"XXX White-Wine Vinegar,| "40c, per gal. o KX X/Gidér Vinegar 4oca gal. Imported English Malt Vine- pans wom * gar, boc. and Soc. per gal. ou X We have all kinds of 'spices, and keep 'nothing but pur spices. : { Redpath's best Granulated Sugar at special prices by the 1oa.lb. 'bag. Gem Jars, best quality and all sizes, E xtra value in Peaches for the the next two weeks, We buy these Peaches direct from the grower and sav: two express charges, and have fresh fruit every day. T.C.Forman& Son PORT PERRV COAL PRICES FOR "September The coal dealers. announce tie following prices of coal for the month of September 1go8:-- } Del. Shed Egg Coal $7.50 $7.00 Stove Coal $7.50 $7.00 Nut Coal '$7.75 $7.25 Blacksmith $7.50 $7.25 Steam Coal $6.75 $6 25 Pea Coal $6.55 $5.55 A discount of 25 cents per ton allowed off above prices if paid by Aug. 1st. ' 500 lbs. lots $2.00. 40 cts. per 100 lbs. if less than 500 lbs. Fall Plowing Starts Now A 200d Di Twin Riding Plow will earn enough Barrett, 602 Moreau St, Montreal, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: " For years 1. waa a great sufferer from female weakness, and despite doctors for ins! to | this way, © We are sorry that ai from roots and herbs, 1 standard remedy for female and has positively cured thousands o women who haye been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid OTS, iroguilarides, periodic pains, backache, that bear- g-down feeling, flatulency, in - tion, dizziness or nervous n. 'Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has ded 'thousands to health, Address, Lynn, Mass. possible, to still further dam the pects of that gentleman." =Observer. _ Our contemporafy has been see- ing the * invisible" and hearin |" piteous cries." Ther refuges for all persons long 'and faithful career in the cause 'of Conservative patriotism should result in this unenviable state of mind. = We would suggest a change of political air, as the samples given in the 'Observer are decidedly stale and lack that brac: iniz freshness so hecessary to maintain a sane healthfulaess in political matters The *" invisible Star" appreciates the kind con: descention of the great Observer. Perhaps when the vision of that progressive journal becomes clear: er, it may see snme other things now "invisible" to' it--among them that Mr. Fowké does fot require any '* piteous cries" to as sist him t& become the real fepre- sentative of South Ontario inthe House of Commons. > The vote will be 'taken on the the 1907 lists, oy Br EE A LICE ON TURNIPS While travelling throtgh Whithy and Rickering téwnships a numb. of turnip fields were seen do be badly infested with lice. Some of the farmers have topped the (ur nips, claiming that this will elteck the spread of the lice without stop- ping the growth of the turnip, "Tle method sounds all: right, and «it is '| certain that farmers can lose little bo In nobby new shades "of olive green and brown, and cloths that make you covet a new suit as soon as you.' touch them. = No. glue in se. The material is splendid, and the workmanships is 2 that thorough kind that 8 has built an enviable repu- P, tation for our tailor made men's clothing. See our range of $25.00 suitings. 'spirit, and the public are at ; Xn W iat 10 believe or nothing by trying the experi- ment in "badly affected patches 'of the turvip field - If these who know more definitely regarding the results 'of topping turbips'for the purpose of destroying the "lice, wottld write ontior teil what they | know, it would'be appreciated. § MR. H.B. AMES' ADDRES Mr. Ames is an effective § remarkably {ree from blu } shud slinging." His addreks was replete with information character of that inforniatiol cause serious study on the the voter." The-purport of whi said was that Mr, Siftou, Mr. O and Mr, Turriff had used infor tion in their possession as Cro {officials to evrich themselves. théir friends at tlie expeuse of public resources. That, in brie the indictment.of Mr. Amesaga tire Department of the Interior to the extent that it is should be semmarily sto fortunately this electiof conducted in'a" very bitter hig | be conducted in the that 1 proof that they The: cotnei respon arrives, b o intentio of going alieed with 'the 'purchase unl proper assuratices have been given by the company 'that it will be used by them for building. - Que would think that it was not asking tog minich that the officials of the |§ company should themselves. pick out-the land aud buy it with the endorsement of the town council. | A Public Meeting for the discussion = of National Affairs will be held in the" public halls at' Greenbank and Utica [2 at Greenbank on the event of Tuesday, Oc |Z tober Goh, "aud 'at' Utica' on Wednesday, Oct, 7th. The meetings, which are | "to be held in the interests of Mr. Fowke the Liberal candidate in this election, will be addressed by the Hon. Senator Derbyshire 'MR. FOWKE MR. CHRISTIE, or his repre-|g sentative, is invited to attend and addréss the meetings. 5 TIE Ly S0vaua The atinual Thunksglviu 5 J aple Grove Methodist' Church Scugog ou Sun South Ontario Election st : SE y » y