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Port Perry Star, 18 Nov 1908, p. 2

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to discover where the shootin, taken s/man-and 'woman 1 in: of blood and in an uncon- sel condition.' He saw at once that botly were. ina serious condi he éalled the ambulance!' : tion, a and 'hurried them to the 'hospital. The nian was so low that the' docs tors were unable to do" anything for him and he passed: away shout five minutes before midnight. Standing' of Partles tn the Next U. B. Congress; A despatch from New York Bays: Electiontreturns from Congression- al districts indicate that the House of Representatives in the 61st Con- gress will stand :~-218 Republicans 10-178 Democrats; giving a Repub- lican- majority of 45, The present House stands 224° Republicans and 167 Democrats, giving a Republi-| can majority of~67, The Republi- | cans lost twelve seats. While there were Republican "gains in some states, notably 'in': Pennsylvania, these were offset' by striking De: mocratic victories in Indiana 'and Nebraska, © The latest returns ap- ar to increase instead of dimin- ish Mr. Taft's sweeping victory. From present indications he has carried Missouri by 8,000, .thus sd- ding eighteen more electoral votes to the Republican' column. Mary- Jand, 'too, bas gone Taftward, 'al though it is pe able that an offi- cial count will be necessary to de- termine the' result of the balloting for the electoral ticket. Mr. Taft's robable yote in the electoral col ege will he 827 against a possible 15€ for Bryan, Colorado being still fn doubt. - Eliminating Colorado, with 'its five electoral votes, Bryan apparently has earried only enough Btates to give him 151 votes in the electoral college. Conceding Col: orado to Bryan, it is likely that Mr. Taft's majority in the electoral col lege will be 171. ER, ameter $63,000,000 WORTH EXEMPT, Tmmense Amount ot Property. In "4. Montreal Pays No Taxes. A despatch from Montreal says: rom a report just completed at the City Hall it 1s shown that pro: perties which are exempted from paying property' 'taxes will' this year foot up a total exemption of over $63,000,000. TThe efemptions have risen in less 'than ten: years' time by fully $25,000,600, © The pro- perties' "exempted are chire 108, parsonages, properties belonging to the Government and civié pro- pérties. y a y: 7 fo y TWO HUNDRED DROWNED. 8mall Passenger Steamer - Went Down Neéar Amoy. C says: A Small stessier, carrying } passengers from Amoy to Tun- n, a few miles distant, sank on "Thur evening. 'Pwo hundred of 'the 'passengers were drowned, Chi- 'mese junks rose the lace. On'entering the house' vow for trying to the officer went upstairs and found the. Hoan she os ying on the -bed tq : pany with Ros Very ttle is kuown" of the cou Johnson is = known' to have ipl yoo 8 thy dra, x to ie Ouimet, whose arents reside at 40 Windsor SHORTAGE. Dealers in Some Towns Have Failed to Stock Up. A despatch from Winnipeg sdys: Still the ery of voal shortage comes from western towns, and an appeal for cars' which it is impnsitie to supply. 'Coal stocks at Fort Wil liam-and Port Arthur are ample for {all requirements, and if fhe west: ern centres "are short 'they: alone are to"blame, as they were repeat- edly warned to stock up before the rush of the fall began. Now loads ing 'facilities. at Fort. William are entirely inadequate to meet the de- mands; "and wholésale dealers are over four hundred cars behind in their orders as & result. :Tt may be weeks before some. of the out- pide "dealers will' he" able to have their orders filled, under condi- tions as at present. If there is any suffering, which is improbable: the people will have 'only their loca dealers to blame. Anthracite pric- es are unchanged at 10.50 per ton, the figures which has: prevailed for several yearg past. | : ? REAR SR > Jeeta emg ene FEE ANEW GRAIN. ELEVATOR. Company to Erect $500,000 Strue- ture at Port Arthar, "A. despatch from 'Port: Arthur says: A new company, to be known ax the Thunder. Bay Elsvator Ode pany, has been organized at Win: nipeg and has signed an agreement with Port Arthur for. the erection here of & new elevator with a ¢a- pacity of 1,500,000 bushels, to cost $500,000. The site is already: pro- cured 'and work will:commenae als most immediately. = The prom of the dompany sre W. McWilliams; N. Bawlf, 'and ©. B. Piper, 'who are the principal stockholders in the Empire Elevator Company, which has a plant-at Fort William, x Saoft and Sos "Run Mis, Robert " Dow by Engine; ~ ¢ As despateh from: Guelph sa Mrs. Robert. Scott and two. | a some, and Leonard and' Murray, 'aged 13 years, of Hillet, were instantly on killed 'on ~ Wednesday mori the Guelph and Goderish. Railr two crossings east of 'Aub eleven niiles 'from Godé driving to ; i A 'despatch from Amoy, China, | h waship of on. acequnt of pollu Speed with sewage. Two bad dynamite acoidente srelT reported on the National Transcon- tinental Railway in New Ontario; in which ten men 'were killed. The ©. P. R. steamer Empress of Ireland broke the record in'time from: Liverpool to: Quebec; making the voyage in-a few. minutes less! than 'six. days. Hs The: Railway Commission will al: low. railways to; handle grain at lake ports on Bunday, on condition that they accept. the onus of show-|¢ ing the authorities that the work {ess i necessary to prevent undue de- ay. : It is- reported in Britain may * 'send squadron on 8 voy: world." ; Sr The conference of cotten-workers at Manchester ended without a set tlement of the great stri i reached. v, . AA William Redmond; the National: isi, suggested in the House of Com: mons that the Kaiser be pees a seat in the B Cabin 2 UNITED STATE ; President Eliot of Harvard Uni- yeteity bas 'resigned, 3 A; Li Milley, Chief of Pb Fairbanks; Alaska, was killed 'by 'a demented wom ; The wuthorities at Port Huron are investigating the-death: of Al- fred: Martin of Corunna; Ont., near that. city a couple of ie, g The women of the United. will circulate a monster pe asking fof woman suffrage; | Taft. : C. 'W. Morse, the Ice Trust pros moter; and AH. Curtis ware found uilty at' New York of miss i k funds and falsifying b boo 5 roprietor of several theate hy in. Canada and the States, had his skull fractur an automobile ' accident Brownstown; Ind, GENERAL. China * has granted the D Lama a 'salary and order return: home. ee "The anti-Japanese riots i 11 Kong have reached such ions that soldiers have been patrol the business will present it to President-elect! Tis B. 0. Whitney: of Detroit, the|s ol

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