '41 suffered for I backache and headach und difffieutty in "urinating, some-| pains, bus the back was the worst, [ could scarcely get wbous ab tiues fron the sorencss and my rest was broken at night from same, Stoop: ing or sweeping and the dike caused much distress and L'felt tired all the time," 1 obtained Booth's Kidney Pills at Fliot's: Drug Store and received muca benefit in a few days using. I continued treatment and can svy Lun entirely relivved und freely reconimend them to shi suffering in like manner 7 © Sold hy dealers. © Price 50 cents, The R.T. Booth Co., Iitd,, Fort Erie, Qit , Sle Canadian Age nts. J. GOLDRING PIANO TUNER, XTC, Is now prepared to tune, action regulate, tone regulate, repair and keep your piano" in. perfect order, also tune 'and! repair orgafis, Address Teacher of Violin, Cornet. and all Baud Instruments. JOS. GOLDRING, Bandmaster, Port Pepy COAL PRICES FOR September The coal dealers announce the following prices of coal for the month of September 1g08:-- Del. Shed $7:50 ~~ $7.00 $7.50 $7.00 $7.75 = $7.25 $7.50 $7.25 Steam Coal $6.75 $6 25 Pea Coal $6.55 $5.55 A discount of 25 cents per ton Egg Coal Stove Coal Nut Coal Blacksmith allowed off above prices if spaid by Aug. 1st. 500 lbs. lots $2.00. 40 cls. per 100 Ibs. if less that Fall Plowing Starts Now A good [Perrin Twin Riding Plow will earn enough to pay for itself in one season. It Plows 2 fuse as others sharp : 2 which is set fort trotting race will attraction," Sums $50 to $roo are offe to induce horsemen to horses in the 'race. © of the race is to a that liorse race does not pay. usually a failure Suppose, for instance, receipts show an increas because of the horse ra the prize money amounted to og The horse 'race has been a direct financial loss, and worse thaw that it has gpciled: the ireal reason for the existence of a local fair, It often happens that the winner of 'the horse race is not a local man. He lives outside "the tity in which (he Fair is beld and is not interested in local matters. More than that, it is not unconymon that the farmers in the vicinity of the Fair are uot raising trotting horses. They probably raise Clydesdales or Shorthorn cattle, When they take first prize on any. of 'these tines, they receive about ten dollars, while the man with the trotting'! liorse Las his fifty dollars. Such a plan (hat allows an ont- sider to.carry uff the biggest prizes without possible competition from | local men; does not seem wise. A lool fair exists for the phar: pose of encouraging -the industry in which the people of the locality are engaged. Itmay be dairying, raising heavy horses, cattle, sheep, or pigs. Whatever it is it would seem reasonable to give 'the laige prizes to the brancly of farming in which the people are most interest: ed, Then the entries will be num erous, coipetition' keen, and the interest all that could be desired, A Fair management that would offer a prize of fitty dollars fo best general purpose, Clyde or Percheron team, would have' a the farmers interested because they [y could nearly all compete. This view of the subjeet would: seem to be yerified by the fexperi-| ence of the horse shows. = Here it is purely a matter of showing liorses Horse tdacing plays no part, yet the attendance and . Inter est are boll good: Catwright Council A regular meeting of Cartwrig Township Council was held in he | town hall, Blackstock all nie being present. : The following accounts "were ordered to be paid ; . Thos Davidson, repairing brid on road div. 4, $2 50: 'John Carscadden' "3. lambs {1 sheep killed by dogs, two-t value; $12.00. Louis Graham, ; fence, § Mr, R. } MeN felt for the city. definitely fixed dg ep, Harry Venning, Moutny last Mrs Russel Parr left tor Tororo early: this week: Epiror OF' Port PERRY STAR, 'Dear Sir, Knowing that. you are always anxious for the 'welfdre of your readers, we thought we would send you a few lines: re our trip to the great West. Ou the! 22nd of Atgust we left Burketon on the mixed (rain about 2.30 p m. We arrived at West Torouto about 5.pan and found tac the exeur sion trai wig'beitiy made up there, consistivlr of tweiity Coaches, and after passing trough the "train Mr; from one end to the other, we found, that all 'the seats were 'taken. Alter consulting the conductor who was unable' to find us seats, our party, consisting of about fourteen; stood on the platforin and allowed the "excursion train to pull out, preferiing/to take our chance on the regular or return to our homes, rather than to take passage ou an overcrowded train. At ¢:30 p.m. the regular pulled out, avd we boarded (dt, and cde through to wipeg in Foot, company. and time, The scenery en rou igtand kaladescopic ould y rocks covered witli evergreen ay and anoss, making one |: of the most beautiful sights that the eye could look upon, At a rough estimate We passed 'through | bout one thousand miles of cous y unfit for agricultural purpose We reached Wintipeg atyq 'on ithe 24h, aking th 255 hours. Winnipeg vgs ; great future. Some of do better at the P ow 1 Bundregs of small lakes surrounded | plans are. oy : ] Home Any even number section of Doshinion 'Lands. in 'Manitoba, Saskatchewan and 8 26, not reserved : and may be homesteaded by any person who Terms on is the sole head of a family, or any male]. over 18 years of age, tothe extent of one- quarter section of 160 acres, more or less. . Application for entry must be made in person by the applicant at a. Dominion | | ency or Subagency for the dis: trict ¥ Agen the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, however, be raade at any Agency on certain conditions by the father mother; son, daughter, brother or sister | of an intending Bomestender. ores, ~+( 1) 'At least six month s resi- pon and cultivation of the land in each year fo three years. (2) A homestedder 1 may, if he so desires, pettena. he required residence duties by ving on farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (80) 'acres extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. He may also do so by living with father 'or mother, on certain conditions." Joint ownership in land will not meet this re: quirement. Kir 3) Sonestender intending to per- form his residence duties in accordance with the above while living with parents or on fasming land owned b must notify the Agent for the such intention, WwW. WwW CORY. : Debhty of the Minister of the Interior, istrict sof this ad THE COME ANI SEE Sle, \ nt. wall not be aid Te P 3 14 is a lively up 1o- date. city and. struck us asf himself 7 Invisible In toric or spoon sha ~ solid piece of glass. © Ni 3 ment, no tid €s, 110 di N. B. Unauthorised publication, of | a ER Gage