. | fail to see our "stock, "and get our prices b before buying. fo : £50 © | Wednesday, evenir Sole Agents Ns Flint Jing 2 ili a J yi Lag Miss ire ave 1 hot ou Saturday eveuing CARNEGIE BROS. [Maimiuiaid = | Madison Williams' foundry will] soon bes thing of the past, It| is rapidly being torn dowu prepara- Jon to the erection of the new | aker : em J oal ¥ oal! building for the Weber Gas Engi ine : y Trimming, sizes *." ® Company, The ground has 0.42," regular 7c, ol staked out, and judgiog from: the week Lo size of tlie foundation Space, the building will be a big one. About < niifie teams are drawing gravel, and A h : thing are humming. 'Architect. . ur y Ic er Herbert and ava Campbell 5 < : 3 are both busy atthe work. N Orie entire ak of Cris Best E Priats Have all sizes of No. 1 Hard Bunauet at Brooklla on Rridas . : r ints ue navy, black, red, grey, og and © . 3 The laymen of Whitby District light colors, our regular.4 15¢. line, thes. weee Sleating 1-2 Coal for sale and the right of 'the . Methodist chitrel hold a 7 212 banquet at Brooklin on Friday |S ; price, evening of this week." The event is in connection with the 'Layman's Steam and Blacksmith Coal Missionary Movement Judge Deroche and Mr » Manning always kepi 1 mn stock. will be the principal speakers; and Mr, Wm, R ill ote h We guarantee the very chair. The fee will be rn . ¢ will leave Port Perry on Friday at best satisfaction, AT 4.45-p.m. in order to reach Brooks lin at 6.30 when the banquet com- mences. For further particulars] Spply to Mr. way Ross or Mr. S. Purdy & Archer) ..x=n.... that Te out very well E the | Epworth League here 'on Monday night; Two of the members had travelled far froth home"during the CHOICE CUTS stimimer; and gave some 'account of their trips. Miss Irvin bad taken a journey to Calgary and gave a in all lines of brief, breezy accotmt of it. ~ Miss E. Donbt spent. five nionths this year in England. Her description BEEF LANVIB VEAL of this extended pleasuré trip was . . splendid; and enjoyed by those: 'who were present. Some vocal and in: fl Eke FRESH, SMOKED strumental selections completed: the ; AND program. There is a marked im-) Live Stock provenient in She programs of this . society. ' Miss Philp is 'provivg. to Wanted SA LTE D MEA TS be a most acceptable oad efficient ¢ president, and she is assisted by. | Re You can depend excellent vice-presidents. There. Hjghest cash upon quality at 3 50 heed to walk te streets o . : : onday evenings, Yon can prices paid: reasonable prise an enjoyable hour in the. pene. ba ; en. you, ay of the Methodist Church, © + meat from; Port Perey School Report AWKER : BRO S ~ Examination in spellin held C . Division TI Junior and, 1908. Total 100. Bessie Colv 88; Fred Harris 88; Hérbert Colla: cutt 86, Katie Clarke 78 Y Pargeter 70, Ethel Cook 70, En SERIE n Savepe Sox Mary. Fw $ \ by Tosi Foi arlie Staftord 42, Gordon "Peerless Peninsulars" | |" mii sais wii iets i ; y ; Division IIT, Nov. zo. og a ; Are Cast-Iron Ranges Built Like Steel Ranges ; Mary Bruuck 98, Evelyn R Archie McDermott "Peerless Peninsular' Ranges have the : Bhar YeDermon ou 'Drop Oven and Low Closet which have et NY MeGieghrte Grant Jones 86, heratofore heen exclusive features of the ; HS BN \ | Canipbell Bor i most expensive steel ranges. ES : tos tin the oulys Res ma with x on right or left oi 38 the itchen fs Wises the is to be