"Fa all the new Shades and : 'Weayes in Caeeks and' New Cooking. Fie ie vas Stri he Fal and ries stock of Eating Figs bi. ics 1S now in, New Orange, Lemon and SEE $ 5 00 Citron Peels lb, ...i ia 208. OUR S : Overcoatings, "=: Zi [continuous tubing the soil at a of {feet influences s favo 16 bars Comfort Soap... se 25C Bsdoduction, may. nok M1 Wool Black Melton amlered or ready made. |, Tins Corn Peas or Yo "understood; ; Horse Shoe Salmon... 18c|of the subjec is" The best value 'in town = grasped farmers maj |at investing. thei ey in etd]. 1¢ is the desire of the writer in this soar H We make Buttons, also Matos «iv tia ssa + 256 brief article to make ag clear as carey a full range of wood- em Button moulds, 1 C. Forman & Son W. H. Doubt NPurdy's an Soe Below are a few of the bargains for a week or ten days spot cash 6 bars Comfort Sap + «su. itunes sis 25C Seeded Raisins, Griffin Skelogs. 106: 31b selected Valentia raisins. .oaisiav. iui 256 :3 1b' Recleaned CUPFANES +» «vi viii sae voids ia80 '3 can Aylmer, Corn; Peas or Tomatoes +. 256 47CANS GOOAIPEAS +. ui ins tans yiains B56 Japan and' Caylon Black Tea perdb. oi... 25¢ Layer figs perdb ut aan 12% 156 ; Cooking figs per 1b... . swine Assorted Biscuit per 1b, "13¢ Whe following Eades off hing always pot Hand: Fi =e! Honschol Lily White and : "PURD Live. Stock Highest Cash Wanted Price Paid - choice cuts of season- able meats, go to Cawher Bros. possible a few of the main p changes which take 'place soil 'as a 'result 'of drainage and Which so apparently afl ct plant 'growths : 1£ The first e |of the surplus is aeration, or the ac ssiofi into' the spaces previously lied | 000% with" water. "As: passes {through the soil : with it prvibet {any fertilizing constituents s con- tains and furnishes , the {roots of the plants a tt '| bacteris which are now: ei ag playing such in converting soil form which may be 'the plant root {ter of th 3 : fain, roluste of ASE SHAE 1 are Woiv