sash or Produce Store Wik oath delicacies of the season for the " Christmas Trade, Prunes, Apricots, Dates, Selected Raisins nnd Currants, Shelled Almonds and Walnuts, oranges, Lemons, Etc. .'D. M. Tod's Bread and Pastry fresh each day. Call and see our Fancy Chinaware cheap for the holiday trade. No. 1 Hard Coal 'at Purdy and Archer's sheds or delivered a : right price. | CHOICE CUTS in all lines ot EF.LAMB, VEAL 3 FRESH, SMOKED y i S$ AND / dive Buck SALTED MEATS | You can depend upon' quality at reasonable price when you buy meat from' 7 / : Highest cash prices paid. Go to FORMAN'S for your Candies, Nuts, Fruits AND CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Where you can get only the best goods at the lowest prices, Sram mn pe | {and Crozier that the The of Brechin having itioned to be organized into a Police Village. Mr. John Malone 'was appointed a commissioner to take a census of the said villag ascertain its population. © The Roads and Bridge Commit- tee put through a report recom- mending the payment of 'accounts aggregating 332.86, amongst this 'be ing a grant 'to the village of Beaverton for 'repairs to'a county bridge. 3 The Committee on Legislation considéred 'a petition from 'the County of Grey asking the Council to join thee in a petition 'to the Legislature asking the Good Roads Improvement Act be so amended as to allow township and inter vrban municipalities individually to adopt a local 'system subject to the approval of the Lieut-Gover nor in Council, and to be allowed to take advantage of privileges and Sraots now offered to the counties. The committee recom mended that this Council jain 'in the petition to the Legislature.~ Carried. : : Mr, Brown, seconded by Mr. Mowbray, moved that a vote of the electors of the County be taken at the Municipal Elections on Jan. 4th, "1909, 'on the Good Roads ~{question, and that the Clerk be instructed to prepare the necessary by-law. £ Mr, James, seconded by Mr. Hood, moved in amendment that a vote be not taken in 'Jan: 190g, bi butiin the event of the incoming {Council finding - that by-law 711 is'legal, We recommend' that they submit the Good Roads by law to ot August of the same year: The motion was then put and carried. The ballot to be used for taking: the: vote will read-- 5 For. Carrying out the Good Roads System, : ] Against carrying out the system. Should the election of Municipal] Councils in any municipality in the County be by acclamation, the vate on the Good Roads System shall be taken in-the same manner as provided for taking the munici- pal vote, and the Council shall pay the expense of the same. -- Jestion of whether an in- DU): Adams Was paid $210.1 the House of Refuge should be paid. for by the town ship. of Uxbridge, by which she was sent, of by he Sownship. each, to which it was alleged she longed, occupied some time in 1 Orders were issued i the following "members | of 'the || erect cons: Rich for work done, north side con. i es Jas. Ross was paid $2.32 for 29 loads gravel. © 00 T0 T. Turner was paid $13.50: for erecting 54 rods wire fence on west side ol Avenue; Prinze Albert. E. Williams was 13.18 for erectin on nort lot 17 CRE Sm John Bailey, was paid $2.50 for repairs to bill; gdivigg ie & E. Beare was paid $12 for put: tiog in 'two culverts," rading, filling ditch and drawing tile. E. Vance was paid $4.50 for erecting 18 rods wire ferice, north side fon; 2, 0} RR] side of con. 5, opposite ~due for Iu aid $1.60 for Wanendics ina Wm. Stone was paid $i as care wi BE 1 ve Allan McLean was paid ing. amount paid ss tax property assessed twice. Allan Wallace was' paid $2 for wing tile, putting in culvert {|i * and cleaning ditch opposite ot 1g; {if the electors to betvoted on in July cons. i ny L i : G14. ¢ E. A. Walker was paid $2.50 for repairing road, culvert and washouts, con. 6, div. 40. : |. The Reeve aud Clerk were each paid $2 re settlement of Uxbridge | and Reach accounts. Board of Health : Dr. F. E. Mellow, Medical Health ohn 6 Ls 'due for gavel as ic al 52% rods of wire fence | ill; oposite lot:10, con, | lot 1c 4 4 fresh and sall : as taxes on || favor of [lI € ¥ "the return of the s roll: Was extended to an kinds